Gale, Avery - Jenna's Submission [The ShadowDance Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (15 page)

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Jenna's Submission [The ShadowDance Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“She has gone to town with Rissa for new shoes. She said, and I quote, ‘If I have to be as round as a hippo and waddle like a duck, I should at least have great shoes.’ I wisely didn’t comment, it sounded like a setup to me.” Zach’s goofy smile reflected just how smitten he was with his little “kitten.” She really seemed to be coming into her own. Both he and Alex were proud of the changes in her over the past couple of months. She was no longer the shy, insecure woman who had first returned to ShadowDance Mountain. Her confidence had grown. They’d seen it happen with women before, as they became secure in their submission and learned to trust their Dom, they flourished in other areas of their lives, and that was exactly what they were seeing in Kat. They were thrilled to see her blossom under their love and nurturing, but, at the same time, she was getting to be a handful at times. She was racking up so many punishments they’d likely have to paddle her pert little ass daily for their child’s first two years! Zach smiled to himself.
I can think of a lot worse ways to pass the time!

* * * *

Dylan Marshall hung up the phone, he had listened to Alex Lamont’s idea, and he agreed it was a long shot, but he was out of other ideas. He’d get his deputies on it right away. The downside of living in a small, rural community was that everybody was up in your business all the time, but the good thing was they were in everybody else’s business, too, so if there had been strangers around, someone was bound to remember. Now, if the trail just wasn’t completely cold, they might just have a prayer of finding Melita, and God knew alive and well would sure be a welcome bonus.

He’d been saying every kind of prayer he knew.
Damn but my granny would be proud, well, she’d be even more pleased if you’d find the only woman you’ve ever loved, too.
Jesus, he was even talking to himself now. He just kept turning it over in his mind like a rock tumbler polishes the stones, he was hoping continually rotating the ideas would shine something enough to make it stand out to him. The one thing her supervisor had said that kept coming back to him was that he’d had a call from Mia a couple of days ago, and he felt she was still undercover, but that she’d tried to relay a message he hadn’t been able to unravel. She’d said, “Tell Matt to come to the ball, but no Cat Woman this year.” He knew the message was meant for him, she had nicknamed him Matt because it was a play on his name, Dylan Marshall. Marshall Dillon’s first name in the
series had been Matt. Dylan sat staring at the wall, rubbing a pencil slowly back and forth between his thumb and forefinger when it was like he’d been hit over the head with it…
Oh my fucking God, it couldn’t be that simple, could it?
Christ almighty, the ShadowDance “Annual Submissives’ Masquerade” was this coming weekend. And “no Cat Woman” was obviously a warning that Katarina should not attend. He grabbed the phone and called Alex immediately. If he was right, he needed to see The Club’s invited guests list immediately.

Chapter 21

Jenna was convinced she’d never felt more vulnerable in her entire life, yet somehow, she still felt safe. She decided she would try to figure out the puzzle of that later, because right now something was brushing the inside the arch of her left foot. The soft tickle of a feather slowly worked its way up and around her ankle. The touch was so light that if she hadn’t been attuned to what was happening, anticipating each and every touch, she might have missed it. Just as she was starting to register the sensation, it stopped. Mitch leaned into her field of vision. “Jenna, I’m going to blindfold you for the first part of the sensation play so you’ll be more focused on feeling. When one of the senses is taken away, the others are enhanced. Now, close those beautiful, inquisitive eyes for me.” When Jenna closed her eyes, she felt him place something silky soft over her eyes and secure it before speaking to her again. “Do you know what your Master was using on your foot before, sweetness?”

