Going Thru Hell (12 page)

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Authors: T. J. Loveless

BOOK: Going Thru Hell
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“Then let me sleep, Be

“Are you trying to die?”

I frowned, the last question filled with anger and resentment. “Do you think I am on a suicide mission?”

“Yes, damn it. Are you trying to kill yourself? Do none of us mean anything to you?”

I winced at his shouting. “Where exactly do you want this to go, Aki?”

“You bloody
, selfish, blind idiot! How can you ask that?”

“Aki, how long have you tracked me, exactly? I know you said the old crone foretold
something and you found me after the incident at thirteen. But tell me, why do you really care?”

He sat heavily on the edge of the bed, elbows on knees, hands buried deep in his beautiful
brunette and silver hair, jaw muscle jumping. “I do not want to speak about it.”

“Too late. Haven't you hidden enough from me? What if the information helps me figure out how to survive this? What if the secret endangers my son? Because, Be
rserker, don't ever believe
is more important than. My. Son!”

“My loving you doesn't help save you or Riot!”

I gasped. The memory of him mouthing
I love you
flashed in my head and I gaped at Aki. No words formed.

“What? No come back? Smart assed remark? Maybe telling me how I really feel about you?”

“I don't know what to say. Give me a minute.”

He actually
before leaving. I didn't call him, instead going over every interaction, touch, conversation. And the bastard
didn't answer the questions.

Chapter Eighteen

His confession notwithstanding, my relationship with Aki didn't change. He took care of me, waking me every hour, checking my pupils, muttering about the frailty of mortals. The look he gave when I pointed out he used to be one wasn’t friendly.

The headache slowly receded, leaving only the hangover. After Aki decided I would make it, he let me sleep. I dreamed of the apple scent in the open house. I didn't try to jump through the window, the teddy bear still clutched close to my breast. I didn't call for my parents, instead looking at where a roof should be and wondering if I could crawl out. The snarls and sound of meta
l on metal filled the air, yet the fear remained diminished.

I woke to the smell of coffee filling the air. Despite shaking legs
, I stood without falling on my face. The bedroom had a dresser in the far corner, with several bags on top. I nosed through them, finding dry shampoo, body wipes, mouthwash, deodorant, several pairs of comfy looking, cartoon covered pajama bottoms, panties, bras, matching t-shirts, socks, jeans and a new jacket. I cleaned and dressed quickly, surprised at the fit.

I noticed the same bags in the kitchen, the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes mingled with the bitter scent of coffee. My stomach let out a loud rumble.

“It's ready. Sit at the table, I'll grab you a plate.” Aki turned his beautiful gaze on me, smiling. Bloody hell, he was too beautiful for my sanity.

“Thanks.” I sat carefully, my back s
till sore. “Is the mess cleaned up from the little experiment?”

“Yes. Tiamat took care of it and promptly disappeared. Bru hasn't returned, but from the amount of healing, I'd say she did what was necessary.”

I nodded, digging into the plate of food. The food and coffee wasn't as lovely as it used to be, forcing me to understand emotions play a big part in how I tasted food. I knew it was mourn worthy, but couldn't muster sadness over the loss.

We cleaned the mess and discussed plans for Artemis. The biggest problem was getting close enough to put my hands on her. Second, once the Greek pantheon realized she'd been kidnapped, they would
be coming for payback. Third, how to keep me from braiding instinctively and, finally, how to advertise it widely enough.

Strangely, I didn't have the usual stalkers. Amun, Magdi, Thor, and most of all, where was Anahita? She would have regenerated by now, gathered enough power for vengeance. Word was the battles raged on various planes, the Greeks winning most, Norse a close second. They had not yet gone to the Persian plane, but it was inevitable. Although weakened, the Persians were a tough lot and hoarded power.

“I think you need to stick to the Artemis plan, Braider. If we can show something new, and painful, it should make them hesitate.” Aki reached across and put his large hand over mine. I looked down, unsure. I liked the contact, but my feelings for him slowly decreased. Only my feelings for Riot continued to burn brightly, as unchanged as the day I found out I was pregnant.

“I want to feel more, Aki
,” I whispered the confession.

“I know.” He gave a sad smile.

The conversation ended when the smell of fire and ice filled the room.

“You two done with the whole kissy face thing?” Bru's voice boomed through the kitchen.

“Oh, shut up.” I chuckled.

She held a hand over her heart, “Oh you wound, Braider. I have news for you

I waited. She held out longer. “Well? Spit it out, Valkyrie.”

“Modi split from the Norse, refusing to go against you. I have several Valkyrie sisters pledged to me. That's right, Braider, we have an army of bloodthirsty Valkyries!” She danced around the room with graceful movements.

“Holy crap on a cracker! How did you manage that?” I stared at her, bug eyed.

“Seems they don't like father's treatment of me and abhor his plans for you.”

I rubbed my hands together, smiling. I might have a chance.

Chapter Nineteen

We waited outside. Aki, Bru and several Valkyrie, in their gold breastplate splendidness, stood in a protective circle.

I, however, gaped in wonder. Bru was tall at six foot, but most of her sisters were average height, and that is where “average” ended. Blondes, brunettes, various shades of redheads, each with beautiful faces, glinting green or blue eyes, perfect skin and athletic bodies. As I watched them move, I knew going against them was a lesson in here-is-your-ass-nice-fighting-you-today.

In an effort to dispel the anxiety, I paced. I pulled the secondary ability forward, hands ready. Without explanation, I knew Fenrir had Artemis
, and the Greeks weren't far behind.

“Hello, Braider.” The deep voice, Norse accent
, and smell let me know Modi stood behind me.

