Good Girl (Playroom) (44 page)

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Authors: Erica Chilson

BOOK: Good Girl (Playroom)
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knew for the past month that Devon and I would never get back together. I was in denial. Seeing Devon passed out cold with naked women on him, in that abhorrible state, I thought that was the end of us. But it wasn’t real until Devon walked away from me. He needed to walk away, but it crashed me into reality.” One last sob and I shake out of my despondency. “I’m being selfish, what can I do for your family?”

Kieren laughs deep in his chest- that dang man-laugh. Even in mourning it hi
ts me like a lightning strike. “Nothing, Spanky… nothing. We have to just go about our day. The kids are going to school, and Dad will go to work when he gets back from the airport. I have the day off, though. You can’t do anything for my family, but you can do something for me.” Kieren flashes me a charming smile with tears dried on his cheeks.

“Anything,” I breathe.

“Blow off work and have some fun with me today. Auggie can have you back when the kids get home from school this afternoon.” He takes a deep breath and sighs it back out in a rush. “I don’t want to be alone. Entertain me, Spanky.”




~Chapter Forty-Four~

Kieren spits out a bite of gooey, underdone pancake and grimaces.

“I don’t know why we do this to ourselves. This is the worst shit ever. Who the hell can fuck up toast?”
I tap my rock-hard toast on the edge of my plate-
. “I could chip a tooth! We should’ve gone to Clover’s house. I’m sure if you would’ve asked Clover for breakfast and flashed her a charming smile, she would’ve whipped up some decent pancakes.”

“You know what this town needs? Competition. The bakery should be burned down. I’ll finally give this joint a name- the Shithole- the Shithole Diner.
” Kieren angrily pushes his plate away. “No tipping this morning,” he growls.

“Oh, Kieren,” I snort. “
This is just buckets of fun,” I sarcastically say.

“Shut it or I’ll palm your mouth again,” he warns. “How’s this for fun… You’re walking funny. Did Auggie bust a nut and attack you?”

“You first, how was your last date?” I arch a brow at Kieren in question. This is my favorite conversation to have with him.

! Willow it was awful,” Kieren dramatically sighs. “I officially give up. This is too much work with no payoff.”

“You need a real girlfriend. That’s your issue. You keep picking chicks up and you don’t know them
at all.” I shake my head in disgust.

“It has to be anonymous. I don’t want my girlfriend to f
reak out on me when I can’t,” Kieren leans forward and conspiratorially whispers, “get off… or worse… go soft.”

“That happens to you?” I ask in shock. “I thought you said it worked just fine. Did you try out what I suggested?”

“I work fine,” Kieren hisses. “Yes, I tried it out and it didn’t fucking work. I had to do something I fucking hate to cover up my issues.” He makes a hacking sound and pushes the pancakes farther away.

“What do you hate?” I toss my plate on his, effectively covering the heinous pasty rounds of blech!

“I took Gracie to the movies. We fooled around a bit in the theatre. She kept trying to kiss me and I had to keep going for her neck to get away from her duck lips. She smelled like popcorn,” he shudders in revulsion. “So… we’re in my car, and frankly, these skanks are just too easy. If I can’t get the thrill of the chase, then I get nothing- if ya know what I’m saying… Anyway, I ask for a handjob, as you’d requested. It felt good for a second. I was touching Gracie, too. She had a bubblegum pussy,” he sneers.

“Oh my God, you’re a fuckface, Stud. You calling some girl a skank and saying she has a bubblegum pussy is just so wrong.” I bark out a laugh so loud that
every eye in the diner lands on me. I give them a sarcastic wave and stick out my tongue.

“Well, it was!” Kieren
defends himself. “It was floppy and gross- overused or some shit. That familiar sensation crept up and I freaked. I hid my mortification at going limp by dropping to the floorboard and munching down. God, I hate eating nasty pussy. I never do it. Spanky, it didn’t taste like bubblegum, either.” Kieren dramatically shudders.

“What’d it taste like?” I
hysterically giggle.

“Death,” he breathes out.

