Glow (19 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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“She is inside, I'm late,” I stared at him.


“I hope your not too late,” he laughed, opening the door for me to enter.


Me too, big guy...

When I walked in, it's just like I remember. The many white, silk covered
tables, crystal chandeliers, men in tuxedos, and candles giving off a five star
restaurant feel. The nice ambiance made the woman relax, getting their few
cocktails in before being taken to the back to 'mingle' with other couples.
This is nearly every man's fantasy to see their woman with another. I never
brought anyone here. Although, I have been brought here. It was awkward.
Let's just say that I never called the girl back. Besides, I said it was nearly
every mans fantasy, not mine.

I glanced around the 'restaurant' with no such luck in finding Vanessa and
Jordan. All I saw was a few couples laughing, talking, and seductively staring
at each other from their tables. I looked to the right to the door entering into
the back. I jogged to the door, swinging it open.

I stood there in the dark room feeling panicked and anxious. Candles were lit
everywhere. Porn style music played in the background. I feel my stomach
begin to turn, my heart rate picking up speed. I will kill him...

I heard laughter with a few quiet moans. I frantically walked around the
room, staring at the multiple velvet couches trying to see the faces of these
disgusting people.

I walked through half of the place and stopped in my tracks when I had seen
Jordan atop of a blonde, kissing her passionately.


I quickly stomped over to the red couch gripping my fist in the material of his
button down collard shirt.


“Get the fuck off of her,” I said angrily as I pulled him off of Vanessa. The
first instinct I had was to punch him right in the face, I did.


“You sick bastard!” I saw pure red as the anger flooded my every limb, my
right hook connected with his face.


“Dude, what the hell?” he grunted as I bent forward, gripping the front of his
shirt and continued to punch him.


“Vanessa doesn't belong in a place like this,” I held my fist back ready to
swing for the tenth time when I heard a soft voice in the background.
“Who's Vanessa?” I heard a female say.


I looked towards the red, velvet couch. The blonde I saw beneath Jordan
wasn't Vanessa.

“Where the hell is she, Jordan?” I nodded to him. “You have two seconds to
tell me before I keep whooping your ass because I fucking feel like it, you
sick piece of shit!” I spat in his face.

“She is better than this nasty place. Why the hell did you bring someone like
Vanessa here?” I bitch clapped Jordan across the face.


“Huh?” I smacked him again.

“Alright, alright!” he held his hand up for me to stop smacking him. “She
went all crazy, kneed me in the balls and ran out the back door,” he gestured
to the black door along the wall across from where we were.

“I thought she would be into it,” he dabbed his bloody nose with the back of
his hand.


“Is there a problem here?” a fat man dressed in all black approached.


“Nope,” I said as I stood to my feet still staring at Jordan. “You're a piece of
shit, Jordan,”


“You can have her!” he yelled as I quickly walked to the back door.

As I walked out the door, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. At the same
time I pulled it out, I saw it was Vanessa calling. I go to answer it but it was
already sent to voice mail.

“Shit,” I muttered, scrolling through my phone.


“Ben, it's Vanessa.” she sobbed. She was crying. I felt my heart ache with the
thought she was hurt, sad, scared...


I could hear her leaving me a voice mail. She was crying somewhere in this
dark alley behind Swingers. I slowly took a few steps trying to listen.


“I need your help. Jordan is a jerk and he brought me to this horrible,
disgusting place and I need a ride home,” she cried harder.


I walked toward a stack of wooden crates against one of the brick buildings
to see a hysterically shaking Vanessa sitting on the ground behind them.


“Please, call me back.” she sobbed again before hanging up.


“Nessy?” I said slowly. My heart was literally breaking seeing her this upset.
I am the one who got her into this mess.


She looked up and had become completely hysterical. “I'm so sorry,” she

“Don't be sorry, Vanessa. It's okay,” I bent down and wrapped her in my
arms carrying her to my car as she cried into my chest. “You have nothing to
be sorry for. It's okay, I'm here now,”

I set her to her feet as I opened the passenger side door to my car. I helped
her get into the car and hurried to my side. I hopped in and drove towards her
house without saying a word. When she was ready to talk to me, she would.

