Gods of War (War of the Gods Series) (2 page)

Read Gods of War (War of the Gods Series) Online

Authors: Jory Smith

Tags: #Gods, #Aphrodite, #Mythology Books, #Gods and Goddesses, #zeus, #Gods at war, #Greek Myths, #Apolacypse, #Olympics, #War of the Gods, #Greek Mythology, #Demi-gods, #ancient greece -el-as, #Titans, #war, #Athena

BOOK: Gods of War (War of the Gods Series)
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“General Amadi, we have rooted the government soldiers out. They are running for the hills. We have taken many prisoners,” the staff sergeant reported.

General Amadi studied the staff sergeant as he stood there. He remembered him from his time when he fought for the government. The staff sergeant and a number of other men defecated with the general.

“That is great news, Staff Sergeant. When did you forget to salute?”

“Sorry Sir, No excuse, Sir. I just got too excited.”

“That is fine. I think you forgot one thing Staff Sergeant.” Amadi said picking up his pipe. “We have no prisoners.”

“Yes, Sir. I will pass along the orders,”

The staff sergeant gave a salute and ran to issue the new directive.

We don’t need prisoners
, General Amadi thought.
They are too weak to…

An explosion erupted near his tent, throwing the general to the ground. Amadi’s ears started to ring as he got up to see what had happened.
What the hell was that?

Looking to see where the explosion came from, he noticed half the tent’s wall was missing.
Damn, the government brought reinforcements. The only people who could attack him this far off were the Americans.

This is what I get wishing for a tougher battle,
the general continued his thoughts as he picked himself up.
Americans and their damn drones, if they want a fight I will give it to them
. Amadi ran outside to see what was going on. When he exited his tent, he saw everyone running around. Some of his men were running into the forest.
I guess it’s time to be a leader and organize this mess.

The general began his search for his Sgt. Major to help organize the men. Not finding him, he was starting to get angry.
It’s hard to find good officers anymore.

Amadi started looking around and his eyes fell on a white man standing in the middle of his camp. Many thoughts started to run through his mind.
Who was that? What was he doing out here. Where were the sentries? Just because they were under attack, doesn’t mean they allow anyone to walk in like the camp is open to the public.
Amadi pulled up his pistol to shoot the man, but he disappeared into thin air.

Must have been my imagination,
he thought to himself.
Has to be, because I cannot go crazy right now.

Noticing a solider that was taking control and directing other soldiers to get the supplies and other men to safety. It turned out to be the staff sergeant who had reported to him just moments ago.
Now there is an officer.

“Sgt. Major, get the men organized and pull back. We have to get out of this kill zone. Get the men spread out into encampments no more than a platoon in size. Then have the battalion commanders send a runner to these coordinates for further orders. We are going to get our revenge on the government soldiers and then we will turn our might on the Americans.”

“Sir, I am just a staff sergeant,” the man replied.

“Seeing how you are the only one who is actually doing something productive, you just have been promoted. If you see the old Sgt. Major, put one of these in his head and grab your new insignia from his body,” the general said as he handed over his personal fire arm.

The Russian prison was even worse than the reputation it had. Known as the Gulag, Siberian Camp 17 was where the Russians sent their most deadly criminals. None of that mattered to Nicolai. Even sitting in general population with his enemies no one dared to bother him. Who would with his reputation? Nicolai Altukhov, the man who has killed more people than cancer.

No one exactly knew exactly how many deaths were from his hand, no one except Nicolai that is. He remembers them all. From his first death at eight years old to the one he currently sat in prison for. The only problem was he chose the wrong victim, a deputy’s daughter. He didn’t have a choice. She had seen him and would have told the authorities. And he would have never been able to get to the deputy. Then his vengeance would never have been completed. It still wasn’t completed, but soon it would be. The deputy’s daughter was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and he couldn’t pass up his prize.

