Gnomes of Suburbia (19 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

BOOK: Gnomes of Suburbia
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"Nope. You helped me move."

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Chapter Thirty-Four

The visit with Laura had left her in a pensive mood. It was only the ring on her doorbell that managed to make her move.

A postal carrier was waiting for her. That in itself was unusual. In her experience, they rang the door and then dropped the pickup slip in her box, never staying to see if she was actually home. She wondered idly if he was breaking some kind of charter by waiting for her.

"Annabeth Hanover?"

He knew the answer, she could see it in his eyes. Friendly eyes, but they saw too much in each glance. Creepy eyes. “Yes."

"I need a signature for this.” He extended a parcel to her that was a foot square. It had about seventeen
stamps on it and Abby was amazed that it had made it in one piece.

She remembered that the words half-demon had been used in reference to her mail carrier. She tried to meet his eyes as she scribbled her name on the slip. They were a fascinating shade of golden brown that shifted to red when he caught her looking. “Thank you, Nexus. Here is your parcel. The instructions are inside."

As he turned to make his way back to his vehicle, she called out, “Wait!"

"Yes, Ma'am?"

"What's your name?"

"Steven Murdoch, Ma'am.” He winked. “Have a nice day.” He gave her a little wave and continued on his route.

"What did you expect? Beelzebub Junior? Twit.” She kept up her private muttering through the main hall and into the kitchen. As she rested the parcel on the dining room table, she checked out the window to see what the gnomes were up to.

Their happy frolics warmed her heart, but she did have to wonder where they got the chainsaw.

She checked the time and cursed. It was time to enact plan A.

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"Laura? Are you here?"

"Come in, Verne. Dive in. I finally decided to take Laura up on her offer of a hot tub soak and got her to lure you here.” Abby leaned back in the water and let it churn.

"Why?” He was puzzled. It was obvious, he tilted his head to one side like a dog that just heard a funny noise.

"You and I got off on the wrong foot. This is our chance to clear the air.” Her hair was pinned above her ears so she heard the
that he whispered over the noise of the tub jets.

"I will accept your offer. I keep a suit inside, I need to change."

Abby could bet that he didn't usually wear a suit in this tub, but she appreciated the wild sprint to his home to find one. She was getting better at tracking energy and she had focussed on his while he was standing in front of her.

Xander she could find anywhere. He could be in the seventh circle of Hell and she would still know where he was. Stupid talent.

Slightly out of breath, Verne re-appeared. He was wearing his swim trunks, but they were paired with his t-shirt, socks and sneakers.

"Come on in, wolfman. Time for a chat.” Her hand splashed the surface and patted the water lightly.

He was down to only his trunks in no time and easing into the water. “What about?"

He lost his grip on the edge and splashed in when she said, “You and Laura.” She let him come to the surface and collect himself.

He leaned back and tried to look non-chalant. “Laura is my mate."

Abby sighed deeply. “Yes. I know that. But do you know why she is keeping you at arm's length instead of trying to see what babies with fur and fish tails look like?"

He blinked at her. He wanted to know, he really did. Asking a stranger was out of the question. “I wouldn't mind hearing your theory."

"Really? That's nice, because that is why we are here."

"Is it?"

"Yes, Commander Obvious."

"Then why is Laura attempting to maintain a distance between us?"

Abby smiled. He finally asked her a question. A good one. “There are several factors. For example, you know that she is a mermaid?"

"Of course I do."

"Then what will you do when she remains young and beautiful while you age?"

"Thank my lucky stars.” He smiled.

He actually smiled at her. He had no problem marrying a woman who would outlive him by centuries. “If you had children and they were born as mer folk, how would you feel about them being under water until they learned how to shape shift?"

He blinked slowly. “How long would that take?"

"Anywhere from five to eight years.” Based on his shock, Laura and Verne had not yet had this conversation. Idiots.

"As long as I knew where to find them and could dive to visit, I suppose that I would be all right with it.” Huh, she hadn't even thought of visitation.

"And if you couldn't visit?"

"Then I would wait until they could join me on the surface."

Abby pondered that, then went back on the attack. “And if your child was born were? Would your society accept it?"

"They have taken in half-bloods before. It is not unknown.” He gave it some serious thought, and as he mulled it over, Bitsy brought out some fruit drinks. There was no alcohol in them, just fresh fruit and ice. He gave her a long look and a bow as he delivered the beverages.

"Laura told me that anytime they offer me something with you around, I am to let you drink first from my cup."

"See, she really does love you.” Abby grinned brightly and took sips of both beverages. They tasted the same and she handed one to Verne. He took it with a nod of thanks. “Thanks, Bitsy. The tub does get a little warm."

"Do they speak to you?"

"Sure they do, didn't you hear him when he came up? He said that it was to quench our thirst as this tub is rather warm."

"He didn't say anything. His mouth didn't even move.” Verne looked concerned for her mental health.

"But I swear I heard him."

"You probably have some connection with your creatures that no one has discovered yet. The Nexus that created creatures did usually live and die alone."

"Ouch. That kind of stings. So I am nuts and I can hear garden gnomes?"

He gave another of his genuine smiles. “In a nutshell. Not the worst thing that could happen to you in this situation."

"I suppose not. Now, for another thing that is keeping you two apart. Me."

He sat up at that. The scowl on his face made her glad that technically he was sworn to protect her.

"Laura was selected by the matriarch of her clan to become part of the ... I dunno ... Nexus Guard?” She shrugged. It hadn't been explained to her completely either. “She can't leave me to become a mate and if she gets pregnant and it is a mer folk baby, then she will have to leave and return to the sea. That would dishonour her clan and she won't have that."

Stunned did not begin to describe him. “You. She. How did you find out about all this?"

