Games (Timeless Series) (14 page)

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“We’ve met
.” Simon grunted. “Our paths have crossed a couple of times. I used to work with her father when I first started out. He was in charge of the Paris operations.”

“I used to think the fact that she’s an heiress pulled them in
,” Gus said, chuckling again and shaking his head. “Except that too many of her visitors are wealthy, so it’s not her money they’re after.”

Simon remained silent
as Tyler assisted Giselle with mounting. When they finally rode off, he cleared his throat. “So you say she’s not interested in any of them? Does that include the man she’s with?”

s eyes crinkled as his grin expanded. “Don’t tell me you’ve fallen under her spell?”

” Simon’s head moved back and forth in denial. “I’m merely curious,”

!” Gus snorted. “You’re no different from all those other young buffoons. My God! It makes me wonder what kind of potion she uses to captivate all of you.”

Don’t count me in with them,” Simon said, now vehemently shaking his head. “I may like looking at her, but I know enough not to fall for her ploys. Like I said, I was just wondering. She seemed awfully cozy with that fellow and it looked to me like she was taken with him.”

“From what I’ve seen, the flirtatious Giselle is taken with no one…yet
.” Gus’s voice still carried a hint of amusement. “But he’s definitely taken with her and he’s around more than the rest of them. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t propose before too long. Who knows, she might say yes. They seem a perfect pair.”

Simon clenched his teeth as irritation rose along his
spine. He pushed thoughts of the minx away and took a deep breath, relaxing his shoulders. “Let’s get back to this new fellow you hired from Hillier Meadows. What was his name?”

“Isaac Black?
Why do you want to know about him?”

Simon shrugged. “Since all these incidents have happened within a short time frame, I’m checking into any new workers in the past six months.”

“He’s been here a little over a month. Came highly recommended from Hillier’s place. From what I can tell he’s a good worker. Never had any problems with him that I’m aware of, and I’m aware of everything that goes on around here.”

“Did you know he was working in the stables on the day Hillier’s thoroughbred was
injured and had to be put down,” Simon asked.

“No, but so what?
” Gus grunted. “Doesn’t mean he did it.”

“You’re right
, of course, but everyone’s a suspect until eliminated.”

“Hell, there were probably ten
other men working somewhere on Hillier Meadows at the same time and most of those are also working elsewhere. Any one of them had the opportunity. You’ve got your work cut out for you.”

“Thanks for pointing that out.”

“Don’t mention it,” Gus said, chuckling softly. “Besides, there’s always the possibility you’re looking for someone unknown. It would be more difficult, but it is possible.”

Simon bit back a
bark of laughter. “Yes, anything’s possible, but I’ll stick with the simple solutions first. Then move on to the more impossible ones only after nothing pans out.”

“I’m only trying to help.”

“You can help by telling me where I can find Mr. Black,” Simon said, still grinning.

“He’s off for a few days
. I don’t expect him back until tomorrow evening or Monday morning.”

“Damn, I was hoping to speak with him before then
. Is there anyone else who’s been here less than six months?”

took off his hat, scratched his head, then replaced his hat and shrugged. “I have one other fellow who started working within the last six months.”

“Where’d he work before this?”

“God only knows. Most of the men who come to work here are drifters. One place is the same as the other. Some decide they like the work and stay. Others move on after a few months.”

“So he’s still here?”

“Yes. Jamison’s out in the south pasture. Since the weather’s been mild, the herd is still out there.”

Is that his first or last name?”

Gus grunted
. “Take your pick. That’s all he goes by.”

“Would you mind if I borrowed a mount to ride out and speak with him?”

“Be my guest,” he offered. “You’re welcome to any mount Twin Oaks has available for as long as you need it. I’d go with you, but I have several things here needing my attention.”

“I’m sure I can find him on my own.”

“Come on then. I’ll have Jake saddle a horse. It won’t take any time.” Gus turned to walk farther into the stables. Simon followed.

Ten minutes later, Simon rode out to find
Jamison. His gut told him the man had nothing to do with the horses’ deaths, but he still had to check him out.

After spending half an hour questioning him, Simon was satisfied
that his hunch was correct. Jamison wasn’t his man. Just before he hefted himself into the saddle, he turned back to the kid, not much older than the boy who found Caroline Hillier’s thoroughbred. “Do any of the hands seem strange to you?”

Jamison’s expression turned curious. “What do you mean by strange?”

“Distant or different in some way,” Simon clarified, keeping his gaze on the young handler.

“Hell, Mr. Harrington, most everyone’s distant, ’cept Gus and Mr. Thorpe,” he answered, shaking his head. “None of those guys want you to know anything about them. My guess is it ain’t worth knowin’.”

“What about the new guy, Isaac Black?”

“What about him?”

“Does he seem strange?”

“Yeah, he’s strange, but no stranger than anyone else. He keeps to himself, too.” Jamison’s shoulders lifted negligently.

“Well, thanks for your help.”

“Sure thing, Mr. Harrington. Since I like it here, I aim to stick around for a while.”

Simon went to mount, but turned back again
. “One more thing, Jamison. Do you think you could keep an eye on this new guy, Isaac Black, for me?”

Jamison’s expression was torn
. His head moved from side to side as he replied hesitantly, “I don’t like the idea of spyin’.”

“Not spy
—just keep your eyes open and be on the lookout for anything suspicious. If you see anything worth mentioning, make note of it and let me know. That’s all.”

