Fugitive Prince (80 page)

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Authors: Janny Wurts

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AL’DUIN—deceased father of Halliron Masterbard.

root meaning:

ALESTRON—city located in Midhalla, Melhalla. Ruled by the Duke Bransian, Teir’s’Brydion, and his three brothers. This city did not fall to merchant townsmen in the Third Age uprising that threw down the high kings, but is still ruled by its clanblood heirs.

pronounced: ah-less-tron

root meaning:

ALITHIEL—one of twelve Blades of Isaer, forged by centaur Ffereton s’Darian in the First Age from metal taken from a meteorite. Passed through Paravian possession, acquired the secondary name Dael-Farenn, or Kingmaker, since its owners tended to succeed the end of a royal line. Eventually was awarded to Kamridian s’Ffalenn for his valor in defense of the princess Taliennse, early Second Age. Currently in the possession of Arithon.

pronounced: ah-lith-ee-el

root meaning:

ALLAND—principality located in southeastern Shand. Ruled by the High Earl Teir’s’Taleyn,
of Shand by appointment. Current heir to the title is Erlien.

pronounced: all-and

root meaning:
—pine glen

ALTHAIN TOWER—spire built at the edge of the Bittern Desert, beginning of the Second Age, to house records of Paravian histories. Third Age, became repository for the archives of all five royal houses of men after rebellion, overseen by Sethvir, Warden of Althain and Fellowship Sorcerer.

pronounced: al—like “all,” thain—to rhyme with “main”

root meaning:
—tower, sanctuary

original Paravian pronunciation: alt-thein (thein as in “the end”)

AMROTH—kingdom on West Gate splinter world, Dascen Elur, ruled by s’llessid descendants of the prince exiled through the Worldsend Gate at the time of the rebellion, Third Age just after the Mistwraith’s conquest.

pronounced: am-roth—to rhyme with “sloth”

root meaning:
—state of being;
—brother “brotherhood”

AN’ALT—Paravian name for the rune symbolizing infinity

pronounced: an-allt

root meaning:

ARAETHURA—grass plains in southwest Rathain; principality of the same name in that location. Largely inhabited by Riathan Paravians in the Second Age. Third Age, used as pastureland by widely scattered nomadic shepherds.

pronounced: ar-eye-thoo-rah

root meaning:
—place, land

ARITHON—son of Avar, Prince of Rathain, 1,504th Teir’s’Ffalenn after
founder of the line, Torbrand in Third Age Year One. Also Master of Shadow, the Bane of Desh-thiere, and Halliron Masterbard’s successor.

pronounced: ar-i-thon—almost rhymes with “marathon”

root meaning:
—fate-forger; one who is visionary

ARWENT—river in Araethura, Rathain, that flows from Daenfal Lake, through Halwythwood to empty into Instrell Bay

pronounced: are-went

root meaning:

ASANDIR—Fellowship Sorcerer. Secondary name, Kingmaker, since his hand crowned every High King of Men to rule in the Age of Men (Third Age). After the Mistwraith’s conquest, he acted as field agent for the Fellowship’s doings across the continent. Also called Fiend-quencher, for his reputation for quelling iyats; Storm-breaker, and Change-bringer for past actions in late Second Age, when Men first arrived upon Athera.

pronounced: ah-san-deer

root meaning:
—stone “heartrock”

ATAINIA—northeastern principality of Tysan. pronounced: ah-tay-nee-ah

root meaning:
—the third;
—suffix for “third domain” original Paravian,

ATCHAZ—city located in Alland, Shand. Famed for its silk.

pronounced: at-chas

root meaning:

ATH CREATOR—prime vibration, force behind all life.

pronounced: ath—to rhyme with “math”

root meaning:
—prime, first (as opposed to

ATHERA—name for the world which holds the Five High Kingdoms; four Worldsend Gates; original home of the Paravian races.

pronounced: ath-air-ah

root meaning:
—prime force;
—place “Ath’s world”

ATHIR—Second Age ruin of a Paravian stronghold, located in Ithilt, Rathain. Site of a seventh lane power focus.

