Read Full Court Press Online

Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

Full Court Press (41 page)

BOOK: Full Court Press
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God, she was terrible.

“What are you thinking about?” he demanded, without losing pace.

She couldn’t help but smile. “Sex...” she had to pause between words because each of his movements caused the word to get caught in her throat, “... video.”

A look of interest passed over his face before it disappeared into a look of pleasure. “Hold that thought.”

If she thought he had been doing his best before, she was sorely mistaken. He sped up and intensified his pace, pushing her to the edge in seconds.

She writhed on the table and pulled on the silk that was keeping her wrists pinned. She wanted to touch him. She needed something to hold onto, something to sink her nails into.


It was too late. The orgasm hit her full force and her whole body went tense. She arched off the table and pulled on her bonds so hard that they tightened on her wrists painfully. The pain and the feeling of helplessness only added to the overwhelming wave of gratification that washed over her. She did her best to ride it through but it didn’t work. She seemed to be drowning in it. Every nerve in her body seemed to overload in its attempt to absorb the sensation.

She couldn’t remember whether she made any noise or not because it seemed several minutes before her mind settled back into her body. She was relaxed on the table now, and Beck hadn’t moved. Their hips were still pressed tightly together and he was leaning heavily on the table, catching his breath.

“Oh my God.” She groaned and stretched. She noticed the pain in her wrists again and tried to loosen the tie, which was cutting off her circulation.

His hips shifted and she gasped, incredibly sore down there already.

“What is it?”

“Nothing...just...fuck, I hurt down there.”

He frowned and pulled back, careful to keep her legs supported. “I—”

“No, in a good way. Just as long as you weren’t hoping for another round tonight.”

He shook his head. “I’m spent.”

“Me too.”

His hand slipped between her legs and she felt the wet mess. “I’m sure a bath will help if you’re sore.”

She nodded but let him keep massaging the soreness gently. A pain shot down her arm from her wrist.



“My hands hurt.”

He looked up from where he had been watching between her legs. “Crap. Sorry.” He leaned over her, careful not to put too much pressure against her as he quickly untied the knots and freed her wrists.

When he was done, his hands slid under her and picked her up, holding her against his body like a small child. “I didn’t mean to tie it that tight.”

She wrapped his arms around his neck as he carried her toward the bathroom. “You didn’t. I was struggling too hard. It was my fault.”

“Why do you struggle so much?”

She buried her face in his neck. “It makes it more exciting. It makes me feel—it’s hard to explain. Besides, I thought you liked it.”

“I do. It’s sexy. The look on your face when you fight is so fucking sexy.” He set her on the sparkling tile countertop and stepped back so he could see her face. “Everything’s cool then?”

She nodded. “Yep, as soon as I can walk again.” She rubbed her hands, getting only a slight tingling feeling, minimal damage.

Beck frowned and grabbed her hands, massaging them with his strong, talented fingers.

She pulled away though. “They’re fine. All back to normal.” She wiggled her fingers to prove it.

He dropped his hands but kept his eyes down. “You know that I don’t get off on giving pain. I don’t like hurting girls,
, during sex.”

She smiled the best she could and held his face in both hands. “It’s a good thing you didn’t hurt me then.” She kissed him on the lips.

“But you said you were sore, and your hands…”

“My hands are fine now, and that was my bad anyway. I’m sore because we just had amazing sex. It’s not that kind of hurt. It’s the good kind, the I-just-got-a-good-fucking good. I’ll let you know if you ever do something that I don’t like, okay?”

He nodded and pulled her hands away from his face. “Good. I mean, I love tying you up and everything. I love how hot it makes you, but anything other than that, I’m not down with.” He kissed her for a moment, soft, almost apologetic, even though he had nothing to apologize for. She kissed him back, making sure he knew that everything was good.

When he pulled away, he looked back to normal. “Will you run a bath while I order pizza?”

“Yep. Bubble bath?”

He frowned.

“Okay, maybe not.”

“The only reason I don’t like bubble bath is because it’ll obstruct my view.” His hand curved over her breast. “And we wouldn’t want that, would we?”

“Nope. Definitely not.”

“Plus, that crap stinks.”

She laughed. “Okay, I get it. Bubble baths aren’t manly.”

He patted her hip. “Good girl. You’re learning.” He left the bathroom, grabbing a towel off a stack near the door on his way out, wrapping it around his hips.

She slid off the counter and was glad to find that her legs held her weight. The bathtub was big, complete with water-jets and a sculpted backrest. It could fit two people easily.

She ran the water hot. She picked another fluffy towel off the stack and wrapped it around herself. She slid onto the marble countertop that surrounded the tub and curled her legs up under her.

She must have half dozed off watching the water fill the tub because she didn’t hear Beck enter the bathroom. It scared the crap out of her when his hand slid over her shoulder.

“Crap!” She jerked and would have fallen in the tub, but he caught her.

“Jumpy?” he asked, pulling her towel off before pulling off his own and stepping into the almost-full tub.

Once he had sat down, she slid over him to the control device.

“Mind if I turn some jets on?”

He shook his head and sank lower into the tub. “Go ahead. Damn, this thing is awesome.”

She turned some of the jets on a medium setting. She turned to find somewhere to relax and found that Beck’s arms were stretched out along either side. The only place to sit, without getting cozy with him, was the other side of the tub.

She didn’t want to sit on the other side of the tub.

That meant that she either had to risk cuddling up with him, or fake some sexy and come on to him. She hated that those were her only options to show him affection. She didn’t want to initiate anything. She was tired.

“What is it?” Beck asked.

She looked up. “Oh, nothing, I’m just gonna—” She started moving to the other side of the tub.

“What are you doing?” He snagged her wrist and pulled her against him, stretching her body on top of his. The front of their bodies pressed together, and she looked up at him and smiled.