He thought about it and nodded
. “I guess I can. It doesn’t seem so bad when you put it like that.”

“Good,” Simon murmured, nodding
. “I’ll be in touch.”


A sense of freedom rolled over Giselle, making her thankful the weather was cooperating. The unseasonably warm breeze, aided by the sun high in the cloudless sky, felt wonderful on her cheeks.

She and Bradford
rode out about a half mile past the pasture where most of the stock grazed.

Bradford slowed,
then dismounted.

Reining in Fortuna,
Giselle’s eyebrows rose in question. “What are you doing? Why are we stopping?”

After pulling out a blanket from his saddlebag, he spread it on the ground.

“You’ll find out,” he said, moving toward her and lifting his arms to help her down. “Giselle, I think it’s time we talked.” When she noticed his unwavering expression, a feeling of dread spread through her as she dismounted. Taking her hand, he kissed it before adding, “This seems as good a place as any to do it.”

He led her over to the blanket and together they sat
. Giselle remained silent, wishing she could be anywhere else at this exact moment, not wanting to hear what he had to say.

Bradford cleared his throat
. “You know I hold you in the highest esteem. We’ve been seeing each other for quite a while now and it’s time we talked about our future.”

Giselle closed her eyes
, trying to think of something to say…anything to change the course of the conversation.

Finally, she opened her eyes and offered a wan smile
. “I think highly of you too. I wish you would not do this.”

I’ve been plenty patient.” His voice had a harder edge to it. “I’ve never pushed for more than you’re willing to give and I’m starting to believe maybe I should have.”

“What does that mean?”
Her questioning gaze landed on his.

“It means I’m tired of playing the fool.”

“How can you say something so absurd?” His comment shocked her and she drew her shoulders back at his terse tone.

“I can say it because it’s true,” Bradford exclaimed heatedly, his hand raking impatiently through his hair
. “I was foolish enough to keep from having this conversation until now. I should’ve spoken sooner.”

“I hardly think you
are foolish.”

“Maybe not
.” He shook his head in exasperation and blew out a breath of air on a deep sigh. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I should’ve spoken sooner. It’s time you knew I view you as my future wife.”

Giselle focused on the surrounding scenery, unwilling to keep meeting his intense expression

She stoically
endured Bradford’s gaze that she knew was focused on her face. After minutes of her continued silence, he pushed out another sigh. “Giselle, do you care for me?”

“Of course I care for you, Bradford
. I always look forward to your visits.” She still couldn’t meet his eyes.

“Enough to spend your life with me?” he asked a little too earnestly.

Not wanting to answer his question, she kept quiet, studying her fingers intently.

He placed his thumb and forefinger on her chin, forcing her to look at him
. “Then answer me this. If you don’t feel that way now, do you think you can ever come to think of me as your husband?”

Giselle peered into his questioning eyes and shook her head
. “I do not know.”

“It’s time you thought of it, don’t you think?”

“I had no idea your intentions were so serious,” she said honestly.

He tightened his fist and his jaw clenched. “How could you not know what my intentions were?” he asked heatedly as anger flashed from his eyes.

Giselle glanced back down at her hands and shrugged, remaining silent.

“How long do you propose to keep me dangling like a puppet?” Bradford
asked, frustration evident in his voice. “And how long should I wait, Giselle, until you do know?”

must I have a time limit? Why can we not just go on as before?”

“It’s time I marry and you’re my choice
.” Bradford sighed and lifted an eyebrow. “Is there anyone else?” When she shook her head, he added, “I’d give you all the time you needed, if you could tell me honestly you think more of me than merely another man to feed your vanity.”

“How can you say such a thing?”

“Because it’s true.”

“I do care for you.”

Her words seemed to irritate him further and he looked out over the landscape. His gaze spoke volumes when it came back to hers. Taking her hand, he brought it to his lips and said solemnly, “I want you as my wife. It’s time you accepted that about me.”

Bradford’s serious demeanor petrified Giselle
. She didn’t like seeing the earnestness in his expressive eyes, nor did she like being the cause of it. His look made her feel ashamed of herself. The man kneeling before her had somehow come to mean much more than a man she wanted to bring to his knees. But she just didn’t see how she could ever marry him without loving him, and at this point she knew she didn’t love him. Her father’s warning filled her mind.

It dawned on her, right then, what he’d been trying to tell her

“I do
not know what to say, Bradford,” she whispered truthfully, deciding he needed her complete honesty. “I do enjoy your company and look forward to your visits.”

“Answer me this
. Will you give us a fair chance and think about what I’m asking,” he asked gravely, kissing her gloved hand again.

“Yes, I promise
.” She nodded. “I will definitely think about us. But I am not sure I will ever be able to give you what you need.”

“Then you leave me with no other choice than to change your mind
.” There was intensity in his voice as he continued speaking. “I’m imparting fair warning, Giselle. I will be your husband.” He stopped to gaze into her eyes. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered, leaning over and touching his lips to hers.

While feeling his soft mouth over hers, Giselle couldn’t help wishing she could love him back
. The kiss was pleasant enough, much like others she’d shared with him. Still, she felt a little disappointed at how bland it was.

Bradford broke the kiss and said, “It’s time we headed back
.” He stood and bent over, reaching a hand for Giselle. She grabbed it, allowing him to pull her up. “Before I forget, I wanted to ask you if we could change our meeting time for next week. My mother has plans for the weekend and I promised I’d accompany her. Is Friday acceptable rather than Saturday?”

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