Glamour (14 page)

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Authors: Melody Carlson

BOOK: Glamour
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“Oh.” I simply nod, as if that makes sense. But now I’m wondering
where is Fran?
And is she okay?

After the show, Paige snags a few words with Peter. Then we pack it up and head back to the hotel to order some dinner and get ready for tonight’s big event—local and renowned designer Kevin Evans is showing evening wear.

“Did you find out what happened to Fran?” Paige asks as we ride back to the hotel.

“I’m not sure. Maybe she’s still sick.”

“Well, we should probably call Helen.” Paige lets out an exasperated sigh. “Because there’s no way we can keep this
machinery rolling without our director. Maybe Helen can send Leah out here to help.”

“That’s probably a good idea.” I feel a mixture of relief and panic now. Relieved that Leah will be here to help us. Panicked that Fran’s “secret” will soon be exposed and she could lose her job. But, really, what can I do?

“Dylan should be arriving in Nassau about now,” Paige says happily as we go through the hotel lobby. “His show’s not scheduled until Thursday, but he’s coming early to check out the competition.”

“And to spend time with you?”


“Where’s he staying?” I ask.

“In our hotel,
of course.”

“Right …”

“After the Evans show tonight, Dylan and I are attending the after party at Balmoral Club,” Paige announces as we emerge from the elevator. “You can come along if you want.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.”

Paige doesn’t seem to care.

I check our schedule. “So I guess we have a couple hours before the next show.”

“Yes. I’m going to take a shower and order some dinner,” she tells me. “Shauna and Luis should be here around six-ish. Come on over whenever you’re ready.”

I agree to this and hurry into my room then on through the adjoining door, where I find Fran in her bed, looking like death warmed over.

“How’s it going?” I ask, trying to mask the concern I feel.

“Not so well.”

“What are we going to do?” I ask gently.

She closes her eyes and shakes her head.

“I think I need to call Helen,” I say firmly.

“I know …” She looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I never should’ve come here, Erin. It was selfish.”

I don’t know how to respond to that. I do understand … partially. But, yes, it was selfish. She’s put both our show and her health at risk.

“I just wanted to get beyond”—she weakly waves her hands over the messy bed—
I just wanted to be well.”

“That’s what I wanted too, Fran. But it doesn’t seem to be happening.”

I return to my room to call Helen, but when I get her voicemail, I’m not sure how much to say. I hate sounding like a tattletale. And, really, Fran should be the one to tell Helen the whole truth. So I simply ask Helen to return my call as soon as possible. Then I call Mom and spill the whole story.

“I’m coming,” she says abruptly.


“I’m going to get on a plane and fly out there ASAP.”

I collapse in the chair by the window and stare out over the beautiful tropical scene, trying to process what my mom is saying.

“I’m a director, Erin. You girls need one.”

“Yes, but — ”

“You girls are in a tight spot and I’m coming to help out. I’m sure Helen won’t mind. Remember, she offered me the job once. Even so, I’ll call her and straighten this whole thing out before I leave.”

“But what about your job? And Jon?”

She laughs. “Jon will understand. And my job … Well, I have a feeling that I’ve been replaced already anyway.”


“I’ll explain it all when I get there, Erin. Right now I want to see if I can get a flight out of here tonight. That way I’ll be in the Bahamas by morning and we’ll all be ready to hit the road running.”

“Seriously?” I’m about to cry, I’m so happy. “You can really do that?”

“I can and, unless there’s a problem getting a flight, I will. In the meantime, why don’t you email me anything I can start going over on the flight. Your schedule for the next few days, a list of your crew and responsibilities, that sort of thing. Can you do that?”


“I’ll download the Fashion Week schedule so I can be on top of that too.”

I can’t believe it when it I hang up. It’s like my mom suddenly turned into Superman. Or Supermom. Anyway, I’m so happy to think Mom’s on her way that I run over to Paige’s suite and spill the good news.

“What?” Paige cinches the belt of her bathrobe more tightly around her waist, frowning at me as if she’s not heard me correctly.

So I explain more slowly. But Paige is scowling now. She is definitely not as pleased as I am about this rescue plan.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“I cannot believe you went and did that, Erin.
Behind my back?”

