G-Men: The Series (16 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

BOOK: G-Men: The Series
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“Diaphragm in, babe?”

“Yeah,” I answered huskily.

He plunged his cock into me deeply. I cried out in pleasure. He backed out and then slammed into me again and again.

His hands were braced on my hips as he continued to rock in and out of me. I was moaning with each deep thrust. He was groaning loudly as he increased his momentum. I felt his hands dig deeper into my hips as he braced me for his orgasm. Mine was close behind.

I rolled my hips in a circular motion, allowing him to hit my special spot. We came together in our usual frenzy. I could feel his cock throbbing as his warm jism squirted inside of me. My pussy was contracting around it, squeezing every last drop out of him.

He pulled out, collapsing on his back beside me.

“Fuck, that was good,” he said breathlessly, his hands running through his still-damp locks. I curled up next to him, breathing in the smell of our sex that permeated the room.

My fingers traced along his treasure trail, then northward towards his chest. I gently fingered his silver cross that lay across his chest.

“Something you want to say, babe?”

He knew me so well for not knowing who I really was at all.

“Did we make love today, Slate?”

baby. That’s what you and I do. We
And today we did it pretty damn well.”

He was so freakin’ careful about never letting his feelings show. My woman’s intuition told me it was more than just “fucking” with him. He was simply not clued in on that yet. I wouldn’t let it spoil my afternoon with him. I hadn’t given my heart to him yet. I probably never would.

Several hours and three orgasms later, I dressed to leave. As I sat on Slate’s bed putting my socks back on, I heard him holler out from the bathroom where he was taking a leak.

“You have family plans for Christmas, Sunny?” Christmas was the day after tomorrow. Lindsey would be home this evening; Jack tomorrow.

“Sort of,” I replied. “My period’s due that day.”

I heard the toilet flush followed by running water in the sink.

“Good,” he said, emerging from the bathroom drying his hands and smiling. “I guess that kills two birds with one stone then.”

“How’s that?” I asked, frowning as I zipped my leather boot up.

“I’m going to be out of town. So I guess I’ll see you after the New Year.”

“I guess,” I shrugged, acting way more impassive than I felt. “Have a happy holiday.”

I went to the kitchen and picked my jacket up from the chair, shrugging it on. Slate was putting his jacket on as he followed me out. He always walked me to the bus stop and waited until the bus got there.

It was already starting to get dark out. I needed to beat a fast path home to shower and scrub this make-up off before Lindsey got in. Her best friend, Julie, was picking her up at the airport. I’d offered to, but she said she and Julie needed to catch up.

We walked in silence to the corner. There wasn’t a lot to say outside of the bedroom. So many topics were off limits between us.

“Can I ask you a question, Slate?”

“You can ask away, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get an answer.”

“How old are you?”

He turned to look at me, quirking a brow. “Doesn’t that break our “no sharing of personal information” rule?”

“I guess it does,” I replied, looking downward as we reached the corner. I could see the bus coming down the street. I stepped to the curb.

Slate’s arm reached out and hauled me back. He lowered his face to mine, searching my eyes with his.

His lips found mine as he kissed me sweetly and tenderly. His fingertips tilted my chin upward so that I could see his beautiful eyes. He kissed my lips a couple of more times quickly as the bus pulled over.

“Twenty-six,” he said to me softly. “How about you Diamond Girl?”

I hesitated momentarily. “I’m a little older than that, Slate. Merry Christmas.”

I boarded the bus and took a seat by the window.

He was still standing there, watching me from the corner. The wind was blowing through his thick, dark hair. His brooding eyes locked with mine.

Damn. He’s only twenty-six.


chapter 17

I got through the Christmas holidays by the grace of God and having Lindsey home. Jack always acted more sociable when she was around.

My parents had come home on Christmas Eve. We had dinner with them and exchanged gifts. They were all excited about leaving for Florida before New Year’s Eve. They would be there until the end of March, like always.

My dad was full of questions for Jack about Banion Pharmaceutical. He wanted every detail pertaining to the new distribution center, sales growth forecast for the following year, and the R & D budget proposal.

Even though my father was retired, he was still the Chairman of the Board. I could see that Jack liked telling my father exactly what he wanted to hear. That’s what everyone had done for as far back as I could remember.

Lindsey and I’d decorated the tree at our house Christmas Eve morning. She’d been a bit surprised that I hadn’t gotten to it yet.

“What’s been keeping you so busy, Mom?”

“Oh, I don’t know, this and that I guess. I’ve had Christmas shopping to do.” That wasn’t altogether a lie.

I’d hurriedly done all of my shopping by catalog, having it shipped next day air through a courier service. It had arrived the evening I’d returned from Slate’s. I’d hurriedly wrapped them all before Lindsey got home from the airport.

Christmas morning, I made our traditional breakfast of bacon, eggs and waffles. We then went to the family room to open presents.

Lindsey loved all of the clothes I’d bought for her. I’d also given her an assortment of gift cards that she could use at school. Jack gave her the next generation iPad tablet that had just come out.

Lindsey bought me an assortment of CDs with Hits of the 1980s on them. She knew that I loved that genre of music.

Jack opened his gifts from me. It was always the same thing every year: shirts, ties, cologne, and a new wallet. It was what he wanted and I didn’t dare disappoint him.