“Yes, Master Mitch, it was a feather.” Jenna knew her voice was airy, and she was starting to recognize that tone in her own voice, when she sounded like that, she was starting to sink into “the zone.” She smiled at her own ridiculous observation, she felt a small slap directly on top of her already-sensitive pussy lips which caused her to gasp and her juices to begin to flow in a rush she was afraid would be literally running out of her.
Christ, how embarrassing would that be? Get yourself together, Jenna, you’d better pull your head out of your ass and enjoy this moment before it’s gone and there isn’t another to replace it.
God, but it was going to be hard to let Colt go. She was starting to see herself in the role of “his,” but she knew he’d never want her forever. Well, hell, even a bastard like Ted Scott had only wanted her for an evening. She’d resigned herself long ago to the fact that she was going to be a terrific aunt someday, but she’d probably never find a man willing to deal with the baggage she carried. What man would want someone who had been so weak they couldn’t even fight off the sexual advances of an injured man? Once she’d recovered enough and her brothers had been home long enough to teach her some self-defense moves, she’d vowed she’d never be a victim again, but even all that preparation and training couldn’t undo the damage of the past. She’d never be able to recover the truly fun-loving, free spirit she’d been before it had all been taken away. Her fear every time her brothers had gone on a mission had been almost debilitating. Would Ted Scott make good on his threat and kill them? Would he kill one of them as a warning to her? She’d known if he killed one, the other would be as good as dead, they were twins, and that bond was soul deep.

* * * *

Colt had stopped moving at Grayson’s hand gesture. One of the great things about having been teammates for so long was that they didn’t need words to communicate. Colt knew the other man was listening to the thoughts he knew had to be racing through Jenna’s mind. Damn, he could almost hear the gears grinding in that beautiful little head. He’d placed a pad and paper in one of the table’s many drawers earlier after they’d decided they would blindfold her during this portion of the scene. They’d known it would enhance her responses, and what Grayson had told her about that was the truth. But it would also enable Grayson to give Colt some information directly as to what Jenna was thinking. Grayson grabbed the pen and paper and started to write brief words and phrases, and what Colt read did not make him happy at all.
She feels unworthy? What the fuck? How is that possible? She’s fucking perfect!
At his puzzled expression, Grayson signed,
Remember, no victim counseling

Mitch Grayson had volunteered at a women’s shelter during college, and he had spent a lot of time trying to explain to his friends how the minds of women in general and victims in particular worked, but most of the time he’d end up throwing his hands into the air in frustration and telling them he doubted any of them would ever find a woman willing to put up with their dimwitted selves. Of course a lot of the time, they were just fucking with him, but then again, often they truly had not a clue what he was trying to tell them.

Deciding he’d let Grayson make some additional notes so he’d be able to remember everything later, Colt started moving the feather slowly up and back down the inside of Jenna’s thighs. He drew it softly through her swollen petals and saw the muscles draw together and then relax, the same muscle response he’d felt when he’d had his dick deep inside her and slowly started to withdraw, it had felt like she was trying to hold him inside with her tight squeeze. God, her pussy was already so wet, and he could literally feel the heat of her radiating clear through his jeans.

“Now, pet, I’m going to let Master Mitch work on those beautiful nipples for a bit, we’ll see what types of sensations you respond to. And while he is doing that, I’m going to be loosening up this beautiful ass so you are prepared for the most amazing experience you’ll ever have in a ménage.” Colt had heard her small gasp as he’d spoken the straightforward words to her. He’d known she’d like hearing what was going to happen as much to ease her fears as she seemed to enjoy the erotic words being spoken to her. He had known a few Doms over the years who liked to use humiliation during scenes, calling their subs whores or worse. None of the Doms he was friends with found that arousing at all. As a matter of fact, he was certain if that took place in a public scene at ShadowDance Alex or Zach would be having a heart-to-heart with the Dom before they’d be allowed to leave that evening. Biting back a smile, he decided to give her just a bit more “blow by blow,” so to speak.

