Getting Familiar with Your Demon: That Old Black Magic, Book 4 (22 page)

BOOK: Getting Familiar with Your Demon: That Old Black Magic, Book 4
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“You threw it at me first.”

“Merely a technicality.”

Cass gave her sister and him a look that amounted to the visual equivalent of
children behave
before she leaned against the counter next to Marabella. “Did you guys get things worked out last night?”

A blush crept over Marabella’s cheeks. “In a manner of speaking.”

Cass’s wide smile damn near lit up the room. “Good.”

He wanted to point out to his matchmaking cousin that he and Marabella boinking like bunnies for hours on end didn’t change anything. They were still two species on opposite ends of the cosmic spectrum. Their insatiable appetite for each other didn’t solve that complication. Shit, it only added to it, since it made it damn difficult to keep his head on straight long enough to remember he’d be a hell of a lot saner staying out of Marabella’s bed.

The sooner they got to the bottom of this mystery with Pricilla, the better. Then he could move on and put all of this behind him. Including Marabella.

Especially Marabella.

Another of those odd stitches of pain cramped his heart, and he rubbed the area until the burn lessened. “Did you ever hear from that bozo Hal if he tracked down info on that address?”

“Oh, that reminds me. He was supposed to call me last night.” Cass unclipped her cell from her belt and flipped it open. She punched in some numbers and held the device to her ear. “Hal? It’s Cass. Any chance you’ve got the 4-1-1 on that address I gave you?” Another beaming grin stretched her mouth. “I
you’d be able to deliver. You’re the freaking bomb, dude. Okay, lay it on me.” There was a brief silence on Cass’s end as she listened to whatever Hal was saying. Her eyes slowly inching wider, she stared at Sam. Whatever information Hal was imparting must have been a doozy. Finally she nodded and thanked Hal before issuing a goodbye and hanging up.

“Well?” Sam and Nikki demanded in unison.

“Hal was able to pinpoint the coordinates.”

“So we gathered,” Sam said impatiently. “Who is the soul?”

“Aster Batticus.”

He frowned. “The demon king’s former handler? Why the hell would Pricilla be interested in him?”

Cass slipped her phone back in place. “Good question.”

A subtle cough intruded from Marabella and he, Cass and Nikki glanced in her direction. “What is a handler?”

“It’s another term for master,” he replied.

Marabella’s eyebrows winged upward. “The demon king had a master? I wouldn’t have thought anyone with that high of a title would be ruled by anyone but himself.”

“Marcus Bahltair hasn’t always been king,” Cass explained. “For that matter, there hasn’t always been a governing body in the demon realm. Marcus saw the need to organize his fellow associates into some semblance of an orderly society, so he formed the council and they crowned him king in deference to his station.”

A frown crinkled Marabella’s forehead. “What station did he have if he wasn’t yet king?”

“He’s the only immortal demon in existence,” Nikki said as she reached around Marabella for one of the mugs. “Aster branded him with that one-of-a-kind seal, supposedly out of gratitude for Marcus’s lifetime of devoted servitude.” A snort fell from her while she poured the coffee. “Hard to believe that arrogant playboy was ever devoted to anyone but himself.”

Sam scratched his jaw. “I still don’t understand why Pricilla charged me to fetch Aster.”

“I’ve got news for you. Apparently she hasn’t given up on her quest to grab him. According to Hal, Pricilla’s been making discreet inquiries with some of the reapers—presumably in hopes of finding one with the security clearance to be able to make the trip to that section of the Wards.”

“Now she’s trying to do deals with reapers?” He plowed a hand through his hair. “What the bloody fuck?”

“Try being the operative word,” Cass pointed out. “Regardless, it confirms our prior suspicions about her wanting to do this outside the radar of the council, since she isn’t attempting to acquire another demon soul collector as your replacement.”

He exchanged a long look with Cass, easily reading in her gaze that she was as suspicious of Pricilla’s motives as he was. Whatever Pris’s ultimate plan for Aster was, it couldn’t be good. Not with as sneaky and conniving as she was being. Hell, she was always sneaky and conniving, but this took it to a whole new extreme.

Cass chewed her lip. “There’s only one option here. We have to get to Aster before Pricilla does.”

“Why? She’s not going to be able to go anywhere near him.”

