Giver of Light (24 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

Tags: #Vampires, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult

BOOK: Giver of Light
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I shuddered against the cupboards making them rattle slightly from the sudden movement. His words almost making me orgasm again, the images he sent to my mind as real as if I was seeing them, feeling them for myself. I don't think he had really intended to make them so vivid, to make me so close to coming again, he was just teasing, playing a game, being Michel, but suddenly I was on fire and the thoughts I sent back towards him had him taking a sharp breath in and his fingers digging into my skin.

“Michel,” I managed in a plea to put me out of my misery.

I know,” he husked, as he quickly removed my underwear and undid his trousers, before lifting me off the floor, spreading my legs around his hips and sliding his rock hard length deep inside my folds. “Oh dear God, I know,” he exclaimed against my neck as he reached the very end of me, his mind sending the thoughts,
you are mine,
at exactly the same time. The claiming, he was finally giving in to it completely, losing his control. And I relished it. I had missed it. I needed the break, but no more. I welcomed his vampire's need to claim as though it was my very own.

There was nothing for him to push against where we had been standing, just empty space above the cupboard and bench, so he quickly moved me back against the fridge and used that as a wall to thrust against, his hips moving in quick surges as he pulled in and out and in and out, again and again and again.

We were probably making a shit-load of noise, not only both of us crying out in need and hunger, but the fridge slowly rocking back and forward with every thrust. The bottles or jars or whatever inside clinking and rattling and adding to the cacophony of noises we were creating. I forced the thought of all the disturbance that must be floating from the kitchen and us throughout the house and concentrated on the orgasm that was about to engulf me with fire instead.

“Yes,” he breathed, as he felt me nearing my release. “God yes, come for me again. Let me hear you call my name.”

It's kind of a turn on to be ordered around when you're so near climaxing. His fervent demands only adding to the urgency and making me fight the need to remain ladylike. Giving me an excuse to ignore the obvious, the noise and the fact that we had no doubt woken up the entire house and just give in to the moment because he had commanded it so.

“Say it,” he thrust inside me again. “Call my name.” Another thrust of his damn sexy hips. “Let them all know I am inside you.” Thrust. “Scream it to the world.” Thrust. “Oh yes, say it.” Thrust.

I'm not usually so easily ordered around, but somehow he had found the right buttons to push tonight, because when I came, the whole neighbourhood would have heard me shout his name.

As soon as I screamed in release his movements faltered, as though he had only just been holding on to the control himself and he came in a rush of uneven thrusts and pounding of groin against groin and a primal cry of surprise at the force of his orgasm filling me up.

Mon Dieu!
” he managed, before collapsing us both down the side of the fridge onto the floor. “
Qu'est-ce qu'etait cela?

I shook my head, unable to answer straight away and just listened to his heavy breathing as he held me tightly in his lap. His hot breath coming in short sharp stabs against my neck where his face had come to rest. The weight of his head on my shoulder told me how spent he actually was.

“I think you had better stick to the neck from now on,” I finally managed to breathe out. It did seem like the safer bet for dinner.

He chuckled against me and shook his head. “Oh no,
ma belle
, that was definitely a meal I intend to enjoy again and again.”

I couldn't argue, it was fan-fucking-tastic, but still, the night was only so long and
was calling.

“We had better get a move on,” I offered, but didn't make a move in any direction at all.

“Give me a minute,
ma douce.
I do not think I can shift from here just yet.”

I started laughing at him, but abruptly stopped when Amisi's voice drifted in from the hallway.

“I can send a guard in to help you, Michel. But from the look on their faces they'd only add insult to injury and as I've just had a call from Enrique demanding your presence within the next half hour, I suggest you find the strength and get your over-sexed arse out here and in the bloody car!”

“Ah,” Michel said quietly beside me. “She has found her claws at last.”

“She never bloody lost them,” I muttered, feeling the familiar wash of red up my cheeks.

