GAMBLING ON LOVE (Travis Series) (4 page)

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“What is it that you do
, Sam

arketing and shipping
The clients I’m p
this evening
have developed a new computer chip that I believe will revolutionize the industry
If I’m successful, my company will be selected
to market their product
as well as handling shipment of it worldwide

as though
there’s a lot of money involved,” Beth commented.

Sam glanced at her
“Yes, it could mean billions actually.”

“And you think a
doll on your arm is going to help?”

Sam grinned
“It couldn’t hurt.”

At the hotel entranceway
he climbed out of the car, his long stride insuring he reached the passenger door to help Anne out before the valet could usurp the honor. And it
an honor, Sam thought as h
e held out his hand
captivated by
the beauty of the woman who took it
After tossing his keys to the attendant,
around her waist
never left anything to chance
and tonight was no different. There would be
doubt in anyone’s mind that Anne belonged to him.

Chapter 2

Beth had never been inside the Beverly Hills Hotel and couldn’t seem to move her head fast enough to take in the majestic beauty of it
The Crystal Ballroom was already filled with men and women in elegant
chatting and laughing as they waited for the presentation to begin
was off
to one side
an older gentleman
soft tunes
and behind him was a band setting up
on the stage,
as well as a dance floor
French doors stood open
, allowing
the sweet scent of the floral gardens beyond
to permeate the air

Sam kept a firm arm around her waist as he propelled her to
their table at
the front of the room
, where
Beth removed her shawl and draped it across one of the chairs
turned back to Sam and felt her knees grow a little weak when his gaze swept over her with undisguised desire
A heated blush began to work its way up her neck and for one breathless moment she thought he was going to kiss her.

The spell was broken when three men approached the table to shake hands with Sam, giving Beth
a few moments

to gather herself
It was a short reprieve
however, and the blush that had just begun to dissipate returned with a vengeance when Sam wrapped a strong arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side.

“Gentlemen, this exquisite creature
Anne Dawson.

His arm remained around her as he introduced the men
“This is
Peterson, the co-owner of P & J Industries, and his partner, Scott Jordan.

A third man stepped forward, his eyes raking over Beth in a way that made her feel
as if
she should cover herself
“This is P & J Industries’ private attorney, Evan Drake.”

Beth shook hands with each of them in turn, still feeling uneasy at the way Evan Drake was eyeing her
She glanced up at Sam
who smiled reassuringly and tightened his arm around her
Relaxing a little, she leaned into the protective shelter of his body while the men spoke briefly
then excused
to find their wives before the presentation began.

She was introduced to countless others and
for the most part
remained silent while Sam worked the crowd
Shortly before seven
thirty, he escorted her back to the table
Beth took her
her heart thumping wildly when he leaned down so close their lips would have touched if she’d moved only a few inches.

“I’m going to the podium now for the presentation
,” Sam’s warm breath whispered across her skin

I don’t suppose I could get a kiss for luck?”

She lifted her eyes to his, not quite sure
she was going to say
yes or no
.  T
he option was taken from her
lowered his head to capture her mouth, sending spheres of tingling pleasure
through her. F
or a moment
the room and everyone in it disappeared
Her heart slammed again
t her ribs
kiss deepened
the taste of him was so divine she wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and lock him there
Her eyelids fluttered open when he drew his head back
the side of her
his fingertips.
Anne could almost feel her bones liquefying.
Behind the soft smile on his lips was a silent promise for something far more intimate than a kiss, and the vision it evoked left her
burning inside
as she watched him walk away

Gradually, her table began to fill as the people whose names were on the cards took their seats
Peterson introduced his wife, Linda
a pretty woman with an infectious smile who greeted her warmly
Scott Jordan’s wife, Krista, was just as pleasant and Beth was elated she’d been left in such good company
If it hadn’t been for the unfortunate placement of Evan Drake’s seating card next to hers, she would have enjoyed Sam’s speech immensely
As it was, Drake’s furtive glances in her direction every few minutes made her extremely uncomfortable.

Sam’s presentation, complete with slides and a surprising sense of humor, was applauded loudly when it was over
and Scott stood to shake hands with Sam when he returned to the table and told him what a wonderful job he’d done
Evan Drake remained silent
, giving
Beth the distinct feeling he was not nearly as impressed as his employers were.