Nicolai wasn’t like any killer. He lived for the kill, he revealed in it. They say that meth gives you the best high. But for Nicolai, killing was his meth. He knew there was something wrong with him. Everyone could sense the aura that surrounded him. Rumor had it that death followed wherever he went. Everyone knew he was no good…everyone except her. She was the one who believed in him. It was because of her that brought him to the deputy that night.

“Nicolai Altukhov, it is time,” the prison guard shouted. “It’s time for your sentencing.”

As Nicolai stood up, the other prisoners got out of the way. No one wanted to be near him. Even the Russian enforcers knew to stay away from. They had learned the hard way that he was not to be messed with.

“Guard, last time you put the chains on to hard. You will loosen them up this time.”

“Of course, “the guard said adjusting the handcuffs “Is that better?”

“Much better. Tell me, how packed is it in there?”

“You have brought in a full room. Lots of people have come to see your sentencing. They are even standing in the back.”

“That is good, real good. How is your sister doing? Is that guy bothering her anymore?”

“Not at all, thank you for helping me with that,” The guard mentioned as he handed Nicolai a sharp object. “Here is that item you requested. The deputy will be diagonal from you, a few feet away. You know you didn’t get it from me, right?”

“I won’t tell a soul,” Nicolai said, and then, thinking to himself,
today I finish what I started long ago.

Nicolai was escorted into the courtroom and he began looking around at the spectators. As he was lead to his chair, he saw the deputy exactly where the guard said he was going to be. And behind the deputy Nicolai saw a man that looked vaguely familiar. He wasn’t Russian. The mad was old but in excellent shape. If it wasn’t for that white hair, he would look like he was just under thirty. Then it hit Nicolai as he sat down. It was the same man who was there the night he killed the deputy’s daughter. Nicolai thought it was his imagination since he was never called as a witness.

Nicolai was brought back to reality when the bailiff pulled him up to his feet and growled, “You are supposed to rise when the judge enters,”

It happened again. That man made him forget his surroundings. Nicolai grimaced. If it wasn’t for that man I would have never left behind my DNA. I would have cleaned up better. I am going to talk with him after this show is over. But first that deputy is going to get what is coming to him.

“Mister Altukhov, we are here to sentence you to life in prison. What do you have to say for it?”

Here is my moment
, Nicolai thought to himself.

“Well judge, I can still hear that Davalka squeal like a pig that night when I had her underneath me, when I stuck her again and again and…”

Nicolai was cut off as the deputy jumped to attack him. Just as he planned, he took the shiv out and started sticking the deputy. The shiv being barbed and coated with a poison, the deputy had no chance.

“So are you still going to go with the plan?” the woman asked in a seductive voice. The way she spoke, the way she walked, she could say you are about to die and make it sound like it was a good thing. This woman always had her way with men. Even with women.

“If you fail, the world will be destroyed”

“If I don’t, the world as we know it will be destroyed,” The Old Man replied. “They can do it. They take on the traits of their fathers. They can do this,” The Old Man gasped. “They have to do this.”

“Will they even believe you? It has been an eternity since they have seen us. They think we are myths. Do you want me to go and talk to them? I am sure I can be more convincing than you can ever be,” she said as she shifted into an even more provocative stance that showed off her breasts more.

The Old Man wanted to say yes, but this had to be done right.

“No, I will do this myself. You will go home, do you hear me?”

“Fine, if you say so,” The woman said pouting.

If he was paying attention, the Old Man would have noticed she was shocked at first that he even refused her offer. Rarely has a man been able to turn her down. But his mind was on something bigger. If one piece fails, the whole world will burn. Then he would wish he did allow Ares to have his way.

Chapter 3

Terry was on his way home after a long day of following Jake’s wife around. Terry had concluded that Jake’s wife wasn’t cheating on him. Terry had to use some of the illegal methods he learned in Special Forces as well as other tricks he picked up. She was actually having some family problems—family on her side—and didn’t want to trouble Jake about it.
She is a good woman.
Terry thought as he drove home.
She knows that Jake has his own problems and did not want to take his mind off the important factor—him getting home. What a good woman.
I have one just like her.