“We don’t know that, Sam.” Obvious worry brewed in Cass’s eyes. “If she wants him bad enough—and it sure as hell sounds like it—she’ll find a way. You know how ruthless Pricilla is. Look at the lengths she went to in seizing your contract.”

Cass would get no argument from him there. “Fine. You’re right. But you’re missing one glaring obstacle.
can’t get anywhere near Aster.”

Cass rolled her lips together and averted her gaze. “Maybe not yet, but we could change that.”

“How?” He tossed up his arms. “By me miraculously growing my seal back and busting into the Death Wards?” He huffed a sarcastic laugh.

Cass shuffled her feet. “Err…in a matter of speaking, yes, that’s exactly how we’re going to do it.”

Her no-nonsense tone earned his incredulous stare. She must have smoked some whacky tobacky before popping over here. It was the only explanation for her sudden loss of sanity. “How the hell do you propose that happening?”

“You can be rebranded. I came across that information when I originally investigated how to break your seal, but I didn’t figure we’d have to go that route, so that’s why I didn’t say anything.”

Her startling pronouncement elicited conflicting pangs of dread and excitement in his belly. To regain his soul-collector seal—a status he alternately coveted and despised—was a heady
horrible prospect. “I’m not going to indenture myself to that motherfucking council, Cass. I don’t care how badly you want me to go after Aster. It’s not damn well gonna happen.”

“I’m not suggesting you go through the council.”

“Uh, then how exactly will he be rebranded?” Nikki interjected.

“Technically, all he needs is the spell and sanction of a witch.” Cass’s gaze drifted in Marabella’s direction.

Everyone was deathly silent for an interminable moment. Then all hell broke loose as he, Marabella and Nikki started yelling at Cass at the same time.

Cass winced and held up a hand. “Please, I only have one set of eardrums.” She pointed at Sam. “You get seniority in this discussion since it’s your ass being branded, so go.”

“I’m not doing it.”

Cass’s finger veered toward Marabella. “Your turn.”

Sam growled. “Did you not hear me, damn it? I’m. Not. Doing. It.” He bit each syllable through clenched teeth.

“Your response is shelved for the time being until all parties involved have spoken.” Cass offered Marabella a look that bordered on pleading. “What do you think of this plan?”

“She thinks it’s stupid and insane. Just like I do.”

Cass sighed. “Sam, you’ve had your turn. Don’t make me give you a time-out in the corner.” She gave Marabella an encouraging pat on the shoulder. “You have the floor. Go ahead and voice whatever questions or concerns you have.”

“I’m a white witch. I—I can’t have a demon for a familiar,” Marabella stuttered, her eyes wide as saucers.

“Don’t forget the half-angel part,” he muttered. “No doubt having me chained to your side would get you kicked out of the Angel-of-the-Month club.”

Cass shot him an exasperated scowl. “I’m not kidding about that time-out.” She returned her scrutiny to Marabella. “Is there a law about you not having a demon familiar?”

“Actually, yes.”

Cass’s face fell. “Damn, you white witches are real sticklers for convention.” She chewed on her thumbnail before releasing a determined exhale. “Look, I understand where you’re coming from. But sometimes rules are meant to be broken. Especially when there’s a potential disaster waiting to detonate if Pricilla sinks her claws into Aster. Who knows what the ripple effect could be of whatever she has up her sleeve? It could potentially impact

Marabella’s face went pale as she clutched the counter behind her. “D-do you think it could be as sinister as that?”

He growled beneath his breath. “Cass is only making assumptions. She doesn’t know anything.”

“You’re right. I don’t. But it’s safe to assume the worst when it comes to Pricilla. We’d be foolish not to.”

Marabella stared at the wood floor beneath her feet for an interminable, silent moment. She swallowed and lifted her gaze to him. A barely discernable tremble quivered her lips before she shifted her attention to Cass. “What would I have to do?”

A hot wave of anguished frustration welled from the pit of his gut, threatening to consume him. How could she agree to this fool’s mission? “Am I the only one here who has any damn sense?” He slid a desperate glance toward Nikki.

She responded with a shrug. “Hey, if it’ll work, why not?”

