Read Full Court Press Online

Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

Full Court Press (40 page)

BOOK: Full Court Press
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It wasn’t that she disliked the treatment. She liked it quite a bit actually, but it was unnerving. It confused her because it seemed so natural to him, like he wasn’t pretending at all. She had to keep telling herself he was pretending. It was all a façade.

Eventually, she gave up on trying to figure it out and just went with it. She had promised Beck that they would make it believable, and she was going to do her absolute best to give him what he needed.

He was chatting with a group of people and she slowly slid her arm around his waist. She did it carefully so it didn’t surprise him and to make it look natural. He kept talking while his arm settled around her back.

When they finally broke off the conversation, she let go of him and took his hand instead.

He looked down at her with a small smile on his face, but she could see through it. He was tired of faking the niceties to these people.

“We’re love struck, right?”

He nodded.

“Well, aren’t we obligated to sneak off for a moment, find a not-so-secluded area that we think no one can see us and make out? I mean, it’s what’s expected.” She leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips before speaking a little quieter, “Plus, you look like you could use a break. You’ve been going at it for at least an hour.”

“Yeah.” He kissed her back. His lips lingered a little longer. “That’s a good idea.”

“Well, what are you waiting for? Look all lustful and drag me away.”

He got the hint and did just what she suggested. He pulled her into an empty sitting area that was quiet and slightly closed off, but still visible, in case his dad was watching.

He slid down onto a love seat, and she slipped her kitten-heels off before easing onto his lap, careful of her dress.

“So how do you think it’s going so far?” she asked, her hands loosening his tie.

He shrugged. “Seems pretty good.”

She nodded and pulled his tie apart before starting on the buttons.

“What are you doing?” he asked, sliding his arm around her.

“We have an audience,” she said, looking over his shoulder.

He sighed and watched her continue as she undid several buttons on his shirt. “Who’s watching us?”

“I don’t know. We talked to them earlier. Your dad keeps looking over here too.” She parted his shirt and slid her hand in to rest on his chest before dropping her head and laying her cheek against his skin.

He relaxed back against the cushions and let her cuddle on his chest. “Couples do this?”

“Yep,” she said against his skin.

He seemed to accept it and his hand came up to rest on her hair. “Not so bad, I guess.”

“Have I told you how sexy this suit is on you?”

He chuckled, and she felt it against her ear. “No, you haven’t.”

“Well, it is.”

“Yeah, well, I gotta look half as good as you do in that dress.”

She smiled at the compliment. “Thanks.”

“You look almost as good as you’re going to look in the lingerie that I got you.”

Her smile widened, and she nestled deeper inside his shirt. “Mmm, I could just fall asleep.”

“Not yet. We have to hang around for at least another hour before we make our escape.”

After a few more minutes of quality cuddle time, they figured they should get back. She buttoned up his shirt and re-knotted his tie.

“Your dad’s watching again,” she said, careful to keep her eyes on his face.

Beck frowned.

“Maybe, this would be a good time for some macho-aggressive man action.”


God, he was so clueless. “Kiss me.”

It took him a second to get what she was going for, but she only got a split second to see the understanding on his face before he pulled her down for a kiss. With one hand fisted in her hair and the other arm gripping her tightly, it must have looked like a very aggressive kiss, though it really wasn’t.

It wasn’t gentle either. It was...confused. He made it look like it was heated, but he was distracted. The kiss was nice and everything, but it wasn’t him.

She stopped moving her lips against his and cupped his face in her hands. “Beck?” She kept her face close enough that their lips brushed when she spoke.

He kept his eyes closed and let out an exhausted sigh.

She slid her arms around his neck, keeping their faces close. “I really think you need to relax. This isn’t that bad, really.”

“Me being here is one thing. But you having to be here and listen to these idiots talk down to’s fucking stupid. I shouldn’t have dragged you into it.”

She couldn’t help but smile. “Is that what you’re worried about? I swear, Beck, this isn’t that bad. I don’t take any of it personally. A lot of the people here believe that success is based on money. I’m honestly not interested in being accepted by any of them. I’m doing this for you and it’s not that bad, I promise.”

