Fully Restored (11 page)

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Authors: Delaney Williams

BOOK: Fully Restored
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Chapter Ten


y Friday evening Brock was at the end of his rope with the men mooing at him whenever he was in the shop. Truthfully, I was kinda feeling for the guy. Maybe if he knew what it stood for, and could brag to the men about that, he wouldn’t care about the constant razzing. I was contemplating telling him about the nickname when I heard my dad talking with someone in the kitchen. Since Brock and I were just headed back to the shop for the evening to work on
, I was wearing beat up, holey jeans and an old Led Zeppelin shirt with my chucks. When I walked past the mirror in the hallway, I caught a glimpse of my reflection and it caused me to pause briefly to study it. I hardly recognized the person looking back at me. Was it really possible that just a few weeks ago I wouldn’t have even considered leaving the house without full makeup and some sort of high maintenance outfit? I turned my head this way and that, studying myself. When I looked, really looked, I liked what I saw. My skin was clear and slightly blushed with excitement, knowing Brock was waiting for me. My hair was long and shiny, healthy looking now that I wasn’t styling and teasing it to death on a daily basis. I startled when I heard a noise behind me and looked up to see Brock standing behind me in the mirror.

“Your eyes are what I noticed first. Like a mountain lake, so clear and deep, and unbelievably dark. They are devastating. When you’re angry, they flash like light reflecting off a perfectly cut stone. They can be darker, like when you and I are making love. They become nearly translucent when you are happy, like you are now. Your eyes are the most expressive part of you, they betray your every feeling. All I have to do is look at you to see how the day is going. I know people say eyes are the windows to the soul, but in your eyes, I not only see your soul, but mine as well. I also see how much you have changed lately in your eyes.  I used to see shadows, even in the happiness, in your eyes. Like ghosts, there even when you were trying to be happy. I am happy to see those ghosts leaving.”

He spun me around and gently cupped my face, tilting it up to him, forcing me to look into his eyes. My breathing stuttered, my heart beating erratically. He held me gently, staring into my eyes as if to chase the ghosts off for one final, permanent time.

“Your eyes tell me everything. And I feel the same baby. Falling. Falling hard. These eyes are so striking and they are mine. They see only me. Just as mine see only you baby.”

He spoke in a hushed tone, as if speaking louder would shatter the moment. His thumb traced my cheek, gently wiping away a tear that had fallen there. This man, his words broke me down and built me up at the same time. I was a different person now than I was just weeks before.

Brock leaned down and kissed me gently, consuming me. I didn’t need air, I needed him. He breathed and I lived.

I heard a chair scrape across the floor somewhere else in the house and remembered that we weren’t alone and reluctantly pulled back from the kiss. Still looking up at him, I smiled, “Thank you.”

How did one respond to words like that? They didn’t. They simply accepted the words as truth because the speaker wouldn’t have it any other way.

Brock smiled and let go of my face, “So, ready to get dirty? We have a threesome to get to…
needs her engine” The constant smirk, that only a man confident in himself could wear without seeming like a jerk, was back on his face. Our tender moment was over for now.

I nodded, “Let’s do this.” 

I took the hand he offered and we walked together to the door, with me yelling out a quick goodbye to my dad. When I saw him in the kitchen I could have sworn there were tear tracks down his dirty, grease covered face.


’s engine was hanging over the empty compartment by a winch when Brock yelled out “Ready?”

I leaned over to double check that it was lined up correctly, as I didn’t want to have to re-do this maneuver again. Getting the engine in was one of the hardest parts of this whole restoration process. We had easily rebuilt the engine on its own, letting it sit on the floor of the shop as we worked. It was easy to reach all the parts and fix anything when it was there. Once it was in, things got immensely more complicated. Parts that used to be within arms-reach would now be nearly impossible to get at. This needed to go smoothly.

Satisfied with the placement I gave Brock the thumbs up and he slowly lowered the engine into place, with me guiding it as at went. After about 30 minutes of stopping and starting we finally got it in and placed. I stood back from the engine with my arms crossed wearing a huge smile. There was nothing more satisfying to me than taking an old car and returning it to its former beauty. Maybe it was because I felt a sense of connection to that process. My past, with the bullying and cutting, even with my hospitalizations, had left me feeling like an old, beat up car. Brock was slowly restoring me to my former self, letting beauty come back to my life.