I helped her inside and took a seat on the couch as all she wanted was a
shower. I can't say that I blamed her. I sat quietly, biting my nails waiting for
her to come out. I still wanted to kill Jordan for taking her to a place like that.

“You're still here,” she said quietly from behind the couch. If I had it my
way, I would never leave.


“I'm not leaving you,” I shook my head. “Come sit down, I'll make you some


“Thanks,” she sat down, her eyes on me the entire time.


I was standing in the kitchen getting her a cup of coffee when her questions


“How did you know where I was?” she asked with her chin resting on the
back of the couch.

“Maria called me,” I held the cup under the machine letting it fill. “She told
me where Jordan was taking you, and I could have killed him,” I could hear
the anger rising in my voice. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My
being upset at myself and Jordan for putting her in that position tonight had
nothing to do with her.

“I am so stupid for thinking I could do this,” she sulked. “This is not me. I
don't throw myself at men, or-or go on all sorts of dates with random guys I
barely know,” I could see the tears starting to form in her eyes.

I walked to the couch with her coffee and sat down next to her. “Here,” I
handed her the coffee cup.


“Vanessa...” I sighed. “This is all my fault. All of this,” I moved a wet strand
of hair from her cheek placing it behind her ear.


“Why would you say that?” she looked into my eyes.


“Because, I'm sure Maria has told you that this whole 'player article' was my
idea,” I watched her facial expression change from sad to a smile.

“She did, and it was a damn good idea,” she laughed. “But, Ben, Jordan
taking me to that place was not your fault. He's a perverted creep. It was
surprising though to say the least.” she stared at the floor for a minute
remembering back. “I had no idea what that place was until Jordan and I
were sitting in the lounge on a couch when a blonde sat next to me and
started running her finger up my neck. I'm sure I looked like rigor mortis had
set in,”

I laughed. “Culture shock,”


“Yeah,” she agreed. “Thank you for being there,”


“You're welcome.” I stared at her wanting so badly to wrap her in my arms.
But, after the last time I had seen her, I didn't want to push it.


“So, Ben, is there anything you want to tell me?” Vanessa took a sip of her


I slowly nodded as I looked down at my fidgeting hands. She knew that I
knew that Maria told her everything.


There's no holding back, Benjamin. Let's do this.


“Yeah, there's quite a bit actually.” I stared into her blue eyes and I could see
she was anticipating what I had to say.

“Where do you want me to start? How I fell head over heels for you when
we were kids, how there wasn't a day that went by after I moved to Chicago
that I didn't think about you? How I have never committed to female in my
life because you are the only one I want to be with? Or how I called my aunt
with this whole idea to get close to you after all these years? Wait, the best
one is how much I truly am in love with you, Vanessa Montello, and to tell
you the truth... the night we slept together was one of the best nights of my
fucking life.”

There, I said it... even with the f-bomb in the same sentence. But, I didn't
care, not anymore. I just grew a case of the fuck-it's and there it was...I finally
told Vanessa I loved her. I felt as though the thousand pound weight has been
finally lifted from my shoulders, I sighed with relief.

I sat there staring at her waiting for her to say something, anything at all. She
just sat there staring at me with a sparkle in her eyes.


It felt so good to say it, I said it again.


“I love you,”


Chapter Ten: Nut Cracker
Vanessa's POV

Everything seemed to have been moving in slow motion; his mouth moved
slowly, and his slow, deep voice echoed through my ears as if we were in the
168th street station tunnel. He, Ben McGurthy, actually said those words;
those three magical words that every woman longs to hear- I. Love. You.

He not only said it once, but twice. Most woman would cry while flailing
their hands. Possibly ask him “Really?” repetitively until they felt confident
enough, then grab him with everything they had. They would kiss him with
the utmost desire that 'I love you' brings to their hearts and souls. Me? Well,
I'm a completely different story. I couldn't help but make things complicated.

