Getting a Life (6 page)

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Authors: Chrissie Loveday

BOOK: Getting a Life
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'That's fine Mum, thanks. Am I in my old room?'

'Well, I thought perhaps you'd like to give that to Mike and you can go in the box room. I've had a clear out.'

'That's fine. Thanks.'

'Hey, don't let me put you out of your room,' Mike said forcibly. 'I'll be fine in the box room.'

'I'll leave the pair of you to decide. I'll go and put the kettle on. Come down when you're ready.'

'We will. Thanks Mum.'

'So, this is your old room? I like it. Girly but not too bad really. Not the worst I've seen,' he teased.

'How many others have you seen?'

'Not all that many. Where's the box room then?'

'Next door to this one. It's really quite small. Are you really sure you don't mind it?'

'Quite sure, thanks. Now, can we stop being formal and get on with Christmas?'

They went down and the rest of the family turned up. She hadn't seen her brother Geoff for ages and they were soon wrapped in conversation. Mike seemed to have linked up with Geoff's wife and they were chatting nineteen to the dozen. The two kids had gone to find her father and wake him up.

'Auntie Ethel will be here tomorrow morning, I'm afraid. Dad has to go and fetch her from the nursing home. There will some other people dropping in during the morning. You know your father. He invited them round after today's little outing. Hope you won't mind if we have a slightly late Christmas dinner?'

'Of course not,' Joanne told her. 'Whatever you plan will be fine for us, won't it darling?' Why had she said that? She never called him
. She never had called anyone darling, except at the college Christmas do. Okay, darling was an all right word. He smiled at her and she felt her heart sing. He wouldn't care what she called him, she realised.

'Absolutely, just fit us in with whatever you've planned. We're quite amenable, aren't we?'

It turned into a very pleasant evening. Mike got on well with her parents and brother's family. They ate dinner and chatted very freely, once the children were safely put to bed. Two very excited children were sharing a room and it took some time to get them settled.

When they all decided to go to bed, Mike and Joanne sat downstairs for a while longer. They didn't want to be parted but neither did they want to sleep together. They sat on the sofa together, cosy in front of the dying fire.

'I know we said we wouldn't but ...'

'It must be special,' she told him. 'Let's wait till we're back at my place.' He agreed and kissed her until she felt her senses reeling. 'But if you don't stop kissing me ...' He did as she asked and hand in hand, they went up together. He left her standing outside his room. She felt much happier than she had done lately. She really felt as if she could trust him and that he did care for her.

It was four o'clock the next morning there were shrieks of disappointment from their room. Joanne heard her sister in law going to tell them off.

'Father Christmas certainly won't come to two naughty children. Go to sleep and we'll tell you when it's time to wake up.'

Joanne smiled to herself. What if they had kids? She lay back in her bed, wondering what it would be like to have kids of you own. She touched the wall next to her and wondered if Mike was awake. For a mad moment, she almost got up and went to see him but managed to gain enough self control to stop herself. That wasn't how it was meant to be. Not in her parents' house. She dozed a while longer and eventually, decided to rise at six-thirty. She went to the kitchen and made some coffee ... two mugs ... and took it back upstairs. She knocked gently on Mike's door and went in. He was fast asleep and looked slightly tousled. He looked so lovely lying there, she wanted to kiss him again immediately. She put the coffee down beside him and went to the door.

'Where do you think you're going?' he murmured.

'Back down to the kitchen to drink my coffee?'

'Come here,' he said, patting his bed. 'What's wrong with drinking it here?'

'Nothing at all. Depends on how you feel about it.'

'Very happy to have you close to me.' He reached over to her to pull her close enough to kiss.

'Watch it, you nearly got a coffee bath.'

She put it down on the tiny table and leaned over to kiss him.

'You could climb in beside me,' he invited.

'I'm tempted. But the family are all around. I think I'd better sit here and ... well, drink coffee?'

'Okay. If that's what you're comfortable with.' She sat on the bed beside him and drank her coffee. They chatted about the other people in the house and those who were coming along later. She remembered something she'd wanted to ask him.