While Terry was driving around, a great idea popped into his head. It was during this time that he decided he would use his money to open up an animal shelter. He had more than enough money from the lottery. It had been the biggest jackpot in history and he was the only winner. After taxes, he took in over $500 million. Then he got lucky again investing in the right stocks. Even if he opened up the animal shelter, he would never have to work again. The best part of the idea was the fact that Jessica loved animals and she was always volunteering at the animal shelter. Whenever Jessica came back from volunteering, she would complain how horrible they treated the animals. This was something they could do together.

Terry finally pulled up to his house but noticed all the lights were off.
She must be working late again,
he thought.
We definitely have to get away.

Terry opened the door and walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water. As he turned to the fridge he saw a note. As he read what it said, he slumped to the ground.


I hate to write this because I really like you. You have no drive in life. It seems you are just a shell. You don’t want to do anything in life except party. I am not like that. I want to make my mark in this world. I want to do well. I want to live life to its fullest and you are just dragging me down. We need time apart. We need our space. You can do anything you want to. When you finally get your life together contact me. You just need to get out of the rut you put yourself into. I guess this is good bye. I hope we can talk again. I have packed all of my stuff and moved out. Don’t come by my office. This has been hard on me as well. But hopefully this will kick start your life into something positive.

Crumpling the note in his hands, he stared off into space.

A horrible feeling washed over Terry making him want to throw up. Even the grenade he took in Iraq did not feel as bad as this. Terry had girls come and go all the time. This one was different. She was going to be the One. He wanted to settle down and start something with this girl. He even got out of this so-called “rut” he was in because of her influence. His idea was even something she would have loved. He would never did this for any of his other girlfriends.

Just one more day
, he thought.
If only Jessica would have given me one more day, things would have been perfect between us.

“I know how it feels to have your heart ripped out. She still loves you. Just give her time and she will come back to you. In the meantime, you have something important to do,” a voice said in the dark.

Terry looked to where the voice came from. “Who the hell do you think…”

Suddenly the Old Man stepped out of the darkness to where Terry could see him.

“You,” Terry said accusingly. “You are the one that keeps following me around. I knew I wasn’t crazy.” Terry jumped to his feet and got ready to defend himself. “What are you doing here? Better yet, who are you?”

“Well if you would let me explain, I will. Let’s start off with the easiest question to answer. I am Zeus and I am your father, Tereus.”

Terry looked at the old man like he was crazy. There was this crazy man in his house naming himself Zeus.

“Yeah right. You are an insane old man. I am going to call the police,” Terry tried to move toward his phone, but couldn’t.

“What’s wrong, Tereus? Having trouble moving?” Zeus asked as he admired the craftsmanship of Terry’s house. “I am not going to let you move till you hear what I have to say. I am your father. I noticed your mother twenty-four years ago and I had to have her. But she was so in love with your ‘father’ that no matter how many times I tried to seduce her, nothing happened. That made me want her even more, so I waited till the night of her marriage. At that night when she went to the bathroom to change, I put your father under an enchantment and took on his form. After the night, I implanted the memory in your father’s head and left. Then nine months later you came along. Why do you think you excel at everything? Why everything was so easy for you, both in knowledge and in physical strength? Do you think you suddenly just came up with those numbers in your head to win the lottery? You foresaw those numbers in your head and put them down without even thinking about it. And how about those investments you just picked out?” Zeus stopped to study Terry’s face. “I know you are mad. I can see it from your expressions, but I am going to let you go. Don’t do anything rash.”

“Okay, let’s say I believe you,” Terry said in a mad voice. “If you are my dad, then why after all these years have you suddenly decided to appear before me? And why do you call keep calling me Tereus?”

“I call you Tereus because that’s your name. You won’t believe me even if I tell you. That’s why you will have to come with me. So I can prove what I am telling you.”

Terry watched Zeus with suspicion. “Why can’t you just show me right now?”

“Because my powers are limited here and to make you believe me, I will have to show you some horrible events.”

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