Giver of Light (26 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult

BOOK: Giver of Light
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“OK Samson, I'm Luce.”

“I know who you are.” That didn't surprise me in the slightest.

I powered on with my half-formed, crazy-assed idea. “I'm going to try something, Samson. It will require me touching you and I have absolutely no idea if it will work, so please don't go bat-shit crazy on me if it fails, OK? I really don't want to stake you or have Matthias break your neck. We understand each other?”

He nodded slowly, then said through gritted teeth, “Hurry.”

I didn't need to be told twice, I could see his strength failing, whatever power he was using to hold back his Dark side was waning and I was sure as much as he didn't want to fly off the handle at me right now, in a few more minutes that might all be moot. I took the last step needed to place my hand on the side of his face.

I had no idea why I chose there, for all I knew any skin to skin contact would do, but something told me I needed to touch him for this to work. I needed that direct contact, that pathway to his soul.

Many people have questioned whether vampires indeed have any souls. They are creatures of the night, laden with evil, most believe when they were turned they lost their souls, they lost their right to Heaven. I'm not of that same school of thought. I have felt whatever it is that exists inside vampires before. When Michel had been gravely injured once, near the final death, I felt his presence - his soul for want of a better word - floating nearby. I called, or at least talked, to that presence and guided it back to his body. Since then, I have always considered vampires have their souls.

They are not too dissimilar to me. We once were of the same ilk. Sure we parted ways, them into the Night and us into the Day, but if Nut is in Nosferatin heaven, then Nosferatu could have a place of permanent rest too. They call it
, the afterlife for the eternal dead. If it exists, which I believe it does, then they must have souls too.

Somehow, I just knew that in order to reach Samson's soul, I needed to touch his skin.

I had tried to fashion my Light in many different forms before, I have used it successfully as a weapon and as a tool of pleasure, both from afar, but it has always been when I have touched Michel when using my Light, that the strongest, the best results, have occurred. I hadn't tried to bring my Light to a Dark vampire before when touching them. Sometimes it's hard enough to get a stake to their chests, let alone get close enough without compromising myself and place a hand on skin. But, I was being presented here with an unusual opportunity: a compliant Dark vampire. And as though Nut herself was guiding me, I proceeded as if drawn by a pull.

I gathered my Light with the intent of banishing the Dark and when I felt it hum with a musical note of sheer brilliant beauty, I released it from my heart. Down my arm, through my hand and across to Samson's skin. Forcing it past his shattering shields and seeking out the Dark within.

It all seemed so very easy, so very straight forward. Why I had never thought of it before, I did not know. But the moment my Light found its goal I knew it had worked. The Dark expanded in an effort to smother my Light, but I was simply too strong. My Light batted it aside, then tore right through it, as though it was a tangible shape and my Light was a knife.

I felt Samson collapse to his knees and a scream wrench from his mouth. I almost faltered at the sheer pain that scream conveyed, but my Light surged and brought my focus back and I relentlessly pursued the Dark until it all but vanished. I didn't attempt to get rid of the last little bit of Dark, my Light was almost completely in control and it wanted nothing to do with the token Dark that had survived. I had been told once that,
where there was Light there was Dark and where there was Dark there was Light
. I knew without Nut having to say it, that Dark would always have to exist along side the Light.

I slowly pulled my hand away from Samson's sweat soaked cheek and gasped in shock. Not only had his aura completely altered, a bright Light now, instead of the thick Dark black of before, but he had a mark on his face, where I had touched him. Almost like a
, but not quite. It was made up of my bright colourful signature, a geometric design of crossing colours and interweaving swirls. But it held no
Sanguis Vitam
, like my
do, it just marked where I had touched him and returned the Light to his soul.

It was in the shape of star. I smiled at it, you couldn't get more Light than in a luminous sphere of plasma.

I crouched down next to the shaken vampire and reached out a hand to touch his shoulder.

“Samson? Are you OK?”

He didn't say anything immediately, he was too busy catching his breath, which made me consider whether I had accidentally given him a metaphysical orgasm as well, my Light had been known to do that without my consent.

After a few more deep breaths in and out, he reached up a hand to hold on to mine and then repositioned himself in a low bow - which considering he was on his knees, was quite impressive - and then looked up into my face.

“Mistress,” he said with more meaning than I cared to acknowledge. “I am your servant forever more.”

I had absolutely no idea what that meant, but Matthias seemed to have cottoned on to the significance straight away.

“Holy shit,” he muttered, almost to himself. “You've made him part of your line.” 


Chapter 25

A couple of things happened then. Amisi came tearing down the road from one direction, Marcus close on her heels, their footfalls a rapid thumping of drums as if on approach to some ancient battle field. And Michel flashed in from the opposite direction, appearing at my side, his hand coming to rest on my shoulder.

“Interesting,” he said casually, but I could feel the tension thrumming through his body. “You have broken his blood bond with his master.”

