Fully Restored (8 page)

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Authors: Delaney Williams

BOOK: Fully Restored
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“You drunk Teag?”

Was I drunk? Really? Again the giggles, “Yesssssss”

Brock made a hmmm sound. I didn’t know if that was good or bad. “I’ll be there in ten. Until then, you sit and drink an entire glass of water. Hear me?”

Bossy…. I liked it. My body lit up with want. “Yes Brock.” Wow, that sounded breathy
drunk. Who knew I could do that? Shit, I was gonna have the giggles again. Brock hung up and I looked at Meghan.

“Brock says he’ll be here in ten and we need to drink water.” At least, I tried saying that to her. Even I could hear how slurred it sounded and being that I was seeing three of Meghan, I wasn’t sure if I told the correct one. The bartender must have understood though because in no time two waters were in front of us and we were downing them.

We finished off the water and went to the dance floor, wobbling the whole way, to dance until Brock got there. I had my hands above my head and was moving slowly to the song when I felt a set of strong hands encircle my waist. Then I smelled him. It was Brock. He held me a little and we swayed together, the best I could do with how drunk I was. He leaned in and licked up my neck, biting my earlobe. “Gotta get you home before I take you here on the floor.”

Oh! But that sounded good to me. I pushed back into his obvious erection and he moaned. “No. Not here. I don’t share.” He was practically growling.

“Okay,” I breathed, unable to think over the fog of lust and alcohol I was stuck in. 

Brock took my hand and led me off the floor, placing me in a chair. “Stay. I need to get Meghan.” I nodded drunkenly. I couldn’t stand on my own anyway. A few moments later Brock came back through the crowd with a very drunk Meghan in his arms.

“I’m gonna go put her in the truck and be right back for you. Do. Not. Move.”

Again with the growling. I pouted. Brock’s eyebrow raised like
you want to challenge me?
I shook my head no. He nodded and took off with Meghan. Next thing I knew I was being carried to the truck myself. I must have passed out. Oops. Brock gently placed me in the truck and I looked over the seat to see Meghan passed out and snoring in the back. I giggled.

“You see something funny Doll?”

“She’s snoring.”

“You were too. I think the whole place heard you snore.”

OMG. Please tell me that wasn’t the truth. I looked at Brock, or all the Brocks driving, and stuttered, “Nnooo!!”

He laughed. “Don’t worry. The music is way too loud for anyone to have heard.”

Fucker. He started the car and I rolled down my window to get fresh air. My stomach was starting to revolt. If the sounds Meghan was making in the back were any indication, she was about to have problems as well.

Brock turned to me, “I’m gonna get Meghan to her home and then you are coming with me.” I just nodded. I felt too sick to argue. I closed my eyes and let the world spin around me. I was going to be so sick. I just hoped I made it home.

Shortly I felt the truck stop and Brock opened the door to get Meghan out. She moaned but didn’t put up much effort. Brock had to carry her to the door and riffle through her purse to find the keys. After a few attempts with the keys, he got in.  He was inside for a few moments before he came back out and started the car.

“Who’s Justin?” he asked.

“He’s her sorta boyfriend,” I mumbled, almost incoherently.

“Good. He’s on his way over to take care of her.”

My eyes went wide. I didn’t know if that was a good thing. But she needed someone, right? I guess I would find out tomorrow. If anything, maybe they would be forced to deal with their issues, whatever they were.

Brock drove us silently back to his house, with me trying to keep my stomach together. When he pulled into his driveway, I opened the door in a panic. I was going to lose it. Brock scrambled to get around to me. He picked me up and ran in to the house. He either never locked it, or left in such a hurry he didn’t have time to lock up.

Holding me like a baby, he rushed me to the bathroom where I immediately began to vomit up all the alcohol from the night.  So pretty. Brock stayed with me, holding my hair out of the way and handing me cool, wet washcloths for my face. Eventually, what felt like hours later, the vomiting stopped and he led me to the sink where he washed my face and helped me brush my teeth with a travel toothbrush from a Marriot. Why I noticed that was beyond me. Alcohol eyes. After gently cleaning and undressing me, he pulled a soft t-shirt over my head and led me to the bed where he gently placed me on it and fell down next to me.

I felt his fingertips tracing my face before I finally passed out.

