Gnomeo and Juliet (8 page)

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Authors: Disney Book Group

Tags: #Fiction - Young Adult

BOOK: Gnomeo and Juliet
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nomeo and Shroom rode on Featherstone's back as the long-legged bird raced along the streets of Stratford-Upon-Avon. Taking a shortcut and avoiding humans, they zoomed through town, leaping over anything in their way. They finally reached the alley on Verona Drive, but Featherstone's legs became stuck in a trash bag. Exhausted and out of breath, he waved for Gnomeo to go on without him.

Gnomeo scaled the fence and jumped on top of the Red garden shed. But he did not expect the sight below.

The gardens were a war zone. Gnomes fighting gnomes, shrubbery destroyed, and flowers cut down in full bloom. It was total chaos.

Gnomeo spotted Juliet. The crowd swirled around her. “Juliet!” he called out to her.

Juliet looked up at him and gasped. “Gnomeo, you're alive!” she cried with relief.

She wanted to run to him, but she was still glued to her pedestal.

Gnomeo had to save her! But before he could act, a tomato smacked him in the face. He lost his balance and tumbled from the roof. He landed in the pond below.

“No! No!” Juliet shouted above the noise.

The mob of Red gnomes pelted Gnomeo with berries. He struggled to climb out of the pond.

Meanwhile, a stray berry hit the Terrafirminator's control panel, setting it to complete destruction mode. The terrifying mower revved as it powered up to break free. Its computerized targeting system was homing in on its next objective—Juliet's pedestal!

“It's going to blow!” Benny shouted.

The Terrafirminator suddenly launched itself into the air. The gnomes stopped fighting and watched as it flew over their heads.

Gnomeo tried to free Juliet, but the glue was just too strong.

Lord Redbrick saw his daughter in danger. “No!” he shouted.

“My son!” Lady Bluebury gasped.

Everyone turned to see Gnomeo and Juliet. They were doomed!

Bill Shakespeare was right,
Gnomeo thought.
This is it!

With no way out, Gnomeo looked deeply into Juliet's eyes.

“It's no use,” Juliet insisted.

“I'm not going anywhere,” Gnomeo told her. As the shadow of the Terrafirminator loomed over them, Gnomeo and Juliet looked at each other sadly. Their love was just not meant to be.

The Terrafirminator slammed into Juliet's grotto and exploded. A huge, billowing cloud of black smoke rose above the houses on Verona Drive.

Then all was quiet.

s the dust settled, Red and Blue gnomes pulled themselves out of the wreckage. They looked around at what had once been the two most beautiful gardens in town. Both were now completely destroyed.

Paris crawled out of the rubble. He and Nanette helped each other to their feet. She had rescued his glasses and now placed them on his nose.

Featherstone, who had finally reached the garden, searched for his two friends. His metal legs trembled under him as he lost hope.

Benny pulled Shroom from a pile of rocks.

Shroom ran to where Juliet's pedestal had been, looking for Gnomeo. He sniffed for any sign of survivors. Then he shook his head sadly.

Lady Bluebury and Lord Redbrick joined Shroom. They looked at the grotto, now just a pile of rubble.

“No,” Lord Redbrick said softly. Lady Bluebury closed her eyes.

They hung their heads in shame. How had things gotten so out of control?

“I'm sorry about your son,” Lord Redbrick said.

“I'm sorry about your daughter,” Lady Bluebury sobbed.

Lord Redbrick stretched out his hand to Lady Bluebury and said, “This feud…”

“…is over,” Lady Bluebury finished. The feud, which had started off as a playful rivalry, had cost them far too much.

As they shook hands, Lord Redbrick accidentally stepped on the switch that operated Juliet's mechanized grotto. Some of the rubble at the top of the grotto shifted just a bit. The water began to spray, moving even more rocks.

Lord Redbrick pushed Lady Bluebury out of the way of a falling stone. Lord Redbrick and Lady Bluebury raised their heads as loud music began to play and lights twinkled through the debris. Juliet's musical grotto rotated up through the rubble.

Then a hand appeared! Could it be?

Gnomeo emerged. He reached down and pulled Juliet up.

They were alive!

Gnomeo and Juliet looked down, and all the gnomes, Red and Blue, began to cheer.

“I don't know about you,” Gnomeo said, taking Juliet in his arms, “but I think this ending is

Juliet smiled gratefully. She was happy that she and Gnomeo had survived!

And all the gnomes were relieved as well. The Reds and Blues began to dance, while Gnomeo and Juliet smiled at each other happily. The gardens might have been ruined, but true love was alive and in full bloom.

In the park, Bill Shakespeare smiled. He had to admit it: Some people—and some gnomes—just deserved a happy ending.

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