G-Men: The Series (50 page)

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Authors: Andrea Smith

BOOK: G-Men: The Series
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Lance and I had dry-humped naked. Adam and I had dry humped clothed. Adam had let me play with his junk. I even attempted to suck him off, but he’d stopped me, telling me that I wasn’t doing it right. Now I wondered if I really hadn’t known what I was doing, or if it had been a “gay” thing.

I didn’t have time to ponder it any further. Taz lifted me up and placed me on my back, spreading my legs apart gently with his hands. He was straddling me, still in his jeans, one muscular thigh on either side of me.

“I want to taste your pussy, Lindsey. I want to see how sweet it is,” he said huskily.

His lips were on my belly. He softly trailed downward, his tongue tracing my belly button, his fingers tenderly plying my sex. He could feel the wetness.

“I like that,” he breathed against my skin. “You’re pussy’s nice and wet for me already. Let me see if I can get you wetter.”

I felt his mouth move downward, slowly and leisurely, taking his time building my pleasure up along the way. His fingers gently pulled the lips apart. His warm, wet tongue slid along the split, finding my clitoris and washing over it with his tongue.

“Mmm,” I moaned, unable to help myself.

No man’s tongue had ever been there. God, this felt so good. My hips moved with the pulsating pleasure he was delivering. His tongue now sank deeper inside my core, swirling around and sucking the juices from me as he groaned.

“Ahh yeah,” he said, “I knew it’d be sweet.”

His lips kissed my sex very gently; beneath each fold, he kissed and suckled alternately. My core was on fire. I whimpered against him, my body arching up to meet his mouth in anticipation and lust. His fingers played in rhythm with his tongue, plunging in and out of me.

“Fuck, you’re tight, baby,” he commented, as I continued to grind against him in pure ecstasy.

“Uh huh,” I replied, feeling the release in me building up to a crescendo. I’d given myself clitoral orgasms before, but this was building up into something much different.

It was stronger, deeper; my instincts told me it would bring a release of a much larger magnitude. I was craving the release now as Taz continued to work me orally into a near-frenzy.

“That’s it, baby,” he cooed. “You’re getting ready to come now. Relax, Lindsey, let it happen, baby. That’s my girl.”

I was there. I felt myself reach the climactic peak and now the release was unfolding, making every nerve and muscle in my body shiver in pleasure. My fingers clutched each side of the pillow my head was on. It enveloped me from head to toe, my body involuntarily releasing pure sexual tension.

I cried out as my hips were thrusting harder and faster against Taz’s mouth. I felt a surge of wetness released, followed by his groan as he felt my orgasm on his lips and tongue.

“Mmm, you’re a squirter, baby. I love that.”

I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant, but he was pleased, so it was all good. My climax continued for several moments more, and then I slumped back, totally exhausted and fulfilled at the same time. How strange was that?

My skin was ultra-sensitive now, post-orgasm. I shivered as I felt his stubble against my upper thighs. His tongue was still busy, licking every remnant of my orgasm.

My breathing started to normalize once again. I felt like I had a big, goofy smile on my face. I was certain I was only smiling inwardly.

“What’s that smile about, Lindsey?”

Oops—guess not.

I blushed, knowing that I did indeed, have a big, goofy smile on my face.

“Just thinking how good that felt,” I replied softly (and happily). “I’m curious to find out how much better the real thing will feel.”

He was laying beside me now, his head propped up on his hand, his finger gently tracing the sensitive skin on my belly.

“What real thing?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.

“You know,” I said trying not to sound too sheepish. I didn’t want to sound like a sixth-grader so I belted it out. “A man’s cock inside of my pussy.”

The look on his face was one of horror instantly. He immediately sat up and struck a defensive pose.

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“What do you think?” I asked, now feeling defensive myself.

This was supposed to be a good thing for a guy, I thought. Didn’t every guy want to bag a virgin at some point in his life?

“You’re a

I needed to make light of it. He sounded like he was freaking out a bit over it.

“Everyone is at one time or another, right?”

“Are you totally

“Isn’t that a good thing? I thought guys dreamed of doing a virgin. There’s a major shortage, in case you hadn’t heard.”

He didn’t appreciate my making light of it one damned bit. He threw his legs over the side of the bed, leaning over and rubbing his forehead with his hand.

“Why in the hell didn’t you tell me this before we ended up here?” he shouted, clearly pissed now and not trying to hide it.

“Why in the hell are you making me
bad about it?” I yelled back, pulling myself up into a sitting position on his bed. “You act as if I just told you I was a leper instead of a virgin.”

He raked his hands through his thick head of hair, shaking his head in disbelief.

“I’ll tell you this: a leper would have a much better chance of me burying my cock inside of her than a virgin,” he spat. “Get dressed. I’m taking you home.”

chapter 8

It had been three weeks since cruising the “Ride of Shame” back home after the botched fuck-session with Taz. He’d been furious with me for not divulging up front that I’d never had my “V-card swiped” as he so eloquently phrased it.

I’d been just as furious with him for his freakin’ bear-like treatment of me once I’d shared the information with him. He said he had a strict policy where virgins were concerned: he didn’t do them.

Slate had still been up when I got home. He’d seen Taz’s car back out of the driveway as I’d hurried up the driveway, wanting to put as much distance between me and the asshole as possible.

“Is Mom asleep?” I asked, once inside the house.

“Yep,” he said, quirking his brow at me. “Can I ask why you left with Darcy and Taz ended up bringing you home?”

Crap. Crap. Crap.

