GAMBLING ON LOVE (Travis Series) (24 page)

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“Yes,” she finally gritted
and stomped out of the office.

waited for her to lock the door and didn’t say a word when he helped her in
the truck
Beth remained obstinately quiet
Let him believe she was going home with him
The only way he could make her leave the beach house once she was there, was to drag her out
kicking and screaming.

Chapter 9

It wasn’t until the third fire truck passed them on the highway
followed closely by two police
Beth sat up and strained to see where they were headed
A cold fear swept through her
They were still a few miles from her house but she could
see the faint glow of the fire.

“Sam,” she

“I know,” he
replied grimly,
pressing down on the accelerator.

The hope she’d been clinging to that it was the outdoor theater engulfed in flames and not her beautiful beach house, died a few minutes later
Smoke billowed from the shattered windows
as the firefighters worked to douse the raging fire, but
was already too late to salvage any part of it.
Beth was too shocked at the moment to even cry but when Sam pulled down the driveway and stopped behind the fire trucks, a painful sob ripped from her throat
She was out the door before Sam could hold her back

She heard
her name but
ignored him
she had to see
for herself
Beth rounded the fire trucks
, the sight of her home slowly being annihilated hitting her square in the chest.
With an anguished cry, s
he fell to her knees and buried her face in her hands
as the roof collapsed
, a
sizeable chunk
heart going up in smoke
with it

Despite the intense heat from the fire, Beth felt cold and empty inside. The only thing s
tanding between
a complete meltdown was
Sam. Dropping down beside her, Sam gathered her in his strong arms, embracing her with a fierceness that seemed to drive some of the pain away.

Sam watched the firemen
the flames but any attempt to save the house was futile
All they could do now was put out the fire and try to keep it from catching on the surrounding trees and spreading
He saw a policeman striding towards them and rose to his feet, lifting Anne with him
She sagged against him, her
keeping a
death grip around his waist

Her face was buried in his chest and he knew by the violent shaking of her shoulders that she was crying,
though he couldn’t actually hear her over the roar of the fire and activity going on around them
When t
he policeman motioned for
to follow him
, Sam
urged Anne
forward. Even with his
she stumbled a few times and would have fallen if he hadn’t been holding her so firmly to his side.

“Is this your house
police officer asked Sam.

Sam nodded, knowing Anne w
capable of
answering any questions
in her ragged condition.

“Do you have any idea how the fire started?”

Sam nodded again
“I believe you’ll find it was arson,” he said grimly.

The police officer
arched a questioning brow
then pulled out a pad and pen
“Maybe we should start at the beginning
our name
, please.


Beth stood on the beach
, sightlessly staring
at the ocean
Behind her, the fire trucks were starting to roll out
Sam had
done his best
to get her to leave but she insisted on taking a walk to the shoreline first
She knew he was hurt when she adamantly refused his company, but he’d let her go
am’s declaration that the fire was caused by arson had taken her by surprise until he’d explained to the police officer. As he repeated t
he words from the
knew in her heart he was right.

I lost my home because of you
And now she
lost her home
An eye for an eye
In a sick, twisted way it made sense.

Beth lifted her face to the cool ocean breeze
Would Stockton have
the fire if she
been at home
Was he trying to kill her or simply making it right in his demented mind by taking from her what she
taken from him
Her thoughts were interrupted by
the sound of the trucks
revving up as they pulled away from the charred remains of her house
Sam would be coming to get her in a few minutes to take her home

No, not home, she thought
Her home was gone
The pain inside her
had dulled but it still ached
for all that she had lost
Stockton had taken something very precious from her
; not just her house, but everything in it, leaving her with fond memories and nothing else
He’d lost his home and made sure she
’d been robbed of hers

Beth inhaled sharply
What was it the second letter had said?

I lost the people I love because of you

Beth turned and raced back towards the house
What if Stockton was hiding in the trees somewhere just waiting for the trucks to leave so he could hurt Sam
Her heart pounded in her chest and she couldn’t breathe, but still she forced herself to move across the sand as fast as her legs would carry her
When she saw the dark silhouette of Sam’s large frame moving towards her, Beth screamed out his name

She saw him pick up his pace, knew she looked like a madwoman racing across the sand calling his name, but she didn’t care
He was safe and all she wanted
at that moment
was to feel his arms around her
Beth flew the last few feet and threw herself in his arms, sobbing and desperately trying to draw in air at the same time.

“Anne, honey, what’s wrong?”

She was
sobbing and
trembling so violently,
Sam was deeply concerned
was in the midst of
a nervous breakdown
He held her to him, calm
her with reassuring words until the heart-breaking sobs began to slow and finally stopped.

Beth tipped her head back, and touched his face
He was safe, he was here,
one had hurt him

” she whispered.

“You had me pretty worried, honey
Are you okay?”

Beth nodded
“I just

I needed to know you were safe.”

“What made you think I wasn’t?”

“The letter,” she
her voice so raw from crying she could barely speak.

“I know, honey
I told the officer about it
He gave me the name of the detective in charge of arson and asked us to contact him tomorrow.”

Beth shook her head
“Not the first letter, Sam
the second.”

he terrified look on her face
nearly gutted him.
“You think he
burned down
the beach house to pay you back for losing his home,” Sam said with sudden clarity. “And now you’re afraid because the
said something about losing the ones he loved

“I thought he
was out there
hiding, in the trees maybe
I was so scared, Sam
I thought he might go after you

“Oh, baby,” he said softly and gathered her in his arms
“No one’s going to hurt me
I have to stick around to watch over you, remember?”

“Don’t tease, Sam
I couldn’t take it
I know I couldn’t
If anything happened to you

Sam silenced her with a soft kiss
“I’m fine, Anne
He couldn’t possibly know where I live
there’s no way
know we’re together
nly a handful of people
, so you’re worrying for no reason

“He could have been watching the beach house,” she pointed out.

“Yes, but he still wouldn’t know my name
The only way he’d know is if he asked Vic
and I’m sure your over-protective friend would have been immediately suspicious about that.”

“You’re right
Vic wouldn’t have

” her voice trailed off as a horrible thought flutter
through her mind
You don’t think

oh, no
I always list Vic as a contact in case
of an emergency.
If Stockton found out my name, he
could easily have discovered
Vic’s name

Sam didn’t want to believe Stockton would go that far, but
the man had
just torched a million dollar house so who could say
was capable of
physically harm
Vic or not
He took Anne’s hand and walked briskly to his truck
her purse
off the floor board where it had fallen, he
pulled her cell phone out and
handed it to her.

Beth dialed Vic’s number
with shaky fingers, her heart pounding with fear until
he finally answered after the sixth or seventh ring
“Vic, thank God you’re all right!”

“Well, of course I am, doll face
What’s wrong
Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she assured him
“Vic, someone set my house on fire tonight
It’s gone
They couldn’t save anything.”

“Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry
I know how much you loved that house
Are you okay
You weren’t in it when it happened
were you?”

“No, I wasn’t in it
I think it was Stockton
The firemen told Sam they thought it was started somewhere between five o’clock and five

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