Fuck The Police

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Authors: Lauren Summer

Tags: #fuck the police, #police erotica, #m/m/f, #threesome sex, #police sex, #cop sex

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Fuck The Police

Lauren Summer

Published by Lauren Summer, 2013.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Fuck The Police

Bonus Material | Excerpt from Seducing My Best Friend’s Brother

Excerpt from The Cheerleader and The Geek

Excerpt from The Virgin and The Doctor

About the Author

Copyright and License Notes

Fuck The Police

here the hell is it,
Rachel thought, as she rummaged through the papers scattered around her kitchen table. As she pushed some paperwork to the side, she spotted the edges of a paper bag sticking out from the bottom of the pile. She pulled the bag free and breathed a sigh of relief, inside was the missing birthday card. After grabbing a pen from the kitchen counter, she wrote out a rushed birthday message then placed the card in an envelope and sealed it shut.

Ok done,
Rachel thought to herself, annoyed at having misplaced the card so easily. She looked up at the clock and realized it was now quarter to nine,
shit, I have to be there in fifteen minutes.

She walked into the lounge and pulled back the curtains. It was dark outside and the roads were almost completely empty.

Where the hell is the cab? It should have been here by now.

She pressed her face to the window, allowing herself to look further down the street.


With her phone in her hand, she began to dial in the number for the cab company.

“Hi, City Cabs...how can we help?” 

“Hi, I’ve booked a cab, it’s still not here. It was supposed to be outside five minutes ago...I have to be somewhere at nine.”

“Ok, just a moment, can I take your name? I’ll check on the system for you.”

“It’s Rachel, last name Sermon. “

“Ok, thanks...please hold for a moment.”

She waited patiently on the line, continuing to look out of the window, hoping the cab might be just around the corner.

“Hi Rachel,” the voice said as he came back on the line, “There seems to have been a bit of a mix up on our system. I’m really sorry about this, I can send another cab out for you right away.”

“What, are you kidding me?” she said, raising her voice, “And how long is it going to take to send out another cab?”

“Well it’s Saturday night and we’re fairly busy so I’d say...I don’t know, fifteen minutes at least.”

“Listen never mind,” Rachel snapped, “I’ll try someone else.”

She picked up her glass of wine from the table and swallowed the contents. As she placed the glass back down on the table, she noticed her car keys.

Maybe I should just drive, 

She picked up her car keys and began to twirl them around her fingers.

No, I can’t, I’ve had almost two glasses of wine...that would be stupid.

She quickly shook off the thought as she brought her phone closer and began to dial in the number for a different cab company.

“Hi, I need a cab... as soon as possible,” she said, with urgency in her voice.

“Ok mam, we’re fully booked up at the moment though, you’re looking at, at least a twenty minute wait.”

Rachel took a deep breath and sighed heavily in frustration, whichever way she looked at this, she was going to be late.

It was Michelle, her best friend’s birthday and she was well known among her friends for being late. She had assured them that time she’d make a huge effort to be on time.

She glanced down, realizing the car keys were still wrapped around her fingers and she thought for a moment,
if I drive...I may still make it.

Fuck it,
she reasoned, as she hung up the call. She picked up her purse from the armchair of the sofa and after checking she had everything, she locked up the house and headed out to her car. Within a few minutes she was on the main road. She breathed a sigh of relief as her eyes met the clock on the dashboard and she realized she was going to make it after all. She turned onto the highway, and as she did, her phone started to ring, Michelle’s name flashed across the screen.

“Hi Michelle.”

“Hey Rachel, everyone is here now...where are you?”

“I should be with you in five minutes...ten at the most. I’m literally around the corner.”

“Ok Rachel, no worries, I’m just checking up. I’ll see you soon ok?”

“Ok then bye!” she answered, before throwing her phone over to the passenger seat. She turned her attention back to the road. Hearing Michelle’s voice had installed a sense of urgency and she hit the gas, picking up speed as she began to weave in and out of traffic.

She moved over into the fast lane but was soon stuck behind the car in front.

What is this idiot doing?
she thought, as she realized he was going well below the speed limit. Frustrated, she hit the horn but the car just continued on at the same speed.

Ok, screw this,
she told herself, quickly swerving over into the middle lane. After undertaking him, she moved back into the fast lane. She heard her phone beep and knew from the tone it was a text message. She leaned over into the passenger seat to pick it up, as she did, the car in front of her slowed rapidly and she was forced to hit the brakes, narrowly avoiding a rear end shunt.

she breathed, realizing she had just nearly caused an accident. Rachel took a deep breath, annoyed at herself for being so reckless. She quickly dropped her speed, deciding to take a more sensible approach, even if it meant she would be a few minutes late.

She turned off the highway and as she did streams of blue and red light began to surround the car, bouncing off her dashboard and lighting up the interior of her vehicle.

She looked into her rear view mirror, watching for a few moments as a police car tailed closely behind.

, she told herself, realizing she was being pulled over.

She signalled off into an empty parking lot and brought her car to a stop. She could feel her heart beating heavily in her chest and she continued looking in the rear view as the police cruiser pulled up a few feet away. Rachel took a deep breath, trying to remain calm.

She watched as two officers exchanged words before one of them stepped out of the vehicle. She felt her heart skip a beat as he started to walk towards her car.

“You seem in a bit of a hurry mam,” he said sternly as she rolled down the window, “Are you aware you almost caused an accident back there?”

She hesitated for a moment, “Uh, I’m really sorry, it’s just it’s my friend’s birthday, I’m late and...”

