Glow (17 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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He reached in the bag we got from the produce market and grabbed the
strawberries. He used his bottled water to rinse them off. I smiled as I
watched how thoughtful and respectful this guy truly was. Who would have
thought that Ben McGurthy would be a thoughtful person considering his
player ways.

He readjusted the way we were sitting to where I was leaning back against
his chest in between his legs. He started feeding me strawberries.


“This has been so much fun,” I chewed on a strawberry. “Seriously, I haven’t
done anything like this is such a long time.”


“Vanessa,” Ben sat up a little straighter. “I brought you here for a reason,”


I turned my head so I could look at him. “Oh, yeah?”


He smiled at me. “Yeah,”

“Look,” he turned me around to face the by standers walking around Union
Square. He wrapped his arm around my waist tightly, placing his chin on my
shoulder as he pointed.

“Look at what?” I asked as I watched everyone walk by.

“Take a moment to really open your eyes, princess.” he whispered into my
What in the world is he talking about? Is Ben McGurthy insane? All I am
seeing are people-people everywhere. Young people, old people, children,
teenagers, pets… it goes on and on and on. But I don’t give up, I keep

“People,” I said as he gave me another bite of strawberry.


“Exactly,” he placed his chin back onto my shoulder. “Shh, no more talking.
Just watch them.”

So I do… I continued to stare at the people walking by with their significant
others; some talking on their cell phones, some with briefcases, some on
skateboards and some on skates. But I also saw people holding hands,
smiling, touching, and laughing. I genuinely saw that they were happy.

“Vanessa,” he whispered in my ear. “Do you see what I see?”

I nodded. “People that-” I stopped, feeling as though I could start to cry, I
swallowed hard. “That are happy,” I shrugged, pursing my lips as I watched
this one young couple laughing while tossing the Frisbee back and fourth.

“I understand why you feel the way you do about relationships.” he squeezed
me tighter against him. “But I want you to understand that even though there
may be hundreds or even thousands of readers that write you emails everyday
about how they got played or dumped or miss treated… but, princess, you
need to look at the big picture. You have to see that the other hundreds,
thousands, and even millions of people who are happy,”

As much as I always wanted to be right, I wasn’t. Ben was absolutely right
indeed that I needed to stop being closed minded and see relationships for
what they really are.

I sniffed, turning around. “Thank you,” I tried to smile but continued to cry.

“Don’t cry, princess,” he wiped the tear that rolled down my cheek.
possible,” I said quietly to myself as I lay still in Ben’s
arms watching the happy couples enjoy themselves.

Ben’s POV

I think the best thing I could have ever done was take Vanessa to Union
Square. She needed to stop being so judgmental and see that relationships do
exist and that there really are happy people out there. That there is a world
beyond Glow, period. Vanessa has a phenomenal career, however, she has to
see it as a career only and not a way of life. Just like myself; I go to law
school and take an internship at my fathers firm. I confidently take a case on
Salmonella poisoning due to contaminated produce… but I didn’t stop eating

Vanessa was quiet for most of the afternoon, possibly from a reality shock.


“Are you sure you don’t want to be alone?” I asked her as she sits at the
dining room table with a glass of Pinot.

She sighed. “No, I don’t want you to go, it’s just-” she stood up then walked
over to the couch. “I feel like a whole new light is shining down on me, you

I nodded as I fidgeted with my hands. “I do know,”


“It’s like I got so crazy with working long hours that I was literally breathing
those damn articles,” she frowned looking down at her wine glass.


I stood up from the couch then grabbed her hands. I held them tightly in
mine. She slowly looked up at me and smiled.


“Thank you,” she said quietly.
“You’re welcome,” I took a step closer.


“Why are you doing all of this, Ben?” she questioned.


“All of what?” I furrowed my brows. Ah, God, where is she going with this?


“Just, I don’t know… the breakfast, the roses, holding my hand most of the
day, Union Square,” she shrugged.

