Garden of Darkness

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Authors: Anne Frasier

Tags: #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Fiction

BOOK: Garden of Darkness
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“Frasier’s writing is fast and furious.” —Jayne Ann Krentz

“Anne Frasier delivers thoroughly engrossing, completely riveting suspense.”—Lisa Gardner

Praise for
Pale Immortal

“Frasier delivers twist upon twist. . . . This is the kind of book that builds to a slow boil, and then bubbles incessantly and will keep you turning pages to the end, desperate to find out what happens. . . . Frasier is an expert at haunting the reader. . . .
Pale Immortal
is the kind that lingers. The characters are rich, complex. The story is masterfully spun.”
           —Spinetingler Magazine

“Easily the best work I’ve read in 2006. This is just simply a masterpiece. I can’t wait for the sequel so I can walk Tuonela’s streets again.”
                                                   —Maximum Horrors

“[An] exciting and thrilling tale. . . . Ms. Frasier proves why she is one of today’s bestselling authors, in a book that will have you jumping at every noise but unable to put it down. Magnificently written story and characters.”

“One of those nifty page-turning thrillers that keep you reading nonstop till you turn the last page. And Anne Frasier is a writer talented at creating vividly fractured characters and a dark, disturbing atmosphere and theme. . . . If you want to taste something a little different, then
Pale Immortal
is a heady and sinister brew.”


“Anne Frasier has written a very scary novel with gothic and supernatural overtones. . . . This is a stupendous work, worthy of an award nomination.”
                                 —The Best Reviews

“Few books keep me turning pages from dark till dawn, but this one did. Be prepared, for it could happen to you too.”

—Armchair Interviews

“Frasier’s latest rivets with suspense and paranormal elements as vampires—both real and imagined—become a force to be reckoned with. She masterfully creates the perfect atmosphere for suspicious death and compelling mystery in this nail-biting thrill ride.”
Romantic Times

continued . . .

Before I Wake

“Anne Frasier’s latest novel . . . once again demonstrates her mastery of atmospheric suspense. . . . During the incredible finale, which takes place back on Arden’s family farm during a pounding blizzard, you just may want to bundle up. Arden Davis is a thoroughly engaging character.”
CrimeSpree Magazine

“An original, highly suspenseful, ingeniously crafted tale that dares to question reality. . . . Frasier has filled this clever plot with daring twists, realistic characters, and a chilling narrative that thrills with each page. This is not a meatloaf-and-potatoes kind of read, but rather a bold new recipe that satiates and awakens those tired old taste buds and is definitely worth each and every calorie.”

—New Mystery Reader Magazine

“Words like ‘thrilling,’ ‘riveting,’ and ‘intense’ are often bandied about when describing Anne Frasier’s writing, and for good reason. . . . That is exactly what she delivers.”

—Romance Reviews Today

Play Dead

“A nicely constructed combination of mystery and thriller, which skirts along the edge of fantasy. Frasier is a talented writer whose forte is probing into the psyches of her characters, and she produces a fast-paced novel with a finale containing several surprises. There’s more than enough suspense in these pages to satisfy the most jaded reader.”
                   —I Love a Mystery

“Frasier has perfected the art of making a reader’s skin crawl. . . . [An] exceptional thriller. . . . Frasier’s characters are not only fully realized, but fascinating to boot, and she evokes the dark, mystical side of Savannah with precision and skill.”

Publishers Weekly

“Has all the essentials of an edge-of-your-seat story. There is suspense, believable characters, an interesting setting, and just the right amount of details to keep the reader’s eyes always moving forward. . . . I recommend
Play Dead
as a great addition to any mystery library.”
                                  —Roundtable Reviews

Sleep Tight

“Anne Frasier hasn’t wasted any time establishing herself as a master of the serial killer genre. . . . Gripping and intense. . . . Along with a fine plot, Frasier delivers her characters as whole people, each trying to cope in the face of violence and jealousies.”
Minneapolis Star Tribune

“There’ll be no sleeping tight after reading this one! A riveting thriller guaranteed to keep you up all night. Laced with forensic detail and psychological twists, Anne Frasier’s latest intertwines the hunt for a serial killer with the personal struggles of two sisters battling their own demons and seeking their own truths. Compelling and real—a great read.”

New York Times
bestselling author Andrea Kane

“Guaranteed to keep you awake at night . . . a fast-paced novel of secrets, lies, and chilling suspense.”

New York Times
bestselling author Lisa Jackson


“A deeply engrossing read.
delivers a creepy villain, a chilling plot, and two remarkable investigators whose personal struggles are only equaled by their compelling need to stop a madman before he kills again. One warning: Don’t read this book if you are home alone!”

New York Times
bestselling author Lisa Gardner

“Well-realized characters and taut, suspenseful plotting. It will definitely keep you awake to finish it. And you’ll be glad you did.”
Minneapolis Star Tribune

, Anne Frasier slams into the fast lane of the thriller market and goes to the head of the pack. This is far and away the best serial-killer story I have read in a very long time. It is packed with intense human drama, strong characters and a truly twisted bad guy. Frasier’s tale is fast and furious. This one has ‘Guaranteed Winner’ written all over it.”

New York Times
bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz


Other Books by Anne Frasier


Sleep Tight

Play Dead

Before I Wake

Pale Immortal


Published by New American Library, a division of 
Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, 
New York, New York 10014, USA

First published by Onyx, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.


Copyright © Anne Frasier, 2007 All rights reserved


ISBN: 1-4295-4492-9

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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For the Pimp Squad






Where does the wind begin?


A dank breeze rose from the ground like one long exhaled breath. It lifted fallen leaves and swirled them up into the night sky. The leaves moved as if they knew where they were going, as if they had a destination. They flew past open windows where children were tucked into bed, hushed words snatched from sweet mouths and replaced with new ones.

“Where does the wind begin?” one child asked another.

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