Frontier Justice - 01 (26 page)

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Authors: Arthur Bradley

BOOK: Frontier Justice - 01
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“So, you’re headed to Virginia?” she asked, pulling her hair back and tying it in a small bun.

“That’s right,” he answered, not quite able to take his eyes off of an open button on her shirt.

“Family there?”

“The little girl’s mother.”

“Your wife?”

“No, we’re not together.”

“I understand,” she said. “Relationships come and go, but our children are forever.”

“I am having a hard time getting rid of her,” he said with a chuckle.

“Poor thing. You’re hurt.” She leaned over and touched one of the cuts on his face.

“Believe me. They got the worst of it.”

“I bet they did. You look like a man who can take care of himself. But even a big, strong man needs a woman’s touch from time to time. Am I right?”

Having spent more than four years in prison, Tanner was certainly not immune to Janice’s charm.

“Where I came from, women were in short supply.”

“And you missed them?”

“Oh yes.”

She stood up and moved over to sit on his lap. For a moment, he thought that the flimsy chair might collapse, leaving him with a sore backside and her a red face. Fortunately, it held. And, while Janice’s clothes and face were dirty, her body was warm and inviting. He felt a powerful desire that had been bottled up longer than the fizz in Vernor’s ginger ale.

“I’m a practical woman, Tanner,” she said in a soft voice. “I know that if my sons and I are to have any chance of surviving, we’re going to need a man around here. A big, strong man.”

“What about your husband?” he asked, his eyes directly in line with her breasts.

“If he was still alive, he’d already be back.” She leaned in and kissed one of the cuts on his forehead.

Not only did Tanner know that she was probably right about her husband, he also didn’t feel the need to argue the point when she was riding sidesaddle on him. The best he could muster was to restate the obvious.

“We’re going to Virginia.”

She lowered her kisses to his cheekbones.

“I know you are. But there’s nothing saying you have to go right away.”

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the soft touch of her lips on his skin.

“I gave my word.”

She put her lips to his ear.

“We all have to break promises sometimes,” she whispered. “Lean back and let me see if I can’t change your mind.”

Lucas pushed a shopping cart up one of the aisles while Samantha followed a few paces behind him.

“So what grade are you in?” he asked.


“That’s cool. I was in eleventh. I guess I won’t graduate now. No college either.”

She shrugged. “It’s just school.”

“Yeah, but I really wanted to go to college. It’s the only way to be someone important. Now, I’m stuck living in a grocery store. That’s not fair, you know?” He pulled down some cans of potted meat from one of the shelves and dropped them in the buggy.

“If you don’t mind, get some of that tuna for me,” she said. “I like tuna.” He grabbed several cans and stuffed them into her backpack.

“I had plans, dreams. I was going to get my degree, drink beer, meet a girl. The whole college experience. You’re young, so you don’t really get it. But believe me, this whole thing blows.”

“Tanner says you have to accept things the way they are. Deal with hardships without getting caught up in the unfairness of it all.”

“No offense, but that’s just stupid grownup talk. Parents don’t want to admit how bad things really are because they figure we’ll freak out or something.” He knocked a box of crackers into the cart. “Why do you call your dad by his first name, anyway?”

“Oh, that. Well, we didn’t live together for a while. I had another dad, you know?”

“Ah, I get it. The whole stepdad thing.”

“Right,” she said, nodding.

“Well, when my dad gets back, we’re going to get out of here. That’s for sure.”

“Where are you going?”

“To live on the beach in Florida. I figure we can move into one of those big mansions on the water. Everyone’s dead, right? No one would care anymore. Besides, teenagers like warm weather where they can skateboard and stuff. Any young people who are still alive will probably go there.”

“That sounds nice. But what if your dad doesn’t come back? Three days is a long time to be gone.”

He whipped around and stared at her like she’d just kicked him in the shin wearing a pair of steel-toe boots.

“I told you,” he said. “My dad’s getting supplies. What the hell do you know anyway?”

There was a dark hatred in his eyes that scared Samantha. She looked around, but they were completely alone. She wasn’t even sure that Tanner would hear her if she screamed.

“Sorry,” she said. “I’m just a dumb kid.”

He stared at her, clearly deciding her fate. Then, as if he had taken a swig of Dr. Jekyll’s potion, the darkness vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

“That’s okay,” he said, turning back to his shopping. “Anyway, you’ll like my dad. He’s real smart and takes good care of us. My mom and I both love him to death.”

Tanner was zipping up his blue jeans when he heard Samantha and Lucas approaching. Janice was a few feet away, scrambling to get her blouse buttoned.

“That was amazing,” she said, winking.

“No complaints here either.”

Lucas rolled up, pushing a shopping cart full of food.

“I brought a little of everything. Meats, potato chips, peanut butter … take whatever you want.”