Brock walked up next to me with a beer, handing me one as well.

“She’s lookin’ good Teag, you do great work you know. Your dad’s lucky you’re willing to work with him rather than open a shop of your own. The competition wouldn’t be fair. You’re work knocks everyone else around here out of the running.
is going to be one hot ride.”

I knew this. I was planning on it. When I took her out to the tracks to race, I was hoping that people would want their work done like hers. I hoped that my dad would let me stop doing routine car maintenance work and focus purely on the restoration aspect of the shop. In truth,
was my final test, showing my dad, hell everyone in town, what I was capable of.

Taking my beer to the break room, I snagged a piece of cold pizza before collapsing on the beat up couch with a happy sigh. Brock settled in next to me and pulled me into his side. We sat like that, in the quiet, drinking our beers and eating cold pizza, simply enjoying each other’s company.

Soon enough it was past midnight and I was jostled as Brock lifted me in his arms.

“Time for sleep babe. We’re goin’ to my house for the night, I need you in my arms”

I was too tired to argue, not that I would, I wanted to sleep in his arms just as much as he wanted me in them. I felt him place me in the seat of the truck and lean across me to buckle me in. The next thing I knew, he was laying me in his bed and pulling the covers over me as he settled in behind me for the night. I could feel his skin on mine. Somehow he had undressed me without waking me. Snuggling back into him and relishing the warmth his body created, I drifted back to sleep, falling over the edge to my dreams just like my heart was falling into Brock’s.


Waking up with Teagan in my arms, her body warm and lax pressed against mine, was heaven. I don’t think that even if I had this every day for the rest of my life it would be enough. I would never get enough of her.

I studied her face, listened to her even breathing. This woman, in a very short period of time, had come to mean everything to me. The fact that at some point in the future she could very possibly walk away from me, terrified me. I wanted to keep living like this, in this world where Teagan trusted me and looked to me for support. Where she smiled when I gave her compliments and blushed at my dirty talk.

Last night had been a turning point. Last night Teagan had seen herself for who she really was, not the person she thought she was. She was becoming stronger and more secure every day and I would like to think that it is due to me but really, though I may have been a catalyst in her growth, I think it would have happened eventually no matter what. From what I knew of Meghan, the few times we had spoken and hung out at the shop, she fully supports Teag as much as I do. I get the feeling she was getting fed up with her best friend’s attempt to hide herself behind an ever-changing cast of characters, the pinup girl, the garage girl, the bookworm, the metal head. Never just Teagan.

Last week Meghan had stopped by the shop to see Teag about their plans for today, and while she was waiting, I had the chance to get to know more about the woman I was pretty sure I was head over heels for. According to Meghan, the stuff that Teagan had shared with me didn’t even scratch the surface. Teagan had told me about her battle with cutting, and depression, but Meghan said it was so much more. After a near suicide attempt, Teagan had been institutionalized for nearly 6 months, coming home a shadow of her former self. That was when she began to be someone else. It was as if she decided that the real Teagan
died in that attempt and a new Teagan had taken her place. This Teagan was completely different. Old Teagan was jeans, t-shirts and chucks. New Teagan was corsets, sky high heels, and painted on face. Painted on smile. Painted on life.

The woman sleeping soundly in my arms was finally coming into her own and that made me damn proud. She was an amazingly strong woman, the strength at her core more than anyone I had met. I leaned over her and ran my nose along her neck, smelling her sweet scent. I gently nipped her earlobe and kissed down her shoulder, dragging the sheets down with me as I went
This was another major bonus to waking up with a hot, naked woman in my bed. Easy access to amazing morning sex.

I continued kissing and licking my way down her body, stopping when I got to her amazing tits. God I loved her breasts. They were absolutely perfect, with light blush colored nipples. They looked like rose quartz. That perfect light pink that made my mouth water at the sight. Her nipples had pebbled and were standing tall like beacons, pulling me in for a taste.

I pulled one hard nipple in my mouth and sucked, hard. Teagan moaned and her back arched, pushing her further into my mouth, but she didn’t wake. I nipped and sucked on one breast until it was marked by my ministrations before moving on to give equal attention to its twin. I pushed both breasts together and put my face in the middle, enjoying the softness. I know some men are breast men, some are ass, some legs, I used to think I was an ass man personally, but since I started sleeping with Teagan, I was an everything Teagan man. There wasn’t a part of her body that didn’t bring me to my knees with a raging erection.

