Game Six (45 page)

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Authors: Mark Frost

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Hrabosky, Al “The Mad Hungarian,” 246

Hubbell, Carl, 6

Hunter, Jim “Catfish,” 19


Israel, David, 11–12, 56, 288


Jackson, Reggie, 325, 331, 338, 339, 340

James, Bill, 73

Jazz Age, 30–31

Jenkins, Ferguson, 322, 334, 338, 339, 348, 359

Jobe, Frank, 76

Johnson, Byron Bancroft “Ban,” 93, 94–96, 109, 126, 127, 128, 205, 206

Johnson, Darrell, 10, 188

career of, 199–202

death of, 357

fired, 327

and Game Four, 191–92

and Game One, 70

and Game Seven, 288, 302

and Game Six batters, 81, 89, 102

and Game Six infield, 185

and Game Six victory, 287

and Game Three, 174–76

indecision of, 247, 325

judgment questioned, 206, 209, 220, 223–24, 302–3, 305–7, 327

in later years, 356–57

and lineup, 74, 75

as manager, 84, 200–202, 216

as mentor, 83, 84, 112, 200

and 1975 season, 74, 199, 200–201

and 1976 All-Star team, 326–27

personal traits of, 200, 201–2

and pitchers, 78, 186, 193, 211–12, 220, 247, 259–60, 301, 302–4, 305

retirement of, 357

and Tiant, 63, 186, 191, 193, 199, 202,206–7, 209, 210, 211–12, 220, 223–24

Johnson, Walter, 60

Josephson, Duane, 83


Kapstein, Jerry, 323, 325, 330, 332, 336, 337, 355

Kasko, Eddie, 84, 200

Katz, Reuven, 333

Kaye, Danny, 356

Keane, Cliff, 14, 201

Kennedy, John F., 120, 204

Kiley, John, 38, 215, 221, 284, 319

Killilea, Henry, 109

King, Stephen, 344–45

Kirby, Clay, 249, 269, 279

Kluszewski, Ted, 66, 67, 106, 122, 245, 309

Kroc, Ray, 130

Kubek, Tony, 341, 350, 372

baseball career of, 25

and Game One, 22

and Game Seven, 293, 309

and Game Six, 52, 67, 78, 103, 136, 158, 191, 193, 241, 279, 283, 284

and Game Three, 174, 175

and postgame interviews, 286, 309

and postgame preparations, 226, 248–49, 256, 257, 272

and World Series (1962), 24–25

Kuhn, Bowie, 178, 300, 310 death of, 351

and free agency, 326, 339–40

and Game Six, 10–11, 15–16, 17, 39

in Hall of Fame, 351

in later years, 351

and reserve clause, 318, 330


Lasorda, Tommy, 337

A League of Their Own
(film), 4

Lee, Annabelle, 216

Lee, Bill, 78, 84, 176, 188, 200, 213, 216–20

barnstorming, 361, 362

and baseball as entertainment, 218, 363

career of, 216

and “Eephus pitch,” 295, 299

and Game Seven, 287, 293, 294–301, 311

and Game Six, 220, 223, 242, 283

in later years, 362–63

and 1976 season, 324, 334

and 1977 season, 338, 339

and 1978 season, 340, 341

as pitcher vs. thrower, 293

and Red Sox Hall of Fame, 363

as “Spaceman,” 218

and teammates, 217–18, 235, 236, 359

traded to Montreal, 342, 362

Lee, Leron, 84

Lemon, Bob, 340, 341

Leroux, Buddy, 342

Lewis, George Edward “Duffy,” 27–28, 38–39, 112, 213, 283

Lindeman, Carl, 17

Lipon, Johnny, 101, 102

Lolich, Mickey, 55

Los Angeles Dodgers, 44, 317, 337, 341, 354, 377

Lynn, Fred, 114, 283, 323, 344, 366

acquired by Red Sox, 74, 87, 112

at bat, Game Six, 86–89, 111, 136, 137–38, 167, 190–91, 227–28, 241, 253–54

early years of, 13, 86

emergence as star, 86–88

fielding in Game Six, 108, 183–85, 193, 211, 227, 269

in Game Four, 182, 183, 192

in Game Seven, 287, 296, 298, 302, 305