Jack was now showing Lindsey how to download new applications on to her iPad. I was looking under the tree for my gift from Jack. There weren’t any more packages to unwrap. He finally looked up; a smug smile crossed his face.

“I didn’t forget you, Sammie. Merry Christmas, darling.”

He handed me a green envelope with a card inside of it that said, “To my Wonderful Wife at Christmas.” I opened the card. There was a stack of one-hundred dollar bills clipped together.

“There should be five thousand dollars there,” Jack said.

“Thanks, Jack,” I said, puzzled at his generosity.

“I figure you can pick out whatever you want, honey.”

“Let’s shop, Mom,” Lindsey said with a laugh.

Lindsey helped me in the kitchen with getting the turkey into the oven. She was telling me about her classes at Cornell. Apparently, she’d met a guy and they’d been out a couple of times. She claimed it wasn’t all that serious, yet.

“I can’t believe how great you look, Mom. I know you said you’d been working out, but you’re hot. You could hold your own on campus, I bet.”

“Yeah, right. You’re silly, Lindsey,” I teased.

“I’m serious, Mom. The guys would definitely call you a MILF.”

“A what?”

She leaned close, whispering in my ear the definition of “MILF.”

Mother I’d Like to Fuck…?

“Lindsey,” I gasped, halfway shocked, “I can’t believe that you said that to me.”

I couldn’t help smiling at her, though. I guess we were more like friends these days. Becky had been right.

“Is a MILF the same thing as a cougar then?” I asked, curious to know if I qualified.

“Only if she takes him up on it,” she laughed.

Oh Christ!

We had our Christmas meal in the evening. Lindsey was then going out with Julie and a couple of the other girls that were home from college on Christmas break.

As predicted, my period had started earlier in the day with a vengeance. I felt crampy and a bit of irritability was sinking in at being home with Jack, now that Lindsey had gone out for the evening.

I pacified myself by taking a leisurely shower. I then dressed in some warm pajamas and curled up in bed with a book.

I remembered that my track phone was stashed in my bedside drawer, along with my diaphragm. Since Jack was busy on the computer in his office, I decided to power my phone on to see if I had any messages.

I immediately saw the symbol that showed that a voice mail was in my inbox. My stomach did flip-flops as I waited to hear it. My skin tingled as soon as I heard Slate’s sexy voice on the message:

“Hey babe, hope you’re having a nice Christmas. Was Santa good to you this year? I’ll see you in a few days. Be a good girl, okay?”

I texted him a message back:

‘Got your msg. Hope your Xmas is going well. I look forward to seeing you soon. Of course I’m being a good girl! XOXO’

I hit the ‘send’ button, instantly worried that Slate might not like the hugs and kisses symbols I’d put in the text. He wasn’t one for romantic or sentimental shit…that was obvious. Oh well, I couldn’t worry about that now. Perhaps it would be forgotten by the time he came back to town from wherever the hell he was spending Christmas.

I was getting ready to power my phone back off when I heard a ‘beep’ indicating that I had a text message.

Oh shit.

I looked at his message and smiled.

‘I’m glad to hear that, babe. XOXO’

I powered my phone off, vowing that I would never erase his text message or his voice mail from that phone. I could pull either of them up whenever I missed him, like now.

I snuggled under the covers and fell asleep. Hearing from him had been my best Christmas gift of all.

chapter 18

Jack left for Charlotte on January 2nd. Lindsey went with him. She didn’t have to be back for classes until the second week in January. Jack had thought she might enjoy the warmer weather and they could spend some quality time together.

A year ago, the fact that Jack would have asked Lindsey to travel with him on business and not me, would have injured my feelings. It didn’t faze me now.

I’d miss my daughter for sure. The rat bastard? Not so much. Slate referred to him as that so often that it had worn off on me. I had to watch to make sure I didn’t use the ‘RB’ nickname in front of Lindsey.

I went up to Jack’s office to pay bills and update our account balances to reconcile with the online figures. I’d posted everything to the Excel file, and balanced the personal checking account, but the figures still did not match.

Our bank account online showed over $9000 more in it than the Excel spreadsheet. I went over the figures again, now checking by check number or payment reference number to see if payments had cleared the bank.

I finally found the difference. It was the check that Jack had written to Banion East Coast District Office in the amount of $9213.77 that hadn’t cleared. That had been over a month ago.

I pulled out the check ledger with our numbered checks. The check number referenced on the Excel file for that payment was gone. The carbon behind it showed that Jack had written and signed it. That was strange.

Maybe he’d forgotten to mail it or take it into the controller when he’d last been in Virginia. He usually made the trip to that branch office whenever he was in Charlotte to check the progress of the construction on the new distribution center.

I made a mental note to ask him about it the next time he called. I saw where Jack’s electronic payroll deposit had gone in on January 1st. The previous one was received on December 15th. He got paid twice a month. I didn’t see any withdrawals made for the five grand he’d gifted me for Christmas.

I clicked on the link to our joint savings account at the top of the screen. It required a separate password. I hadn’t recalled that being necessary before. It had been a while since I’d been in that account. There was always more than enough money in the checking to cover our bills. I knew that Jack had transferred some in to pay Lindsey’s tuition for the first half of the school year back in August.

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