“Behind your back?”

“Yes. I’m part of this show. A pretty big part, as a matter of fact. But you sneak off and ask Mom to come out here to direct for us without even consulting me?”

“I thought you’d be glad to — ”

“What about Helen? Did she agree to this?”

“Helen didn’t answer her phone and I called Mom to—”

“Just because Fran’s got a little bug, you can’t go around hiring someone to replace her, Erin. You’re not in charge of this show and you’re not — ”

“I know I’m not in charge,” I say loudly. “But Fran has got more than a little bug, Paige.” I’m angry now. And tired of playing games. In fact, I’m very close to telling Paige everything about Fran’s leukemia, but I know this is not the right time. “We need a director to get through the next few days. Mom is dropping everything to get here and — ”

“What about Mom’s job?”

“She didn’t seem worried. She’s trying to get a red-eye flight tonight, and plans to be here by morning.”

Paige twists her mouth in the same way she used to as a child, just before she’d stamp her foot. At least she’s moved past that now.

“Why are you so upset about this anyway?” I demand. “I thought it was great of Mom to do this for us. It’s a real lifeline.”

“Yes, it’s great, Erin. Just great.” She lets out an exasperated sigh as she picks up her iPhone, checking it for messages.

A little light goes on inside my head. “Is this about Dylan?” I ask her. “I mean
you and Dylan?”

Paige shakes her head then stomps off to her bathroom, slamming the door loudly. I know I hit the nail right smack on the head. Paige
worried. She’s afraid that having Mom here is going to upset her romantic plans. She wants to be free to do as she pleases with her fiancée, and she’s concerned that her mother could put a damper on everything. Well, get over it, sister!


The Evans show is a big one, and I think it
might be my favorite yet. The music is totally Caribbean, the colors and styles quintessential Bahamas. The general feel is very upbeat, fun, and carefree.

Afterward, as Paige gets a few words from Kevin and some of the models, we spot Taylor, Eliza, and Rhiannon. With cameras still running, we enjoy a happy little reunion and find out all of them are heading off to the after party.

“You’re both coming too, aren’t you?” Taylor asks. As usual, the girl looks stunning, but even more so in a tropical print halter dress from the show she modeled for. Combined with her dark wavy hair and caramel-colored skin, she looks like she belongs here.

“Dylan should be here soon to pick me up.” Paige smiles as she peers through the crowd, no doubt hoping to spot him.

“By the way, congratulations,” Taylor tells her. “Dylan has been one happy camper since you two got engaged.”

“We were a little shocked,” Eliza says in a stiff voice. “I thought you and Benjamin Kross were still together.” She

straightens a thin strap of her stark white sundress and I can’t help but notice that her spray-on tan, while good, doesn’t look quite as natural as my sister’s.

“That was what the media wanted everyone to think,” Paige replies lightly. “Fortunately, they were wrong.”

“Right …” Eliza nods, but her expression looks dubious. I remember that Eliza had her eyes on Dylan too. Hopefully she can set aside her jealousy now that Paige and Dylan are officially engaged.

“I’m coming to your show tomorrow,” I tell Rhiannon, partly to change our conversation’s focus and partly because I’m excited I get to cover it. I explain about how Paige and I are splitting up to cover more fashion.

“It’s going to be a really small show,” Rhiannon explains. “I’m sharing it with several other new designers.”

“Small or not, at least you’re here and showing,” I tell her. “Kudos to you.”

She smiles at Eliza. “It’s thanks to Eliza,” she says.

“Yes, we read about that,” Paige says to them. “Sounds like a nice little partnership.”

“It was actually Taylor’s idea,” Rhiannon says.

“But I was happy to get involved,” Eliza says quickly. “I’m moving on from modeling, but I want to remain in the fashion world.” She smiles at Rhiannon. “And I believe in this little girl and her designs.”

The camera crew is shutting down now, and JJ comes right over to Taylor and her eyes light up. It seems the two of them are picking up right where they left off in France. “So is everyone heading to the after party?” Taylor asks again.

“Not me,” I admit.

“Why not?” Rhiannon asks. “It’s supposed to be great.”

“Oh, our director is under the weather and I thought I’d check on her.”

