Frost Bitten (8 page)

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Authors: Eliza Gayle

BOOK: Frost Bitten
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threaded his fingers through her wavy hair and pulled her toward him.
The heat of her delicious mouth once again engulfed him and the tiny
shred of common sense he woke with snapped.

spent half the night tossing and turning with worry. If not for the
snow still falling heavily outside, he half expected her to run at
first light. Those worries grabbed hold of him fiercer now than
before and he used this incredible gift to wipe them away. He
temporarily pushed his doubts from his mind and fucked her mouth. His
pace quickened, sending his dick to the back of her throat with deep

gagged slightly but keep going, taking him to the hilt each and every

yes, Daisy. I need you.”

by his words, she worked his flesh harder. He was either going to
fall in love or lose his mind forever.

that’s fucking hot.”

opened his eyes to Trent watching Daisy work him over. His eyes were
nearly black and Seth guessed his brother lusted for her as much as
he did. Words escaped Trent as he continued to pound into Daisy’s
incredible mouth.

tightened his hand in her hair until she hissed her approval. Their
little cat had a fondness for an edge of pain in their sex play and
he was more than happy to oblige. As if he could do anything else.
She easily robbed him of his control and it was all he could do to
hold on for the ride.

must have sensed how close to the edge he rode. Daisy reached down
and firmly squeezed his balls. The sudden added sensation overloaded
his brain with more pleasure than he could stand. His cock erupted,
squirting hot come to the back of her throat.

tightened his hold. “Swallow it all, little cat. Every last
drop,” he demanded. The guttural tone of his voice surprised
even him. Without a shred of hesitation, she took it all and
continued to suck him through every last convulsion.

he finally returned to earth, she slowly began to lick him clean. The
sweet agony of her tongue softly sliding against his
now-over-sensitized skin threatened his sanity as he sank against the
pillow behind him.

you have got to be the feistiest woman I’ve ever met. That was
fucking incredible.”

the only response was the distinct sound of flesh slapping against
flesh, Seth opened his eyes to find Trent pounding into her from
behind. He could tell by the strain lines around his brother’s
mouth that he wasn’t going to last. They seemed to both share
the unquenchable need to quickly claim Daisy as theirs and that
feeling wasn’t going away now that dawn had broke.

Daisy.” The low moan that followed Trent’s outburst
brought a smile to Seth’s face.

rightness of this woman held them both by the balls. They were going
to have to find a way to keep her. Seth turned his gaze to Daisy’s
and watched her respond to each quick thrust. Within seconds, she
came, her mouth opening to give way to a loud scream that brought a
smile to Seth’s face. The intensity of her orgasm proved too
much for Trent as she dragged him into ecstasy just behind her.

fuck!” Trent dug his fingers into Daisy’s hips and lifted
her off her knees. Daisy gasped when they tumbled together to the

you two are killing me.” Seth kept his voice light in an
attempt to keep his emotions under control. Convincing Daisy this
wasn’t just about heat was going to be damned hard. At best
they had the rest of today to convince her before they had to head
back out and face the mountain once again.

studied him over Daisy’s head and Seth recognized the same
intent in his face as well. Yeah this would be a challenge, but he’d
yet to meet one he couldn’t overcome.

reached forward and slapped Daisy on the butt. “How about Trent
and I make us all some breakfast. At this rate we’ll be dead
soon if we don’t refuel.”

cook breakfast? Speak for yourself. She just killed me. I can’t

giggled and buried her face in the covers. The sound went straight to
Seth’s dick.

a lazy bag of bones. One little orgasm and you’re done in?”

picked up a pillow and threw it in the direction of Seth’s
head. He managed to duck just in time but he tipped off the bed when
he dove for the pillow. He rose up, pillow in hand and lobbed it back
at Trent with the merciless aim of a missile.

Wait!” Daisy yelled as she scooted from the middle of the
mattress. “I see a death match coming and I don’t want to
be caught in the middle.”

looked at Trent at the same time he looked at him. Their gazes locked
and his brother’s intent was clear. They both quickly grabbed
all the pillows from the bed and fired them off one by one at Daisy.
After the first couple of direct hits she took off at a dead run into
the bathroom where she slammed the door behind her. A thud against
the door followed by heated words punctuated by laughter filtered

rubbed his chest and smiled. Damn. What was she doing to him?

too?” Trent said.

hesitated, too nervous to say it aloud. He gave a slight nod.

came off the bed and grabbed his jeans from the floor. “Now

thought we were going to eat?” Seth plucked his own pants from
a small chair and drew them over his legs.


tilted his head toward the bathroom door. “Prying ears.”

lifted his chin and walked from the room. Seth followed him into the
kitchen and went about making some coffee. The fire had died down
overnight and the kitchen seemed a lot cooler than the bedroom.

silence continued and Seth was grateful that Trent hadn’t
immediately started in on him. His feelings about Daisy were growing
faster than he thought possible and he needed a few minutes to digest

or pancakes?”

