GAMBLING ON LOVE (Travis Series) (12 page)

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The bottom dropped out of her stomach. It wasn’t Sam’s voice on the other end.
Beth was so unprepared
to hear
a woman answer she couldn’t think what to do
She must have dialed wrong
I think I have the wrong number
I was trying to reach Sam Travis.”

“This is the Travis residence.”

She squeezed her eyes shut

is he available?”

“Just a moment, I’ll check
May I ask
who is

Beth faltered
Was this his wife
His girlfriend
“Yes, tell him it’s Miss Sweeney.”

“I’ll go get him for you, Miss Sweeney,” the woman said.

She heard the woman put the phone down
She didn’t know why she was protecting him by saying her name was Miss Sweeney, making it sound more like a business call
than a personal one
She clutched the phone to her ear and after a few minutes, heard the tapping of shoes against a hardwood floor.

“I’m sorry Miss Sweeney, Sam is in the shower
Shall I have him call you back

“No,” Beth said numbly, “it’s not important.”

She turned her phone off
Even if he did call now, she wouldn’t answer
It was almost nine o’clock and he had a woman in his house while he was taking a shower
It couldn’t have been clear
that he had no intention of calling her
Even worse, tonight Sam would be sleeping with another woman
She picked the wine bottle up, took two big gulps and went back out to the deck, no longer trying to hold back the tears.


Sam went out the back door, quickly crossing the short distance to Maggie’s bungalow
Maybe she had a way to reach Virginia
When he rapped lightly on the door, he could hear the sharp click of her flats hitting the hardwood floor and smiled to himself
He always knew where Maggie was in the house because of those silly flats she wore
When the door opened, she stepped out on the porch, looking surprised to see him.

“I’m sorry to bother you so late

“It’s no problem
I was going to go back up to the house in a few minutes anyway to tell you about the phone call.”

Sam’s heart leapt in his chest
“Who was it?”

“She said her name was Miss Sweeney, but when I asked
she wanted to leave a message she said it wasn’t important.

Maggie looked at him worriedly
“The reason I wanted to tell you anyway was because she sounded so


“I was afraid of that,” he said, feeling a great deal of that sadness himself
“I messed up big time tonight, Maggie
I had a date with Anne

Miss Sweeney, and I was supposed to call her
I think I left the card with her number in my jeans but when I came home to get it, Virginia had already taken them
I checked the pockets but didn’t find anything so she must have pulled it out, but I can’t find it anywhere
When I tried to reach Virginia, I didn’t get an answer.”

“You won’t get an answer either
Virginia left this afternoon to visit her mother in Iowa
She won’t be back for a week and I’m afraid I don’t have her mother’s number.”

Sam’s shoulders slumped
That was it then
He didn’t think he’d be able to get Anne to listen to him long enough to explain and even if she did, it would sound like a tall tale.

Are you okay?”

He shook his head
“Not really, Maggie
Anne is

she really means a lot to me
and I’m not sure she’ll believe what happened anyway.”

“Did you look in the phonebook?”

“Her home phone is unlisted and so is her cell phone
I’ve only called her twice so I don’t remember the number
I should have memorized it,” he said despondently.

“Sam, did you call her from your cell phone?”

“Yes, why?”

“Because your phone log holds the last ten numbers you dialed
If you haven’t used your phone much today, it may still be there.”

He gave her a big hug
“Maggie, you’re a genius!”

He left her there with a bewildered smile on her face and raced back to his room
He’d tossed the phone on the bed and when he retrieved it, he saw there was a message waiting for him
Sam listened to the message first, his stomach twisting painfully when he heard the soft, sad tone of Anne’s voice
He pulled up the dialed calls log and was elated to find the number still stored there

Before calling her,
carefully wrote the number on a pad of paper
Feeling more than a little anxious about how she’d respond, he hit the dial button
After four rings, her service clicked on stating she’d turned her phone off
Sam swore under his breath
He had no doubt she’d done it to avoid his call.

