Glow (2 page)

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Authors: Molly Bryant

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Glow
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“Mr.-” I sighed utterly annoyed. “Ben... I am seriously busy, I don't have the
time for this right now.” I was beginning to sound like a whining toddler.
I pushed the blinking red button on my intercom. “Yes?”


“Miss. Montello,” It is Ellen. “Be sure to make this your first priority,”


“Mrs. McGurthy, my deadline for 'Will He Propose?' is due tomorrow,” I
reminded her. It was the deadline
had given to me.


“Miss Anderson will be taking over, I gave her all of the details.”

I looked over at a smirking Ben with an 'I told ya' so' facial expression sitting
confidently in one of my chairs. Not being able to help myself, I picked up a
pen from my desktop and chucked it at him. He caught it with his palm
against his chest then mocked a tragic ending to his perfect life. I rolled my
eyes at his childish behavior then bit my lower lip trying to suppress the urge
to smile.

“Fabulous, I will have Maria take her the proofs,” I sighed in defeat.


“Good girl, Vanessa...” I could hear her smile. “Remember, an update in my
office by next Friday, that is all,” she disconnected.


Ben rubbed his hands together swiftly as he stood up with a grunt. “Estrada'stonight-eight sharp,” he walked towards the door. “Oh, and Vanessa?”


“Yes, Ben,” I said as calmly as I could.


“Wear something, um...” he stifled a throaty laughed. “less respectful,”

With that, he walked out leaving my mouth hanging open. I plopped my head
onto my desk and belted out a scream of pure frustration.
Why is Ellen doing
this to me?
I have known her nephew for all of one hour and I already hate
the guy. He is hot, yet bothersome, and highly annoying.

“Vanessa, what's wrong?” Maria stumbled through the door. “I heard you
“Ben,” I groaned, my face billowed into the stack of papers. I sat up, then
opened my top drawer and pulled out the Pepto. I take a long drink as if my
life depended on it. I could feel my sanity slipping with every word that came
out of Ben's mouth, it echoing in my head.

“He is extremely sexy,” she said dreamily.

“Have you heard the words that come out of his mouth?” I take another
drink. “He is rude, childish, and just... ugh!” I added as I gestured a choking
motion with my hands.

“I wonder if he is single?” Maria said not even paying one ounce of attention
to my bickering.


“Maria,” I say staring at her.


“His hair,” she grappled the air. “I just wanna... run my fingers through it,”
she giggled.


“Maria!” I said louder, slamming my hands down upon the stack of work on
my desk.


She blinked then looked at me, she was blushing. “Oh, sorry,” she shrugged.

“Will you take these to Mary's desk? Tell her the deadline is tomorrow, I
have another article I have to work on,” I held the portfolio out for Maria to
take it while I shuffled through the others making sure I didn't forget

“Another article?” Maria took the folder from my hand. “What is that all
about? Why a sudden change?”


“Ellen requested I do something personally,” I sighed as I stood up.


She gasped. “Another undercover?” she smiled.
“Yup,” I grabbed a bottle of water from my mini-fridge.


“Wait... what does her sexy-ass nephew have to do with it?” she looked at me
curiously. “Why was he here?”

“Because this 'sexy-ass' nephew of hers is a 'player',” I smirked. “So I would
seriously re-think the perverted thoughts,” I chuckled. I really do like Maria.
She is silly, funny, and well... a player too. She has about ten boyfriends at
the moment.

“I'll be right back,” I said quickly then ran toward the door, down the
hallway, and right to Ellen's office. A brilliant thought had come to mind.


I knocked lightly. “Mrs. McGurthy?”


“Yes?” she said as I opened the door.


“I have a grand idea,” I smiled.

“Come in, come in... sit down,” she said as she concentrated on her
paperwork. “I am busy, so you might need to repeat yourself a few times, but
I will try my hardest to listen.”