in Game Three, 174, 176, 261

Gold Gloves to, 365

hitting the wall, 183–85, 189, 190, 191, 211, 227, 287

in later years, 364–65

in lineup, 74, 164, 271, 322

and 1975 season, 75, 86, 88, 252

and 1976 season, 327, 334

in Red Sox Hall of Fame, 365

retirement of, 365

Lynn, Hattie, 189


Major League Baseball, see baseball Mantle, Mickey, 87, 142, 153

Marichal, Juan, 67, 84

Martin, Billy, 117, 324, 329, 338, 340

Martin, Ned, 200, 293

Martinez, Pedro, 357

Mathewson, Christy, 128, 140, 167

Matthews, Gary, 276

May, Lee, 156

Mays, Willie, 34, 87, 104, 142, 337

McCarver, Tim, 85

McDonough, Will, 14

McDowell, “Sudden” Sam, 100, 101, 102

McEnaney, Will, 132, 189, 222, 225, 230, 233, 249

career of, 252

in Game Seven, 304, 306–8

in Game Six, 251–53, 255–56, 304

retirement of, 355

and salary dispute, 252

traded by Reds, 332–33, 355

and World Series (1975), 253, 259

McGovern, George, 148–50, 160–61

McGraw, John, 128

McGreevey, Michael T., “Nuf Ced,” 111, 126, 127

McGuire, Jim “Deacon,” 205

McGwire, Mark, 375

McKay, John, 13

McNally, Dave, 317

Messersmith, Andy, 317

Mexico City Tigers, 9, 119, 120

Michael, Gene, 84

Michaels, Al, 22

Miller, Janet Marie Fisk, 271

Miller, Marvin, 19, 317

Miller, Rick, 253, 271–72, 306

Milwaukee Braves, 93, 199

Milwaukee Brewers, 39, 324, 332, 356, 358

Minnesota Twins, 61, 171, 332, 377

Minoso, Minnie, 97–99

Monaghan, Tom, 369

Monday Night Football
(TV), 13, 16, 17, 19

Montgomery, Bob, 85, 306–7

Montreal Expos, 317, 337, 355, 362

Montville, Leigh, 14

Mooney, Joe, 15–16

Moore, Sarah Jane, 180, 181

Moret, Rogelio “Roger,” 175, 212, 300, 322

early years of, 224

in Game Seven, 301–2

in Game Six, 224, 226–27, 232, 301

in later years, 358–59

and 1975 season, 224, 225

Morgan, Joe, 73, 122, 263, 330, 336, 341, 345, 346–47

acquired by Reds, 43–44, 121, 139, 152, 156

at bat, Game Six, 68, 71–72, 150–52, 185, 207–8, 246–47, 267–70, 304

baserunning in Game Six, 209–11

career of, 207

early years of, 68

fielding in Game Six, 85, 136, 165, 166, 167, 198, 203, 222, 273, 284

in Game One, 70

in Game Seven, 294, 297, 298, 302, 304–5, 309–10, 352

in Game Three, 175, 225, 226, 304

Gold Gloves to, 45, 328

in Hall of Fame, 348, 373, 374

and Houston Astros, 150–51, 358

in lineup, 43, 44, 45, 50–51, 294

as mentor, 259, 290, 310

MVP awards to, 43, 68, 207–8, 328

and 1975 season, 71, 207

as superstar, 25, 42, 107, 157

and World Series (1975), 309–10

Moss, Charlie, 184–85, 287

Munson, Thurman, 84

Murphy, Tom, 324

Murray, Dale, 333

Murray, Jim, 53


Namath, Joe, 127

National Association, 92

National Football League, 19, 20, 349

National League: early years of, 92–97, 127–28

owners’ pact in, 94

pitching in, 60

“Senior Circuit” of, 92, 127

NBC: broadcasting teams for, 21–22, 188

Emmy award to, 351

and Game Seven broadcast, 293–94

and Game Six broadcast, 16–17, 56, 184, 244–45, 266, 268, 285, 292

and Game Six highlight package, 294

postgame preparations of, 226, 248–49, 257, 272

pregame meeting, 23–24

television ratings, 18, 339

World Series covered by, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 314