“I hate people like this.”

“I can tell, but don’t let it ruin your night. Besides, you’ve got a little fun to look forward to later, right?”

He smiled. “Right.”

“So the sooner we convince these guys, the sooner we can split.”

He nodded. “All right. Let’s get going then.” He stood up and set her on her feet. “It should be easier now. Everyone’s got a drink or two in them, so let’s play some show and tell.”

She grinned and grabbed his hand. Her Beck was back. He led her out the door confidently but just as they were passing the threshold back out into the main room, Beck grabbed her and pushed her against the door jamb.

He kissed her like there was no tomorrow. His hands gripped her body tightly and his legs split her thighs just below the hem of her dress. The kiss left her breathless and when he pulled back she wanted to jump him, but his hands kept her pinned.

He leaned down to speak in her ear. “Let’s see how fast we can get out of here, hm?”

The plan worked, though maybe not as fast as she would have liked. They had another twenty minutes of pretending to be love struck teenagers who couldn’t keep their hands to themselves before they managed to leave. One of the more influential clients had noticed them, and after some looks and comments, he had convinced Beck’s dad that it was his idea for Beck and Carmondy to get a hotel room and ‘do what those young-uns do’.

She was so relieved when they finally got out of that stupid room and made their way to the front desk. Beck had shouldered the small bag that he’d packed after grabbing his wallet out of it.

“I’d like a room,” he told the man at the front desk.

He handed over the credit card and a minute later, they were getting in the elevator, headed for the top floor.

Beck ripped at his tie while the elevator moved, but was too frustrated to be successful, only making it into a knot.

“Here.” She batted at his hands. “Let me do it.”

He dropped his hands and looked up with a grimace on his face, annoyed and irritated, on the verge of being in a very bad mood.

She pulled the tie free. “Why are you so agitated all of a sudden?”

“Because. I just spent the last half an hour, kissing, touching and manhandling you, but haven’t actually been able to do anything about it. I was already feeling sex deprived, and this definitely didn’t help.”

She glanced up at the floor indicator. “Well, if we weren’t almost there, I’d offer you elevator sex.”

He scoffed. “Like you need to offer it. I’m pretty sure I could just pull your dress up and have my way with you.”

Now that was more like the old Beck. “Probably true. So...what? You’re waiting till we get into the room?”

“Yes.” He watched the abnormally slow floor indicator.

“Well, could you be careful? I’d really like this dress not to be ripped. So maybe if I could take it off before you attack? That’d be great.”

“Sure.” He shrugged. “You hungry? I’m hungry.”

“Why didn’t you eat at the party? There was food there.”

“That crap was disgusting.”

She shrugged and the elevator finally dinged, letting them off on their floor. Beck used the key-card to let them in. The room was nice, but she had only a moment to take it in before Beck tossed the bag on the bed and started removing his clothes.

“Take that dress off.”

Her heart sped up a little at the sound of his determination but she managed to slip the zipper down and shimmy out of the dress. She barely managed to drape it over a chair before Beck grabbed her from behind and spun her around to face him.

“Okay, I’ve got a game plan.” He lifted her up and laid her on her back on the cool tabletop. He stood between her legs, gripping her thighs tightly.

“And what’s that?” she asked, stretching her hands above her head, along the table and arching her back, mostly for his benefit.

“First, sex.” He rubbed himself against her. “Then, I’m gonna order pizza. After that, I’m getting in that Jacuzzi until the pizza gets here. Then, I’m going to eat the pizza.”

“Am I invited into any of those steps?”

“The sex? Yep, that’s mandatory. The other stuff is optional, though I wouldn’t mind getting you in the tub also.”

“So, sex. Bath. Pizza.”

“Yep.” He slid his hand farther up the back of the thigh to grab her buttocks. “God. It feels like I’ve been waiting forever to get another taste of this.”

“Then why are you dragging it out?” She pushed her hips against his. “Come on.”

“Eager much?”

“You’re not the only one feeling sex deprived.”

He laughed and leaned down to kiss her soundly. When he pulled back, he was breathless. “I fucking love it when you’re eager. Now if I could only get you to beg.” He looked thoughtful.