“Thank you,” I said politely then took a seat in the chair Ben had sat in. I
slowly leaned back then tilted my head and took a deep breath in. You could
still smell the scent of Dior lingering. I lightly shook my head. “I was
thinking that my secretary, Maria-”

“If you want to hire a new one, I am okay with that, is that all?” she mumbled
with furrowed brows as she concentrated on the few papers she had in her

“Oh-uh, no,” I said bewildered. “Maria is fine, it's just that she herself is a
player and I feel she would do great at this new piece,” I crossed my legs and
my fingers. Hoping to be rid of this boy... Ben.
“You don't like my nephew,” she stated as she looked up at me removing her

“Your nephew is f-fine,” I stuttered. “I-I mean, he is nice. I just don't think I
am the right person to do this,” I felt my confidence take a flying leaf from
Ellen's windows. It plummeting at incredulous speed and ending with a
splatter upon the busy streets of Manhattan.

“Vanessa,” Ellen had rose from her seat then walked over to me, she offered
me her hand. I hesitantly took it and stood up. “You're beautiful, kind, smart,
and have class,”

I blushed. “Well... thank you, Ellen,”

“I wouldn't have asked you if I wasn't confident that you could do this,” she
lead me to the door with her hand on my lower back. Ellen was trying to get
rid of me.

She opened the door. “I have faith that this will be the greatest piece Glow
has seen in awhile,” she gave me a light shove. “Update, next Friday.” she
shut the door in my face. And like that, I was right. She wanted me out of her

“Shit,” I groaned.
What am I going to do?


I drug my feet to my office. That's it, there is nothing I can do about this
article. I have to suck it up and just do it.


“Vanessa? Your mom is on line-one,” Maria gave me an 'I'm sorry' look. I
wasn't sure who was more upset... myself or Maria.


I couldn't help but laugh. “Send it through,” I waved dismissively.


I rushed to my desk, the phone was already ringing. I picked up the receiver.
“Vanessa Montello,”


“Darling! Hello,” my mother chirped.


“Hi, mother,” I rolled my eyes. I love her dearly but I already knew why she
was calling me.

“You know mine and your fathers Anniversary dinner is tomorrow and we
are doing a head count. Are you bringing anyone with you?” she questioned.
“Anyone special?” she continued to pry.

“No, mom, I am coming alone,” I said for the trillionth time. My mother
already knows that I am coming alone as she has already asked me if I were
bringing someone- five times.

“It's okay, your brother is having one of his old friends from grade school
come over, you might remember him,”


“I don't know who you are talking about,” I sighed.

“You know that boy that Ethan was always with when you were in sixth
grade? Oh, what was his name?” she paused for a few seconds. “But, any
who, he had moved away and your brother ran into him a few weeks ago, I
guess he is back now,”

Ethan is my little brother. He is a year younger than I am and I vaguely
remember this kid she was talking about. I do remember, however, my
brother hanging with him back and forth between houses for the entire school
year. When this kid left, he cried for weeks!

I laughed to myself. “I have no recollection of his name, mother,”


“Well, you never know, the two of you might just hit it off,” she hinted.


“Oh, no... no, no, no! Do
set me up, mom. I am serious when I say this,” I
said sternly. This wouldn't be the first time either.


“He is very handsome, and just graduated from law-”


“No. Mom, do not do this to me again,” I interrupted. “I am a very busy
person, I don't have time for a relationship,”

That was only partially the truth. Honestly, I could care less about love and
relationships. I don't believe in them. I have spent several days, hours,
minutes, and seconds reading emails and listening to blubbering readers
during interviews about how they had been cheated on, lied to and why
would I put myself through that? Right, I wouldn't. Love does not exist in
today's world.

“I know, I know...” she sighed. “You barely have time for your family.”


I felt a pang in my heart. “I have to go,” I lied.


“Okay, I will see you tomorrow night at six for cocktails,”


“Love you,” I swallowed hard.


“I love you too, sweetheart,” Mom said sweetly. I quickly hung-up the phone
and hit the intercom.


“Maria, will you come in here for a second?” I asked.


Without responding she walked right into my office. “Yes?”


“Sit down, I have a favor to ask of you,” I smiled.


“Anything,” she winked then crossed her legs in the shortest skirt I have ever
seen. We should have a dress code.


“Are you busy tonight?” I asked.


“I have a date, but I can cancel,” she said nonchalantly.
“Uh, yeah, okay...” I eyed her. “Do you like makeovers?”


“For me?” she asked shockingly.