Negro League, 6–7, 98, 119

Nettles, Graig, 324

New England: baseball fever in, 37, 292

fatalism in, 54, 302, 345

respect for Yawkey in, 38

Yankee temperament in, 169

see also Boston New York Cubans, 6–7

New York Giants (baseball), 127–28, 204, 329

New York Giants (football), 13

New York Highlanders, 128

New York Knickerbockers, 90

New York Mets, 21, 44, 59, 357

New York Yankees: decline of, 18

dynasties of 20s and 60s, 329

and free agents, 19, 331, 339

name change from Highlanders to, 128

and 1977 season, 338, 339

and 1978 season, 341–42

Red Sox rivalry with, 323–24, 341–42, 357

Ruth sold to, 214

salaries paid to, 321, 331

and World Series (1957), 199

and World Series (1961), 49, 199

and World Series (1962), 25

and World Series (1976), 329, 331

and World Series (1977), 339

and World Series (1978), 354

and World Series (2001), 377

Nixon, Richard M., 58, 59, 149, 179, 315, 331

Nolan, Gary, 106, 336, 337

career of, 76, 77, 81, 155

in Game Six, 76, 78–79, 80–82, 88–89, 111, 112, 116, 118, 123, 140, 241

in Game Three, 75, 77, 131, 261

retirement of, 352

Norman, Freddie, 86, 111, 114

early years of, 129–30

in Game Six, 129, 130–34, 136, 137–39

and 1975 season, 130

retirement of, 352

and World Series (1975), 75, 131, 132, 133

Norworth, Jack, 215

NSN TV network, 363


Oakland A’s, 216, 329

and AL Championship games (1975), 14, 39, 55, 80, 88, 144, 201, 246

and free agents, 19, 324–26, 339

World Series victories of, 18, 44, 76, 137, 275

Oakland Trojans, 3

O’Connell, Dick, 35, 63, 79, 148, 324, 339

Oliver, John, 318

Orlando, Vinnie, 37, 272

Ott, Mel, 6

Ouimet, Francis, 205, 242


Pacheco, Tony, 98

Palmer, Jim, 55, 119, 144, 323

Papi, Stan, 342

Parnell, Mel, 115

Paul, Gabe, 101

Pepitone, Joe, 143

Perez, Tony, 45, 105, 345, 346

at bat, Game Six, 97–103, 156–57, 186–87, 209–10, 248, 277–78

career of, 156, 277, 347

as “Doggie” or “Big Dog,” 101, 373

early years of, 98–100

fielding in Game Six, 80, 117, 132, 165–66, 167, 203, 262

in Game One, 71, 102

in Game Seven, 295–96, 298, 299–300, 305, 310

in Game Three, 277

in Hall of Fame, 368, 373

in later years, 367

and 1976 season, 328, 330, 331

and 1977 season, 337–38

personal traits of, 100, 260

as superstar, 42, 107, 157

and teammates, 107, 290, 309, 333, 337

and trade talk, 260, 277–78, 331, 333, 336, 337, 355

in World Series (1975), 102–3, 247, 310

Pesky, Johnny, 115–16, 251, 313, 342

Petrocelli, Rico, 36, 80, 113

at bat, Game Six, 89, 139, 142–46, 191, 228–29, 256

early years of, 142–43

fielding in Game Six, 185, 193, 248

in Game Seven, 289, 296, 298, 303

injuries to, 89, 143–45

in later years, 361–62

and 1975 season, 89, 144

and 1976 season, 326

retirement of, 338, 362

and World Series (1975), 144, 238, 289, 312

Philadelphia Athletics, 128

Philadelphia Phillies, 46, 329, 343, 345, 346

Phillippe, Deacon, 110

Phillips, Harold “Lefty,” 4

Piazza, Mike, 366

Pinella, Lou, 324, 367

Pittsburgh Pirates, 151

and 1909 season, 44

and 1975 season, 46, 102, 131

and first World Series (1903), 96–97, 109–11, 126–27

players: contract negotiations of, 19, 318

free agents, 19, 319, 323, 324–27, 330, 331–32, 336, 339–40, 346, 351, 354, 370, 374–75

names on jerseys, 376

owners vs., 19, 93–94, 312–19, 330, 370, 371

personal qualities of, 377, 378

professional agents hired by, 319, 323

replacement, 371

and reserve clause, 18–19, 94, 95, 316–19, 330–31

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