“Just give her a call,” Eliza suggests.

I consider this, but if she’s sleeping, the phone will disturb her, and if she’s feeling really bad, she probably won’t even answer. Suddenly I feel resentful of how I’m stuck playing nursemaid to Fran. Really, she is supposed to be taking care of

“Come on,” Paige urges me. “Fran’s probably asleep anyway.”

“Maybe I could go for just a little while,” I agree.

But “a little while” ends up being until after midnight. Still, the music is so good—a real Calypso band. And the food—an island banquet—is abundant and delicious. And it’s so fun to visit with both old and new friends … it’s hard to leave. But I know I must.

Although everyone else stays at the party, which is in full swing, I call a taxi and return to the hotel feeling a bit like Cinderella. When I tiptoe in to check on Fran, she seems to be sleeping comfortably. I realize I probably could’ve stayed at the party after all.

My phone rings before seven in the morning, but when I groggily answer, I’m pleased to hear Mom’s voice. “Our plane just touched down,” she tells me. “I’ll be at your hotel in less than an hour.”

I tell her my room number and, feeling a great sense of relief, pull on some sweats and start making coffee. Before long Mom and I are hugging.

“I don’t think Paige is awake yet,” I say as I hand her a cup of coffee.

“I didn’t expect she would be.”

I order us some breakfast, and Fran’s as well. While we wait, we have our coffee on the terrace, enjoying the fresh morning air and the view.

“Ah, paradise.” Mom smiles happily.

“It really is beautiful.” I look out to where the palm trees are swaying in the breeze, the ocean is varying shades of turquoise and sapphire, and a few white clouds interrupt the clear blue sky as they wisp along. So peaceful … especially in the morning.

“You’d never suspect there’s a hurricane’s brewing out there in the Atlantic.”

“Really?” I stare out at the serene scene.

“I saw it on the news at LAX last night. You hadn’t heard?”

“No. I haven’t really been paying attention to the news. Is it supposed to come near here?”

“I think there’s a slim chance, but you know how those things go. You never can tell.”

“I haven’t heard a word about it.” I frown.

“Probably because it’s unlikely it’ll actually develop into anything serious. That’s pretty rare this time of year.”

“Even so, it would sure put a damper on some of these fashion shows. You’d think someone might’ve mentioned it.”

“I’m guessing Fran hasn’t heard anything either.” Mom takes a sip of coffee. “How is she anyway?”

“I haven’t checked on her yet this morning.” I glance inside my room, to the adjoining door I left partially open. “She was pretty bad yesterday. Maybe I should check on her.”

“Maybe so.”

As I head to Fran’s room, I realize she has no idea my mom is coming, or is in fact here now. I wonder how I’ll break
this to her. But when I see her, still in bed and looking just as worn out as yesterday, I have a feeling she won’t care. Maybe she’ll even be relieved.

“How are you feeling?” I ask quietly.

She sighs. “About the same.”

“I tried to call Helen,” I tell her. “Anyway, I left a message.”

“Did you tell her about me?”

“No … I just asked her to call back.”

“Did she?” Fran’s eyes seem almost fearful, like she sees everything coming to a quick, unhappy ending.

I explain about my mom being here and how she’ll step in as director, if that’s okay with Fran.

Fran blinks. “Well, I guess I have no choice.”

“Maybe if you rest and eat the right things … maybe you’ll perk up in a few days. You know, like you were doing before.”

“Maybe.” Her brow creases with doubt.

“Anyway, I ordered you some breakfast.” I move around the room, straightening here and there. “And if you don’t mind, I’d like to make sure you get some housekeeping service today. Even if you have to be here while the maid comes in.”

“Yes … that’s okay … I don’t expect you to do my housekeeping.” There’s a bitter edge to her voice, and I try not to feel resentful as I heat up some water for her tea.

“My mom says there’s a hurricane coming.”

“Coming here?”

“Well, that’s hard to say. But apparently it’s out there.”

“Give me the remote,” she commands.

I hand her the remote, and while she’s jumping from channel to channel I make her a cup of green tea, adding just a little sugar the way she likes it. I also set her box of crackers
by her bed. “Try to get something in your stomach,” I tell her, “until breakfast gets here.”

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