From Seduction to Submission

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From Seduction to Submission


R.R. Greaves

©2014 by Blushing Books® and R.R. Greaves

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Greaves, R.R.

From Seduction to Submission

eBook ISBN:

Cover Design by
ABCD Graphics & Design

This book is intended for
adults only
. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.




To my Natalie, without whom this story would have never been completed.

Thank you for your support, encouragement and editing skills.

Chapter 1 – The Meeting


Natalie noticed him as soon as she entered the restaurant and bar in the Gas Lamp district of San Diego. He stood out from the others, not only because he was standing by himself and leaning on the bar, but also because of the black leather trousers and the form-fitting shirt he wore. The trousers looked like they had been tailor made for him, and they framed his butt so perfectly that Natalie did a double take before moving her eyes up over his back to his broad shoulders as she was being shown to her table. She followed the waitress around the island bar and was guided to a table against the window to await her old school friend, Katherine, who was dining with her.

Having grown up together in the Midwest in Northern Indiana, they had lost touch for a number of years after graduation as they moved in different directions to further their education and develop their careers. Being close during their formative years, they had learned a lot about boys and dating and all those things that teenage girls get up to in the insular world of small town America. Eventually
, Natalie had located Katherine on a social media website and was surprised to find she was living in Los Angeles, so they wasted no time in arranging to get together for dinner.

Katherine sometimes visited San Diego in her job
, so it was a simple thing to hook up during one of her trips and revisit old times. Although not wanting to show off, Natalie wanted to show her friend that she had worked hard to look after herself. The years had treated her kindly, so she had selected the proverbial little black dress to wear, just like they used to wear when they were out socializing at college. As she had slipped it down over her shoulders and breasts, she remembered the lovely feel of the material as it hugged her body. When she looked in the mirror, she realized that for a woman who had passed thirty, she still had it.

Having never married, Natalie enjoyed the life of a young professional
. But as the years slipped by, she tired of the macho and overly competitive men she tended to deal with on a daily basis at the law firm where she worked. As a lawyer, she found the legal work challenging and enjoyable, but when she left work, she was generally happy to leave it and all the other lawyers behind. She knew she was every bit as good as any of her peers, but she tired of having to prove it over and over again.

Having had a range of love affairs over the years, she enjoyed the company of men and for a couple of years now had been thinking about settling down. She was aware of her biological clock
, and she did not want to leave it too long before she started a family, assuming that was in her future. Becoming a lonely old spinster was not part of her game plan, if she even had a game plan, but so far Mr. Right had not entered her life. For some reason that she could not put her finger on, she became bored with the men that she dated. So she tended to move on to the next one, usually after a few intense and sometimes torrid months.

Lately she was finding it harder and harder
, as she built her career, to find the time to get out to the places where Mr. Right might be hiding. She was self-aware enough to realize that she would not necessarily be the easiest person to get along with, but she knew her perfect partner was out there somewhere. In the meantime, she savored what she saw, such as Mr. Hunk on the far side of the island bar.

As she took her seat, she glanced up and realized she could see him diagonally across from her on the other side of the bar. He looked to be about
forty she guessed, about eight or nine years older than her, with a boyish look about him. With a chiseled chin that was in perfect proportion to the rest of his face, he certainly cut an eye-catching figure. He had large sparkling eyes that she thought were blue, but she was really too far away from him to tell for sure. Maybe she just wanted them to be blue as part of her ideal fantasy man.

She had been alone since her last break up
, about 6 months before, and her imagination tended to run amok when she saw someone who might be of interest to her. His hair was relatively short and he was groomed in that messy, yet deliberately tousled way that made it look like he had just stepped out of his convertible. His face also had that look of a slight smirk that made him appear as if he was about to break into a smile at any moment. He was chatting with the barmaid who seemed to be spending more time with him than was necessary. Natalie doubted that he had even noticed her. Although he certainly gave her something to think about as she awaited the arrival of her friend.

After about 20 minutes
, and halfway through her second drink, her phone rang. She was dismayed to hear Katherine apologizing for having to cancel their dinner date at such short notice. She had been half way down the San Diego freeway when a family emergency had arisen, and she was needed at home to deal with it. After confirming that she was all right and the issue was not too traumatic, they made plans to reschedule. As Natalie hung up the phone, she decided that as she had gone to all this effort to come out tonight, she would make the most of it and dine here regardless. She knew the food was good and she would have no trouble amusing herself. She was quite used to eating alone and always carried a book in her handbag for such occasions.

As she was deciding what to order for dinner
, the waitress approached her with a glass of white wine. Placing it on the table, she smiled and said, “Mr. James sends this wine with his compliments. He asked me to pass you this note.” Natalie looked up in surprise, taking the paper and glancing over to the handsome stranger at the bar. He was not looking her way.

“Who, pray tell, is Mr. James? Is he the man who is currently ignoring me
; the man in the leather trousers with the butt to die for?”

“Ahh. You’
ve noticed.” She smiled. “That’s him. He comes in here from time to time, and I’ve always found he has quite a commanding presence.” As she said it, she looked deeply into Natalie’s eyes wistfully. At that point, he looked over and caught Natalie’s eye and smiled briefly before looking away again. She felt her heart skip a beat.

Opening the note she saw an elegant scrawl that read: ‘Lovely stranger in black, it appears that fate has led to us both being stood up by our dates this evening. I would be honored if you will allow me to join you and buy you dinner.
Mr. James.’

Natalie wondered how he had worked out she had been stood up
as she nonchalantly withdrew a pen from her handbag. She began her reply and found her hand was shaking a little, and she felt a little flushed. Few men had this effect on her, and she wondered what it was that caused it this evening.

