Games (Timeless Series) (16 page)

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She sat back and took a large swallow of her drink
. She then put her glass on the table next to her and went back to her book, totally ignoring Simon. For almost half an hour she kept an innocent, bored expression on her face while she turned the pages of the book she was reading, every now and again reaching for her drink to sip.

The entire time, Simon sat stewing
at how easily the little flirt dug under his skin. Hating how easily she’d dismissed him when he could think of nothing but her, he took another hefty gulp and mulled over his options. The safest tactic would be to retreat, simply get up from the sofa and leave her to her reading. But he couldn’t force himself to do it. She’d thrown down the gauntlet—one his male ego wouldn’t let him ignore.

He decided his best bet would be to try
to rattle her. “I see you and Bradford are cozy. It didn’t take you long to have him totally at your feet.”

Her back stiffened slightly
. She looked up from her book and said with the same bored expression on her face, “
, Simon. As you saw, he is quite taken with me. It took only a couple of months.”

My, your game’s improving.”

it is,” she agreed, flashing him a wry smile. “When I put my mind to it, I can be very persuasive.” She winked.

Incensed, j
ealousy overtook him. The thought of wiping the knowing smile off her face and showing her what
was good at, was overpowering. Tamping it down, he stood and finished his drink in one large swallow. He strode to the bar, slammed his glass on the counter, then stormed over to the desk and snatched his papers before heading for the exit without saying another word.


Giselle bit back a smile and tried not to laugh. As he approached the door, she asked, “Was it something I said?”

Her answer was the door crashing shut with such force it shook the windows.

She sat against the sofa, a satisfied grin sneaking over her face. She took another swallow of her drink, pleased to note her ploy had driven him from the room. Not an easy feat, to be sure. His presence had put her senses on full alert the entire time she’d worked to annoy him. It was one thing to ignore Simon from across the room, but when he’d sat so close it had become next to impossible. She could still smell the scent of him—totally male—leaving her with the conclusion that she was wildly attracted to him.

Thankfully the attraction was no
t one-sided.


Monsieur Harrington sat at Colin’s desk, he couldn’t keep his eyes from wandering in her direction when he thought she wasn’t looking. She sighed and took another sip. Things were working out in her favor.

Her ordeal with Bradford, and Simon’s surreptitious observation of their parting, had left her feeling rather melancholy
. Not liking the feeling, she’d decided to do something to thwart it. Donning Marguerite’s creation had done the trick. She wasn’t sure she would actually be brave enough to wear the dress to dinner, knowing full well Simon would think exactly what he’d thought. Instead, she’d come downstairs to read, hoping to use the time to think of something to help solve her problem. What good fortune to find him in the room, even better when events had played out as they had.

Her grin stretched
, things were definitely looking up.

She sighed

Now if she could just maintain a level head until he left, she might come out of this whole episode unscathed

Giselle looked up at the clock on the
mantel. Since dinner wouldn’t be served for another forty-five minutes, she went back to her novel and actually began reading this time.

At 7:55
sharp, she placed her book on the table and rose from her spot in the library. She walked sedately toward the dining room.

Minnie and Maizie were just sitting down.

“Hello, dear.” Minnie nodded, spying Giselle’s entrance. “I take it you’ve met Simon? Gus informed us that he’s staying for a bit.”

have met.” Giselle looked about and moved to pull out a chair. “I notice he is not present yet. Maybe he will take my advice and eat with the servants.”

Both Minnie and Maizie
dropped their jaws. Minnie spoke first. “Now, dear, I hope you weren’t rude to Simon. He’s the Thorpes’ guest and we should be welcoming. Telling him to eat with the servants isn’t being very nice.”

“Yes, dear,” Maizie agreed
. “You’re acting hostess, so you must be pleasant.”

The man could use some lessons on manners. I was only mirroring him.”

The two sisters eyed each other with knowing smiles and shrugged.

“I’m surprised you found him such,” Maizie said
. “He’s been perfectly charming to both Minnie and me.”

, I do not find him charming at all and will be perfectly happy when he leaves.”

Simon strode into the room with a minimum of movement.
“I’m so sorry my visit is upsetting to you,” he said, obviously overhearing her comment. He walked to the chair next to her, before making himself comfortable. “I’ll try and stay out of your way as much as possible.”

The idea of him sitting so close, when there were several empty chairs around the table, irritated Giselle
. He was clearly baiting her and she wasn’t about to let him get away with it. Schooling her features with the bored, blank look she knew he hated, she countered, “You flatter yourself,
, if you think your visit bothers me.”

It’s Simon.”

Q’est-ce que ce?
Excuse me?”

“My name is Simon
.” A boyish grin spread across his face, highlighting his green eyes with mischief. “I expect you to use it. I thought we’d already established that small detail.”

mouth dropped open. She could only stare at him, trying to discern his new game. After a beat, she smiled sweetly and gushed, “

.” He chuckled. “Now that we understand each other, I think my visit will go better.” He then turned to Minnie and Maizie, fully dismissing her, and said, “So, how are you two lovely ladies doing this evening? Did you have a pleasant afternoon?”