Why not
? Because I don’t fucking want to do this,” he roared. “But then it obviously doesn’t matter jack shit what I want. Not that it ever has. When it comes to controlling my life, I’ve never held the reins. Why should now be any different?” He’d been a damn fool to think he’d ever be free. Freedom was for dreamers, not a cynic like him who couldn’t afford to believe in the impossible.

With the walls closing in on him and the mocking laughter of fate ringing in his ears, he pivoted and stalked from the room.

Chapter Twenty


Marabella watched Sam disappear around the corner of the kitchen archway, her heart breaking. She blinked the tears from her eyes and took a halting step forward before dragging her feet to a stop. Everything inside her reached out toward him, wanting to hug him close and ease his pain. But he didn’t want that. He didn’t want

“Go to him,” Cass prompted softly.

“It won’t do any good.”

“Yes, it will. Sam needs someone strong enough to break through his defenses.”

Marabella sniffled. “And you think that’s me?” Boy, wasn’t that a joke. She couldn’t exactly be called the strongest person on earth. It’d taken her years to move out of her mom’s house and make a go at being her own woman. There were still days when she was terrified of her mom. Then again,
was terrified of Domino. Still, she couldn’t overlook her constant fear of the guild finding out about her and Sam. But on the flipside, she was about to commit to the staggering and crazy prospect of making him her familiar despite knowing the enormous ramifications in store for her.

Maybe she wasn’t the timid weakling she’d always feared she was.

“You broke through Sam’s seal,” Nikki pointed out. “I’d say that’s a good indicator his defenses are no match for your amazing superpowers.”

Wow. Superpowers. The notion was pretty incredible for a girl whose prior claim to fame was manifesting mutant balloon people. She gnawed on her lip before shooting Cass and Nikki an uncertain glance. “I don’t know what to say to him.”

“Just tell him what’s in your heart,” Cass said with an encouraging smile.

Right. If she did that, for sure he’d run for the hills. Swallowing past the trepidation balled in her throat, she took a hesitant step toward the doorway. Then another. Before she knew it, she was halfway down the hall. Sucking in a steadying breath, she walked into her bedroom. Sam stood at the window, his back to her. She fidgeted with the sash of her robe and wondered if it was possible to feel any more lost and insecure than she did at that moment.

“I care what you want,” she finally said in a small voice.

Sam’s shoulders stiffened. “Why? What difference does it make?”

“Because you have a voice, whether you believe it or not. And you have the right to use it.”

He uttered a hollow, humorless laugh. “Babe, the only right I have is to eat, sleep and indulge in the occasional fuck. That’s been my existence for one hundred and three years. Not that I’m complaining. Hell, things could be worse.”

“That’s not a life, Sam. It’s merely going through the motions.”

“Yep.” He braced his arm on the window frame and continued staring at some unseen sight that apparently held him riveted. “Easier that way.”

“It couldn’t have made you happy.”

He turned to face her, his expression flat. “Happiness is a fucking illusion. Insubstantial, fleeting, and about as real as purple unicorns and the damn Easter bunny. The only way to make it in this world is to rip off those rosy blinders and face the ugly reality, Bella. Otherwise it’ll kill you before you’ve even gasped your first breath.”

Pain and sorrow filled every chamber of her heart. “You’re wrong. It doesn’t have to be that way. There’s light and goodness in this world too. It’s not all dark and gloom.”

He shoved away from the window and stalked toward her. “It is when
the dark gloom. That’s what I’m born of, babe. There was no angel standing over my cradle, nursing me on all that do-gooder bullshit.” He spread his arms wide. “I’m the fucking personification of evil. And you know what? I damn well like it that way.”

“Because it’s easier.”

He frowned.

“That’s it, isn’t it? You chose to exist as pure evil, rather than experience guilt and the heaviness of your conscience. Especially when you steal souls for a living.”

“Don’t try to make it sound like I made that a conscious choice, sweetheart. In case you weren’t paying attention earlier, I pointed out that I was born this way. And I didn’t have a damn conscience to lug around until
came into the picture and ruined me.”

She decided to overlook his misguided surliness at the end of his pronouncement. “According to Cass, demons do have some conscience.”

He snorted. “Yeah, and it’s about as big as a gnat.”

“I think you’re underestimating yourself.”

He stacked his arms over his chest. “What, you’re an expert on the size of my damn conscience now?”

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