“No, for me, I need to be...” I think for a moment.


“Provocative? Possibly, naughty?” Maria asked with a devilish smile.





“You have a
of clothes, some of it still has tags on them!” Maria said
from my walk in closet. “Your closet is freaking
, Vanessa! It's bigger
than my apartment!” she laughed from excitement.

I stood there with my hair in a towel, in my white-silk bathrobe as I watched
her go through my attire while sipping on wine. “I know. I never go
anywhere other than dinner meetings, functions, or work so I have never
really worn much of it,” I shrugged. Yes, I obviously have a clothing, and
accessory obsession. I own more than I need as like I said, I don't have time
to do much. I tried not to laugh as I watched her caress her cheek with one of
my silk dresses.

“I love your taste in clothes. I am in heaven,” she smiled then pulled down a
strapless black dress that only covers to my upper thigh. Oh, and did I
mention the slit up to my hip on the right side?
“I love that dress,” I frowned.

“You don't need my help,” she held the dress up to me. “This is perfect, go
put it on.” she took my glass of wine and finished it off.


I go into my bathroom and quickly slip my body into the dress, reaching my
long-slim arms around my back and zip it up. I straightened it out and smiled.


Maria knocked. “How does it look?” she asked through the closed bathroom


I turned around and opened the door. “It's a little short, but I remember why I
bought it,” I smiled.


“You look seriously stunning,” she smiled, gently pulling the tag off of the
seam and looked at it. “
Four-hundred and fifty dollars?!


I shrugged uncomfortably.


“For the price, it better do what it's supposed to tonight,” Maria snickered.


I felt my stomach turn. “Ah, I hope not,”


“Come on, let's do some smokey eyes,” she lead me to the bedroom. “You
cannot see anything I am doing until I am finished,”

I groaned internally. I was used to my light make-up with some mascara,
blush and gloss. I was content that way. It was enough to make my eyes pop,
and enough for any affair without being over dramatic.

“So tell me exactly what this job entails, we never finished talking about it,”
Maria said as she concentrated with the flat-iron.

“Ellen wants me to do a piece on men who use woman. I have to find out
what it is about being a player that is so intriguing, and why they do it. I have
to become a player to understand one,” I shrugged.
“Oh-my-God, you are going to be a player!” she laughed hysterically, waving
the flat iron around me. I leaned back hoping I wouldn't get burned.

“Uh, yeah,” I sighed. “To make it worse, her nephew Ben has to teach me
how to do this, and I hate him,” I took another drink of wine.

“Oh, Vanessa, it will be so much fun! Enjoy it!” she insisted as she ran her
fingers through my hair, she did a little poof thing and... “All, done.” she
smiled then took a step back and admired her work.

I was seriously nervous to look at myself in the mirror. I should have just
went to my salon and had Dave sex my style up. I could feel that my body
was tense as I walked over to my mirror. I closed my eyes.

“Open your eyes, silly, you look amazing,” Maria said from behind me.

I opened my eyes to see a sexy, sophisticated woman standing before me. I
took a few steps closer to see my eyes surrounded by black, and silver
shadow, a little bit of liner, mascara, and a pink tinted lipstick. I smiled as it
wasn't way over the top, but enough to say 'look at me'. My blonde hair was
parted on the side, and my bangs were swept sideways across my forehead
instead of laying down like I had them everyday.

“Wow, Maria, you did great!” I said as I ran my hands through my hair.


“I'm glad you approve because it's already twenty-till-eight.” Maria stated.

I spun around quickly. “Oh, no... I need to go, I'll be late,” I ran to my closet
and picked out my black-Gucci Cecyl studded wedges. I buckled my feet into
them and headed toward the kitchen filling my clutch with some cash,
lipstick, and keys.

“Will a couple hundred be enough?” I asked Maria unsure.


She pursed her lips and nodded slowly as the doorbell echoed through my
house. “Are you expecting company?” Maria asked me.

“No,” I creased my brows and ran the best I could in my wedges to the door
and opened it to see an extremely attractive, yet annoying Ben standing there
at my door in faded blue jeans, and a tight black Armani t-shirt; his biceps
clearly stretching the sleeves.

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