The two sisters glanced at each other again
, this time their look turning speculative.

“We had a wonderful afternoon,” Minnie
said. “We took care of the children and while they were taking their naps, Maizie and I had a very pleasant walk.”

“How nice
. Where did you walk,” Simon asked, his expression showing interest.

Minnie beamed
, and obviously loving nothing better than to talk to someone who would listen, her answer took several minutes. For the next hour while servants served them, Simon listened to and asked questions of the two women, keeping the conversation going the entire time.

Giselle sat and watched the spectacle with a new appreciation for her adversary
. He was so smooth, drawing both out and getting them to talk while adding nothing personal to the discussion. He did this all without effort, effectively excluding her in the process. What amazed her even more was that the women were totally smitten with Simon after his little performance.

When the meal was over, Simon rose
. “Would you ladies like to play a game of cards in the library before turning in?”

“Oh, goodness no!”
Minnie replied. “But thank you for asking. It’s much too late. After all, we both need our beauty sleep.” Turning to Giselle, she smiled. “Since you’re hostess, my dear, why don’t you go and play a game of cards with Simon.”

Simon turned to her with his eyebrows raised, sporting one very satisfied smirk
. “Well, Giselle. I guess it’s just you and me. How about a game of cards?”

As he bent to pull her chair out, she said with more grace than she felt, “I guess I can spare
the time before I turn in.”

How aggravating
Simon had her chaperones eating out of his hands. Giselle could see no way out of spending time with him without giving them more food for gossip. Usually the two old biddies were stationed right in the middle of the sofa if she had another young man in the library after dinner. Yet here they were, just throwing her at Simon, leaving her to deal with him alone.

“Shall we?”
His grin widened when he held out an arm to escort her from the room.

, oui!
He was definitely a worthy adversary and someone she needed to be wary of. Unfortunately, the fact only added to his appeal. Glancing at him now, wearing such a smug grin, she had to admit he was very attractive. He’d dressed for dinner, his formal attire fitting him like a second skin. Her feminine side appreciated the effect his masculinity had on her senses.

She shook her head,
ignoring the excitement zinging through her system, and whispered to him while putting her hand on his elbow, “Why do I feel as if I have been set up?”

“Because you have, my dear,” he whispered back.


The two chaperones
stayed in their chairs as the couple departed.

Giselle’s warm laughter rang in the air, Maizie said, “I think she may have met her match in that one. What do you think, Minnie?”

“I think you may be on to something, sister
. He’ll definitely give her a good chase.”

ie’s smile deepened. “But who’s going to catch whom, do you think?”

Staring at the empty doorway,
Minnie chuckled. “Now, that’s anyone’s guess.” She stood to help her sister. “Shall we?”

“I guess so
. I just wish we didn’t have to go to bed so early. Couldn’t you have used some other excuse?”

“Not on such short notice
. I simply wasn’t expecting the need to come up with one. None of her other beaux have asked us to join them.”

“That’s probably why he’s so perfect for her.”
Maizie sighed. “He’s nothing like any of her other young men.”

“Come, my dear,” Minnie said, taking
Maizie’s arm and walking from the table toward the door. “We can read in our rooms just as easily as we can in the library. Let’s let them work it out between themselves.”

“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing by leaving them alone together? I mean
, I know it wasn’t really necessary all those other times, but this Simon seems so different. I hope she can handle him.”

“She’s definitely got her hands full, but my money’s on her
. Besides, what’s done is done.”


Chapter 11

Simon led Giselle into the library and over to the table with four chairs in one section of the large room

While walking to the bar, he asked, “What game would you like to play?”

Giselle giggled and Simon grinned. “Maybe I should rephrase my question. Before I do, though, would you like a glass of sherry?”

,” she said, bestowing a wide smile and a firm shake of her head. “I want what you are drinking.”

Lifting an eyebrow,
Simon met her gaze. “Isn’t that a bit strong?”

, you forget I lived in Paris. I have come to love French brandy. Bourbon is not much different.” At his scoff, she countered, “What? You do not believe me?”

“No. It’s not that
.” He laughed and poured two stiff drinks. “I believe you. I just wonder how well you hold your liquor.”

not bring the drink over here, Simon, and I will show you. Bring the bottle, too. We may need reinforcements.”

comment earned another laugh. “My, my! I’m learning all kinds of things. Imagine a little French lush. I never would have guessed.”

He placed the drinks along with the bottle on a tray and strode
toward her. With a minimum of movement, he put the tray on the table and handed one drink to her while picking his up.

He sat down next to her just as she spoke.

“You know, I should not be in here with you.”

He glanced at her, and took a drink
. Then he set his glass on the table and began shuffling the cards. “All right, I’ll bite. Why not?”

Eyeing his actions, she brought her glass to her lips and took a lengthy sip before answering

“Because you a
re a bold one, Simon Harrington. And I do not know what to make of you.”

His rich laughter
rose up and filled the air. “And you amuse me, Giselle. Why is that? I can’t remember laughing so much or enjoying a woman’s company since the last time I was with you.”

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