Frost Bitten (3 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

BOOK: Frost Bitten
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not honey,” she hissed at Trent.

bit back a smile he doubted she’d appreciate at the moment. Her
liked her sass though. It made his dick even harder. As it was, he
expected his jeans to give way any second. The imprint of her lips on
his still lingered and her taste threatened his sanity. Sure, a
feline in heat did crazy things to a man’s body but this felt
like more. Not once before now had he had the urge to overpower a
woman’s protests and sink his dick into the sweet heat he
scented from between her thighs. There was seriously something
different about this one and it unsettled him. Jaguars didn’t
belong here.

you don’t like honey, then what is your name?” Seth

stared at first him and then his brother before returning her gaze to
his. “Daisy,” she whispered.


had heard her just fine and no matter how hard he tried not to, a
huge smile broke across his face.

response she stared daggers at him. “Don’t even go there.
Sweet little Daisy, I know. I’ve already heard every joke,
every crack or anything else you can think of. So laugh it up.”

not laughing. I like it.”

scrambled to her feet and turned to the fire. “Whatever.”

chuckled. “She’s feisty. I like her.”

is not a toy for two brothers. So forget about it.” Daisy
smarted off.

took two strides and grabbed the wild cat by the shoulders, turning
her to face him. “You make a lot of unfair assumptions for
someone who just attacked me. If my brother hadn’t interrupted,
would you have stopped? Or would I be buried balls deep in your sweet
pussy right now?”

shuddered underneath his hands.

softened. “You’re cold and your clothes are wet from the
snow. Go and change and we’ll fix some food. It might help.”

nodded without saying a word and headed to the back of the cabin and
the only bedroom in the small structure. While he and Trent had
sleeping bags with their gear, with any luck neither of them would
need one tonight. Her pain scented extreme. If nothing was done to
ease her, no one would sleep tonight.

bad off, bro,” Trent stopped next to him, his gaze transfixed
on the bedroom door.

know. She’s also skittish as hell.”

sure as hell didn’t look skittish to me plastered all over

was the heat forcing her to action before her brain could stop her.
Remind me to kick your ass later for interrupting.”

turned and walked in the direction of the kitchen. “What are
brothers for?”

followed him and got busy making something warm for her to drink.
When she’d first touched him her skin had been like ice.
Wherever she was from they obviously didn’t get snow. They’d
set about getting her comfortable first and then they’d see
about more. After digging out supplies he went through the motions of
heating water and finding mugs. Without milk she’d have to
settle for the instant cocoa he found in the cupboard.

few minutes later the air in the room shifted and her sweet scent
wafted over them. Seth barely repressed a growl. He ground his teeth
and prayed for some control. As much as he wanted to lift her onto
the kitchen table and bury his face between her legs, he also valued
his life. He worried given half the chance she’d hurt something
he really didn’t want hurt. Those thoughts helped repress some
of his desires. Enough that he turned to face her.

almost dropped the mugs he carried.

obviously showered. Her wet hair was slicked back away from her face
and her skin now flushed a light pink from the hot water. She’d
changed into a pale blue tracksuit that skimmed her figure to
perfection, with white socks covering her small feet. The urge to
pull her into his body and hold her close blindsided him.

my idiot brother here. Obviously seeing a beautiful woman fresh from
the shower has struck him dumb and mute.” Trent stepped forward
and pulled out one of the chairs at the end of the table. “Why
don’t you have a seat and we’ll get to know each other
while we wait for dinner.”

small, tight smile formed across her face and Seth wanted to kick
himself for behaving like an ass. He reengaged his motor skills and
walked forward to hand her a warm mug of cocoa. “I hope instant
is okay, it’s all I could find.”

fine.” She accepted the drink and took a tentative sip. Again,
Seth found himself mesmerized by her mouth. Obviously after their
brief encounter in the living room he wasn’t going to be able
to think straight.

he really know how to cook?” She motioned to Trent.

course I can. I’ll have you know I’ve finagled a fine
woman or two into bed after I’ve made her stomach happy.”

watched the color of Daisy’s eyes go from hazel to gold in a
split second before returning to hazel.

thought that only worked with men.” Daisy took another sip of
the warm liquid, leaving a drop on her top lip. Her tongue peeked out
and licked the excess away. Seth held his breath and counted backward
from ten. If every move she made had him thinking about sex this was
going to be one long night.

my brother often exhibits unwarranted bouts of over confidence, I
can’t deny his ability in the kitchen. For some reason our
mother insisted we learn how to feed ourselves and while I failed big
time, he took to it like an expert.

you come from a big family?”

It seems after giving birth to twins our mother was done. It’s
all his fault of course.” Seth pointed to Trent. “He
stubbornly refused to come out of the womb.”

me a break. Ten lousy minutes. That’s all that separates us.”

You’re twins? But you don’t—”

anything alike?” Seth finished her question. “Thank God.”