He stood there,
acking his brain for a way to reach her
and finally hit on an
It was a long shot, but with any luck at all, he might be able to get her address
Sam had a friend who was a homicide detective in the Malibu area
If he could get Jake to pull her driver’s license, maybe
there was
a chance to make things right
He dialed Jake’s home phone, briefly explaining the hot water he
’d gotten himself into

“What do say, Jake, can you pull up a phone number or address?”

If her number is unlisted, chances are she requested no disclosure on the address too, which means I’m legally bound to honor her request.

At Sam’s unhappy groan, Jake offered him an alternative
“Let me make a few calls
Even if I can’t give you her address, maybe there’s a store or gas station or even a business close by so you c
narrow it down to a few houses
have to knock on a couple of doors, but you might luck out and find her.”

“Thanks, Jake
I’ll owe you big if it pans out.

Sam hung up and waited impatiently; less than ten minutes later, Jake called back.

“You know we’re skirting the law on a technicality, Sam, but here it goes
She lives on a pretty big stretch of property
The nearest neighbor is over a mile away
But I had my buddy at the station check out nearby businesses and he says her house is just across the freeway from the old Santa Monica Drive
They don’t play movies there
, but you can’t miss the screen
even from the highway.”

“You’re a lifesaver, Jake
Anytime you need a favor,
you got it.

Sam hung up with more hope than he’d had all evening
He hopped in his truck and headed for the highway
This time of night, he should be at Anne’s house in twenty minutes
He only hoped she wouldn’t slam the door in his face when he got there.

Chapter 5

little after ten o’clock
Sam finally spotted the entrance to the beach house across from the outdoor theater
A huge wrought iron gate stood open and he frowned, feeling even worse
Anne must have left it open
thinking he was going to be there for dinner and forgot
to close
He followed the paved driveway toward the beach and pulled up to the house
a few minutes later.

stared at it for a moment, a sudden sinking feeling washing over him
. I
it couldn’t possibly belong to Anne
Property like this would have cost a million dollars or more, depending on how much land she owned around it
Of course, it was possible she’d inherited it
It wasn’t until he got out of his truck that he spotted her red sports car.

Sam’s spirits lifted considerably
At least he had the right house and his beautiful Anne was inside
He walked around the house to the front door and rang the doorbell
All the lights were off inside
. S
he must have gone to bed
He rang it several more times before deciding she either didn’t hear it or was ignoring it
If she was sleeping soundly enough and didn’t hear it, maybe he could find her bedroom window and wake her
He’d probably scare her half to death, but he wasn’t about to leave now when he was so close.

Sam circled to the back of the
where an open deck faced the ocean. He didn’t notice the prone figure until he drew closer
, and for several minutes he simply stood there
enthralled by the vision she presented
sleeping on a lounge chair,
blowing gently around her face from the lazy breeze
The moon was almost full
and the delicate features of her face were bathed in its soft light
She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen

He took the few steps leading up to the deck and sto
next to
her chair
Even in the dim light he could see that she’d been crying
There were
smudges of
mascara beneath her eyes
that had snaked twin trails over her cheeks and
her eyelids were red and swollen
Sam’s heart ached for what she’d gone through and the betrayal she must have felt.

He squatted
the chair
with the intention of waking
he spied the bottle of wine
next to
her chair
He knew from their long weekend together that Anne didn’t drink much
Even with their meals she’d only lightly sipped at her wine
She’d laughed and confessed she was too easily intoxicated and thought it was best not to drink at all
rather than chance making
a fool of

He picked the bottle up and shook it to see how full it was
Judging by the feel of it, Anne
downed more than half the bottle
had she been to drink that much
Sam shook his head
Somehow, he
make it up to her.

He reached out
the soft skin o
her cheek
before gently shaking her shoulder
, but she never even stirred
He stood
and after a moment of indecision,
leaned down and scooped her up in his arms
Her head fell against his shoulder and a soft moan escaped her lips, but still she didn’t wake
The poor little thing was going to have one hell of a hangover, he thought as he carried her through the sliding glass doors

for a moment to let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the house
, cradling her closer to his chest and pressing a kiss to her forehead
He had no idea where her bedroom was but there was a hallway to the left so he took it

The first room was a study,
then came a cozy room with lounge pillows and recliners facing a huge big
screen television
The house was spacious and had the same sweet scent of Anne herself.