Chapter Seven


eagan was passed out cold in my bed and as annoyed by her behavior as I was, I couldn’t help but smile. I loved that she turned to me when she needed help. I lay in bed stroking and memorizing her face for a while before I got up and changed for bed. I decided against sleeping nude, just in case I needed to rush her to the bathroom again during the night. After cleaning up the bathroom some, and getting myself ready for bed, again, I crawled into bed and pulled the covers over us. Smiling at the fact that Teagan was in my room, in my bed, waiting for me. With that thought in my head, and warmth in my heart, I pulled her sleeping form into mine, feeling her curves mold to me, and quickly fell asleep, happy.


I woke up to hear Teagan in the bathroom moaning. I smiled, even sick I liked waking up to her. Getting out of the bed, I went to get her a glass of water and some Advil before finding her laying on the floor of the bathroom.

“Shoot me now,” she murmured.

I chuckled, trying to be quiet for her, but the look on her face was priceless. “How was your night?” I asked as I handed her the water and medicine.

She eyeballed me, “It was great, until it wasn’t. I’m never drinking again. Thank you for rescuing me and dealing with me while I was sick. Thank you for continuing to take care of me this morning. You so don’t have to. I deserve to suffer the consequences of my night.”

I laughed. It was funny. Suffer the consequences. “Melodramatic much Teag?”

She gave me an angry face, then breathed deep, letting the anger go. “Seriously Brock, thank you.”

“Teagan, you’re mine. I take care of what is mine. Always.” I told her.

She moved to sitting and leaned against the tub. “Still, we just started being us, and I throw this at you. You could have been busy or asleep or said no. I would have understood.”

I moved in front of her and crouched down to her level, holding her face in my hands, “Teagan, when I said we were doing this, I meant it. That means I take care of you and you take care of me. Okay? There isn’t an ‘except for’ clause in this relationship.”  I stood and grabbed another washcloth from the cabinet and wet it. Bending down again I ran the cool cloth over her face and neck. She groaned. “Babe, you feelin’ me now? You see how this is going to go now?”

She nodded her head and looked up. “Thank you.”

I reached my hand out for her to take and pulled her to her feet and into me. Holding her close I felt her arms go around me and squeeze. My heart was full, content. I kissed the top of her head then looked down at her. “Feelings for the day? I had plans but we can change them if you want to stay here in bed.”

Teagan looked up and thought for a moment, “I think I’ll be fine once I get some more water and a little food into me. What are these ‘plans’ you have?”

I led her to the bed and pulled her into my arms to hold her close while I told her my plans. I had a feeling she would freak and I would need to convince her to do this with me. If I was holding her, it gave me the advantage of using my body against her.  “Okay, so since
is off to get painted, I figured we have all of today and Sunday together and I want it to be something special. I want us to spend time really getting to know each other. What makes us tick, who we are, our pasts and how we see our future. So I booked a little cabin up in Breckenridge for the weekend. It’s ours if we want it. Do you? Are you willing to come with me, let us learn more about our lives?” I looked at Teagan, her face was shuttered.

“Brock, I want to go, I want to spend time with you. But I need you to know that I may only be able to let you in in increments.”

“Babe, I will take whatever you give me. Can I take you home to your house to pack up clothes for the weekend? Will you come?” I was desperate.

Taking a deep breath she answered, “For you Brock, I will. Let’s go so I can pack and we can have a weekend together in the mountains.” She smiled as she said this. I think I was okay.


I followed her home so she could pack a small weekend bag. In the end I think she just threw her underwear drawer and her getting ready stuff in, finally adding some long sleeved Henley’s and tight jeans. She dove into the closet looking for the right shoes and came out with her Uggs and a pair of sturdy walking boots. Once she was packed, I took her bags to the truck while she went to shower the booze off and get dressed. By the time I had returned from loading her stuff, as well as hitting the corner store for all our supplies, she was finishing her makeup up. She walked out of the front door going for the truck. It was rather entertaining, watching her hips sway furiously as she walked to the truck cab. Then she stood there. And waited, for me to come and open her door like I always do and I still did. When I had her up in the seat, my height, I ran my nose along hers, breathing in the sweet scent that was her. I kissed her gently and shut the door. Something had changed while I was at the store. I knew she was struggling with our relationship, with trusting me and feeling like she could let me in. I could hear little sniffles coming from her as we drove... I need to figure out why. With the cab in silence, other than her sniffles, I drove us up the mountain to Breckenridge.


