Good Girl (Playroom) (48 page)

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Authors: Erica Chilson

BOOK: Good Girl (Playroom)
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Malcolm is sitting, swirling an amber liquor on the rocks. He’s wat
ching, but not participating. Malcolm looks slightly sad… lonely… and maybe bored. I smile at him. I wanted better for my sister than an ass who wasn’t picky over his sexual partners. This man is very particular. He winks at me and blushes.

“Shit,” I hiss to Kieren. “Your dad
wasn’t always like this was he?”

’s a watcher, but sure, he’d play.” Kieren shrugs and looks at his dad.

stopped when we asked him about Clover, didn’t he?”

“Yeah,” Kieren

“Why?” I ask in awe.

“Dad said that anyone he touched he’d envision as Clover. It wasn’t right and it wasn’t satisfying. He’d rather wait for the real thing.” Kieren smirks like the notion is ridiculous.

“Kieren,” my tone screams
you’re a fuckface.
“Your dad still wants to play, but he just wants to play with my sister. I think it’s sweet,” I dreamily murmur.

“You would,” Kieren
grunts. “Women love to cuckold their men like little bitches.”

“You’re making this
all too easy on me, Stud.” I groan, shaking my head, “Get out of here.” I open the door and point.

“What?” Kieren
shouts in shock. “I’m your playmate, Spanky!”

“Nope, not tonight
, or ever, for that matter. You’re my best friend, Kieren, and you’re staying that way. You’re dating Essie now, aren’t you?”

“Yeah… so?”
Kieren’s confused- the dipshit.

doesn’t know about this, Kieren. I won’t do to Essie what she did to me. Essie may deserve it, but it was so painful that I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. I surely won’t do it with my best friend to hurt my family. It’d make me a hypocrite.”

“What about…” Kieren
doesn’t finish and I smirk.

“You’re not broken. It’s all in your head.” I ta
p his temple. “Go slow, tell Essie the truth, befriend each other, don’t cheat or accept her cheating. You want someone else, break up first. You wanna play? Negotiate it first. But it’s never gonna be with me,” I warn.

“Willow?” Kieren
groans in protest.

“I’ll never be someone’s second best or playmate. I deserve better than that, and whoever you’
re seeing does, too. Go,” I push Kieren out the door.

“I knew
you’d do this to me, dammit!” Kieren stomps his foot and growls.

“I’m doing it because I love you, dipshit. Your invitation has been rescinded. You want another
invite, bring Essie or have her call me with your terms. You’re not getting in here otherwise. Devon aside, Essie was my friend and she is my family. If our matchmaking works, you’ll be my family, too. Not happening, Stud. You wanted a girlfriend, then it’s time to grow up,” I sing and slam the door in his face.

“Spanky,” Kieren
screeches through the door. “I’ll be bringing Essie, I’m warning ya!”

“You do that,” I snicker and saunter away.

“I will fuck you, eventually,” comes muffled through the door and I just shake my head.
… Malcolm tips an imaginary hat in my direction and I do the same in return.

sure does have a pretty mouth,” I drawl to Auggie as I sit next to Malcolm, who gives that toe-curling laugh in response. “Ah- shit… Don’t look guilty. We both know the rules,” I say to ease Auggie’s fears. “I wasn’t being sarcastic, I was teasing you.”

“We okay?” Auggie
closes his eyes and sighs.

“Why wouldn’t we be?” Even as I
ask it, I see the recognition light Auggie’s face. He gets it. Maybe there is hope for him, yet. Auggie just has some growing up to do. He’s only twenty-eight. Looking at Auggie, you see a huge, burly man and think he should know the mysteries of the universe. I snicker as I think to myself
men mature a heluva lot slower than girls!

“Hey, Lang,
how’s it going?” Malcolm cordially says as the seat depresses next to me. I don’t look away from Auggie, as this Lang and Malcolm hold a conversation.