I didn’t know what to say to Vanessa. I didn’t want to tell her that I am in
love with her due to a crush I had since we were little kids. Then it would
lead to this whole article thing I’ve got going with my aunt. I can’t tell her
what happened last night was the best night of my entire life and something I
have been dreaming about for years…I have no idea what she would say to
all of that.

I sighed. “I wanted you to finally see that there is such a thing as being happy
with someone. That happy relationships are real,”


“Oh,” she dropped her hands to her sides. “I see what you were doing,”


“What are you talking about?” I tried to wrap my hand around the small of
her back but she backed away.


“You have been doing all of this to prove me wrong,” she huffed crossing her


“What?! No,” I shook my head. “Why would you think that?”

“Because of the argument we had in my mother’s kitchen. You said I was
being closed minded and stubborn about relationships and I refused to listen
to anything you had to say. So you took advantage of my letting you close to
me last night just so you could prove me wrong, unbelievable.” Vanessa
turned around to walk away.
“Vanessa,” I pleaded.

“Ben, this is one giant game to you isn’t it?” her cheeks were red and a look
of anger took over her pleasant features. I had never seen her this angry.
She took a step closer.

“Since I met you on Friday you have lied to me about being my brothers best
friend, talked about my private life with my brother of all people, broke my
date with Jordan causing me to be in an accident, and now you feel the need
to shove this shit in my face?”

“No, you don’t understand. If you would just let me explain.” I grabbed her
face with my hands placing my forehead upon hers. She closed her eyes and
took a deep breath, so I continued.

“Vanessa, I am trying to help you,” I sighed. “When I look at you I see this
intelligent, talented, fun, witty, and confident person who I might add is the
most gorgeous female that I have ever laid eyes on. I also see that you are
lonely, sad, and are so damn busy all the time that you have zero time for
yourself. I wanted to show you that there is more to life than that stupid
magazine. I want you to know that there is happiness out there, happiness for
you, Vanessa.”

She looked into my eyes and for a split second I saw something spark until
her eyes turned cold again, filling with tears.


She inhaled deeply letting a sob escape. “Do you know what I see Ben?” she
wiped the tears from her cheek.


I shook my head ‘no’.
Wait for it, Ben… wait for it. Brace yourself, because
here comes the match in the gas tank.

“I see a smart, eccentric, charming, sexy man in front of me who I might add
thinks he is God’s gift to woman that lives his life based on his rule book of
‘player codes’. To me, Benjamin, that makes a sad excuse for a male… it
makes you a little boy.”

Holy shit! BOOM!


“Wow,” was all I could say. I was in shock.


Vanessa gasped and clutching her hand over her mouth, quite possibly from
the crushed look upon my face. That’s what I was; crushed.

“That’s seriously what you think of me, Vanessa?” I asked in monotone
staring blankly at her. I could see it in her eyes that she didn't mean it, but the
words still hurt.

“You have given me no choice but to think those things about you. I will not
finish this article without you,” she stomped over to the front door. “Get out,
Ben.” she swung it open.

I tried to make my feet move but they wouldn’t as though they had a mind of
their own.


“Get out!” she cried.

I could say that I understood why she was acting out this way. Firstly, I
didn’t make the greatest first impression; hell, or a good second or third

I forced my legs to get moving and walked towards the door stopping in the
doorway. My heart was aching so badly. I had no clue what was going to
happen after I walked out of her front door. Would I ever get to see her
beautiful face again? Or hear her voice? I had no clue.

I turned my head towards her. “Just for the record…I’ve had better,”

Yes, I said the worst thing you could ever say to a female you have slept
with. Especially one that you love. I didn’t want to say it, it just flew out of
my mouth like the words were coated in oil. Did I expect what happened
next? You bet your ass I did.


Right across the face. I clenched my teeth as I took those torturous few steps
out of her doorway and before the rubber on the bottom of my sneakers
touched the porch,
, the door closed right on my heels.