She rolled her eyes. “If you don’t do it soon, I’m gonna have to.”

He stood straight and looked down at her for a moment, looking at her body as it stretched over the table.

“Where’s my tie?” he asked.

She frowned. “On the chair with my dress, why?”

He let go of her and stepped away to grab his tie before circling the table to where her hands were gripping the edge.

She looked at him upside down. “What are you—oh.”

He grabbed her wrists and quickly tied them together, using the loose ends of the tie to knot around the table leg. He yanked the knot tight, causing her arms to stretch and effectively keeping her wrists pinned above her head and to the edge of the table.

“All right?” He was asking if everything was cool, if he had permission.

“Yeah.” She shifted on the tabletop, tugging on her wrists a little. The tie held securely though. She wasn’t going anywhere. Perfect. “That’s...awesome. You’re gonna ruin your tie though.”

“I fucking hate that tie.” He came back around. This time he tugged her thong off before wrapping her legs around his hips. He slid one hand under her torso and unsnapped the strapless bra and tossed it aside.

He rubbed his hands up and down her waist and hips. “Fuck. I’ve been shitty with foreplay lately.”

She tried to pull his hips closer with her legs, but he was keeping a safe distance, so he just barely brushed against her. She moaned and wanted to beg him to stop messing around. “I don’t care. Just...we can have post-play, instead, in the bathtub.”

His hand skimmed over her stomach, ribs and chest, pausing to pinch her nipple lightly. He slid his hand between her spread legs and gave her a light pinch there too, making her cry out softly and struggle on the table.

“Calm down,” he teased, trailing his fingers down her hip.

He was teasing her, making her beg for it.

“Please,” she said.

“I’m not sure you mean it. I’m not sure you want it enough.” He moved his hips closer so he could slide himself up and down along the line between her legs, making her moan.

“I mean it. I promise.”

“Prove it.”

She was getting desperate. She couldn’t last much longer. “Anything. I’ll do anything.” She tried again to roll her hips up off the table to get closer to him.

He slid a hand down his own body to wrap his fingers around himself. “Anything?”

“Yes,” she gasped. Watching his hand work back and forth brought her even closer to the edge.

“My own free sex pass?” he asked.

She nodded fervently. “Yes.”

“Anywhere, anytime, any props?”

“Yes. Yes! Jesus Christ. Just do it, please.”

“My pleasure.” He didn’t take his time in finally giving her what she wanted.

She wanted to sigh in relief and scream in pleasure at the same time. She settled for staying quiet and taking him all in.

His hands held her hips in place while his own hips went to work. The pace was rhythmic and not so hard that it shoved her off the other side of the table.

“You’re too relaxed,” he said without pausing. “I’m not doing this right.”

She smiled. “No. It’s not that. You’re doing it per—” She moaned and arched her back off the table when he adjusted his angle. “Perfectly.”

He wasn’t holding her hips any more. He planted his palms on the table beside her, allowing him to go for a more downward motion, but bringing it up as he pulled back. It felt like he was going deeper with each thrust. On the back stroke, he rubbed against her in a way that made her want to cry out each time.

“Oh...fuck.” She moaned and gripped him tightly with her legs.

“That’s what I’m doing, baby,” he said from above her, holding her gaze.

Oh god, why couldn’t he just stick to the nice and relaxing tactic? She wanted to ask him but her heart had started to beat so fast and her breathing was coming so rapidly, she was pretty sure she couldn’t get any comprehensible words out.

His muscular chest was suspended over her, just begging for some nail marks. Lower, she could watch his six-pack flex and unflex with each thrust. Even lower, she could watch as those hip muscles did some serious work. She could never get enough of watching where their bodies met. It was a little startling, but in a good way.

Mostly, it was sexy.

She liked matching the visual with the feeling. It added to the all-around experience. For the first time in her life, she felt a momentary urge to make a sex video. She’d love to watch this over and over again, maybe while practicing some of those nice tactics Beck had taught her in the dressing room. Ooooh, sex in a mirror? Definitely had to do that.

BOOK: Full Court Press
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