She had a smug smile on her face. “Because I asked her. About your relationship, about social conditions, about why she was here. Things you could have done, you big dummy.” He sipped quietly at his drink for a while, chewing on the information she had just flung at him. She leaned back and let the jets pulse and swirl her tension away.

"So what about it? You wouldn't have ambushed me here if you didn't have something in mind."

"You are very astute. I am going to be testifying in front of the council and I want to petition them for a seer vision into your future. I want them to look at all the possibilities."

"And if her children will be mer? What will you do then? She will have to leave and she will not shame her family that way."

"If her children will have tails, then I will petition the mer representative for permission for her to mate and reproduce with you. No shame or dishonour attached. I will ask. If he or she says no, then I will tell you and you can make your plans from there. Include a lot of birth control in those plans by the way. I am just getting used to you guys."

Verne's face actually cracked more than a smile. He chuckled and eventually broke into a full-throated howl. Birds and squirrels ran for cover.

Abby was surprised at his reaction until she realized that she was guaranteeing him that no matter what happened, he had what he wanted. With or without children, Laura would be his.

She had just promised him his fondest wish. What had she gotten herself into?

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Chapter Thirty-Six

She let Verne return to his home or to go out and romance Laura, she had no idea. She was enjoying the play of light on the water of Laura's pool. It was so soothing.

"So you are going to bat for Laura and Verne? Fantastic.” Seesee was behind her, but she had felt the gorgon approaching from half a block away.

"Whenever I get sent to the council, I most definitely will. People who know that they are in love and who can maintain that love should be encouraged at any cost. Besides, the worst thing that they can say is no. I have minimal dignity so asking strangers for favours is not a difficult stretch for me. Not when there is a good cause at stake."

"They are definitely a good cause.” Seesee looked at her, then out at the water sadly. “I wish that there was an easy fix for me."

"Isn't the mysterious and invisible Miklos your fella?"

"Yes. But I was referring to my inability to have children. When we were little, we were told about the costs of being what we are. I cried for days."

"That only the oldest daughter would have children?"

"Yes. Three little girls, who would grow into three powerful gorgons.” She nodded and her hair hissed lightly and caught the breezes. She was quite beautiful as her hair danced in ethereal wind, her skin bronzed by the sun and tears held in her eyes.

"But you wanted your own little baby."

"Just one who would be mine and a man who would love me."

"What about Miklos?"

"He's a vampire. It's part of the reason that I started dating him. He couldn't reproduce if he wanted to. It would take a powerful spell, or an incredible burst of magic to bring him life for even an evening."

"I can manage the magic, but that doesn't solve your problem."

"No, it doesn't. But I suppose until I can figure out something or live without a child."

A thought occurred to Abby and she opened her mouth.

Seesee said, “No, I don't want one of your creatures."

Abby shut her mouth. “Wow, Seesee. You are good."

"I know, but it was pretty obvious where your mind was heading.” She touched Abby on the shoulder “The thought was nice, but I don't need a fake child, I need a real one."

It was ironic that Seesee was consoling her. Abby was the one who could bring anything to life that she wanted to, as well as have kids, and she was feeling guilty about not being able to share that with her friend. She wiped the tear from her eye. She was crying where Seesee wouldn't. “Tell me about your sisters."

"My sisters. My sisters. Well, the eldest is Melly, Amellix. She is five years older than me. My other sister is two years older than myself. Her name is Trellatrix, but we call her Tinny. That or butt head. She calls me stink bug."

Abby couldn't contain her giggle. “What about your nieces? Do they all have x's in their names?"

"No, they got away with g's. Gwendolyn, Gennifer and Georgia.” A smile came to her face as she thought about them.

"Lemmee guess. You spoil them rotten?"

"Yup. They need all the childhood they can get before their powers emerge."

"When will that be?"

"When they turn twenty. Each of us surrenders our powers in birth order to the next generation. I will miss it, but I have eighteen years before Georgia will be ready."

"I suppose it would be crass to ask if the powers transferred upon death?"

"No. Not at all. But in the modern age, we no longer live together in the same area. It is a nasty surprise to suddenly have your hair attacking the manicurist who cut your cuticle. We engage in a steady and controlled ceremony. Each one is like a wedding and a wake all in one."

"Sounds fancy."

"It is. Very. We buy special dresses, get our nails done and our hair styled."

"I thought you told me that you got your powers when you were younger?"

"My aunt died. Car accident.” Now a tear trickled from Seesee's face. For her lost childhood, her beloved aunt or the shock of the transformation. “We are bonded to the last generation at birth. My sisters got their transfer in ceremony and solemnity, I got mine in a memory of fire and blood."

"Whoa. You got the memory as well?"

"That is why we try to pass it along in a controlled manner. It spares the next generation a certain amount of trauma."

"What if the eldest dies before she can reproduce her three daughters?"

"The ability to bear will pass to the next oldest, with all the power, energy and memories of the first. The first child will get their powers immediately.” She stopped and smiled “Well, as soon as they grow hair."

Abby was giggling again. Images of a child trying to use the downy fluff that they were born with to lift a rattle romped through her mind. “Wow. Do you have family photos?"

"Sure. That is part and parcel for being the youngest. I keep the family archive."


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Chapter Thirty-Seven

Her gnomes had been shopping.

Someday she was going to get a bill for the supplies. As soon as the home and garden centers figured out where they were going. She felt slightly guilty, but only slightly. The day that they brought home a backhoe, she would worry. And possibly run screaming into the darkness. Until then, as long as they stayed reasonable, she would let them engage in petty theft.

They were gnomes after all. It was in their makeup to take what they needed, she had designed them that way.

She should follow their example. She stood at the window, watching her creatures and thinking about their future. Abby could only hope it was a calmer one than their first week of life. Something caught her attention. There was a sound in her vicinity and it was insistent.

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