Michel just laughed softly and traced a finger over my face, following the warmth that had spread there.

“Beautiful,” he whispered.

“Clock's ticking!” Amisi yelled from just outside the door.

Oh shit. An angry Amisi was not something you cared to face half naked so I scrambled off Michel to quickly dress.

Michel just laughed harder.

And of course he would, wouldn't he? We'd all just made his day.

Chapter 23
Letting Go

Despite Amisi's harsh words Michel was not to be rushed. He casually walked past the steaming Nosferatin and the two straight faced guards in the hall, with my hand in his and walked up the stairs to our bedroom. As soon as the door was shut he pulled me to his chest, wrapping me up in his arms and laying a kiss above his new mark on my neck. I was guessing he was still very much on a high from that latest
and it would be some time before he took it for granted and left it the hell alone.

“You are impossible to walk away from,” he murmured against my skin, more kisses making their way up my neck to my jaw.

“Michel, you're just being obstinate because Amisi has told you to hurry and Enrique has demanded your presence.”

“Who me?” He pulled back and gave me a mock look of incredulity. His hand began stroking my jaw and then more seriously he added, “I am the Master of this City, Lucinda, no one orders me around.”

“Don't be too hard on her, Michel. She's upset about the missing Nosferatins. It's very much a part of who we are, she feels their loss keenly. As much as I do.”

His features softened immediately. “And she believes I am stalling and not doing enough to get them back?” He looked me in the eyes for a moment. “Do you believe that?”

I forced a smile on my face, I couldn't be mad at this man even if the accusation was true, which I most definitely did not believe at all. “No, not at all. I think you're just as scared as us and want to hold on to me as tightly as you can.”

He looked at me a moment longer before he spoke. “I am still not entirely used to having someone to worry about,
ma douce
. Especially when she is the
raison de mon existence

He'd called me his
reason for my existence
before, among other things, such as his
little light
. Even before I came in to my Prophesy powers, Michel made me know how important I was to him. Sometimes I couldn't believe my luck. How many women have a man so devoted to them, who isn't afraid to let them know?

“I'm not going anywhere, Michel. I've already made my mind up to stay behind. I'll be safe, you just work on keeping
safe too.” I poked a finger in his chest as I said the last.

He nodded slowly and bent down to brush his lips against mine, a soft, slow, perfect union, which ended much too quickly as he stepped away.

“Why don't you take your time coming into
ma douce
. I can catch you up on my meeting with Alessandra and Enrique when you arrive. I think it best you not join me in the shower.” His mouth curved slightly at the edges, his eyes flashing amethyst as they took in the length of my body in a languid glide.

I didn't argue, there was no way he wouldn't get sidetracked if I joined him in that bathroom and besides, I really had very little desire to see Alessandra. I was still pretty pissed of at the Italian vampire and would likely rip her throat out if she said anything remotely inflammatory at all.

Michel chuckled at my thoughts but didn't move towards the bathroom, he seemed rooted to the spot, no doubt wanting to prove to me I had no reason to be jealous. Or maybe me being jealous was a turn on and he was thinking of ways to take advantage of the mood. That actually sounded more like it.

I threw myself on the bed and stretched out, if I wasn't going to shower I might as well make myself comfortable. A low growl came from Michel's throat, but he managed to get himself under control and turned towards the bathroom reluctantly. It was my turn to laugh then.

I listened to the water falling and had almost drifted off to sleep by the time he came out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, his deep cream skin practically glowing in the lights of the room, his hair, still slightly damp from the water, hanging over his shoulders. He looked like a god, something so perfect, not of this world. My sleepy state made his appearance seem like a dream. I held onto the moment, not allowing myself to wake fully, just floating in the warmth the vision before me created.

His lips quirked as he took in my body reclined on the bed, lids heavy, mouth slightly parted and then he casually removed his towel, throwing it over a nearby chair. Michel had never had a problem with nudity, he flaunted it with abandon whenever it suited.