Tanner picked up a box of granola cereal, tore open the top, and started munching on a handful.

“Thank you. We appreciate the generosity.” He looked over at Janice. “We really do.”

“You know what they say about southern hospitality,” she said, grinning.

He opened his pack and loaded up several cans of food.

Looking over at Samantha, he said, “Did you get what you wanted?”

She patted her backpack. “I’m good, but it’ll be dark soon. We should really be going.”

“I suppose you’re right,” he said, looking out the window.

“What? I thought you were going to stay with us. The food … the hospitality.” Janice seemed beside herself.

“While we appreciate your kindness, we can’t stay. We have to get to Virginia.”

“But you said …”

“No, darlin’, I didn’t.”

Her face turned red with anger.

“This isn’t right.”

He slung his pack over his shoulder.

“I agree. That’s one reason we’re moving on. Give your husband a few more days. If he doesn’t show, I suggest you try to team up with other survivors. You’ll fare better that way.”

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” Lucas said through clenched teeth. “My dad is coming back.”

“I hope you’re right.” Tanner motioned for Samantha to head out of the store. She seemed eager to lead the way.

As he turned to follow her, Janice blurted, “Take us with you.”

Lucas spun around. “Mom, we can’t leave. Dad won’t know where to find us.”

“Take us with you,” she pleaded. “I’ll take good care of you. And Lucas will be a great big brother to your daughter.”

Lucas crossed his arms and pressed his lips together, refusing to say another word.

It took Tanner longer than it should have to decide.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”

“Why? We won’t be any trouble.”

“I know you won’t,” he said, not entirely convinced of his words.

“Then why?”

“The truth is there are people out looking for us who wouldn’t hesitate to kill you and your sons. Believe me. You’re safer here.”

“But…” She searched for the right words that would change his mind. Not finding them, she sighed and said, “Okay, I get it.” She stepped forward and gave him a small hug. “No regrets,” she whispered in his ear.

He smiled and kissed her cheek.

“You take care of your boys.”

She stepped back and put her arm around Lucas. As if on cue, Tommy reappeared on his tricycle from around one of the aisles.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my family safe,” she said.

Tanner turned and followed Samantha out of the store. Of all the things Janice had said to him, her last few words were surely the most telling.

The Super Star motel was nothing special. The beds were lumpy and the carpets stained. Following a meal consisting of canned fruit, tuna fish, and peanut butter, Tanner and Samantha had retreated to the abandoned motel in hopes of getting a decent night’s rest.

Most of the rooms were free of bodies, which Tanner attributed to people avoiding bedbugs, even when the end of the world was at hand. Samantha had already fallen asleep on one of the beds. The room was dark but safe.

He stepped out onto the porch and sat in a folding lawn chair. Cigarette butts were scattered on the ground like pages of a lost diary. He opened the last remaining beer and took a drink. It had been a hell of a day. As he sat listening to the quiet of the night, the deep rumble of diesel engines sounded in the distance. A few minutes later, a long caravan of lights traveled along the bypass around Atlanta.

Were they the ground forces that Agent Sparks had mentioned? Were they looking for Samantha? He had no way to know for sure.

He leaned around and looked in through the doorway at the sleeping girl. She hadn’t moved. He rubbed his eyes, weighing his actions of the past two days. What was he doing? Taking Samantha halfway across the country was about like trying to get Dorothy back to Kansas. He couldn’t begin to answer why he had agreed to do it. She wasn’t family. Not only that, she brought with her some very serious baggage, the type that might land him back in prison.

He turned around and leaned back in the chair, watching the convoy of military vehicles slowly pass in the distance. It would have been easy to draw the soldiers’ attention. Perhaps firing a shot into the air or flashing a car’s headlights. But he did neither. Instead, he sat quietly in the dark until the convoy passed, the string of tail lights shining through the night like landing beacons on a runway. He took another long swig of warm beer. It tasted awful, but hell, it was still beer.



he flames from burning cars cast shadows that danced on the blacktop like stoners at a psychedelic rave. Mason had managed to remain undetected as he climbed down from the roof and took cover behind a nearby car. The sound of the church bell ringing reverberated across the town, its chimes pleading for any who heard it to take action.

From his vantage point, he could see that the lower floor of the church had been overrun. The gang of convicts now came and went freely through the front door, which had been propped open with the body of one of the men who had died in the street. Standing just inside the entrance, Rommel personified the general whose name he had stolen, barking orders to his men, his head held high with an air of victory. Convicts moved all around him, so getting any sort of a clean shot at their leader was all but impossible. Even if Mason could have pulled one off, in doing so, he would have given up his position, and, therefore, his life.

He keyed the radio and whispered, “Chief Blue, are you there?”

No answer.


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