His hand traced down her shoulder, back, over the curve of her buttocks, down her thigh and then back up again.

She sighed and dropped her head to his neck, her arms folded under her.

“About that sex video,” he said.

She smiled without looking up. “I think my brain was malfunctioning in the heat of the moment.”

“I don’t think so.”

She pushed up off his chest. “Okay, fine. I was just thinking about how sexy we looked, having sex like that. I’d like to watch it over and over again.”

“I’d like that too.”

She smiled and dropped her forehead to his shoulder again. “I’m glad we agree, but I’m not letting us video tape our sex.”

“Are you sure?” he asked, his hands lingering on her ass.

“I’m sure.”

“I think you could probably be persuaded to change your mind.”

There was no point in denying it. “You’re probably right. You could get me to agree with it. But I would be very angry afterwards.” She kissed along until she found the right spot. “Very angry.” She sank her teeth into his shoulder and got the satisfaction of his body tensing under her. His muscles weren’t the only thing that responded.

“What are you doing?” he asked, his hand now gripping her ass tightly.

“Giving you a taste of your own medicine.” She licked and kissed the teeth marks she’d left.

“God, do I look like a steak? When did I bite you?”

She found another spot, closer to his neck. She kissed it softly before biting down roughly, getting another reaction from his body. This time it was accompanied with a moan.

“It was a while ago, but I remember. Why? Do you have a problem with it?” She continued to kiss the bites.

He took a moment and a couple steadying breaths to answer. “No problem. But if you get to mark me, I get to mark you.”

“Have at it,” she offered, sliding down lower on his chest, kissing and sucking as she went.

But he didn’t move to bite her. He kept perfectly still. “Since when do you have this much fun after sex?”

“I told you we would since we skipped the foreplay.”

“Oh yeah.”

“Besides, I didn’t realize this was fun for you,” she teased. “Do you like a little pain with your pleasure?”

He started to say something but had to pause when she ran the length of her tongue over his nipple. “I do, actually. But that doesn’t hurt. If you think those nice little puppy bites are gonna do something for me, you’re mistaken.”

She frowned. “Are you saying I need to dial it up?”

“I’m saying that I don’t think you’re capable of dialing it up.” His tone wasn’t teasing. He was serious. He didn’t think she could bring herself to do it. He was mistaken.

She didn’t kiss before her next bite, just opened her mouth and bit down on the flesh around his nipple. Hard. Not as hard as she could have, but hard enough that his body arched toward her and his breath left his lungs in a surprised gasp.

One hand tightened on her hip and the other used her hair to pull her head back from his skin. His lower half responded too. He pushed up off the bottom of the tub, pushing it against her stomach.

She smiled and reached up to pull his hand from her hair, putting it down on her hip to mirror his other one.

“What were you saying?” she asked.

“Fuck,” he breathed.

“Feel good?”


“In a good way?”

“Fuck. Yes.”

She kissed the nipple gently, soothing the reddening skin that surrounded it. Once she decided he had calmed down enough, she moved back up the other side of his neck. She repeated the process a few more times. A few more bite marks littered his shoulders and chest, and she was just going for the second nipple when the doorbell rang.

He ignored it and urged her head down to the other nipple. She flicked it lightly with her tongue, enough to cause it to harden but then pulled away. “I think that’s enough for one night.”

He frowned for a moment before nodding. “Fine.” He pulled her lips close for a quick kiss that didn’t end up being so quick.

The doorbell rang again and they pulled apart.

“I should get that,” he said. “Pizza’s here.”

She slid off him and he hopped out of the tub. She couldn’t help but giggle when he went to wrap the towel around his waist, finding himself slightly impeded by his own excitement.

He looked down at himself and frowned. “When did that happen?”

She did her best to look innocent. He mercilessly wrapped the towel tightly around his hips, wincing slightly, before exiting the bathroom.

They ate the pizza while watching a rerun of a Phoenix Suns’ game, last year’s championship. By the time it was done, it was midnight and they were both tired and ready to go to sleep. The king-size bed looked so inviting, too inviting. She stood over it, staring, as Beck finished up in the bathroom. She didn’t have time to think of the sleep situation before Beck walked in and flipped off the lights.

“What are you waiting for?” he asked from behind her.

“Nothing. It just looks so inviting.”

“You look inviting,” he said, both hands cupped her ass while giving her a slight push.

She let herself fall forward onto the bed and rolled over to look up at him. “You’re not hoping for another go, are you? ‘Cause I’m tired.”

He shook his head. “No way. I just wanted to look at you for minute. You know, that outfit doesn’t cover a whole lot.” She’d put on one of the new lingerie sets he’d bought her when she’d gotten out of the bathtub, a pale blue baby doll set.

“I wasn’t aware I had any reason to cover up my body.” She purposely let her legs fall to the side and open a bit.

He grinned. “True.” He slid onto the bed with her, tossing half of the mountain of pillows onto the floor.

She curled up on one side of the bed. It was warm enough in the room that she didn’t want to get under the covers, but she did snag a pillow and hug it to her chest. She had found herself cuddling pillows in her sleep. She wasn’t sure why, but it comforted her, and she couldn’t sleep without one now.

Beck was on his back, one arm behind his head, also seeing no need to get under the covers.



“What’s the deal for tomorrow?”

“We’re going, if that’s what you’re wondering. But I don’t really want to talk about it tonight.”

“Right.” Stupid of her. They’d had a wonderful night and she’d brought up the saddest thing in his life. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

“It’s all right. Just go to sleep.”

She stayed silent for a moment but then scooted across the bed quickly to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Good night.”

He closed his eyes for a moment while she returned to her side of the bed. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

Chapter Fourteen
BOOK: Full Court Press
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