Gale, Avery - Jenna's Submission [The ShadowDance Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (18 page)

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Jenna's Submission [The ShadowDance Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Jenna looked at Kat and had to smile. “Damn it, Kat, that is just totally not fair. And knock it off with the innocent look, might work on those lovesick fool brothers of mine, but you are not pulling that shit with me.” At Kat’s guilty flush, she laughed out loud. “Okay, I really would like to stay for the sonogram, but I get to gloat to Gramps and Grammy Lamont, that’s just part of the deal, understand? I kind of wanted to go to the Masquerade at The Club this weekend anyway, I’ve never been. Since you aren’t going, I’ll be your spy.” They both collapsed into a fit of giggles and spent the rest of their time gossiping about all things baby, Colt, and Club.
God, it’s good to be home, I’ve missed the mountains, my brothers, the joy of Kat’s nearness, and the peace it all brings me.

“It really sucks that I don’t get to go to the party, I had a great costume and everything. But after the risk Mia took for me, I don’t want to do anything that might jeopardize the guys helping her.” And then, giggling, she looked at Jenna with a conspiratorial look. “I’ll be really glad to have a spy on the inside, maybe you can text me from there, keep me updated, maybe pictures…No, probably that would get is both in a lot of trouble, but then again, spankings are usually worth working for.” This time they both fell over roaring with the shared inside joke, and that is how the men found them when they stepped through the doors.

* * * *

Alex, Zach, and Colt all walked through the door to the master suite and stood stunned to see the women lounging back on the massive bed, nearly hysterical with laughter. “What the hell?” Colt’s stunned response had Alex and Zach both smiling.

“Oh, brother, this is so very typical of these two. I wish I had a dollar for every time I’d seen them just like this, well, maybe not just, since Kat is pregnant, but you get the idea.” Zach was grinning ear to ear. “They have been friends since they were both first in school, I don’t remember them ever even having a disagreement. But I promise you that if you think either of them is a handful separately, together they are a hot mess. We didn’t call them Lucy and Ethel for no reason, I assure you.”

When Kat looked up and saw them all standing nearby, it was Alex’s indulgent smile that warmed her heart. God but she loved them both so much. Zach was more straightforward with his affections, Alex’s were more reserved, but the passion in Alex’s eyes was always scorching. “Hello, my husbands, Colt. What brings you into our little girls’ night in?” Kat had known they wouldn’t be alone long, hell, she was rarely alone any length of time at all. And she’d known Colt would be anxious to get Jenna back into his arms as soon as possible.

“Well, love, we’ve missed you, and I do believe Colt has some things he needs to discuss with Jenna. How about we let him have some time with her, and you can try to convince Zach and I why we shouldn’t paddle your sweet ass for trying to get pictures sent out of The Club? Hmmm?” Uh oh, Kat knew that tone, and that steely look. Fracking cameras, she should have known Spies “R” Us would be on duty tonight. She turned to Alex and flashed him her sweetest smile.

“I knew those darned cameras would be on, and I just couldn’t wait to get you both back into my bed, so what better method than to send up a challenge flare? And see how well my plan worked? Here you both are, all beefy muscles and sexual energy, just the way I love you.” All this was said as she crawled across the bed toward her men like a sleek—well, round sleek—cat.

As Jenna watched the show, she was amazed at the changes in her friend.
I am watching a pro here. Cripes, Kat’s, playing them like a fucking song. And look at those two fools, this is better than HBO. Holy hell I should be taking notes.

Kat heard Zach’s gasp as she watched Alex’s eyes widen and then darken into pools of dark promise. Colt stepped forward and held out his hand to Jenna. “Come here, pet, I want to talk to you about your plans for the Masquerade party on Saturday.” Even though his voice sounded stern, the look of tenderness and desire in his expression told Jenna she wasn’t in any real trouble. She placed her small hand in his larger one and let him pull her to her feet and followed him from the room.
Damn, Kat may have this Ds thing all figured out after all.
Jenna had always been the Lucy to Kat’s Ethel, but something told Jenna she had a lot to catch up on.
Well, game on, sister!