If you hand me a bottle of syrup and she comes out here half naked
there is no telling what I’ll do with it.” Seth replied.

grinned. “Pancakes it is.”


man. Lighten up. I’m just kidding. How about I fix both and we
play the rest of the morning by ear?”

scoffed. “Yeah, okay. That ought to last all of five minutes
with you.”

closed the refrigerator door with his hip, set the eggs on the
counter and pulled a frying pan from the cupboard. “Want to
make a bet which one of us cracks first?”

wasn’t sure what his brother was up to but he rarely turned
down a bet from him. “You’re on.”


lingered in the shower, letting the hot water soak into her skin.
Thanks to two hot men, the chill she’d suffered from the day
before had disappeared. Now she felt satisfied and well used. The
heat had abated and the day was looking bright. A smile tugged at the
corner of her lips. It was impossible not to grin thinking about all
that Seth and Trent had done to her and with her the night before.

breasts tingled, tightening into rigid points. God, she couldn’t
stop thinking about being naked and in between the two sexy shifters.
She giggled at the many images running through her brain like a
motion picture. For a fleeting second she thought about sliding her
hand between her legs before she shook it off as an absurd idea. Why
settle for that when she had the real thing waiting about fifty feet
from the bathroom?

she hurried and rinsed her body and hair. She was starving and the
way out of here led to the breakfast she so desperately needed. She
stepped from the shower and quickly dried off. For a split second
reality tried to creep in. This hot little domestic scene she’d
cooked up between the three of them would flame out just as soon as
the snowstorm died down. Her thoughts pushed at her conscious as she
moved into the bedroom and pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater.

tried to force out the nagging doubts about her future with little
success. Her brothers’ words about her lack of a mate and
family still rung in her ears. It didn’t seem to matter to them
that she’d rarely thought about those things for herself. She
loved her job and she was damn good at it. That alone kept her more
than busy enough for two people.

how things changed in the blink of an eye. All through the night when
the three of them rested between bouts of lovemaking there had been a
lot of talk about all of their lives. Seth and Trent seemed to love
their job in search and rescue as much as she enjoyed hers. She’d
been informed the feline shifter clan in this area was currently
dealing with a lot of internal political drama in regards to their
council and Guardians. If Seth or Trent were a part of that, she’d
have to get as far away as she could and soon.

would not take kindly to a jaguar getting serious with two of their
own. She’d heard many of the rumors about the local clans and
their rigid rules against cross species mating. The thought brought
on a crushing pain in her chest. Daisy sat on the bed and put her
head in her hands. This wasn’t what she’d planned for her
day. Feeling sorry for herself would get her exactly nowhere. She
straightened her spine and stood, holding her head high. If things
were meant to be more than a one-night fling, then fate would have to
step in and show her a sign.

walked out of the bedroom and made a beeline for the kitchen. She
always thought smarter after a cup of coffee and some food. She could
hear Trent and Seth talking in hushed tones and immediately she went
on alert. What were they up to?

before she walked around the corner to the kitchen she heard Seth say
her name. Daisy paused, a bad feeling slipping over her. Instead of
interrupting the conversation, she peeked around the corner to see
what they were doing.

brushed the hair from his eyes and asked, “Do you have any idea
what a cougar and jaguar mating would mean?”

I’m perfectly aware of the complications. However, tell me this
brother. Are you willing to walk away from her to prevent them?”

too complicated. And dangerous.”

sharp pain stabbed Daisy in the chest. Just as she’d feared,
they really didn’t want her for a mate. Apparently, a jaguar
was good enough to fuck but not good enough to mate. Not that it was
the first time she’d heard those words. Some of the shifters
she’d come in contact with in the swamps shared a similar
opinion about her rare species. Their pure blood crap made her nuts.

couldn’t listen to another word. To walk in the room now and
hear their rejection would kill her. She snuck back into the bedroom,
took one look at the rumpled bed, and knew she had to go. Before she
burst into tears and fell at their feet, begging them to keep her she
had to get as far away from here as possible.

now, they would have noticed the shower had turned off and in a few
minutes would come looking for her. Daisy grabbed a thick pair of
socks from her duffel and crept toward the front door. With special
attention to making as little noise as possible, she shoved her feet
into the new snow boots she’d purchased online and then lifted
her coat from the rack behind the door.

only needed a short head start and she’d disappear into the
woods. They had no clue where she’d parked her rented SUV so it
would take them the extra time she needed to track her. In total
silence, she twisted the doorknob and slowly opened the door. She
held her breath and listened intently for a sign they’d heard
her. Snippets of their conversation continued until she felt certain
she’d succeeded in getting the door open.

turned toward the exit and froze. Instead of the snow and woods she
expected to see, she faced a solid wall of white.


storm had pushed the snow against the cabin and blocked her exit. She
calculated her odds of digging her way out and not being heard,
barely holding back a snort. No way. She was good but this snow was
out of her element. She’d have to find another way out.

crept back to the bedroom and exhaled the breath she’d been
holding. Here the window overlooked the south side of the property
and it was unfettered by the icy white stuff. Rushing across the room
she spared a glance at the bed and instantly regretted it. Her
stomach twisted. An hour ago she’d lain there reliving her
memories of the night and making plans for the day and even
fantasizing about beyond. The bitterness of the loss didn’t sit
well. She hurriedly pushed open the window and crawled out.

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