An Unfinished Life

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

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BOOK: An Unfinished Life
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An Unfinished Life

Copyright © 2015 Mary A. Wasowski

Cover Design by Mindy Guerreiros

Editing by Joe Marron

Formatting by JT Formatting


All rights reserved.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products, bands, and/or restaurants referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


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This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.







This book is for the readers. Thank you, from my heart.


Title Page

Note from the Author

Part One – Jacob

Chapter One – Coming up for air…

Chapter Two – Briefing…

Chapter Three – Backed against the wall…

Chapter Four – The devil behind the shield…

Chapter Five – The beauty returns…

Chapter Six – Game on…

Chapter Seven – More than meets the eye…

Chapter Eight – Bad timing…

Chapter Nine – Hello…goodbye

Chapter Ten – Don’t believe everything you hear…

Part Two

Chapter Eleven – The man behind the mask…

Chapter Twelve – What do you want to do...?

Chapter Thirteen – Time to shatter the illusion…

Chapter Fourteen – Torn…

Chapter Fifteen – Pushed…

Chapter Sixteen – Proof…

Chapter Seventeen – Here’s my heart…it’s yours

Chapter Eighteen – Nothing hurts if you don’t let it…

Chapter Nineteen – Dance with the devil…

Chapter Twenty – Don’t give up on me…

Part Three

Chapter Twenty-One – Let the games begin…

Chapter Twenty-Two – Leverage…

Chapter Twenty-Three – History repeats itself…

Chapter Twenty-Four – ’m here…come out and play

Chapter Twenty-Five – Open your eyes…

Chapter Twenty-Six – You have my past…but I need my future

Chapter Twenty-Seven – You brought me back to life…

Chapter Twenty-Eight – A new day…after the storm

Chapter Twenty-Nine –Truth doesn’t always set you free…

Chapter Thirty – One year later…

Chapter Thirty-One – One year later…

Other Books by Mary A. Wasowski

About the Author





hank you, readers, for taking the time to read
An Unfinished Life
. Please consider leaving an honest review.

A true Thank You would not be complete until I thank the angels that live in my life every day…

Henry: thank you for loving me. It’s been an amazing 26 years sharing my life with you. You are a forever romantic, and not a day goes by that you don’t make me smile or laugh. I love you, husband.

Our boys: You are my world. I love you three with all of my heart. You raise me up when I am feeling down. Your support is amazing for my ego. You call me a rock star. You treat me like a hero. At the end of the day, I am just a mom.

Mindy: thank you for taking the time to read my words. Your feedback is instrumental. I’m never worried when I receive your critiques. I trust you completely, and I am so lucky to have your support when it comes to my writing, and even more in friendship. I love you more. You wear many hats my friend. You not only are my number one beta reader, but an amazing cover designer. You designed an outrageous cover for this book. You rock my world.

Joe: the other guy in my life. You are not only my editor, but my very dear friend. Thank you for inspiring me and listening to all my crazy book ideas. You. Get. Me. And I love you for it.

JT Formatting: thank you, Julie, for all you do. This is book number six for us. I have fond memories of our first interactions with each other, and smile when I think of them. You must have thought I was crazy with all of my questions, but you answered each one and helped me understand how everything works. You give 100% to every client you work with. I am honored to be one of them. I have the utmost respect for you and honored to call you friend. Your creativity astounds me with every book you format for me. You are a rock star.

For the bloggers: thank you to Kylie McDermott of Give Me Books. You did an amazing job spreading the word for
An Unfinished Life
to the blogging community. Everyone who participated has been so supportive, sharing my cover and spreading the word.

Lastly, to you, my readers: I hope you enjoyed reading Jack and Jacob’s story. These two men grabbed hold of my heart and did not let go. This was the book I never intended to write, but it was the support from my readers who asked for more. I am thankful that I listened.




rubbed my face with my hands as the morning light invaded my hotel room. My eyes were calling for more sleep, and my body was calling for…

I gave my body a stretch and rolled onto my side, taking in the now empty bed. It was cold with only a faint smell of the missing beauty who rocked my dick repeatedly until I fell into a deep slumber. Or as I called it…passing out. However, I would definitely welcome a bender like that again if given the chance.

Whoa, where did that come from? No!
Don’t go there, Jacob.
It will only bring more hurt, and I’ve had enough to last me a lifetime.

Then again, this woman from last night not only awakened my deadened senses, but with the bat of an eyelash and a sexy shake of her ass, I actually felt like I came back to life—back from an existence where I was closed off and feeling dead inside. I started to think that maybe she could be…someone special.

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