Chapter 24

As soon as they entered Jenna’s small suite, Colt turned and grabbed for her, as he pushed her against the wall, he kicked the door closed with his foot. Before Jenna could blink, Colt had both of her wrists locked above her head held by one of his large hands. His other hand held her chin so she was looking up into his fierce expression.

“First of all, my precious pet, we need to discuss your plan to spy for your friend, Ethel. You’ll not ever take a cell phone, camera, or any other bit of technology into The Club, is that clear? There are very few exceptions to this rule. There are a couple of doctors, law enforcement officials, and firefighters who are permitted to wear their pagers, but those are because they are all considered first responders. There are only four cell phones allowed inside The Club and those belong to Alex, Zach, Grayson, and myself. Anyone else caught with one on their person loses their membership for a year for the first offense and for life if it happens again.” Jenna was trembling in his hold, and she didn’t understand why she was so turned-on by his forcefulness. She was puzzled as to why she wasn’t frightened when ordinarily, she’d have been fighting with everything she had in her.

Colt had stopped speaking and was watching her expressions move from startled to remorseful to full-on arousal.
Now isn’t that interesting? Considering her past, I would have expected a bit of apprehension if not fear, so perhaps I’m making some progress in the trust department.
“Do I make myself clear, pet? No Lucy or Ethel antics allowed at The Club, period. If you violate that rule, your punishment won’t be up for discussion, it is just a part of The ShadowDance Club Charter.” Colt waited for her answer. “Pet, I asked you a question.”

Jenna was lost in a thick mist of desire that was making rational thought all but impossible. What had he asked her? Finally her brain seemed to catch up with the conversation. “Yes, M–Master, I understand, no Lucy or Ethel or cells or cameras or anything techy.” Even she could hear the huskiness of her own voice. As soon as the words left her mouth, his lips descended on hers in a punishing kiss that felt like he was trying to steal her soul. She had never been that fond of kissing, and now she understood why, she had just never kissed anyone who could make it a sexual experience in itself.
Holy Mother of God, this man’s kiss is worthy of an Olympic gold medal and the Nobel Peace Prize all at the same time.

Colt’s inner Dom finally came up for air and he slowly put a bit of space between them and eased his hold in fractional increments. Stepping back slowly, he lowered her arms and released her wrists. “Strip.” His one-word command let her know he wasn’t in the mood for arguments or discussions, what she’d always known in the business world as a “make or break moment.” She toed off her shoes and pushed then aside with her foot. Without taking her eyes off Colt’s face, she slowly unfastened the snap and then lowered the zipper of her jeans by hooking her thumbs over the waistband. She slowly pushed them down her lean legs. Colt watched as Jenna reacted to his realization that she was wearing panties. He hadn’t tried to hide his displeasure and had let his jaw tighten and his lips thin into a taunt line.

“That’s two, pet.” His tone was icy cold, and Jenna shivered in response. Colt knew she didn’t have to ask what he meant, she knew full well this was his way of letting her know the no-panty rule was still in effect, and her disregard for it had just added another punishment to what she’d already earned for the spying plan. He could smell her arousal and knew that her pussy was flooding with her juices. Colt watched as her hands trembled when she reached down and drew her tight T-shirt over her head. Colt just watched in silent judgment as she stood for just a moment in her sheer pink bra and panties. He watched her gaze travel to the bulge in his jeans and the burn of her gaze caused his cock to grow even larger right before her eyes. Colt just waited and then saw her take a deep breath before she slid her hands under each side of the barely there elastic on her hips, and with a sensual caress to her own thighs, slowly slid the small triangle of fabric down until it was a pool of silk between her feet.

Colt knew she was deliberately baiting him, but he was enjoying her striptease enough that he didn’t really mind. For a woman so petite, she had very long legs, and Jesus they were amazing to look at. There she stood with her nipples peeking out from under a bra that barely covered the dusky-rose-colored areolas that he could see clearly through the transparent bit of pink covering them. And if she thought those panties had covered up any secrets, he had big news for her. God the woman’s body was stunning. And her athletic grace showed in every movement she made, every shift of balance, each motion was done as if it had been choreographed in a dance to music only she could hear. She unhooked the front clasp of her bra and let it fall off her shoulders to the floor.

