Read Golda Online

Authors: Elinor Burkett

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Political, #Women, #History, #Middle East, #Israel & Palestine

Golda (35 page)

BOOK: Golda
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Golda with her husband, Morris Meyerson, 1918.

Golda speaking at the Histadrut headquarters,


photograph by zoltan kluger, courtesy of government press office, state of


Golda working in the fields at Kibbutz Merhavia, 1921.

Golda as acting head of the Political Department of the Jewish Agency, 1947.

photograph courtesy of government press office, state of israel.

Golda with Eleanor Roosevelt at the United Nations, 1956.

photograph courtesy of government press office,

state of israel.

Golda shaking hands with Moshe Sharett, at the signing of Israel’s Declaration of the Independence, 1948.

photograph by frank shershel, courtesy of government press office, state of israel.

Golda with Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, at the Mapai party convention, 1959.

photograph by hans pinn, courtesy of government press office, state of israel.

Golda greeting Rolf Pauls, first ambassador from Germany to Israel, at Beit Hanassi in Jerusalem, 1965.

photograph courtesy of government press office, state of israel.

Golda entering a state dinner with President Richard Nixon and his wife, Pat, at the White House, 1969.

photograph by moshe milner, courtesy of government press office, state of israel.

Golda joking with Richard Nixon at the White House, 1969.
photograph by moshe milner, courtesy of government press office, state of israel.

Golda with Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Chaim Bar-Lev
and Minister of Defense Moshe Dayan at Beit Hanassi, Jerusalem, 1969.

photograph by moshe milner, courtesy of government press office, state of israel.

Golda with Pope Paul VI, 1973.

photograph courtesy of government press office, state of israel.

Golda sharing a laugh with a veteran watchman at the 100 Years of Settlement Exhibition in Tel Aviv, 1973.
photograph by herman chanania, 1973.

Golda with troops on the Golan Heights during Yom Kippur War, 1973.

photograph by ron frenkel, courtesy of government press office, state of israel.

Golda and Yisrael Galili
toasting the selection of Yitzhak Rabin to succeed her, 1974.

BOOK: Golda
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