He pa
at the first bedroom he came to but decided it
was probably a guest room because it seemed too small to be
master bedroom
The last door at the end of the hall opened into a much larger bedroom
, which
Sam felt sure this was Anne’s
He made his way to the
huge four
poster bed and eased her onto the soft mattress
then doubled back
to close the sliding glass doors
With that done, he glanced around appreciatively at the simple but expensive furniture

Interesting that Anne, who was the sheer essence of femininity, would choose to furnish her home with large, masculine antique pieces.
The bed, the massive armoire in her room, the elegant china cabinet…they were
reflections of Anne, of her beauty and inner strength, her self-confidence. The confidence he’d helped crush tonight,
thought ruefully when he spotted the table she’d obviously taken such loving care to set. 
could he even begin
to make up for all the disappointment she’d suffered
on his account

With a
sigh, he followed the hallway to Anne’s bedroom
and found her
in the same position he’d left her in
. Apparently, she’d
consumed enough wine to
a deep sleep
because she was limp as a rag doll while he gently removed her clothes and tucked her between the sheets.  Having resolved not to let her out of his sight until he dug himself out of the dog house, Sam quickly stripped off his clothes and crawled under the blankets with her

to the center of the bed
he gathered her close to his body, his heart surging with an unnamed emotion when she mumbled his name in her sleep
When Anne’s arm crept across his chest, Sam covered her hand with his and closed his eyes, a contented smile playing on his lips.
He didn’t know how she was going to react when she
woke to find
him in her bed, but it didn’t matter
He had her in his arms again and
had no intention of letting her go.

fter his frantic search for Anne’s number
seeking Jake’s help
, and then worrying whether it was the right address, Sam
felt as if he’d put through a wringer
But w
ith Anne locked securely in his arms,
the pent up tension ebbed away
he quickly dozed off.
ometime in the
he was roused by
the sound of Anne’s
voice calling his name
It took him a minute to realize she was still
and that the
dampness on his shoulder was tears
His chest squeezed
like a vice
What had he done to her?

Baby, wake up.

He brushed the damp hair away from her face
the small, strangled sob that rose from her throat nearly br
his heart

ome on
honey, wake up.

He heard her draw in a sharp breath
the feel of
her delicate hand
across his chest.


He laughed softly
“Were you expecting someone else?”

tipped her head back
, although she didn’t speak right away. In the darkened room, her face was little more than a silhouette.  Even so, enough moonlight filtered through the blinds to make the tears on her cheeks shimmer in its soft glow.

“I waited for you,” she whispered hoarsely, “but you never called.”

The pain in her voice sliced clean through him.
“I’m so sorry,
I lost your card
your office but you’d already gone
, and spent the next couple of hours trying to
figure out a way to find you

’s spine went rigid. She
to pull away, but he
refused to loosen his hold on her

I called, Sam.

Her voice was flat, emotionless
“A woman answered

she said you were in the shower
A woman answered,” she repeated
then went silent.

honey, that
was only Maggie
She lives in the cottage behind my house.”

“But she answered your phone

it’s not what you think.
Maggie takes care of me.

Beth pushed against him, a jagged pain ripping through her chest
“I don’t want to hear about your women
Let me go,” she cried angrily.

” Sam flat refused. “
You don’t understand
If you would stop fighting me, I could explain.”
Ignoring his pleas, she continued
struggle against him. Out of sheer desperation,
Sam rolled on top of her and grabbed her wrists, pinning her arms above her head
“Hold still and just listen for a minute,” he said firmly
Anne stopped
but she was breathing hard and he could
almost see the mutinous thrust of her chin.
“Maggie does my cooking and housekeeping
She’s fifty-two years old and has been with me for fifteen years
Honey, she’s like
to me
I swear it’s the truth.
say something.”

Suspicion was evident in her clipped tone.
“If you lost my card, how did you know where I live
My address isn’t listed in any directories.”

“I have a friend in the police department
I was desperate to find you so I asked him to help me out.”

“I don’t believe you
the police wouldn’t give out my address.”

“He didn’t exactly
me your address
He gave me the address of the old Santa Monica Drive
In and told me to watch for cars when I crossed the street.”

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