Gansett After Dark (33 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Gansett After Dark
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The next morning, Janey pulled up to the house as he got out of his truck, so he waited for her.

“Hey, brat.”

“What’s this all about?”

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

“Are you worried about whatever it is?”

“Hell yes. They don’t just summon us like this unless it’s something big.”

“She said it was nothing to worry about.”

“I worried anyway.”

“Yeah,” Janey said, “me, too. I’m kind of afraid to go in there. Part of me doesn’t want to hear whatever it is.”

“I agree.” He unlatched the gate and held it for his sister as she went ahead of him. The scent of his mother’s roses filled the air as he followed Janey into the house, where they were greeted by the smell of coffee and something cooking.

“She’s making food,” Janey said. “This is a big deal.”

“Why do you say that?”

“She always cooks when she’s worked up about something.”

“You don’t think they’re splitting up, do you?” Mac asked.

“That would count as something bad, and they said it wasn’t bad.” She gave him a little shove to move him toward the kitchen.

“Hey, guys,” Linda said when she saw them coming. “Coffee?”

“I’ll have some,” Mac said.

“None for me,” Janey said. “I’m avoiding caffeine while I’m breastfeeding.”

“Don’t say breastfeeding around me,” Mac said. “I can’t take it.”

“I have extra-big breasts right now,” Janey said, “and I use them to feed the baby I had after lots and
of sex with your best friend.”

“I hate you.”

“You do not.”

“No, I actually do hate you.”

“Why does Mac hate Janey now?” Grant asked as he came in with Evan.

“She’s talking about her big breasts,” Linda said.

“And all the sex she had with my best friend before she got pregnant,” Mac added.

“I hate her, too,” Grant said.

“Me three,” Evan said.

Janey beamed with pleasure. “I’ve got them all hating me before noon. It’s just like old times, Mom.”

“Are we hating on Janey?” Adam asked as he came in and went straight for the coffee. “What’s the occasion?”

“She’s talking about her breasts and her sex life,” Grant informed his brother.

“Count me in on the hate,” Adam said, guzzling black coffee.

“Rough night?” Evan asked him.

“Great night. Abby and I got engaged.”

“That’s fantastic news,” Mac said. “Congrats.”

Janey kissed Adam’s cheek. “I love when my brothers marry my best friends. Thank you for that.”

“Anything for you, brat,” Adam said.

Cuz it’s all about Janey
,” the four brothers said as one.

“Awww, you guys…” Janey dabbed at her eyes dramatically. “I’m just feeling the love today.”

“When’s the big day?” Grant asked between bites of the banana bread Linda had set out for them.

She stood over a pan full of scrambled eggs and another with fried potatoes. Mac’s grumbling stomach reminded him he’d been too wound up to eat earlier.

“And don’t say Labor Day,” Grant added, “because I’m getting married then.”

“You guys set a date?” Janey asked. “Finally!”

“Yes, we set a date, and don’t make a thing over how long it took. Steph was dealing with some crap from her childhood. We talked it out and set a date.”

“I’m glad for you,” Evan said. “I know you were wondering what was up with her not wanting to talk about the wedding.”

“Speaking of weddings,” Mac said, “Maddie and I want to throw a surprise wedding for Ned and Francine.”

“A surprise wedding?” Linda asked. “How exactly does that work?”

Mac outlined his plan to help their dear friend Ned and Maddie’s mother get their happy ending.

“That’s an amazing idea,” Janey said. “I love it.”

“They will, too,” Linda said with a smile for her oldest child. “Francine said something to me recently about dreading all the planning that comes with a wedding. When are you thinking about doing it?”

“Maybe the weekend after Laura’s wedding? I wanted to check with all of you to make sure you’re available. Ned would want us there.”

“That works for me,” Janey said.

The others agreed.

“Great, I’ll keep you posted,” Mac said.

“And let us know how we can help,” Linda said.

“We will.”

Footsteps on the stairs preceded their father into the kitchen. “Good,” Big Mac said. “You’re all here.”

“Now maybe you can tell us what this is about,” Adam said. “You said it was nothing to worry about, but I worried anyway.”

“Me, too,” Mac said.

“You worry about everything,” Evan said teasingly.

“The burden of being the oldest is a heavy one,” Mac said in an intentionally grave tone. “You wouldn’t get it.”

“Oh shut up,” Grant said with a groan. “Do you ever get tired of listening to yourself?”

“No,” Mac said. “Not really.”

“So listen up,” Big Mac said. His serious tone put Mac immediately on edge. “I have something I want to tell you, and I want you to listen to the whole thing before you say anything.”

“You’re not sick, are you, Dad?” Janey asked in a small voice, airing Mac’s greatest fear.

“No, sweetheart, nothing like that. I promise. Mac and Grant, you were at the marina yesterday when a woman came to see me.”

“What woman came to see you?” Adam asked.

Big Mac looked at Linda, who seemed to nod in encouragement. “It turns out the woman who came to see me is my daughter, Mallory.”

His words were met by stunned silence as a thousand thoughts cycled through Mac’s mind in the span of a few seconds.