“Oh, well Darcy and I were at Dazzle and she’s over twenty-one, so of course, she can legally drink.” I made sure to make eye contact while not trying to blink too much, which was always the surefire sign that I was lying. “So, she drank a bit too much and I didn’t think she should drive under those circumstances and then I remembered that Taz had given me his cell phone number when you and Mom went on your honeymoon, you know, just in case I needed anything while you were gone? Anyways, I called him to give us a ride and he was happy to do it.”

Radio silence.

“Lindsey,” Slate said, studying my face, “you do realize what it is I do for a living, right?”

“Excuse me?” I’m pretty sure my eyes were bugging out now.

“If you think for one second I believe a word of what just came out of your mouth, then you must take me for an idiot. I’m insulted, darlin’. I would have much preferred you simply telling me that it was none of my business.”



“It’s none of your business.”

“Fair enough.”

I retreated up to my room and cried into my pillows for most of the night. I slept late the following day, avoiding Mom as much as possible. Friday night was pretty much a repeat.

I decided to head back to Charlottesville a day earlier than planned. I told Mom I needed to study for upcoming finals. The truth was, I was sick of crying. Being around Slate reminded me of Taz. Slate could tell I’d been crying. I don’t know how he knew, but he knew. He gave me a hug before I left, telling me to drive carefully and that they’d see me in a few weeks.

I’d wondered if Slate was going to say anything to my mother about it. I was pretty sure that he hadn’t. My mother wasn’t the type to hear something like that and not pummel me with questions about it. Slate was cool.

I’d shared it with both Jill and Darcy after I returned to school. Jill was horrified. Darcy though it was friggin’ hilarious.

“You know, Linds, you may want to consider paying a doctor to remove that thing. I’m beginning to think hymens are over-rated these days. Hell, sweetie, you can’t even give yours away to a man-whore.”

“Ha ha,” I said, throwing her a hateful look. “Do you know how humiliated I was?”

“I can only imagine,” Jill said, putting her arm around me and giving me a squeeze. “Lay off of her, Darcy. That was entirely insensitive for Taz or Spaz—whatever the fuck his name is to behave like that to Lindsey.”

“Hey,” Darcy replied, “she really
have said something to him. Not every dude is comfortable with the task of deflowering a virgin. It’s a big responsibility, you know?”

That got Jill’s attention. “How do you figure?”

“I mean, come on—a woman never forgets her first time. If it’s not good, or extremely painful and necessary precautions aren’t put into place beforehand, it can be traumatic for both parties. I’m sorry, but I agree with Taz on this. She should’ve ‘fessed up.”

“Whatever,” Jill replied, heading out the door to meet Gabe, “I’ll bring you back some Haagen-Dazs, Lindsey.”

I could always depend on Jill for compassion and empathy. Darcy? Not so much.

“Thanks for understanding, Jill,” I muttered, shooting Darcy a look.

“Just put it behind you,” Darcy said with a sigh, once Jill was out the door. “You think I don’t hear you crying around in your room at night? He’s not fucking worth it. It’s his loss, not yours.”

“I doubt whether he sees it that way,” I replied, grabbing my new backpack. “Besides, it’s not about
,” I emphasized. “It’s just the
. Anyway, I’m heading to the library. See you later.”

It was dusk. I had finals this week and then I’d go home for winter break. I dreaded going home. As long as I was safely ensconced in my apartment in Charlottesville, I didn’t have to relive that awful night with Taz.

I tried to think of a valid reason for not going home. And I was coming up with a whole lot of nada. My mom would be upset and suspicious if I begged off making the two hour drive to Falls Church, and then Slate would feel obligated to mention that he saw Taz dropping me off. She’d naturally assume the worst.

I took the elevator downstairs and walked across the bridge-way over to the parking garage for the building. I went to the space where I always parked my cute little VW.

I didn’t notice it right away. I unlocked the driver’s side door, and slid into the seat, tossing my backpack to the passenger side floor before I noticed all of the window glass on the passenger seat.

The passenger door window of my car had been completely smashed. I looked around the rest of the car. The glove compartment had been jimmied open. My registration was missing. Everything else seemed to be in place. Why in the hell would someone take just my vehicle registration?

It dawned on me that my vehicle registration contained my full address and cell phone number. Shivers went down my spine. I only paused for a quick moment before my instincts kicked in. I grabbed my purse and backpack and launched myself out of the car.

I flew back through the door leading to the bridge-way, looking around as I did to see if anyone sinister was lurking about. Once I got to the elevator, I pounded on the button to get the door to open.

Once inside, I envisioned someone wearing black leather gloves sticking their hand in just as the elevator door was about to close. It didn’t happen. I breathed a sigh of relief. I watched a lot of suspense television. Probably

Darcy looked up from the textbook she was skimming when I re-entered our apartment. “That was quick. Forget something?”

I shook my head, fumbling in my bag for my cell phone. I quickly hit Mom’s number. Slate answered.

“Is Mom there?” I was pacing back and forth nervously.

“She’s with the baby.” He paused. “Are you alright?”

God, he was instinctual.

In a single breath, I quickly told him what just went down. “Someone broke the passenger window out of my car in the parking garage. The only thing they took was my vehicle registration with my address and phone number on it.”

He didn’t miss a beat, “Are you there now?”

“I’m back in the apartment.”

“Good girl,” he said, breathing a sigh of relief. “You stay put, alright? I’m going to contact the local authorities there and fill them in. They’ll send a crime lab unit out to dust for prints and thoroughly inspect the car. Don’t go back out there and do not leave your apartment until you hear back from me, got it?”

I nodded shakily.


“Oh, yeah, Slate. I’ve got it.”

chapter 9

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