G-Men: The Series (119 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

BOOK: G-Men: The Series
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I was exhausted once I got back to D.C. I didn’t even care to discuss with Eli the details of the drama that had unfolded over my long weekend in London. I gave him short to the point ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers to his questions.

“Hey, uhh…Darce?” I heard Eli say, as I was flipping through channels, taking all of my passive aggression out on the T.V. remote.

“Yeah,” I responded, distracted by a reality show where people were secretly using their neighbors clothes to make quilts.
Okay, really?
I sighed, and began shuffling through channels quickly again.

I then felt Eli’s hands as he swiftly grabbed the remote from me. “Okay. You don’t want to talk about how you came back from London, apparently with this new hobby of trying to suck the positive energy out of every room you walk into? That’s fine. But for the love of
, don’t take it out on the remote.” He held it up in front of him. “It’s pretty. And I like it.”

“It’s like this,” I said with a sigh, “Easton Matthews isn’t a person I care to have mentoring me, or fucking me, for that matter. I guess I had my eyes wide open just as you advised I should and I didn’t like what I saw.”

“So, what happens now?” he asked, a frown creasing his forehead.

“I find another job because I’m pretty sure I’m fired.”

“He fired you?”

“Not officially,” I shrugged, heading up the stairs to my room. “But, I defied him, so it’s imminent, I’m sure. I don’t want to show up tomorrow and have it made official with an audience, that’s for damn sure.”

“Does your dad know about any of this?” he asked.

“Hardly. He and Mom are still on their cruise. They won’t be back for a couple of weeks yet. It doesn’t matter anyway. My father doesn’t have controlling interest in his company anymore. It’s Easton’s company, for all intents and purposes. I’m beat. See you when you get home from work tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry, Darce,” he called up after me. “It’ll work out.”

I crawled into my bed, exhausted, wanting nothing more than to put all thoughts and memories of Easton Matthews out of my mind for the moment and maybe even forever.

The rest of the week went by swiftly. I was busy registering with employment agencies and recruiters, though my brief stint at Sheridan & Associates, n.k.a. Baronton-Sheridan caused more problems being on my resume than if I’d left it off. The recruiters wanted to know why I’d left. I was reluctant to tell them I was fired for insubordination, so I simply stated there were ‘creative differences.’

It didn’t matter. I was still considered unskilled labor.

Eli said neither Colin nor Easton had been at the site all week. Apparently, Lacee was holding the fort down with the rest of the Baronton transition team this week.

Lovely. I wonder what the fuck she’s been told.

On Friday morning, I received a phone call from Colin. He was still in London and wanted to know why I’d been a no-show at work all week. Lacee had apparently contacted him.

“Didn’t Easton tell you?” I asked, puzzled.

“Tell me what?” he asked.

Yeah, right.

“I’m pretty sure I’ve been terminated, Colin. I refused to be a part of terminating Devon Roberts and declined to make the trip to Leeds with Easton. Haven’t you talked to him?”

“Yes, briefly, several times, though he said nothing to me about your termination. I think perhaps you’ve jumped to a conclusion prematurely. Easton’s in France at the moment, but he’ll be back in D.C. this weekend. He’s assigned me to the Leeds facility for the next couple of months. He’s returning to Baronton-Sheridan to take over again until I’m freed up or he’s assigned a new GM in D.C. Do you plan to go back to work?”

Holy shit! Easton must’ve gone ahead and fired Devon. Bastard.

“I’m not sure, Colin. I may not be cut out for a leadership career. At the very least, I’m pretty sure I’m not cut out to be cut-throat and ruthless.”

I could hear Colin’s chuckle on the other end. “Well, now that’s certainly your decision to make, but the right thing for you to do is to at least go into the office on Monday and approach Easton with your concerns. If you decide to resign, then don’t you agree that it should be done in a mature and professional manner?”

“I guess so,” I replied, not looking forward to having to face Easton again.

“Splendid,” he replied. “I’ll let Easton know you’ll be in on Monday and that you have some issues to discuss. Oh, and Ronnie sends her regards.”

“Yeah, thanks. Give Ronnie my best.”

I’m definitely not looking forward to Monday.

chapter 32

I was sitting on the other side of Easton’s massive desk, feeling his cool gray eyes boring into me with dissatisfaction. He was waiting for an explanation. There was dead silence at the moment. His hands were steepled under his chin as he continued to give me his steely stare.

“I don’t know what you want me to say, Easton. I told you last week I wanted no part of whatever disciplinary action you planned on unleashing at the Leeds facility. I made that decision. I don’t regret making that decision, and if I had it to do over again, I wouldn’t do anything differently. So, I guess if you want to fire me, go for it.”

He stood up and in three angry strides was in front of my chair, glaring down at me.