“Care to help me dress,
ma douce
?” he asked, voice low.

I forced myself awake and took a deep breath in, shaking my head and closing my eyes in an effort to break the spell. Hell, Michel didn't even need to use his
Sanguis Vitam
on me anymore, I was so completely and utterly undone by this man. I was his.

His smile broadened and he added, “No? Pity. Then I shall have to make do on my own.” He turned and went into the dresser, disappearing for an unfortunate moment, then making sure he was visible through the open door while he dressed. Allowing me the full benefit of his fine muscles at work as he slipped his boxers on, then his shirt, trousers and the rest of his outfit, finally stopping at his tie, while he chose which one to wear. This time a lovely pale blue shot with silver, the light in the dresser catching the metallic sheen as he tied it with practised ease.

When he returned to the side of the bed, he was immaculately dressed in Armani perfection. He sat down beside me and swept a strand of hair off my face.

“I will leave some guards at your disposal, they will follow you in. Please do not try to lose them,
ma douce
, they are as much for your protection as my own piece of mind.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him. “I'm not stupid, Michel, I know I need the guards.”

“I would never think you were stupid,
ma douce
, stubborn yes, maybe even rebellious, but not stupid.”

He lithely jumped up and out of the way of the punch I had aimed at his shoulder for that one and blew me a kiss from the door, then he was gone.

I couldn't even begin to decipher all the feelings of loss at his departure. I struggled to tell myself I'd see him again in an hour or so and that there was no immediate danger to us right now, but they persisted and even threatened to consume me. I had rolled over onto my side and curled up in a little ball while I fought not to be a complete and utter useless
Saviour of the World
, when the door softly opened and a short moment later a delicate hand rested on my shoulder as I sensed Amisi sit down beside me.

“Michel sent me in to you,” she said softly. “I think he desperately wanted to come back upstairs. Tell me, what is wrong?”

I straightened out next to her and looked up into those almond shaped deep chocolate brown eyes, full of concern and care. “Just the usual,” I answered, pulling myself back together with the help of her nearness, her comforting presence. “Scared of losing him, scared of something harming him. Just scared.”

Admitting it was harder than I had thought. I'd already acknowledged in my mind that I was a scaredy cat, but saying it aloud to Amisi was another thing entirely. I felt myself take a deep breath in and hold it, while I waited for Amisi to scoff at my obvious lack of courage and strength.

“That would explain the look on his face then,” she said contemplatively.

“What look?”

She shook her head, but didn't answer my question. “He will be OK, Luce. He's not only a first level master and Master of a City, he's joined to the most powerful Nosferatin in the world. He is more than capable of looking after himself. What he isn't so sure of, is being able to do that and worry over you as well.” She absently stroked my hair down my head and onto my shoulders, a surprisingly comforting movement given she is only a friend and not Michel. But then, I loved Amisi like a sister. She was just giving me some sisterly love in return. It's surprising how strong the bond of a sibling could be. Even a sibling by choice, not by birth.

“I think you have made the right decision. Staying here, not going after Jonathan yourself. I know it must have been hard, to give that away. You're one of the most focused people I have ever met. I can only imagine the desire to seek revenge must have been great and yet you have put the rest of us ahead of your own needs, yet again.”

I didn't know what to say to that. She was right, I wanted to be the one to kill Jonathan, to watch the light leave his eyes and see that he knew who it was who brought him the final death. Such Dark thoughts, such horrid desires, but true. I wanted him to pay for not only what he had done to me, but what he had put Michel through as well. But, I had chosen this path for the Prophesy. Finally acting like a
Saviour of the World

I smiled at Amisi with genuine thanks. As far as pep talks went, it had been a pretty good one. The subtle ones always are.

“I'm going to have a shower, Amisi, I think I can face the night now. Thanks.”