I kissed around her bellybutton, darting my tongue in and out, generally making her wet with my kisses.  Feeling frisky and wanting to see how much I could get away with before she woke up, I bit her hip bone. She yelped and her eyes snapped open.

“What are you doing? What was that? I think something bit me!” she rushed out in one long breath. I chuckled and went back to my mission, this time dragging the blankets all the way off her and positioning myself between her open thighs.


I didn’t answer, just looked up into her jade eyes and winked before running my nose down her wet snatch. Damn her scent was amazing. Musky, womanly, all Teagan. All mine. Made my mouth water just thinking of it.

I sank down further on the bed and ran my fingers down her creamy thighs. With her natural red hair, her skin coloring was exquisitely pale. Every drag of my fingers and nip of my teeth caused her skin to blush into different shades of pink. I loved being able to mark her so easily, it pleased the caveman in me.
. Her legs were covered in goosebumps and she was rocking her hips, trying to get my face where she wanted it. I loved that she was willing to take what she needed from me.

I hooked her thighs over my shoulders, using my broadness to open her further for me. God, she was glistening with moisture. Like a man starved, I licked and sucked her clit with fervor. She thrashed and groaned on the bed.

“Oh God Brock…don’t stop. Don’t stop. Please more.”

An unending litany of phrases was tumbling from her lips. She was begging, pleading for me to give her what her body wanted so badly. I used my tongue to fuck her, loving the more intense taste of her inside.

“Moremoremoremore…. Please. Umph, God, fuck me Brock, fuck me!”

I loved when she lost control and began to speak dirty to me. I added my fingers to my efforts, focusing in on her g-spot. When I felt the slightly spongy spot inside of her, I attacked. I sucked her clit hard into my mouth, biting it, while at the same time tagging her g-spot over and over with hard fast fucks. Adding two more, I fingered her furiously, driving her relentlessly towards her orgasm.

Her legs seized up around my head and her fingers, wrapped in my hair, pulled me hard into her. Her body bowed off the bed, arching beautifully, reaching for her orgasm. She was devastating when she came. And come she did. Hard. Her thighs shook on my shoulders, vibrating down my spine. Her cries echoed around the room.

Peeling her legs off of me, I reached for the night stand drawer and tagged a condom. Ripping it open, I quickly rolled it down my length. Teagan opened her eyes and they widened appreciatively. She liked what she saw. Wanting to give her more, I stopped and stroked myself a few times, giving a good twist at the top of each stroke. My head went back in pleasure and I groaned. Fuck. Even my hand felt better when Teagan was involved.

“Brock. Need you. Now. Need you inside me. Fucking me. Claiming me. Make me yours Brock. Ruin me.”

Goddamn those words. Ruin her. I hoped to fucking hell she was ruined for other men. There would never
other men. She was mine. I reached down and snagged her limp body and flipped her over as I went down, placing her on my lap. Looking up into her perfect face, her amazing, soulful eyes and lush breasts, I let her lead. The last few times I had taken, and she gave, this time I wanted her to do the taking. I wanted her to take me, claim me. I wanted to give her everything I was. I hoped she could see that.

She reached down and positioned me at her entrance and slowly lowered herself onto me. So fucking tight and hot. Heaven.

“Babe, it’s not me doing the ruining. It’s you. You’ve ruined me, claimed me. Take me babe. Fuck me. Mark me.”

When I said that her eyes flared. She liked that. She slammed down on me, taking all of me, and we both moaned in bliss. There was nothing like this. There never would be. Fucking Teagan was it for me. I was intoxicated by her. Delirious with want. With need. Teagan rocked her hips furiously, fucking herself on me, taking from me. She leaned forward and kissed me, biting my lips and pulling my tongue into her mouth. Our teeth clashed and breaths mingled. I breathed in her air, she breathed out mine. One body. One soul.

Breaking off the kiss she bent further and licked my shoulder before biting me, hard. Fuuuuuuccckkkk. My hips snapped up into her causing us both to shout. She marked me. Claimed me just like I asked. So hot. So mine. She continued to suck at the spot she had bitten, drawing more and more curses and incoherent sounds out of me. This woman was my undoing. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

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