“I've what?” I said, jumping up to my feet and staring at him. His hand had slowly lowered to his side when I had moved, as though he was worried any quick movement now would startle me and cause a complete tantrum of exorbitant proportions. I didn't blame him, I was definitely beginning to freak out.

Ma douce,
” he said softly. “Please breathe.”

I realised my fists were tightly bunched and I had in fact been holding my breath, but I really didn't feel like being molly coddled right now.

“What did you mean, Michel? How could I have broken his bond with his master? I didn't even know that was possible.”

He must have recognised my need for direct honesty, because he didn't hold back. “Of course it is possible, my dear. The theft of servants has been a long practised tool in accumulating strength in one's line. However, it is only the most powerful masters who possess enough
Sanguis Vitam
to overcome a blood bond. Blood bonds are the strongest ties in our world. They make a vampyre kin. Obedient when commanded, willing to sacrifice themselves for their master. It is how our world has survived.”

I swallowed and took in that breath I had needed well before, but I still felt like I would faint. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I was a master.

“How did this happen?” I asked no one in particular.

Matthias said you were attempting to use your
Lux Lucis Tribuo
powers, this must be what happens when you banish their Dark. A vampyre gains his power from his master, it would be feasible to believe that they also gain the amount of Light or Dark within, from their master too. In order to make the transfer of Light more permanent, the tie to the old master must be severed. If not, the Dark would simply come pouring back in.”

Well, it made sense. It never failed to surprise me how intelligent Michel was. He was always very quick to reason things out, usually correctly. I didn't for a moment think he had misjudged what had happened here. I looked back Samson, still subservient on the ground.

“What now?” I asked, again just into the air. Anyone can answer, I don't mind.

“Well,” Michel offered, continuing with that soft, soft voice. “You must provide for him, he is your kin. You get his obedience and service, he gets your protection and care.”

I laughed, a little bluntly. “I can't take care of him, I can hardly take care of myself.” And then I suddenly thought, “What if I
more Dark vampires each time I use this power? What if I end up with hundreds in my care. Oh shit.” I started pacing and wringing my hands, I didn't even notice Michel glide over to me, or realise he was trying to wrap me in his arms, until I felt him pull me against his chest and start to stroke my hair.

ma douce
. For the love of God, please breathe. You are worrying me. This is not a disaster, this is a miracle. You had thought yourself incapable of having children and now you have been presented with the vampyre version of a child. He is yours to care for, to guide, but he is not uneducated. He is a level four master, he has been around for a while. You will not need to teach him how to survive, you will only need to make him feel welcome. And that is not too hard, is it? We have space at the house, down in the cellar. We can have rooms made available for your kin, if they wish to stay by your side. And if we need to expand, it is do-able. This is all do-able, Lucinda and it is part of who you are. Please do not fear,
ma belle
, it will be all right.”

He said all of this in my ear, so only I could hear his soft voice. The warmth of his breath caressing me, the warmth of his voice enveloping me, the warmth of his words calming me. Bloody hell. I had a
and I'd probably end up with more. This was so much freakin' news to take in at once it boggled the mind. But, Michel didn't seem in the remotest bit worried. He seemed calm and accepting and encouraging, all of the things I needed to be, but couldn't manage right now.

Let me help you,
ma douce
Let me be your strength until you find your way with this.

I nodded against his cheek.

“You need to welcome him into your line,” he whispered in my ear. “Tell him you accept his fealty.” Then he kissed me on the forehead and stepped away, his eyes flashing amethyst and indigo in the low lights of the street.

I turned nervously towards the waiting vampire, who was looking up at me with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation on his face. He was obviously waiting for me to say something and unsure if I would utter the words he wanted to hear. I could only imagine what the effect would be if I denied him my support. He would be cast aside, no line, no family, masterless, alone. I suddenly felt a strong desire to protect this strange vampire, even though I knew jack-shit about him other than the fact he had once been bad.

I saw Michel smile and his chest rise in a chuckle off to the side, obviously hearing my thoughts and experiencing my emotions. I had no doubt done something he thought was amusing.

“Samson,” I said, ignoring the chortling vampire in the shadows. “I accept your fealty.”

The relief that washed over his features was astounding. The power of words, I guess. Sometimes, vampires put so much behind simple words, they mean more than their letters could ever convey.

You can get up now,” I muttered when he failed to move from his dirty spot on the pavement. He stood with that easy glide vampires can do, all languid limbs and smooth motions.

I took another moment to get a good look at him, now he wasn't about to bite into an innocent or attack me for my interrupting his meal.
He seemed quiet different than before, and I could only guess that was because of the Light that shone around his aura. He had seemed so stark and hard in his face, but now he held emotion and life.

Michel sauntered over to my side again. “You bring life to all you touch,
ma douce
.” He took hold of my hand and squeezed it, then turned towards my vampire. “Samson?” Samson nodded. “Welcome to my City, you are granted passage and hospitality here, as long as you are under my kindred's line.”