pronounced: ath-ear

root meaning:
—the line/edge

ATHLIEN PARAVIANS—sunchildren. Small race of semimortals, pixielike, but possessed of great wisdom/keepers of the grand mystery.

pronounced: ath-lee-en

root meaning:
—prime force;
—to love “Ath-beloved”

AVENOR—Second Age ruin of a Paravian stronghold. Traditional seat of the s’Ilessid high kings. Restored to habitation in Third Age 5644. Became the ruling seat of the Alliance of Light in Third Age 5648. Located in Korias, Tysan.

pronounced: ah-ven-or

root meaning:

BITTERN DESERT—waste located in Atainia, Tysan, north of Althain Tower. Site of a First Age battle between the great drakes and the Seardluin, permanently destroyed by dragonfire.

pronounced: like bitter

root meaning: to sear or char

BLACK ROSE PROPHECY—made by Dakar the Mad Prophet in Third Age 5637 at Althain Tower. Forecasts Davien the Betrayer’s repentance, and the reunification of the Fellowship of Seven as tied to Arithon s’Ffalenn’s voluntary resumption of Rathain’s crown rule.

BRANSIAN s’BRYDION—Teir’s’Brydion, ruling Duke of Alestron.

pronounced: bran-see-an

root meaning:
—suffix denoting “of the one”/the one with temper

BWIN EVOC s’LORNMEIN—founder of the line that became High Kings of Havish since Third Age Year One. The attribute he passed on by means of the Fellowship’s geas was temperance.

pronounced: bwin—to rhyme with “twin,” ee-vahk—as in “evocative,” lorn as in English equivalent, mein—to rhyme with “main”

root meaning:

CAINCYR ISLAND—islet located in the archipelago at Min Pierens, in the Westland Sea.

pronounced: cain-seer

root meaning:

CAINFORD—city located in Taerlin, Tysan.

pronounced: cay-in-ford

root meaning:
—vale; ford—not from the Paravian “ford at the vale”

CAITH-AL-CAEN—vale where Riathan Paravians (unicorns) celebrated equinox and solstice to renew the
or life-destiny of the world. Also the place where the Ilitharis Paravians first Named the winter stars—or encompassed their vibrational essence into language. Corrupted by the end of the Third Age to Castlecain.

pronounced: cay-ith-al-cay-en, musical lilt, emphasis on second and last syllables; rising note on first two, falling note on last two

root meaning:
vale “vale of shadow” link with prime power. An old Paravian colloquialism for unicorn.

CAITHDEIN—Paravian name for a high king’s first counselor; also, the one who would stand as regent, or steward, in the absence of the crowned ruler.

pronounced: kay-ith-day-in

root meaning:
—behind the chair “shadow behind the throne”

CAITHWOOD—forest located in Taerlin, southeast principality of Tysan. pronounced: kay-ith-wood root meaning:
—shadow “shadowed wood”

CALUM KINCAID—the individual who invented the great weapon which destroyed the worlds of humanity, and caused the refugee faction, including the Koriathain, to seek sanctuary on Athera.

pronounced: calum kin-cade

root meaning not from the Paravian

CAMRIS—north-central principality of Tysan. Original ruling seat was the city of Erdane.

pronounced: Kam-ris, the i as in “chris”

root meaning:
—way “crossroad”

CAOLLE—past war captain of the clans of Deshir, Rathain. First raised by, and then served under, Lord Steiven, Earl of the North and
of Rathain. Planned the campaign at Vastmark and Dier Kenton Vale for the Master of Shadow. Currently in Jieret Red-beard’s service, and feal liegeman to Arithon of Rathain.

pronounced: kay-all-e, with the “e” nearly subliminal

root meaning:

CAPEWELL—city located on the south shore of Korias, Tysan. Home of a major Koriani sisterhouse.

—ship stolen from the royal shipyard at Riverton, by Cattrick’s conspiracy with Prince Arithon.

pronounced: care-ee-add-win

root meaning:

CARITHWYR—principality consisting primarily of a grassland in Havish, once the province of the Riathan Paravians. A unicorn birthing ground. Currently used by man for grain and cattle; area name has become equated with fine hides.

pronounced: car-ith-ear

root meaning:
—forgers of the ultimate link with prime power. An old Paravian colloquialism for unicorn.