I cannot imagine going through life carrying around that ugly mug.”

the corner of his eye, Seth watched the first genuine smile light up
Daisy’s face. She went from pretty to gorgeous in an instant.

about you? Do you have family back home?”

nodded. “Five brothers.”

That must make family get-togethers interesting.”

have no idea. It’s like having five extra parents but worse.
They meddle in everything and given half the chance they’d come
in and steamroll right through my life.”

her words she didn’t sound bitter at all. Quite the opposite.
Her voice was full of affection for these men. A stab of something
poked Seth in the chest. Not jealousy, more akin to longing. He
honestly didn’t understand the affect she had on him. Obviously
the fact she was in peak heat had gone straight to both heads.

can understand that.” Trent answered from the stove. “If
Seth and I had been blessed with a sister we’d probably smother
her to death. She’d have had to learn to kick our asses early
on if she ever wanted freedom.”

laughed. “Exactly! I may look small but I’m more powerful
than most people think. Unfortunately I have to regularly prove it.”

of Daisy rolling around the ground in a fight with another male made
him growl. Both Trent and Daisy turned and stared at him.

the hell was that?” she asked.

like I said. You’ve gone straight to his head, darlin’.
All the pheromones flying around the room are getting to him.”

they don’t bother you?”

set down the spoon he’d been using to stir the chili and turned
around. The easy laughs and jokes died. “Are you kidding? I’m
jealous as fucking hell that my brother got his hands on you first.
I’ve hiked up and down this mountain all day long with a
hard-on for a reason I couldn’t figure out until we got close
enough to realize what we’d walked into. Now I’ve got
images of you standing in the shower naked with water sluicing down
your lush body that won’t leave me alone. So yes, I am
affected, but it only bothers me because I can’t do anything
about it.”

mouth dropped open and she stared at Trent. The scent of fresh
arousal filled the room and Seth grabbed the edges of the table with
a white-knuckled grip to keep himself under control.

tension in the room grew so thick he now understood the expression
“you could cut it with a knife”.

slowly stood from her chair, obviously knowledgeable about making
sudden moves around aroused shifters. One aggressive mistake and the
resistance would end.

knew this wouldn’t work.” She breathed through her mouth.
“It’s too dangerous for us to stay together. Either you
leave or I will.” With those parting words she stalked from the
room and a few seconds later they heard the bedroom door slam.

move, baby brother. Now we have to start again from square one.”

snorted and returned to the stove. “Don’t count on it.
She’s curious about it, I can tell. We’ll get through
dinner and see what happens.”

pushed back from the table. “I’m going for a walk.”

nodded. Clearly he understood what the earlier encounter had done to
him. “Don’t go far. Our little jaguar would be real
disappointed if I had to spend my night searching for you in the snow
instead of making her scream with pleasure.”

image of that went straight to Seth’s head. “Thanks for
that, fucker.”

chuckled. “Any time, bro. Any time.”


flung herself on the bed and screamed into the mattress. This whole
situation was driving her nuts. There were two gorgeous and extremely
insane shifters sitting in her kitchen, dying to ease her pain, and
she’d run away from them like the coward she was.

rolled over and looked at the rough-hewn ceiling. Sex had never been
her thing. Not much anyway. Sometimes when she went in heat she
sought out a partner for some temporary relief and other times she
endured it like a good kitty would.

every season she didn’t bond and start a family the pain of
heat grew worse. She feared soon it would drive her to a desperation
the likes she’d never experienced in the past. Right now her
body burned from the inside out and her swollen clit demanded
attention. The clothes she wore bothered her, and the male presence
made every ache and pain more acute. Nothing except giving in would
fix it.

slipped her hand under the waistband of her pants and pushed a finger
through soaked folds. The jolt to her over-sensitized clit caused her
to arch off the bed and her breath to quicken with need. Much more of
this and she’d have two males breaking down her door. It
wouldn’t take long for them to figure just what she was up to
and their own DNA would demand entry. For a few seconds she lazily
circled her opening before pushing a finger inside her. She paused
and held her breath, waiting to see her door crash in. When a minute
passed by and nothing happened she took a slow breath and dragged her
finger slowly along swollen tissue.

muffled jolt of the back door slamming closed drew Daisy’s
attention from her pussy. Curious as to whether they’d done as
she asked and left her to deal with her problems alone, she listened
intently for any signs of someone returning.

hand slipped free and she straightened her clothes. If they were no
longer within earshot she could go straight for the vibrator and get
this over quickly. Then maybe she could sleep for a short while
tonight before it returned.

crept to the window and peeked out. The sun had set long ago and even
with her vision there was nothing to see beyond the hard snowfall.
She’d have to investigate further. The sudden quiet depressed
her. While their appearance had been unwelcome, she’d enjoyed
their company even for a short while. Another time, when she wasn’t
dying to fuck, they’d probably have made fast friends and had a
great time together.

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