Samson bowed low, his arm across his chest. “Master of the City, I gratefully accept your offer and will abide by all your rules.” He rose and flicked a glance at me, seeking approval I think for his response. I just smiled at him and watched the effect my smile had on his face. He positively beamed.

Well, I guess his previous master had been a tyrant then.

“I think we could all do with a stiff drink,” Michel announced. “Matthias, would you drive Amisi and Samson to the club while Marcus takes the young human Samson has glazed home, I wish a moment alone with my kindred.”

I didn't think for a second that the
M & M
brigade would have left us if Michel didn't have some more of his personal guard scattered about us right now, because they didn't hesitate or baulk at his request, simply nodded and led the others away. Amisi managed a mock awed expression, mouthing
Go Momma!
as she passed.

I just shook my head at her, I really had nothing to say.

When we were left completely in silence, Michel turned to me and gathered me in his arms.

“Are you OK,
ma douce
?” I noticed the raw edge in his voice and realised he had been quite concerned for me. Was it because of my first hunt since returning from America, or was it because of what the hunt had entailed?

“I'm fine, Michel. Just overwhelmed and a little tired.”

“You have no idea how hard it was to let you do this without me by your side.” Man, it sounded like he was going to break down and cry. “And when Matthias told me you had sensed four pulls and were separating from Amisi, I had to get Jett to contain me in my chamber for fear I would rush to your aid.”

Holy shit. “But you didn't, you let me do my job.” Thank God, I so would not have appreciated him butting in.

“You do not understand,
ma douce
. I was paralysed with fear. I had to get my line to distract Enrique and Alessandra before they both realised I was incapacitated. Before they could take advantage of my state of distress.”

“Michel, what are you saying? Would Enrique and Alessandra have harmed you?” I just couldn't see it, Alessandra might be a double crossing bitch and Enrique was sleeping with her, but they both had an accord with Michel. To attack would be unheard of.

“Things had gotten out of hand during our discussions, it was quite plausible they could have pushed their point with force.”

Well,” I said after a considerable pause. “You didn't give in to your fears. You let me do my job. You were strong, Michel and it will get easier. Next time, I bet Jett just has to threaten to send you to your room rather than forcefully hold you there.”

I saw him cracking, just a little, a small smile appearing on his lips, his body relaxing slightly.

“And,” I went on, feeling the length of him begin to mould further into me, as more and more tension released. I allowed my fingers to play with his hair at the back of his neck, running along the skin there, encouraging more calm in their wake. “I think a show of force may be needed to remind Enrique and Alessandra who's city they are in.”

His smile became genuine then. “What did you have in mind, my dear?”

“Well, us turning up at
without a care in the world, for starters.”

“Mm,” I got in response, as his mouth started muzzling my neck.

“And maybe a stake through Alessandra's icy little heart.”

“Probably not a good political move,
ma douce
, but we will keep it in reserve.” A quick nip of his teeth against my flesh above his new mark.

I gasped and tried to concentrate on how we could put our two closest allies in their place.

“What do they get out of being allied with us?” I asked instead.

“Prestige. Our assistance should they require it in battles. Free access to our lands.”

“What would be the most important to them?”

“They have few battles to warrant our assistance at present, both of their cities are well in hand. Visiting our land, is not considered a privilege, but more of a requirement and we need them here for strategic planning. So, prestige would be their main reason for aligning with us. We are powerful, even if they forget how much.”

“Then we announce via the
that they are out of favour with us. That we are barely tolerating their assistance. That they have disappointed us in their lack of support.”

isn't just the Council that runs the vampires, it is also a supernatural network that vampires can hook into and get the latest news, rules and warnings from. It's a formidable gossip line, one every vampire who keeps abreast of the political climates throughout the world visits each day. Michel is often
into the network and telling me snippets of news.

But, by announcing our displeasure in Enrique and Alessandra's support I hoped to gain more than just embarrassment for them. I hoped to send a message to Jonathan, a false trail of our weakened state. If we were fighting with our allies, then he could assume we weren't as strong and could therefore lower his guard and make a mistake.

ma douce
. I did not know you had it in you. There is one problem, however. If Enrique and Alessandra truly believe we are disgruntled with them, we may lose their support entirely.”

That's why I think we should let them know our reasons behind the move. Such as wanting to throw America off guard. The end result will still be the same, shame on their lines for disregarding an accord in the eyes of the rest of the vampires and also evidence of the power we wield, but also provide them with the safety of our friendship - now secretive - and the hope we will correct the
in due course.”

Michel started laughing. “I like it. They not only fear the repercussions of the announcement, which has already gone out, but they will desire for its correction, keeping them in line. And to be sure they cannot offer up an argument in favour of not going down this route, I shall announce it now.”

He kissed me on the forehead and went deathly still, vampire still. It was always a little creepy when he did that, but I was used to it by now. Communicating on the
took them out of this realm, to another and while they did it, usually so briefly it didn't even warrant concern, they were otherwise not home. Michel relaxed a moment later and kissed me again.

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