“I didn’t understand a word of it,” Linda Peterson laughed, “but if
says it was great then I’m sure it was.”

She couldn’t help smiling at the adoring look Linda gave her husband or the way his hand closed over hers and squeezed
Beth turned her attention back to the conversation
attentively as the men discussed the presentation until dinner was served
the discussion turned to the chip itself.

competitor is a corporation in Scotland,”
“We’re fighting hard to get our product out before they release the actuator they’re working on.”

Evan snorted derisively
“I can’t believe you’re worried about a country whose main export is whiskey.”

“Actually, their main export is electrical and instrument engineering products,” Beth stated absently as she cut a piece of steak
It took a moment for her to realize everyone at the table had gone quiet and was looking at her
She glanced nervously at Sam
who arched an amused brow
“Well, it is
.” She
lifted her chin
“It accounts for almost thirty
five percent of their total manufactured exports.”

“Don’t mind them,” Linda laughed

just the first time Sam has brought a woman with a brain and they don’t know how to react.”

Sam choked on the food he was chewing while
Peterson gaped at his wife with a mortified look on his face
When Linda finally realized what she’d said, her face turned
a furious

Beth smiled broadly
“I guess that puts Sam on the same level as your company; trying something that’s never been done before and praying it doesn’t backfire.”

Linda beamed gratefully at Beth when her husband started to laugh along with the others
“You need to hang on to this one,” Scott said
very wisely endeared herself to the wives
that just about cements the deal,

looked at his wife
who nodded
“Sam, my friend, it looks like the vote is unanimous.”

Sam took Beth’s hand and pressed a kiss to her fingers
“I’d say Anne is definitely my good luck charm.

He continued to hold her hand while the men arranged a time to get together and go over the contracts
With that
rose and pulled her up with him
“Dance with me,” he said softly.

Warmth and desire enveloped her at once as he drew her into his arms
and swept her onto
the dance floor
He held her firmly against him with one arm while clasping her hand to his chest with the other, the seductive sway of his body adding fuel to the fire already raging inside her.

“Thank you, Anne.”

“For what?”

“For coming with me tonight and for saving Linda from being embarrassed over what she said.”

“Is it true what she said?”

Sam chuckled
“Sadly, yes, but I have a feeling that’s going to change.”

e pulled her closer
, the raw desire in his eyes so
, Beth gasped
The rush of blood to her head drowned out the music as he pressed his hips into her, and the only thing she was totally cognizant of was the state of his arousal
She could feel him, hard and firm against the softness of her belly, and it sent a scorching heat ripping through her
like nothing she’d ever felt before


That was as far as she got before he lowered his head and
took possession of
her mouth
Beth’s free arm had been draped loosely around Sam’s neck and she used it now to pull his mouth down for a harder, deeper kiss
Her body melted into his as they continued to sway to the music, falling prey to the slow seduction of his kisses
When the dance ended, Sam continued to hold her until a new song began, the gentle massaging of his lips
obliterating every
from her mind, including the fact
they were in
the middle of a room full of people
Lost in a world of spiraling sensations, Beth nearly cried out with disappointment when his mouth abruptly left hers.

Sam’s expression was pained
“You’re driving me crazy,” he growled softly.

Beth felt his big body tremble against hers and suddenly the aching need between her thighs was so strong she could barely stand on her own
If it wasn’t for the strong arm that held her so close against him, her knees would have buckled beneath her
Her breath
came in ragged gasps
, and the hunger in his eyes did nothing to calm
the erratic thumping of
her heart.

“Anne,” he rasped, “I have a room…”

“Yes,” she whispered hoarsely.

It didn’t matter that she’d only met
that day or that she barely knew anything about him
She wanted nothing more at that moment than to feel his heated skin touching hers
, to share the intimacy his smile had promised earlier.

“After the party…” he started, but she shook her head.

“Now, Sam
I need you

Beth was shocked
her boldness but the deep growl of desire from Sam told her just how much he wanted her
Grabbing her hand, he
pulled her off the dance floor
, his long-legged stride forcing her to double time it in order to keep pace.
The lobby was a blur and so was the elevator ride
as she waited for him to open the door to his room
a moment of trepidation
Then they were inside
Sam pull
her roughly
, crushing her mouth with a passionate kiss, and Beth was lost once more.

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