“Dude, stop fucking around with skanks- they have skanky, rank pussies.  Eewww… What’d you do?”

“I got right in there an
d tried not to breathe. When Gracie was finished screaming like a porn star, she tried to touch me. I told her I whacked off while I went down on her. After I dropped her off, I went home and used an entire tube of toothpaste and poured a bottle of mouthwash in my mouth.”

“I’m glad I don’t have your problems. Wow,” I sing, still laughing, with my eyes bugging out. “You’ve had worst experiences. Remember the chick who begged for you to do anal? I snort.

“Willow, never again… Never again,” he mutters, reliving his past torments. “Never,” he reiterates. “Your advice sucks ass, by the way. Totally worthless,” he growls.

“It made sense that if you can get yourself off, then a handjob would work. It still makes sense. It’s just who you’re using, Kieren. Do you like anyone as a girlfriend?”

“There is a girl I’ve liked since I popped her cherry, but no! I can’t do this if I’m broken. I know everyone thinks I’m an ass, but I can’t have a girl I like thinking she’s the problem…” He leans forward again, and whispers, “I work just fine. After the mouthwash, I came over and over until I was shooting dry. I came faster than my balls could regenerate. I work just fine,” he challenges.

“Whoa there, buddy,” I hold my hands up. “I never said you couldn’t. Who?”

“Who, what?” Kieren mumbles and won’t look at me.

“You know what, fuckface- who’s the girl?”
I demand.

“Spanky, don’t make me. You’re my best friend. I can never have her.
She doesn’t even know I like her. My issues are one reason, but you’re the other,” he sadly says.

“I won’t get in the way,” I protest.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Willow. I don’t mean our friendship will get in the way- your feelings will. Any chick I’m with knows we’re a package deal. And trust me, if she’d give me the time of day, she’d understand. You wouldn’t forgive me for liking her. I feel guilty for even entertaining the idea.”

“Don’t you trust me?” I whine, hurt.

“In all things,” Kieren murmurs while holding my gaze- his blue eyes completely earnest. “I trust you so much, and I know you so well that I can guess at the outcome of this situation. NO! I won’t tell you who. If you settle your own issues, then I’ll tell you.”

“I’m sorry,” I mumble.

Kieren’s hand lashes out and palms my mouth. “Don’t make me drag your ass to
. I’ll get that word tatted on your face quick as shit!” He rapidly blurts out. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just want our friendship more than a girlfriend that I may hate once we start dating. It’s not worth the risk.”

“You shouldn’t have to choose,” I groan.

“It’s not a choice for me. Forget it. So… you’re walking funny?” Kieren flashes me a Cheshire-cat grin so wide I expect to see yellow canary feathers sticking out the corner of his mouth.

conquered the Beast. I took that thing to the hilt,” I giggle with pride.

“Fuck,” Kieren
grunts, wide-eyed. His gaze travels around my body looking for injuries or differences. Hell, I don’t know what he’s looking for. “You’re prolly sloppy now- stretched-the-fuck-out! Bubble gum-pussed!”

,” I yelp and toss my toast at his head.

“Ready for some fun?” Kieren
offers as apology.

‘cuz this has just been a giggle-fest of fun,” I sarcastically mutter.

“Let’s go to
and bug Auggie. Lots of fun there,” he excitedly says, all bright-eyed.

“Sure, take me to my place of employment on the day you make me call in sick. Fucker!” I stand up and grimace from the ache between my thighs. “Let’s hit Clover’s fridge for some goodies. She made a chocolate cake yesterday- Video game food!”




~Chapter Forty-Five~

“Thanks, Spanky,” Kieren sighs out. His eyes are at half-mast, blue pinning me out of small slits. He sighs and allows his head to fall lax to the back of the sofa.

“I had fun today. So thank you, too.”
I bite my lip, contemplating if I want to ask what I’m going to ask- I have two questions that have been plaguing me all damned day as we played at
We eventually found our way back at the Masons’ house since the kids will be home from school shortly.