“No problem,” she said lightly, jumping up off the bed. “When you get downstairs I'll have some breakfast ready. We've got time to eat before we face the baddies of the night.”

She skipped out of the room, no doubt planning a feast and I headed for the bathroom. Once all clean and dressed in my usual hunter garb of black short skirt, T-Shirt and fitted jacket complete with stakes and silver knife, a pair of comfy black flats on my bare feet, I headed down the stairs.

Waiting at the bottom were the two guards Michel had left for me. I knew these two, they'd been part of Michel's stable since I first came to Auckland. The choice of these particular vampires for my personal guard would have been a conscious decision on Michel's part. Vampires I was familiar with and could trust.

“Hey,” I said to Matthias, the first to stand as I made it to the bottom. He rose to his full height, just over six feet, his broad shoulders and chest taking up the hallway we were standing in. Matthias always wore a serious expression on his face, he took his job as guard to heart. Michel hasn't always felt the need to have personal guards around, when I first met him, Matthias was just one of the many fighters in amongst the line. Although when needed, he was always the first to be at Michel's side to offer protection. It made me think that perhaps he had always been a guard and I just didn't realise it.

I took in his bright blue eyes and dark brown hair, long as per usual vampire fashion, tied securely at the back of his neck. He was dressed in the normal Michel line colour, black, this time cargo pants and T-Shirt. He looked the epitome of military chic. I didn't doubt that the bulges under his clothing were weapons. Matthias looked lethal and scary as hell. He didn't scare me though. I flashed him a smile.

His lips quirked, but he just nodded in lieu of a greeting. Man of little words. The other guard I was also well familiar with. Marcus was just as tall and broad as Matthias but whereas Matthias was dark and brooding, Marcus was blonde and cunning. Dressed much the same, he wore his clothes with flare however, well aware of how good they made his body look. Marcus, when he wasn't on guard duty, always had a bevy of human females at his side. A lothario through and through. Together, they made the perfect mixed bag of
M & M's,
one chocolate centre, the other a peanut to the core.

“Hey, Luce. You lucked out. I bet you begged Michel for us as your guards.”

“In your dreams, Marcus.” I shot back as I slipped past Matthias.

“Wouldn't you love to know what I dream about,” he shouted after me, but I'd already made it through the door to the kitchen. I chose not to bother with a reply.

The smell of hotcakes and bacon and maple syrup met me and had me halting in my tracks. Amisi had gone all out, a tower of delicious looking pancakes was already waiting for my attention, stacks of fried bacon, dripping fat, sugary maple syrup ready to pour and full-fat whipped cream for the final topping off to the side.

“Dig in,” she ordered, flipping yet more of the golden patties over the stove top.

“Are you trying to give me a coronary?” I asked, but still proceeded to pull the stack of hotcakes towards me, as well as a few cardiac attacking strips of bacon.

She laughed. “I've been given orders to fatten you up.”

Oh God. “You are not Michel's servant to boss about, Amisi.

“And doesn't he know it,” she replied sarcastically. “I don't mind, Luce, it's not like I'm paying rent or board, I don't even have to buy food or toiletries. The housekeeper keeps my bathroom stocked to the brim and the pantry and fridge over flowing. It's the least I can do. Besides, you've lost way more weight than you can spare. Michel has a point.”

I humphed a reply, Michel expected everyone to obey his commands, Amisi was not one of his line. He should have known better. I momentarily forgot what I was thinking as I bit into a delicate, fluffy morsel of pancake, maple syrup dripping down my chin. My God, Amisi could cook.

She slid into a stool next to me at the breakfast bar and proceeded to pile her own tower high with bacon, whipped cream and maple syrup. I watched in amazement as she started in on the mountain before her without a guilty pause. Amisi's appetite is something like mine, little and often, not huge sittings like this.

“He's given you an order to fatten up too, hasn't he?” I asked eyebrows raised at the amount she was just about to shove in her mouth.

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