She wrote: ‘Mr. James, thank you for your kind offer. I accept. Natalie.’ She handed it back to the waitress and said, “Please pass my reply to Mr. James.” Natalie resisted the urge to look over in his dir
ection as the waitress left. She took a sip of the wine before returning to her book.

She sensed his presence before seeing him. Glancing sideways
, the first thing she saw was his leather clad crotch. Startling slightly, she lifted her gaze to see him smiling down at her, holding his hand out in greeting. She was pleased with what she saw, realizing that he looked even better up close that he had when she had observed him over the bar. He was taller than she had realized, and she extended her hand in response.

He took it gently, bending at the waist and kissing the back of it before giving it a gentle squeeze, holding it a little longer than was necessary before releasing her. “I am pleased to meet you, Natalie.”

He spoke with an accent that she struggled a little to place. Waving him to the seat on the other side of her table, she was racking her brain. “Please have a seat, Mr. James.” As he took his seat she said, “So if James is your last name, what is your first?”

He smiled. “It is my first.”

Natalie registered surprise at that. “So how do you wish to be addressed?”

“Mr. James will be fine.”

She picked it. He had the unmistakable drawl of an Australian. “That is a little presumptuous, isn’t it?”

“Some see it that way. Others simply acquiesce to my wishes
,” he said evenly, gazing into her eyes. He smiled, but for a split second she could sense steeliness behind the smile. It made her take notice and it gave her a little thrill at the same time. Subconsciously she squirmed a little in her seat, and then becoming aware of it, wondered if he noticed. “I like it when people acquiesce to my wishes,” he added.

That comment sent a little buzz through Natalie who was far more used to having people acquiesce to her wishes, at least in a professional context. As Natalie processed his last comment, the waitress appeared. Without even looking at the menu he said, “Marie, we will have the seafood platter appetizer for two and a bottle of your best Chablis. We shall order the main course a little later.”

“Is this always the way you treat your dinner dates?” she asked, shocked at his impertinence.

“Mostly,” h
e replied; the smile never leaving his face. As much as she tried to resist, Natalie found the combination of his accent and his smile remarkably disarming as she justified his behavior to herself. He was paying for the meal so she decided she could accept it as a one off occurrence.

“I guess you don’t get many second dates
,” she said with more than a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

He raised one eyebrow. “You might be surprised, Natalie. You might be surprised.”
Again, and in spite of herself, Natalie felt a little thrill run through her. She hoped it didn’t show, but already she was beginning to think that he could see more in her than she could see in herself.

The waitress delivered the wine. He tasted it, announcing that it was fine
. She poured them both a glass before putting the bottle into an ice bucket.

“We will be sharing the appetizer so we will only need one set of cutlery, Marie. You may remove Natalie’s.” Now they both stared at him.

Marie recovered first and said, “Yes, sir. Will that be all for now?”

“Some herb bread for two, please. That will be all, for now.”

“Yes, sir.”

Natalie was too stunned to say anything directly but as Marie retreated, Natalie’s mouth was open and a few simple but garbled sounds were coming out. He turned back to her, raising his glass in a toast and waiting for her to respond
. She did so automatically, her mouth still open with a shocked expression on her face. “To a lovely dinner with a beautiful stranger and to those who acquiesce,” he said, reaching over to touch her glass with his before taking a sip.

She found herself doing the same as her mind reeled. The chilled wine brought her back to her senses as her taste buds savored t
he fruity flavor.

He responded to the look on her face and said, “Don’t worry. You will eat from my fork. You may even eat first if that pleases you.”

Now the sheer fascination of what was taking place began to overwhelm Natalie. She still could not believe what was happening here but, like watching the proverbial impending train wreck, she had to stay to see what would happen next. There was no danger, she reasoned to herself. They were in a restaurant and this man was obviously known here, so she figured that she had nothing to fear. She looked at him as he was studying the wine in his glass, not quite knowing what to say. “So you like people who acquiesce to your desires?”

Ignoring her question he said, “You have impeccable taste in clothes. That dress looks stunning on you.” Then looking her in the eye once again,
he said, “Well, acquiesce is such a strong term. I like people who respond to me because they want to do so. I can make it quite rewarding for them. I am confident you will understand what I mean in time. If you don’t, there is no harm done. We will just be two mature adults having shared an intimate dinner, and we will go our separate ways. That is assuming you can lift your chin back up from the table.” He reached over the table, and with his index finger, he gently lifted Natalie’s jaw back to where it was supposed to be. His gaze went back to his glass.

“Do you know that your arrogance is quite astounding? Who do you think you are?” Natalie’s voice was a little shrill.

His eyes never left his glass as he said evenly, “As I said in my introduction, I am Mr. James. What you see as arrogance, I see as confidence. You are under no obligation to remain here with me, but I have to say that I would be most disappointed if you left before we at least sample the appetizer. The food here is quite delicious.”

“You prick!” She could feel the blood rising in her face but she did not move.
She was trying to justify why she was remaining in place, working the pros and cons through her mind. After struggling with her thoughts, she decided to stay to make the most of this food and wine. On one hand, she certainly found him both fascinating and attractive. On the other hand, she was shocked by his arrogance. What sort of person invites her to share a meal but then shows very little interest in her except, seemingly, to feed his own control fantasies? Again she could feel a strange excitement building inside her. She could not understand it, trying to quell it before it became obvious.

“Natalie. You are pouting and it is most unbecoming,” he admonished.

Their food arrived, which prevented Natalie from exploding as Marie set it down in the middle of the table. He didn’t say anything but simply acknowledged its arrival with a slight nod of his head. Both Natalie and Marie looked at each other, Marie smiling slightly and winking before she backed away without saying anything. The silence was deafening
, and Natalie wanted to break it but she could not think of anything to say. This was certainly not like any dinner date she had attended before.

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