“We have a problem, Ms. Sheridan,” he sneered. “I’m contractually bound to mentor and see to it that you’re brought to your full potential as a manager and leader. This involves doing things that are sometimes difficult and unpleasant. You flatly refused to do something that was required of you last week. You defied my instructions and then left London before you were supposed to leave. Additionally, you chose not to show up for work here the rest of the week, not bothering to call Colin or myself to explain your rationale for that. That shows a lack of professionalism and maturity. Bundle it all together and it’s pure insubordination and defiance. I don’t tolerate that with anyone.”

I didn’t like that he was staring down at me. It served to make me feel that much more subservient, and gave him even more empowerment which, of course, is what he relished. I stood up, crossing my arms, and stared up into his eyes with my own.

“Too bad I wasn’t on maternity leave. You could’ve used
excuse to fire me,” I told him with a smile.

I seriously think I saw his jaw clench. But that didn’t stop me from continuing because I damn sure had a point to drive home.

“Doing things that are difficult and unpleasant? Is that what you just said to me? I don’t think you find that sort of thing unpleasant at all. I think you enjoy doling out punishment, in particular, punishing
. I think it gives you extreme pleasure and gratification,” I said to him cockily, watching his eyes darken in anger.

“Oh really?” he asked, quirking a brow, “and what do you base this conjecture on, might I ask?”

“On my observations of you in action,” I replied casually.

“Indeed,” he quipped, a half-smile, half-sneer gracing his lips.

“Uh huh,” I replied, saucily. “I’ve seen it in how you handle employees and how you handle bedmates. Trust me; I don’t think my father had any clue about the type of
you had in mind when you negotiated this merger with him.”

I’m just daring him to fire my ass!

I knew immediately I’d hit a nerve when I saw his eyes darken. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone as far as I had, but he needed to know I knew what he was about. I knew he wanted me at Baronton-Sheridan. I also knew he wanted me in the sack again. Apart from those two things, I had no doubt he needed to punish me for my refusal to carry out a direct order. I’d been insubordinate and there was no way in hell he’d let that go unpunished.

“You present quite a challenge here. I’m bound to fulfill my part of the agreement, yet I simply cannot make exceptions, even for you, when you so flagrantly disregard my instructions and behave insubordinately to a superior. Disciplinary action up to and including termination is standard recourse. I’ve not decided exactly what course of action to take with you at the moment. I’ve decided it requires more consideration. In the meantime, you are to resume your normal duties. I’ll get back with you once I’ve made my decision as to what’s appropriate disciplinary action.”

That’s it?

“That’s it?”

“For now,” he stated, “you may get back to work. You’ve got quite a backlog waiting.”

He turned from me and I knew I was dismissed. I left his office, feeling both relieved and apprehensive. I was spared the humiliation of being fired from my father’s own company, yet now I was forced to stress over what his final decision would be on the disciplinary action that was under consideration. I guess I’d simply have to sweat it out and hope for the best.

True to his word, I had a helluva backlog to work on and was thankful because it kept me busy. It also kept me from stewing over what he might have in store for me and it made the day pass quickly.

Eli stopped by my office around lunch time, asking if I wanted to grab a burger with him. I peered up at him over the stacks of correspondence, invoices and expense reports needing Easton’s signature and shook my head.

“Can’t,” I said. “I’m swamped, so I’m working through lunch today.”

“So, at least you’ve still got your job, right?”

“For now,” I whispered, nodding towards Easton’s open office door. “Not sure what my punishment’s going to be. He hasn’t decided yet.”

“Uh huh,” Eli replied, rolling his eyes, “Bet you’ll need two inflatable donuts when he’s finished doling it out.”

“Shhhh,” I hissed, shooing him away. “We’ll talk later,” I whispered. “I don’t need to make him any more pissed than he already is.”

“Kay-kay—see ya at the crib later.”

Thirty seconds after Eli had departed, Lacee came into my office. She plopped down on one of the visitor chairs, crossing her legs. The tiny, tight skirt she’d worn barely covered the top of her thighs. She looked as if she’d taken extra pains with her hair and make-up today. Was she trying to get me to notice how enticing she presumed she was?

“May I help you?” I asked, looking up from my computer to see what the hell she wanted.

She glanced at her watch. “No, I’m a couple of minutes early. I’ll just chill here for a minute.”

Why don’t you chill like, oh maybe somewhere in ALASKA?

I glanced at Easton’s schedule and he didn’t have her set up for any meetings today. Just as I was about to open my mouth to ask her the reason for her chill stop in my particular office, Easton came through the doorway.

“Ready?” he asked, presenting her with his award-winning smile.”

“Yep,” she answered, smiling adoringly back at him.

“Darcy—cover my calls, please. My mobile’s going to be off during lunch.”

I looked quickly over at Lacee and saw the smug grin on her face right before she turned and followed Easton down the hall towards the lobby.

Fucking son-of-a-bitch, man-whore, shit-stain, ass-hat!

I felt my cheeks burning with anger at the obvious implications of their “lunch date.”

Lunch date? Hah! I hoped Lacee took her own advice and had a supply of disposable douches handy, so the rest of us wouldn’t be exposed to the smell of sex all fucking afternoon!

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