?” Evan asked. “You have another daughter? Where’s she been all this time?”

“In Providence with her mother, who recently passed away and finally told her who her father is. Mallory came here to meet me with no intention of disrupting my life. If you know me at all, and the five of you know me as well as anyone does, you’ll understand there was no way I was going to let her walk away like I’d never met her.”

Grant held up a hand to stop his father. “Start at the beginning. Who’s her mother? And I assume you knew her
you met Mom?”

Big Mac’s brows narrowed at the implication he might’ve been unfaithful to their mother. “Yes, son. I dated her before l met Mom.”

“Sorry,” Grant muttered.

“I dated her mother for a few months the winter before I met Mom. Her name was Diana Vaughn. She died recently and left a letter for Mallory, giving her my name and where she could find me.”

“So up until then, she had no idea who her father was?” Adam asked.

“No. Neither of us knew.”

“Wow,” Grant said. “That must’ve been shocking.”

“To say the least,” Big Mac said. “And I’m fully aware that it’s shocking for all of you to hear you have a half sister you never knew about, but I’m asking you to meet her, to give her a chance—”

her?” Janey asked, seeming panicked by the thought. “When?”

“She’ll be here in a few minutes.”

“I’m out,” Janey said, her chin quivering. “I’m sorry, Dad, but I can’t do this right now.” She rushed out of the room, and the screen door slammed behind her.

“Brat,” Mac called after her. “Wait.”

“Let her go, son,” Big Mac said. “I’ll talk to her later.” He looked at each of his sons, who were unusually somber in light of the bomb that had been dropped on them. “Does anyone else wish to leave before she gets here?”

Mac wanted to go. He had no desire to meet the sister he’d never known he had. He liked his life—and his family—exactly the way it was. However, the thought of disappointing his father in any way had him holding his tongue and remaining seated on a barstool when he really wanted to bolt the way Janey had.

One by one, his brothers demurred when their dad asked if they wanted to leave. When Big Mac’s gaze landed on him, Mac shook his head.

“I appreciate this.” His father made eye contact with each of his sons. “More than you know.”

Chapter 22

Linda served up eggs, potatoes and toast, which Mac ate because he was hungry, but every bite required effort to get the food past the lump in his throat. How could he feel so threatened by someone he didn’t even know? Under normal circumstances, any time he and his three brothers were in the same place at the same time, the insults would be flying, the laughter loud and raucous.

Today the four of them ate in silence as their mother stood watch over them and their father paced nervously.

“She doesn’t have anyone,” Linda said softly. “Her mother was her only family.”

“Is Dad going to require proof?” Mac asked. “He has assets to protect.”

“I don’t need proof,” Big Mac said.

“Dad, seriously,” Mac said, “I know you think everyone is as upstanding as you are, but that’s just not the case.”

“First of all,” Big Mac said, “I appreciate your concern, but I don’t require proof.”

“Dad, come on,” Grant said. “Anyone in this situation would be a bit skeptical.”

“I understand, but when you meet her, you’ll see why I don’t need proof. I also knew her mother quite well and have no reason to believe she’d lie about such a monumental thing.”

“People lie all the time about monumental things,” Evan said tentatively.

“Indeed they do,” Big Mac said. “I don’t believe this is one of those times.”

“Boys, follow your father’s lead on this,” Linda said. “I promise you no one is more skeptical than I was, but when you meet Mallory, you’ll see what we saw.”

Big Mac sent his wife a grateful smile.

“So you’re okay with this, Mom?” Adam asked.

“Okay with it?” Linda asked with a laugh. “What do you expect me to say to that? We were both surprised—shocked—to hear your father had a daughter he never knew about. But I don’t blame him, if that’s what you’re asking. He didn’t know. If anyone is to blame, if that’s the word you want to use, it’s Mallory’s mother, who made the choice to keep your father’s daughter from him for nearly forty years. She’s gone now, though, so there’s no point tossing blame around. All we can do is manage the situation we’re in.”

“That’s very Zen of you,” Evan said. “I wouldn’t have expected you to be so chill about finding out Dad has another kid.”

“I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you by not flipping out,” Linda said with a grin for her youngest son. “One thing I’ve learned is that life tosses you challenges you never see coming. The only thing you can control is how you react to those challenges. I choose not to make the sudden appearance of a daughter your father never knew he had into a marriage crisis.”

“You see why I love her?” Big Mac said.

Mac was slightly relieved to hear that Mallory’s appearance wasn’t going to cause a rift between his parents, who’d always been solid as a rock.

The doorbell rang, ending the moment of levity.

“I’ll get it,” Big Mac said.

They heard him exchanging greetings with her and inviting her in. Though he’d seen her yesterday, everything was different now, so Mac held his breath as anxiety flooded his entire body. This sister he’d never known he had was older than he was. If his parents planned to open their arms and welcome her into their family, as it seemed they were going to do, he would no longer be the oldest sibling. He loved being the oldest and had always embraced the responsibility he felt toward his younger siblings, even if they chafed against his need to be the boss.

Would the arrival of this woman change the entire dynamic of his family? That thought caused the kind of panic he hadn’t felt since the sailboat accident.

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