“Great, s
ir, and how are you doing?” A scratchy growl of a voice replies and it curls around my senses. Jesus, he could sing with a voice like that. I shiver thinking of him crooning in my ear. Now I refuse to look away from Auggie for an entirely different reason.

“I’m a happy sonofabitch,” Malcolm laughs. “I hadn’t realized that my kids and I needed a female touch. Willow, here, has shown me the error of my ways.”

Auggie gives me a worried, conflicted look and glances at Malcolm. The settee shakes from silent laughter and I swear Malcolm whispers to me
jealousy is the best medicine.

“Willow Prynne
this is Langdon Stone,” Malcolm gestures at me and I follow the arc of his hand like Bethany had followed Opal’s earlier.

I breathe out and it hitches in my throat.

Jesus, almighty

A messy mop of dark
hair covers most of his face. Langdon twitches his head and flips the hair out of the way. I curl my fingers in my lap against the need to twist them in his hair and pull. He gives me a cocky smirk, only half of his mouth tilts up.

“Lover’s spat?” Lang
asks and I give a slow blink.

“Huh?” I swallow. Malcolm starts laughing at me
and it snaps me from my haze. “Oh, no.” I shake my head in denial.

So Kieren’s not your boyfriend?” The words flow like a song and their meaning barely registers in my mind as I stare at Lang’s ruby lips.

“Nah- Kieren
’s my best friend,” gravelly deep, flows from my chest. I swallow again when Lang’s eyes connect with mine. “Jesus,” I hiss. “Your eyes are violet.”

“You’re the girl who’
s always at the shop, right?” Lang asks, and then my words finally register with him. Have to say, his rosy blush is distracting as hell.

“Huh? Yeah, that’s me- every day. You work at the
Wreck & Ruin Repair
? I would’ve remembered you,” I mumble and Malcolm starts that husky damned laugh again.

It’s bad enough that sounds of pleasure are echoing around the Playroom, Auggie’s blowjob turning me on, thoughts of playing with Kieren, now
this guy’s voice is liquid-sex. I don’t have enough hormones for my future brother-in-law’s fucking laugh.

stop laughing or I’ll start
ing your ass. Got it,” I warn and the bastard laughs harder.

“Yeah, I work at the shop. I’ve seen
you around there a lot. Are you Spanky?” Langdon asks and blushes fire-engine red. I’m kicking Stud’s ass the first chance I get.

“Yeah, that’s me. Don’t believe everything Kieren says. He lik
es to exaggerate.” It’s my turn to blush so hard my skin feels seared. “How come I haven’t seen you around?”

“I hope so
me of those rumors are true,” Lang says underneath his breath. “I work in the office. My dad owns the place. Next time, I’ll come out to see you, unless you have a boyfriend,” he prompts.

“Nope, no boyfriend,” I grumble and Malcolm starts coughing and choking.

“You having a heart attack over there, old man?” I glare at Malcolm and pop a brow.

“I’m healthy as a horse. You, however, won’t be able to walk for days after this,” he warns in amusement.

One look at Auggie, “Ugh… Prolly not, walking that is, not the single part.” I smirk at Auggie. “I am definitely single, unless anyone has any objections?”

“No objections,” Auggie
coolly declares. “I’ll be here for you when you crash and burn… again… But right now… You better fucking run, Monster!” he growls and I scream, running in terror.











~Chapter Forty-Nine~

My hand wraps around the doorknob. A satisfied, mischievous grin spreads across my face because I’m getting away without punishment.

“Not happening, Monster.” The door smashes shut and a lock clicks into place. “You seem to be miss
ing a necklace,” Auggie purrs. “Be a good girl and behave for Mr. Kline,” Auggie murmurs as he hooks my
into place. “We have months’ worth of shit to punish you for, Monster. I’ve been very lenient. If you want a boyfriend that can be everything for ya, go ahead and try to find it. I won’t stop you, but what I will do… I am your master and you are my pet. Not a damn thing will ever change that. You and I are a package deal. If you get married in the future, hubby better be an understanding fucker.” Auggie’s green eyes deviously glitter.