'You said you had to be back Boxing Day. Why?'

'I have an engagement Boxing Evening. Sorry. It's one I couldn't shed.'

'I see. A party or something?'

'Indeed. A party. I'm to accompany an older lady. She's in her thirties and wants someone to take her.'

'Someone in her thirties? Isn't that a bit old for you?'

'I'm not too fussy. I've escorted her before. She's quite a character actually. But don't waste time taking about her. Let's talk about today. Happy Christmas by the way.'

'Happy Christmas to you too. When do you want your present? With the family or privately?'

'How about now? I'm far too nosy to wait too long. I've got yours here too.'

She went to her room and took out his book from her stash of presents. She was going back with it when the children came rushing out.

'Auntie Joanne. What have you got there? Is it for me?'

'Aren't you supposed to be staying in your room till someone comes to collect you?'

'You won't tell anyone, will you? We're going down to see if Father Christmas has been. He might have left something downstairs for us.' The pair scampered down the stairs and she gave a shrug before going back to her man.

'What was that?' he asked.

'Just the kids being kids. Here you are. I really hope you like it.' She watched as he tore off the paper.

'Oh wow. This is terrific. Thank you so much. I love Jeremy Fortescue's work, don't you?'

'Well, yes I do actually. I'm glad you like it too.'

'I haven't got you anything nearly as dramatic. But here it is.' He handed her a small packet, carefully wrapped. She undid it carefully and opened the little jewellery box. It was a very pretty pendant.

'Oh it's lovely. Thank you so much,' she said and leaned over to kiss him. He pulled her closer and kissed her very thoroughly. She felt herself falling in love with this man all over again and immediately, pulled away from him. 'We should get up,' she told him.

'As you like. I was actually rather enjoying that.'

'I was too. But there are people starting to move around. I don't want anyone to think ... well to think we're any more than fairly casual at the moment.'

'Is that what you want them to think? We're just something casual?'

'No, of course not. But...'

'No buts. Is it because I'm younger than you?'

'No, of course not. But I'm afraid.'

'What on earth are you afraid of?'

'Nothing. It's just me. Don't worry. I'm going to have a shower and then to get dressed. I'll see you downstairs in a while.' She left him lying in bed and wished she had the courage to do what everyone else in her group seemed to be doing. Did he really never sleep with any of his clients? He said he wanted to sleep with her. Why was she any different? At least he was with her now, whatever happened in the future.

Chapter Five

By the time they were both downstairs, there were shrieks of delight coming from the lounge. The children had not been forgotten and were busily opening their stockings with their parents beside them, supervising.

'What's the plan for today?' Mike asked her mother.

'We're doing drinks at eleven and then dinner will be later. About four I think. Is that okay with you?'

'Of course. I'm a guest here. I wondered if Joanne and I might go for a walk? I'd like to see the area a bit.'

'That will be fine. It would be nice if you're here for the neighbours coming in. Well, not just neighbours but you know what I mean. You'll have time for a decent walk before all this happens.'

'Don't you want some help to get things ready Mum?'

'No. You go out. I'm more than happy to do it myself. Most of it is ready to bring out anyway. You go and enjoy yourselves. Get some peace away from the crowd. The woods are looking quite special at this time of year.'

'Well thank you. But I'm sure you need potatoes cooking and various stuff to be peeled or something?'

'Not at all. Go off and get some air. We'll do presents after we've eaten.'

The two of them went outside and set off for a longish walk. It was crisp and clear, perfect weather for Christmas.

'I hope all this is ll right for you?' she said as they marched along through the woods.

'It's all lovely. Stop worrying about what I think. Your family are lovely. A bit like you are really.' She smiled back at him and he reached out to take her hand. It felt wonderful to be walking along with him like this. The stuff of dreams, she was thinking. A handsome man alone with her in the middle of a pretty woodland. She squeezed his hand and stopped. She pulled him towards her and kissed him.

'That was to show you how pleased I am.'