CATTRICK—master joiner hired to run the royal shipyard at Riverton; once in Arithon’s employ at Merior by the Sea.

pronounced: cat-rick

root meaning:
—a knot tied of withies that has the magical property of confusing enemies

CEREBELD—Avenor’s Lord Examiner, whose given task is to hunt out and try those who practice dark spellcraft.

pronounced: cara-belld

root meaning:

CHEIVALT—coastal city south of Ostermere in Carithwyr, Havish. Known for its elegance and refined lifestyle.

pronounced: shay-vault

root meaning:
—a rare yellow flower which grows by the seaside

CILADIS THE LOST—Fellowship Sorcerer who left the continent in Third Age 3462 in search of the Paravian races after their disappearance following the rebellion.

pronounced: kill-ah-dis

root meaning:
—whisper, compound; cael’adeis colloquialism for “gentleness that abides”

CILDORN—city famed for carpets and weaving, located in Deshir, Rathain. Originally a Paravian holdfast, situated on a node of the third lane.

pronounced: kill-dorn

root meaning:
—net “tapestry”

CORITH—island west of Havish coast, in Westland Sea. Site of a drake lair, and a ruined First Age foundation. Here, the council of Paravians met during siege, and dragons dreamed the summoning of the Fellowship Sorcerers. First site to see sunlight upon Desh-thiere’s defeat.

pronounced: kor-ith

root meaning:
—ships, vessels;
—five for the five harbors which the old city overlooked

DAELION FATEMASTER—“entity” formed by set of mortal beliefs, which determine the fate of the spirit after death. If Ath is the prime vibration, or life force, Daelion is what governs the manifestation of free will.

pronounced: day-el-ee-on

root meaning:
—king or lord;
—of fate

DAELION’s WHEEL—cycle of life and the crossing point which is the transition into death.

pronounced: day-el-ee-on

root meaning:
—king or lord;
—of fate

DAKAR THE MAD PROPHET—apprentice to Fellowship Sorcerer, Asandir, during the Third Age following the Conquest of the Mistwraith. Given to spurious prophecies, it was Dakar who forecast the fall of the Kings of Havish in time for the Fellowship to save the heir. He made the Prophecy of West Gate, which forecast the Mistwraith’s bane, and also the Black Rose Prophecy, which called for reunification of the Fellowship. At this time, assigned to defense of Arithon, Prince of Rathain.

pronounced: dah-kar

root meaning:

DANIA—wife of Rathain’s former regent, Steiven s’Valerient. Died by the hand of Pesquil’s headhunters in the Battle of Strakewood. Jieret Redbeard’s mother.

pronounced: dan-ee-ah

root meaning:

DAON RAMON BARRENS—central principality of Rathain. Site where Riathan Paravians (unicorns) bred and raised their young. Barrens was not appended to the name until the years following the Mistwraith’s conquest, when the River Severnir was diverted at the source by a task force under Etarran jurisdiction.

pronounced: day-on-rah-mon

root meaning:

DASCEN ELUR—splinter world off West Gate; primarily ocean with isolated archipelagoes. Includes kingdoms of Rauven, Amroth, and Karthan. Where three exiled high kings’ heirs took refuge in the years following the great uprising. Birthplace of Lysaer and Arithon.

pronounced: das-en el-ur

root meaning:
—small land

DAVIEN THE BETRAYER—Fellowship Sorcerer responsible for provoking the great uprising that resulted in the fall of the high kings after Desh-thiere’s conquest. Rendered discorporate by the Fellowship’s judgment in Third Age 5129. Exiled since, by personal choice. Davien’s works included the Five Centuries Fountain near Mearth on the splinter world of the Red Desert through West Gate; the shaft at Rockfell Pit, used by the Sorcerers to imprison harmful entities; the Stair on Rockfell Peak; and also, Kewar Tunnel in the Mathorn Mountains.

pronounced: dah-vee-en

root meaning:
—fool, mistake;
—one “mistaken one”

DAWR—grandmother of Duke Bransian of Alestron, and his brother, Mearn s’Brydion.

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