After Jenna had removed the last bit of material from her body, she neatly folded everything and set it just to her right side as he’d instructed her to do. Then she just looked at Colt with big luminous eyes and waited. He let several heartbeats pass before he said, “You won’t be able to wear shoes in The Club, so you might as well start getting used to that now. Move over to the side of the bed, and stand with your legs apart so that when you bend at the waist, you are at the right height to be supported by the bed.” When she complied, he moved to her dresser and picked up a large wooden-handled hairbrush, it was going to make a very nice paddle.

Stepping behind her, Colt ran his free hand in slow circles over her lower back and over both of her ass cheeks. He could smell her arousal, so when he drew his fingers through the swollen petals of her pussy, he wasn’t surprised to find her soaking wet. “Well, my pet, it seems you enjoyed teasing your Dom with that little striptease performance, hmmm?” When he pushed two fingers into her tight pussy, he heard her moan. He stroked his fingers in and out several times before moving to her tight back hole and pushing two fingers inside quickly. He knew there had to be a sharp bite of pain from the tissues being stretched so suddenly, but he reminded himself, this was punishment, not making love. He was still relieved to hear her softly moan his name after her initial yip of pain. Moving his fingers in and out, fucking her ass with two, then three fingers, he waited until he felt her body gathering up her orgasm like a cloak, then he pulled out and left her aching with need. “Uh-uh, princess, no coming until I say you can, understand?”

“Yes, Master.” Even though she had answered, he was sure it had been by rote memory. She was starting to head into subspace, time to bring her back to this moment.

“I will be giving you three swats for the plan you and Ethel were cooking up and five for the panties. Know this, pet, each time you wear panties without permission to do so, the penalty will double, so it isn’t something you will want to forget often. I have a real dislike for them, you see. I will also be making sure you have some new clothing. I will want unfettered access to what belongs to me, and that means I want to be able to slide my tongue, my fingers, or my aching cock into your sweet, wet pussy any time, any place of my choosing.” Colt knew full well the effect his voice was having on his sweet sub, she was turning to mush right before his eyes, and he would only have to speak the words, and she’d shoot off like a rocket. God but he loved a good scene with this woman.

“When we sit at dinner downstairs later, you’ll sit with your legs hooked around the outside of the chair legs so I can finger fuck you at my leisure. When we are alone in a vehicle, you’ll pull your dress up so that your bare ass is in direct contact with the seat and your legs will remain spread wide so that I can see, smell, and touch what is mine. When we are in public I will often have you standing in front of me and when you think I won’t possibly attempt it, I’ll have my hand between your legs fucking you with my fingers until you are mindlessly begging me to fuck you with my cock. You’ll hunger for the feel of its ridges and veins surging in and out of your wet, velvet pussy. Colt could feel her orgasm pulsing just below the surface, so he stepped back and landed the first swat solidly on her ass cheek.

Jenna jumped and yelped, holy shit but that really burned, and he held the brush against her for a couple of seconds to keep the heat in her skin, so it was really stinging. She heard the whoosh of air just before her other cheek was set on fire when the crack of sound heralded the brush’s contact with her skin.
Fuck that hurts, this isn’t fun at all.

Almost as if he’d read her mind, he spoke as he landed the third and fourth swats as solidly as the first two. “Remember, pet, punishment spankings are not supposed to be fun. They are meant to serve as reminders in the future about the importance of adhering to the rules. The next time you start to slide a triangle of silk over what is mine, you’ll stop and think about this moment, how I set your sweet ass on fire. Think about this…how you are going to feel trying to sit comfortably on those hard oak dining room chairs with your bright-red cheeks still on fire. And the next time you and Katarina start to scheme, I want you to think about whether or not it’s going to be worth the price you’ll both pay. Because”—
swoosh, slap…swoosh, slap…swoosh, slap
—“I promise you that, despite her performance before we left her suite, she is getting her ass spanked just as you are. Alex and Zach may be over the moon about making her their wife and her pregnancy, but they are still Doms, and they’ll always willingly provide her with the discipline they know she craves.” No doubt Katarina’s spanking would be toned down due to her pregnancy, but if they just stacked them up until the baby is born, she’d be black and blue for the first year of their child’s life.

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