“Oh, my sweet pet likes it when I talk a bit dirty, doesn’t she? She wants to hear how I had planned to use lube on the plug, get it all slicked up before sliding it up into her sweet ass, but since you, my precious pet, are soaking wet I think we’ll use that as lubricant instead. Listen to the delicious noises your beautiful cunt makes when I finger fuck you.” Colt moved his fingers in and out, making sure to curve them just right so they not only brushed against her G-spot, but so they’d also make a loud sucking sound. He knew he’d been right about her response when he felt her first flutters and then the pulsing of her impending orgasm. He immediately pulled his fingers out and gave her a slap. “Oh no you don’t, you are not allowed to come until we give you permission. We both want to be inside you before you are allowed your release. Don’t forget, my love, your orgasms belong to me. Do you understand, pet?” He waited for her response, knowing when a sub was lost in a sensation and trying to stave off the rush of orgasm it often took an extra second or two for them to respond.

“Y–y–yes, M–Master, I, ugh, yes, I understand.” Jenna was clearly struggling to speak, but she had managed to get the words out.

“Good girl, now, let’s see what we can do about stretching this little rosette.” Colt started slowly moving the plug through her folds while he pushed a single finger through the tight ring of muscles and felt her clench her sphincter muscles. Holy shit, she was going to squeeze his cock like a dream. Well, if he ever managed to get inside her. He watched as Grayson used small chips of ice to get Jenna’s nipples to rock-solid peaks, then he pulled them using his teeth until he’d lengthened them to their max.

“Master Mitch has some new jewelry for you, pet. He’s going to place them on you now. You are not allowed to speak unless asked a question, and you are not allowed to orgasm, don’t forget that, princess.” Just as he’d finished speaking, Grayson had put the soft nipple clamps on both nipples at the same time. They’d already set them so they knew they would be tight enough to sting, but wouldn’t truly hurt her. But to a new sub unaccustomed to nipple clamping, this would be a big step. The bite of pain would either bring a flood of cream or a safe word. Which would it be for Jenna?

Jenna gasped.
Holy shit that hurts! Oh God, oh God, oh God! How am I supposed to not talk or scream? Breathe, yeah that’s it…I’ll breathe through it, pretend it’s a panic attack…breathe through it.

Colt watched Grayson frown and scribble something on the pad then lean over Jenna and speak close to her ear. “Sweetness, you handled that so well. You breathed through the pain, much like Katarina is learning in her birthing classes. It’s a skill soldiers learn during training. Anyone coping with pain learns the value of deep breathing and focusing. But the added benefit for those experiencing erotic pain is that it allows your body time to change the pain to pleasure. Do you feel how your body is responding? It’s incredible, isn’t it?”

“Oh yes, Master Mitch, it’s so much, but not enough, either.” Colt and Grayson looked at each other, damned, but that was a perfect sub response if he’d ever heard one. Jenna truly was a born submissive. If she allowed herself to embrace the lifestyle, she’d find emotional and physical pleasures beyond anything she’d ever imagined.

Mitch started lightly licking the very tips of her nipples, which were left exposed by the clips he’d attached to her. Her soft moan was exactly the response he’d hoped for. “Oh, sweetness, you are such a good subbie. Master Colt and I are going to give you exactly what you need. Patience is a virtue, you know?” Jenna moaned again, and Mitch noticed that she was starting to move against the restraints.

Mitch moved over to the bed and sat on the edge, waiting as Colt removed her restraints and moved her over to stand in front of him. Colt spoke to her in a soft voice that Mitch recognized as the one he used when he was trying very hard to maintain some semblance of control.

Mitch brought his hand up and brushed Jenna’s cheek with the back of his fingers. “Do you trust us, Jenna? Will you let us show you just how freeing submission can be?” He didn’t have any doubt but that Jenna was ready for this next step, and he hoped like hell he and Colt would be able to hold on long enough to stretch her enough that she would feel nothing but pleasure.

Jenna nodded her head, but when Mitch raised an eyebrow she remembered she was required to answer with words and quickly said, “Yes, I trust you both. I’m not going to lie, I am scared. You are both big and the only time I had anal sex…well, it didn’t go so well.” Mitch actually saw flashes of the scene as she was speaking. He rarely got information that way, but considering Jenna’s own gifts he didn’t suppose he should be surprised.

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Jenna's Submission [The ShadowDance Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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