I was so hungover. My stomach was having serious issues and I was really rethinking this drive. The hangover wasn’t helping me keep a level head. Brock was really taking this relationship seriously. Having never had someone like him in my life, this whole series of events was turning my world upside down. Everything I thought I knew about myself was being slowly dismantled. While getting ready, my mind used the time to wander and reevaluate my world as I knew it. I felt raw. Normal people don’t have problems with a weekend trip to the mountain with their lover. Normal people. This line of thought only confirmed what I already knew, I wasn’t normal. I sniffed again and noticed Brock watching me out of the corner of his eye as he drove.

His words, the words he used, were proving lethal to my walls. I was wanting, no wishing, for them to just fall down and trust, but I couldn’t, not yet. I needed more time, more knowledge, more past. And he deserved to know mine. Hopefully this weekend would be a turning point. The more we drove the more I reminisced. These weren’t good memories. The closer we got to Breck the more panicky I became. I was a mess. He was not going to like who I was in my past and he would want to leave me, I could feel it. He still deserved to know though, so I needed to toughen up and give him my truth. Holding my head up, I knew what I was going to do. I just hoped we could still be together after both of us cleared our consciences.

He finally stopped the car and looked wildly around at the place we would be staying. It was a small log cabin, perfect for two people. Brock told me to stay in the cab while he checked out the inside and I was very okay with that. He was only gone a short time before he returned with a smile on his face and he opened my door, lifted me down, and kissed me hard. This was a claiming kiss. He was proving I was his. He looked up, “Babe, we’ve got electricity, water, a big bed, a fireplace for heat, a stove and refrigerator, everything we need for today and tomorrow. Let’s get unloaded and get inside. He put me on my feet and started handing me stuff he was pulling from the truck bed. I took in bag after bag of groceries to the small closet pantry. I also took all our clothing to the bedroom and placed it into the drawers. It was amazing, sharing drawers with Brock. My heart liked the feeling it gave me. Brock had finished unloading the rest of the gear while I checked out the bathroom and shower.

When I finally found Brock looking out of the back windows to an amazing field full of flowers I knew he wanted to go there. So, grabbing his hand, I pulled him outside and we walked together. I looked up and found we were in the middle of a field of wild grasses and flowers. It was beautiful and I was stunned beyond words. “Wow Brock, this is amazing!” I was struggling with finding words to express how amazing this field truly was.

“Brock, I’ve lived here my whole life and never seen this spot. In my youth I would have done anything to find it.” It was so amazingly peaceful – a respite from reality, something that I was currently in need of but something most definitely needed in my teenage years. A place like this may have made a difference. The solitude and beauty, pureness and simplicity. Maybe it would have helped to reach me. Maybe.


Brock sat in the field and let me be. He didn’t push me to tell or try to get something to fix. He silently reached over and moved me into his lap, where I immediately curled up and felt the relief of just having his arms and scent around me. When I was relaxed enough I began to speak, I figured I would go first so that maybe Brock would feel sharing his story, beyond what he already shared. I hoped. But, being Brock, he out planned me and went first anyway. I had to smile about this.

Brock started, “This spot- this was my troubled years and after prison spot. It was where I came to unwind and let off steam. I think I had a punching bag hanging from that tree at one point.” He pointed to a tall aspen. “I had a lot of anger to burn and I burnt bright and wrong for the longest time. I hurt myself and I hurt others just to feel for one moment. Hurting enough that eventually it would burn down and I would be less angry.

“It didn’t start here though. No, luck and a nice old man happened first.  So, one day, this old man finds me in an ally in LoDo punching walls. He convinced me that he wouldn’t turn me in if I would just follow him someplace. Not wanting another record, I followed him thinking at least I could take him if it came to that. But he brought me here and hung a bag that had to have been even older than him. He taught me to wrap my hands and punch correctly and we worked my anger out here. Even after I got out of prison, he was here, with that bag, waiting. So this is my place, and I am sharing it with you. Instead of a place to take out my anger, we’re gonna give it a good memory. I brought us a picnic.”

His smile is so big it could be seen from the moon he is so proud. Memories of lookout point have been wiped away and we are at a clean start for both of us.

“It’s perfect Brock. I love it. And thank you for sharing something so special with me. My youth was…troubled too, I didn’t have anger in the same way you did. I was angry, yes, very. But at myself. This piece of solitude could have saved a lot of trouble; but, that’s water under the bridge and we are older and wiser and we’re gonna have a beautiful picnic with amazing company, right?” I winked. He smiled.