“Can I see your license please?”

She flicked open the glove compartment and handed over her license.

“You haven’t been drinking have you mam?”

“Uh, no,” she replied.

She’d had two glasses of wine whilst getting ready and while she wasn’t drunk, two was more than enough to put her over the limit.

“Could you step out of the vehicle for me?”

Rachel nodded and opened the door, stepping out into the cool night air. She watched as the second officer stepped out of the police car and began to make his way over.

“Not bad Chris...” the second officer said as he got closer.

He nodded at Rachel, “I’m Officer Layton mam, how is he doing?”

“Uh, good,” she answered, slightly confused.

“It’s Chris’s first night on the job, he’s straight out of the police academy.”

She turned to look at the first officer, this time getting a much better look at him. He had a baby face and she guessed he couldn’t have been a day over twenty one.

“Uh, he’s doing fine,” she answered.

“Listen mam, I’ll be honest with you, you were driving pretty recklessly back there.”

“I know...” she answered hesitantly, “I’m sorry, it’s just I’m late for my friend’s party and...”

“Mam, you seem like a good person... I’ll most likely just let you off with a warning.

A warning?
she thought, her night may not be ruined after all.

“In the future,” he continued, “you’re really going to need to be more careful.”

She watched as Chris handed her license to Officer Layton who scanned over it for a few moments.

He nodded his head, “Ok, well we need to be on our way, I have my hands full training Chris tonight, otherwise it would have been worse than just a warning.”

“I understand,” she nodded, “I’ll be more careful.” 

They started to walk away, and as they did, Rachel started to breathe a sigh of relief.

They had only taken a few steps when the young officer said something that made her suddenly panic.

“Shouldn’t we breathalyse her sir,” he asked.

“Ah yes,” Officer Layton answered, stopping in his tracks.

He turned back to Rachel, “You haven’t been drinking have you mam?”

“Uh no,” she gulped.

I didn’t think so... you seem like a smart girl. I know you’re in a rush but you’ll be the first person he’ll have breathalysed. It should only take a few minutes and then we’ll let you on your way.”

She took a deep breath, “Sure...no problem Officer.” Inside she could feel herself freaking out,
why did he have to go and say that?

“Ok mam,” Officer Layton continued, “I’m going to wait in the car. I’ll let Chris get on with it...remember in the future, drive safely.”

She watched nervously as they walked back to the police car. They exchanged words and Chris returned a few moments later with the breathalyser in his hand.

“And you say you haven’t been drinking?” he asked again.

“No sir,” she answered.

She had no idea why she was lying. She knew full well she was only prolonging the evitable.

“So, you’re meeting some friends tonight?”

“Uh, yeah,” she nodded. She wasn’t in the mood for making small talk, especially now that this police officer was about to ruin her night. 

She watched him for a few moments as he began to fumble around with the breathalyser. He seemed a little nervous. She thought for a moment,
there had to be something she could do...anything.
Maybe she could try distracting him. She wasn’t sure how exactly that would help but she didn’t have a lot of options.

“So, must be pretty exciting being a police officer,” she said, the tone of her voice softening.

“Uh yeah,” he answered, not really paying much attention to her.

She decided to take it up a notch.

“This is kind of embarrassing...but you know, I’ve always had a thing for a man in uniform.”

The officer stopped what he was doing and lifted his head until his eyes met hers. She could tell from the look on his face that he was a little unsure of how to respond.

He opened his mouth, about to speak but she quickly cut him off.

“I don’t know what it is...but something about a man in uniform really makes me go weak at the knees.”

“And, uh...you say you haven’t been drinking?” he asked again.

She stepped in a little closer, closing the gap between them, “And you know, I’ve always had this fantasy about being pulled over.”

He stared at her for a few moments, looking a little bewildered. She knew from his body language that she was making him uncomfortable.

“Must be one of the perks of being a police officer? Having women lusting after you in that uniform?” she continued.

“Er, I guess,” he answered.

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Officer Layton climbed out of the police car and start to make his way back over.

“Is everything ok?” he asked, as he walked up to Rachel.

Chris tried to respond but Rachel cut him off again, “Uh, me and Chris were just talking, I was just telling him how much a man in uniform turns me on, he told me if I kept being naughty he was going to put the handcuffs on me.

Chris’s eyes widened, “I uh, did not say that.”

“It’s one of the perks of being a police officer isn’t it?” she said, winking at Officer Layton.

Officer Layton looked confused then started to laugh, “Really Chris? You said that?  You just never struck me as the type.”

Rachel continued on, “And then I asked him what he would do if I was locked up in handcuffs and he said...he would fuck me.”

She watched as their eyes widened and they both stared at her with a shocked expression.

Ok maybe I shouldn’t have said that,
she thought, realizing she had just taken it too far.

Officer Layton looked at Chris and then at Rachel, trying to figure out exactly what was going on. For a few moments, they shared an almost awkward silence. Rachel realized she had better say something.

“And, well...you’re not going to leave your partner out are you?”

Chris didn’t answer, he just stood there looking even more confused. In fact, both police officers were now very confused. 

“Is that true Chris? Officer Layton asked, “You weren’t going to include me?”

Chris tried to say something but Rachel cut him off again “Yeah Chris...you didn’t think to include your partner?”

She placed her hands firmly on her hips, like an angry mother scolding her child. Her hand moved onto Officer Layton’s thigh, and she began to run it slowly up and down his leg.

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