Vanessa’s POV

I slammed the door as Ben was walking out. Did the door hit him on the ass?
I really don’t give a damn. I knew that this morning with the breakfast,
flowers, and our day at Union Square were too good to be true. He wasn’t
doing those things to be a gentleman. He was doing those things to teach me
a lesson on the ignorance I have for relationships. The one thing I do give
him credit for was showing me that the grass is actually greener on the other
side. But how he went about doing it was horribly wrong. Instead of being all
’lovey-dovey’ with me, he should have took me out as a friend.

“What have I done?” I sobbed as I sat at the dining room table. The smell of
breakfast still lightly lingering making this much harder than it should be. I
fully admit, I jumped the gun on this whole argument. But to be honest, like I
said before, he was growing on me.

After the nice things he did for me today, I felt my heart swelling with bliss
and I freaked out. Last night is a night I will never forget, no matter how
horrible it was for him.

Regardless of Ben showing me today that there is happiness out in this cold
world, I still needed to take it slow… one day at a time. I have to look out for
me and I know that being with Ben is definitely not good for me. He is a
player and he uses woman to get what he wants. I don’t want to end up the
way my readers end up; hearts broken, gaining five-ten pounds from eating
pints of ice cream while watching The Notebook.
“I am just like them,” I sobbed, dropping my head onto the dining room table
crying harder.

I caused this upon myself… I know. It’s for the better, you will see.




One week later…


“You look like hell, Vanessa.” Maria said as she entered my office.


“Thanks,” I mumbled with my head down on my desk. “a lot,”


“Why don’t you just call him?” she sighed plopping down into one of my

I sat up and blew a puff of air to wisp the bangs from my eyes. “It’s been a
week, Maria. He hasn’t tried to text, call or email me,” I frowned. “I was
seriously rude and besides, it was for the best. He is a player.”

“Act like you know,” she whistled nonchalantly.


“Excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?” I asked her quizzically.


“I didn’t say anything,” she shrugged.

I stood up and walked over to an extremely nervous Maria. “Oh, yes you did.
Now spill it,” I leaned against my desk and crossed my arms. “What exactly
did the two of you do or talk about when you hung out?”



“Miss Monetello?” Ellen on the intercom.


I rushed to the other side of my desk and quickly pushed the button. “Yes,
Ellen?” I answered.

“I want to let you know that I am pleased with the updates you have been
giving me throughout the week. Very impressive,” her tone was unnaturally

“Thank you, Mrs. McGurthy,” I looked at Maria with a shocked expression.


“When are you seeing Jordan again?” Ellen asked.

“Tonight, actually. He invited me for dinner.” I placed my chin on my hand
as I watch Maria escape out the door of my office.
I glared at the
closed door.

“Fabulous. Let me know how it goes,” she chirped. “Oh, and Vanessa?”


“Yes, Ellen?” I sighed.

“Have you talked to my nephew? He refuses to return my calls for the last
several days,” I could hear the slight concern in her voice and it made me

“Oh-uh,” I bit my lip. “Yes, of course I have and I assure you he has just
been extremely busy with teaching me all of these ‘player codes’,” I laughed.


I lied! I cannot believe I just lied to Ellen McGurthy!


“Very well, then,” she sighed. “Let him know you are making remarkable
progress and to keep up the good work,”


“Will do,” I wished I could.


“That is all.” she disconnected.
“Maria!” I yelled from my desk. I am so not done with her…


Chapter Nine: Swing, Swing, Swing
Ben's POV

It's been a week since I have seen, let alone spoken to Vanessa; no text, not
even an email. It's not that I don't care, I do. I guess I just still felt awful for
what I had said to her that night. I was hurt. I was torn that after everything
from the night we slept together, the breakfast I had made for her, to our day
at Union Square she had said what she did to me. I can't say that I blame her
for thinking I was trying to prove her wrong, but we all know that I wasn't.
To be honest, she is the best I have ever had. Even if we had never slept
together, the night we played 'Touch-o-War' all night was one of the best
nights of my life. No woman in my past or future will ever compare to
Vanessa with how perfect she is in so many ways.

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