“Vanessa?” Ben touched my cheek. I blink once, twice, three times. “Please
say something,”


“I-” was all I could mutter as I started to cry.


“No, no, no,” he nervously wiped my tears. “Why are you crying?”

I clenched my teeth. “Why are you doing this to me?” I thought seeing him to
hear how he feels about me was what I had wanted. But in all truth, it had
made me angry. It made me angry that I love Ben as much as he 'claims' to
love me. To hear everything Maria had to say made my heart soar. He is a
player, I could never trust him. I could never believe a word he says to me.
This is all for nothing.

“What?” he cradled my face with his hands. “I love you, Vanessa.”
I closed my eyes. “Stop saying that, please,”


“Why?” he smiled at me. “I'm happy to say it,” he shrugged.


“Because you truly don't love me, you can't,” I cried.


“How can you say that I don't?” Ben took his hands from my wet, flushed
cheeks, then sat back with a saddened look upon his face.

“This is totally not the reaction I was hoping for,” he sighed, running his
hands through his hair out of frustration as he stands to his feet. “I love you,
Vanessa, and there is a part of me that is sure that you have somewhat of
feelings for me too. Let yourself be happy... be happy with me,”

Be happy? “What reaction did you want, Ben?” I stood up. “Did you want me
to jump all over you, say I love you too, and we live happily ever freaking
after until you cheat on me with the next long-legged bimbo you see batting
her eye lashes at you? I'd be real happy then,”

“I know I expected a hell of a lot better than this.” he walked toward the
door. “Wait... no. I deserve it,” he turned around. “You don't know me as
well as you think you do, Vanessa,”

“I don't?” I crossed my arms.

“No, because if you did, you would know that I never committed to anyone
else because of you,” he gestured his hand toward me. “You were all I have
thought about since I moved away. Every girl I hooked up with, I tried so
damn hard to be with, but I couldn't so I gave up on trying. Just like everyone
else, I have needs. But no one ever compared to you and how you have
always made me feel inside.” he turned then placed his hand on the door

“I'm sorry for wasting your time, Vanessa. Good luck with the position, I'll
make sure it's yours. Goodnight,” Ben walked out the door.
He left me standing in the middle of my living room completely speechless. I
plopped down onto the couch with a groan as I placed my head in my hands.
Why do I always screw things up? Why am I so scared to take the leap and
just tell him how I feel? He didn't tell me anything that I already didn't hear
from Maria. I knew why he played woman and I guess in all reality when he
told me he loved me, I freaked out just like I always do.

I picked up my cell phone and called Maria.


“What?” she mumbled sleepily into the phone.


“Come over, please,” I started to cry.

“Are you crying? You should be in heaven, twinkling between the sheets
with Mr. Hotty Pants right now. Especially after confessing his undying love
for you,” she yawned.

“I did it again,” I cried.


“You freaked out, didn't you?” she said in monotone. “You are playing him
like a yo-yo, Vanessa.”


“I know, help me. Please?” I sniffed wiping the tears from my cheeks.


“I am still drunk so I have to take a cab.” she groaned as I heard her get up. “I
hate Pinot,”


“Just hurry,” I hung up.


I paced the living room while I waited for Maria to show up when my phone


It's my brother. Like I need this right now.


“Nessy,” he said sternly.


“Don't call me-”


“What the hell did you do to Ben?” Ethan interrupted.


“Excuse me?” I said rudely. “I did nothing to him,”


Ethan snorted into the phone. “It's time for tough love sister,”


“Time for-” What is he talking about?

“Nessy, you need to get your head out of your ass and stop being so damn
stubborn,” I could hear Jackie in the background telling him not to be so
rude. “The guy loves you, and you just shit all over him. You raped his pride,

“I didn't rape anything, Ethan,” I growled through my teeth. As far as I am
concerned this is none of my brothers business. “He is a man-whore and I
don't want to get hurt!”

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