Turning, gaze
d at the body I remembered so well, and sighed in memory. He wore traditional Viking garb, a sword in hand, hair braided around his face, the rest falling in careless waves down his back. His alpha male stance, splendid leather armor and beauty showcased a woman's wet dream.

Aki stepped over. “Finally showed.”

I gave him a frown before realizing Aki was jealous. I put a hand on his arm. We didn't need fights in our ranks. “It's okay, Aki.” I stood on tip toe and kissed his cheek.

He pulled me away, forcing me to face him. I watched emotions pass quickly across his handsome features. I didn't think reminding him of Modi's former position as a lover would be a good thing. The fact I really wanted Aki to be my lover might help.

“I don't want him, Aki. I want you. You know this.”

“Doesn't matter. I don't like the look you gave him.”

I put a hand on his jaw, “I'm sorry. Know I never felt about him the way I do for you.”

“Yes, but it's muted, damn it! I want to know what it would be like to feel
... all of it.” He looked down.

I moved in, wrapping my arms around his waist, ear to his chest, wanting to hear his heartbeat. I couldn't give him anything else. He held me tightly, kissing the top of my head. “I'm sorry, Kylie. Any time I see the future, I see you. And know it can't happen.”

A murmur rippled through our little crowd and I turned.

Fenrir stood, a bleeding and unconscious Artemis in his massive jaws. He'd worked her over pretty good, if the gaping wounds meant anything.

“Fenrir, get revenge for all the bullying and teasing?” I moved towards him, slowly. The light in his yellow eyes were feverish, in a state of rage. While I liked the wolf god, I knew better than to provoke his wolfy instincts.

A deep growl filtered over Artemis. I stopped, hesitated, before moving forward again. “It's okay, my friend. Give her to me. Let me do this.”

Fenrir dropped her, licking the blood off his jaws. “Goddesses taste wonderful.”

“Want me to think of another one for you?” I raised
an eyebrow.

“No, more come on the wind. They heard our fight and seek to rescue the bitch.”

“As you wish, wolf god.”

“I will fight with you.”

“I will be indebted to you.”

“No debts between us, Braider. Now, hurry and do as you must. The entire pantheon will be here in moments.”

I nodded and walked to the sprawled body of Artemis. Bite marks on her arms and legs bled slowly, a bright red pool forming under her body. Her throat wide open and gaping, blood spurting in short fountains in time to her heartbeat. You can't kill the truly immortal, but damn, you could do some damage.

I stood over her, heating my palms to a feverish pitch. Smoke began to rise from the scorched earth, almost igniting the dry win
ter grass. I prepared to blow Artemis to hell and back.

Screeches, yells, cursing and a clash of swords pulled my attention for a split second. The Greeks arrived en masse, attacking the Valkyrie. Fists hitting fles
h, grunts of pain and surprise, and the sound of blades slicing skin filled the air. Fenrir howled and jumped into the confusion of battle, I spotted Modi taking off the arm of a small male, and Aki, huge and the image of a bear flickering over him, locked in battle with Poseidon and his trident. Bru and her sisters continued a graceful and deadly dance with their swords. It carried a fatal beauty.

“Shouldn't have turned away, Braider.” Artemis's voice
captured my attention.

Oh shit.
I lunged for her face, intending to grab and fill her immortal body with power. She swiped my arms away, causing me to spin and land on my stomach. She jumped on my back, pulling my hair, almost snapping my neck. I reached behind and grabbed her arm, holding tight as she screamed. She didn't release my hair, instead digging a knee into my lower back and pulling harder until a clump ripped off, sending blinding pain through my skull. My upper body slammed into the earth. I felt the crunch of the cartilage in my nose, tasted blood as it flowed freely. I lay there, stunned.

A dagger appeared at my throat.

“Bitch, you will pay for believing you can hurt me.”

“Like hell you will.” Aki sounded close and pissed off. The wet sound of metal puncturing flesh and the sensation of thick, hot water slid over
a shoulder. I looked, blood covering my entire left side.

’s weight rolled away. Trying to avoid Aki, she sliced my arm and grabbed the wound. I attempted to escape by pushing forward with my feet. A blade tip punctured my thigh. I rolled onto my back, unable to see past the bright threads. Instinct roared to braid, to survive and fight another day.

A heavy body landed on my
mid-section, forcing the air from my lungs. The agony of injuries, the instinct and my own helplessness almost pushed me to braid in a big way.

“You do not attack the gods!” A male voice screamed in my face. Unable to see the new threat, I tried to move on my elbows, attempting to ignore the burning pain in my arm.

Don't braid, don't braid, don't braid
circled ruthlessly. I pushed my hands towards the voice and grabbed flesh. I pushed power into my unseen assailant with brutal force. From what seemed like a long tunnel, the yells of pain trumpeted before me. I filled the soulless body and lit the fuse. Liquid and flesh rained.

I rolled again, trying to crawl away, in the direction I hoped was the house. Above, a roar of rage reverberated across the field, pounding into my body and evoking a shudder of fear. I didn't fear Tiamat, but I was terrified of her rage.

Striving to ignore the torment of agony, I crawled again, crying out every time someone stepped on me. Cursing, the clash of swords, the sounds of brawling filling the air, making it hard to determine my location.

“Where is the damn Braider?” a heavily accented voice yelled out. Someone else answered and I struggled to crawl faster.

For the third time, a heavy body landed on mine, grabbing a hank of hair and pulled.

Damn, what is with grabbing my hair?

Another dagger to my throat was accompanied by a threat. I twisted, causing the dagger to open a wound, and slammed my palms against a massive chest, filling another soulless body. Flesh and blood rained over me.

A sword whistled
and I barely heard words of warning as the meat of my chest sliced open in a wash of torture.

It was the final straw. My brain
short-circuited and let me fall into the elegance of unconsciousness.

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