“Shit,” Kieren hisses. “This no sleep bullshit takes a real toll. I’m glad I didn’t have to work today or I’d have ruined some poor fucker’s engine. Thank the lord for frozen lasagna, too.”

“I won’t tell Clover that you forgot about a vegetable,” I snicker and he grins at me.

ll crank open a can of peas,” Kieren says with a weak shrug. I cringe at the thought of mushy peas. I’ve always taken home cooking for granted. Clover would’ve made us fresh peas and added pearl onions.

“That’ll work,” I cringe. “I guess.” 

“Yeah, it’ll work because that’s all I’m doing,” Kieren warns. “If you bitch, I won’t feed your boney ass.”

“My ass is not boney!” I shout in outrage.

Kieren’s eyes salaciously travel over my body, “Not anymore,” he purrs and it hits me between the thighs.

“I’m opening the Spook House’s
” I conversationally announce. “Be my playmate,” I murmur almost below the level of hearing.

turns his face to the side and looks right at me. “Are you asking me to fuck you?” He arches a perfect blond brow. “As much as I’d love to- I don’t freaking work, Spanky. I don’t want to embarrass myself. But worse, I don’t want you to feel shitty that you can’t heal me.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumble and look away.

“Sure you don’t, Florence Nightingale. You didn’t find Devon irresistible because of his brokenness. The thought of fixing him never crossed your mind,” Kieren snidely says as he rolls his eyes.

“Are you mad I asked?”

“Yes,” Kieren hisses. “You offer me something that I want and know I can’t have. That’s not nice, Spanky- fucking mean, actually.” Kieren’s hands fist against his thighs and his eyes blaze with fury.

I need to do something to take the anger
away. I didn’t mean to upset Kieren. Not after the past four days he’s endured. This was supposed to be a fun, relaxing day and I just ruined it. He’s never been mad at me before- annoyed, sure- pissed, no.

“Can I whack you off?” blurts out my mouth
before the thought even forms in my mind. My eyes open wide in shock.
Did I really just say that?

Kieren yelps in shock and hops a foot off the sofa.

“Right now
- can I stroke you off?” I ask in a hopeful tone. “You don’t even have to touch me back. Actually, don’t even if you want to. I’m kind of torn up from the Beast- raw, actually. I’ll just do that for you. If it doesn’t work, we’ll never revisit this conversation. If it works, you’ll be my playmate.” I don’t know where this courage is coming from, but it makes me feel damn powerful.

“Do your wor
st,” Kieren’s voice screams he doesn’t believe this will work. “I’ve been rock-hard all day long. I give it five minutes before it goes limp,” he says in disgust and cups his bulge. He shifts his hips on the sofa cushion and makes room for me to touch him. He pointedly looks at me at challenge, a small smirk flirting along his lips.

“Wager- if I get you off in less than five minutes
, you will tell me who you’re crushing on,” I negotiate. “If I get you off, not matter how long it takes, you’ll be my playmate!”

Deal,” Kieren grunts and uncomfortably shifts. “If this doesn’t work or it takes longer than five minutes, then you have to stay for dinner, no matter who is invited,” he warns. 

“What the hell? I was staying for dinner
, anyway. You invited Auggie and Robbie already. I’m not going home to sit by myself,” I grumble. “Even with shitty canned peas.”

“Tick-tock, Spanky. We only have fifteen minutes before the brats get home
. Ya better hurry,” he taunts. I flash Kieren a shit-eating grin as I rut around in my purse. I palm my secret weapon and swagger back over to the sofa.

pulls out his cell and starts a timer. “You have thirteen minutes. I don’t want Weston and Rae to see this shit. Oops, twelve minutes,” he mocks.

I straddle Kieren’s legs with
my ass on his knees. I secretly smile as I run my fingernails up his jean-clad thighs. The bulge in his pants jumps and I giggle. Kieren smiles with me and relaxes. I run my nails up and down, and then move into a firm massage. I want to build the anticipation without taking an eternity. Something tells me that quick movements freak Kieren out. I waste a good minute, and I know it’s working when Kieren forgets about his cell counting down the time.

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