“No tempting fate, Willow… b
ecause I will not be an understanding hubby,” Auggie warns. “If you ever touch Devon, I’ll kick his ass. Kieren wasn’t a threat to me, that’s why I agreed he could play with you. But I see that you need a boyfriend in reality and play. Go ahead… You’ll be back,” Auggie arrogantly purrs against my ear.

“Awfully cocky, aren’
t you?” I hiss as Auggie pulls me across the

t cocky,” Auggie grunts, out of breath. “Just that sure of our fates.”

“Auggie!” I scream in protest when he bends me over the armrest of his throne. “What the fuck?”

“Not Auggie in here, Monster. We left Willow and Auggie at the door.” He spanks my rump and chuckles. “Sir or Mr. Kline,” he taps my lips, “Are the only names I will acknowledge from these sweet lips.”

“NO!” I yelp when leather cuffs are buckled over my wrists. I start to struggle in earnest. “NO!”

“No what, Monster?” Auggie raises that goddamned patronizing, red eyebrow of his and hooks my hands to the other armrest. I’m bent over with my ass in the air. I start to flail my legs around trying to connect with him.

“Ah… thanks for reminding me.” I can h
ear the smile and pleasure in Auggie’s voice. A second later my ankles have leather encircling them.

“NO!” I shrie
k again. “Auggie, dammit!” I try to kick away as he secures my legs to the feet of the throne.

“What was that, Monster? I won’t acknowledge your grievances unless it is said nicely and…” he prompt

“Mr. Kline, sir, no, please,” I beg
, and a whimper slips from my lips.

“Why ever not?” Auggie
conversationally asks.

“I didn’t agree to this, s
ir.” I sniffle for affect, but I’m not crying. Malcolm starts laughing and I know I’ve been busted.

Monster, it turns me on when you pretend to be a scared little good girl,” Auggie purrs in my ear and abruptly slaps my ass. I swallow a yelp and narrow my eyes are Malcolm. Auggie, the fucker, leaned me over the armrest so that I’m facing an amused Malcolm and a shocked Langdon. I’m just thankful he didn’t point my ass towards them. Too bad the cocksucktress is behind me, though.

“The rumors were true,” Langdon says in awe. I close my eyes against his seductive, scratchy growl.

“What rumors?” I snarl. I look over my shoulder in suspicion-
where the fuck did Auggie go?
This cannot be good!

“Ren said you were a spunky little girl, that you beat a chick up that was twice your size, and that you were Kline’s brat. As soon as I saw you, I believed
him. But one rumor, no way…” Lang shakes his head, and his captivating lavender eyes are the size of saucers.

“What rumor’s that?” I
breathlessly mutter. I can feel Auggie staring at my ass. His eyes are searing though my panties to burn into my flesh.

That you took the Beast.” Lang blushes, his eyes flashing away from mine.

“Why do you think I’ll be walking funny,” I snort.

“Um… because of that,” Lang stutters out, his eyes looking behind me.

“Oh fuck!” I start to struggle in earnest. I built this motherfucking chair too sturdy- sonofabitch!

“Malcolm is right, you’ve been acting like a little bitch and it’s time to knock you down a peg or two. I’ve been lenient because you’re fabulous in every way except for one…” Auggie purrs while he taps a mean looking paddle against his palm. Hardwood, with holes drilled every few inches. It’s a freakin’ school paddle for bad little girls.

“Auggie,” I warn
, voice breaking in terror.

“Exactly, Monster,” Auggie
pointedly says while arching that fuzzy red brow. “You demand respect, but you offer none in return. You’re going to learn it tonight. You tried to trap Mr. Mason in some sort of shit last night. You disrespected Kieren by being mean to his guest. These offenses were just last night. Don’t get me started on the twenty or more offenses you’ve offered me tonight. Punishment’s coming, Monster,” Auggie warns while he taps the paddle on his palm with an audible

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