“Amazingly beautiful company.” He countered.

I blushed and he stood to walk to the truck bed where he got out a large ice cooler and a bag. Smiling he brings both items back over to where I was sitting and started to unload them. We were so near a stream that I stood while he was organizing to paddle my feet in the cool water. It was amazing. It reminded me of being a child, sitting with my feet in the river with not a care in the world; running through a wheat field and feeling the sheaths run through my fingers like the water through my toes. This was peace. It was more freeing than ever. Why was it that everything I did with Brock lately was so freeing? How was he capable of doing what years of therapy and medication after medication have not been able to do? For days now, I have not put on armor. I have no ‘full’ makeup, only the simple lip gloss I used. I have no corset to hide my real self (I like to tell myself I’m waist training but my mind knows the truth). I’m just me in jeans and his t-shirt, in a field, holding his hand, laughing and smiling, being happy. What has this man done to me and how?

When I finally tire of exploring I dry off my feet and return to where Brock has carefully laid out a blanket and we settled in for a simple lunch made by a man who wanted to impress his woman. Sandwiches. At least they had cheese with the meat. I teased him for a while about his culinary skills until he threw the gauntlet down and challenged me to cook him dinner tonight. Dumb shit that I am around him, I so should have seen that coming. I had to brag about my cooking. Well, I could brag. My cooking was stellar; in my troubled years, I cooked to escape since I was missing a place like this.

I look at him, “If you wanted me to cook you dinner Brock, all you had to do is ask. You know I couldn’t say no to you. But on that, my culinary skills are amazing and I will blow your socks off. Where you had this field to release your anger, I had to turn inward. For a while I cut. I cut myself on my inner thighs and arms where no one would notice. Then I started cooking and transferred that pain to the food and made something beautiful out of it. It was one of my many therapist’s suggestions. And it worked, so be prepared Brock Scott. I will cook you the dinner of your dreams.” I laughed as I let that go.

He, however, did not. Let it go, that is. He was back on the cutting. “You cut yourself? Is that what you are hiding behind that mask of yours? That you cut to escape the pain? And that you had therapy? Baby, that better not be the reason you hide from everyone, because everyone experiences pain and how you deal with it- my fighting, your cutting- is your own business. I don’t care that you did that. I am just glad you got some help and I get to reap these so called benefits for dinner tonight…” he smirked, somehow turning a very serious conversation into a light one in one small movement. He was talented like that. Always taking the serious and easily turning it into something light that we could move on from if I chose. He was giving me the time I needed to get to the place to let him in, and I couldn’t have appreciated that more.

“One thing Brock, I cut because I was bullied in school. There was this boy. Yeah. Anyways, I was told to kill myself. That life would be better if I did. I was called fat. I was kicked at and spat on. Girls pulled my hair and pushed me down, boys kicked the books away or locked me in lockers. I was a weirdo. I didn’t fit in. People made fun of my looks and my actions. Those people, those boys and girls, are why I cut and why I transformed myself into the pinup beauty, my mask, as you call it.”

Brock looked stunned. He got up and paced back and forth by the river for a bit. His hands were clenching and unclenching in fists and the anger in his eyes was stunning. Finally, after a good ten minutes of this, he stopped and shook his head and then came over to hold me. “It’s in the past babe. We’re together and we know our bad sides. We have nowhere to go but up from here, right?” His eyes looked a little worried and I hated that I put that fear in him. I reached up and kissed him, allowing him to take control and the kiss quickly became all consuming. Life affirming. Just what we needed to move on.

I threw our leftover lunch remains in the bag he had brought and rolled over onto his lap, sitting facing him, legs around his back, and kissed him like he was the air I needed to breathe. I kissed him until we had rolled flat on our backs and he had my pants down around my ankles without me even knowing it. He smiled as he kissed his way down my body, stopping to tease my nipples until they could cut diamonds and I was about to come just from that. Smirking, he kissed my belly button before moving down to my pussy. He growled in need as he lifted my thighs over his shoulders and leaned down to kiss me. I was so ready that one kiss nearly shattered me. Brock saw that and pulled back, eating my lips and fucking me with his amazing tongue. He only returned to my clit rarely, giving me just enough to get there but pulling back before I actually did.

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