'And this one's to say how pleased I am that you are pleased.' He kissed her again.

'Come on. We'd better go back now. I hope you feel better for some fresh air.'

'I'm feeling absolutely fine. Thank you so much for inviting me to be with you. It was very generous of you.'

'Not at all. It's just so good you could be here. What will your folks be doing?'

'The usual stuff. They usually go out for dinner on Christmas Day. A local hotel. I can't tell you how much I'm missing all that. My sister will be there of course and her family. They meet a whole load of other people at the hotel so they'll hardly miss me at all.'

'I'm sure they will.'

'Not really. Mum was delighted I was coming here.'

'I can't really believe that one.'

When they arrived back at the house, there were several new additions to the company. The neighbours had arrived and several others. Auntie Ethel and a friend from the nursing home had been collected and the party was getting into full swing. Mike eased into the company very much more easily than Joanne and considering she already knew most of the people, it seemed strange to her. She picked up a couple of bottles and went round everyone to fill them up.

'Joanne. What are you doing with yourself now?' asked one of the neighbours' sons.

'Still lecturing. At the college in Barstow. I'm loving doing it.'

'Really? I never thought you'd last this long there.'

'Oh you know how it is. Nice students and interesting courses. Must press on now. See you later.' She escaped from him and reached Mike and the group he was chatting to.

'Jo, our rescuer. We've almost run out of drinks here.' He smiled at her and she felt immediately at ease.

'Can I top you up?' she asked and the party went on.

It was almost one thirty by the time people were beginning to leave. Mrs Swithenbank had already started the turkey cooking and the children had eaten far too many cocktail snacks. They were complaining about feeling sick and their mother took them away with her for a rest. The day went on, as does Christmas Day everywhere. Mike was acclaimed as a most successful visitor. The presents they had brought had all been well received and they had also been given lovely things themselves. He thanked them all for their kindness in having him with them for the day. He was charming to everyone and even managed to persuade Auntie Ethel not to sing her usual solo. He was quite an accomplished pianist, it turned out and he played a lot of songs that everyone could join in together. Once the children had gone to bed and the elderly ladies returned to their home, it was peaceful in the house. The remaining people sat with drinks, all feeling exhausted.

'So, how long have you two been together?' asked Geoff.

'Not for very long. It just seemed right to ask him to come over. I'm going to meet his parents at New Year.' She smiled at Mike and he smiled back.

'Well, I can see something's going on. Good luck to you both. Can we look forward to something more significant soon?' asked Joanne's sister in law.

'I doubt it,' laughed Mike.

'Now is that mysterious or what?' she replied.

'Wait and see,' said Joanne, hoping she wasn't allowing her true feelings to show. 'I'm utterly shattered. Does anyone mind if I go up now?'

'Me too,' Mike added. 'Thank you very much for a wonderful day Mrs Swithenbank. One of my very best Christmases ever. '

'Call me Ann. It's been a real pleasure to all of us to have you here.'

The pair left the others and went upstairs towards their beds.

'I suspect they think we'll be sharing a bed,' she told him. 'I'm sorry. It just doesn't seem right.'

'I respect that. But let me come and say goodnight properly.'

He followed her into her room and they sat down on the bed, side by side. 'I'm not going to press you into something you don't want to do. But at least we can be comfortable together, if only to say goodnight.' He pushed her down against her pillow and kissed her once more. He moved his hands over her until she was almost ready to give in to him. She wanted him in ways she had never wanted anyone ever before. He eased away from her.

'I've never wanted anyone more than I want you now. I don't want you to spoil anything. Now though, you need to go to your own room.'

'Okay. Sleep well.'

'And you. Night.' They kissed again and he slipped out quietly. She lay back wondering what was going to happen. The next day, the pair left after an early lunch of leftovers. The rest were staying on till the following day and then Christmas would be over and done with for another year. Joanne's parents waved them off and made nice comments to each other, as the car left their premises.

'It's amazing how long it takes to get everything ready for these two days,' Joanne commented. 'Then it's over in no time at all.'

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