Good Girl (Playroom) (8 page)

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Authors: Erica Chilson

BOOK: Good Girl (Playroom)
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“You’re right,” I sniffle.

“Let’s record that for later playback,” Mr. Kline teases. “Ah- the fucking incident with the playroom is all my fault- fuck!” He pounds the steering wheel out of frustration. “I didn’t think you’d find it. I thought you’d dance and get drunk like every idiot teenager on the planet. But, no, my Monster finds a sex den and watches in enthrallment. I saw your face, Willow, there is no hiding that visceral reaction. Isis said she had to slap sense into you and Rob was in hysterics. He actually punched me,” Auggie says in mystification.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper again.
“You didn’t hit Robbie back did you? He isn’t as big as you.”

“Oh, I know h
ow much damage Rob can take,” Auggie laughs. “No, I didn’t hit Rob. He was defending the honor of his sister. I would have been disappointed in him if he hadn’t punched me. Robin was upset about the collar and you being in the Playroom.”

“I’m not
sorry about the Playroom,” I defiantly say. “I liked it in there. I’m sorry about everything else, though.”

“I know, and
I am, too. But if Malcolm is finally able to get through to Kieren, it will be worth it. It’s a third your fault and two-thirds mine. I’m not placing blame on Kieren’s shoulders, with the exception of him trying to force you. Everything else is on you and me.”

“It makes sense when you say it. It never felt right tonight. When I saw
Kieren, I thought of your warning. All night I kept thinking to myself ‘Mr. Kline is right. Always listen to Mr. Kline.’ I wasn’t even comfortable going out with Essie. I had a niggling suspicion because she wouldn’t tell me what we were doing. I went along with it because I felt bad that Robbie missed my birthday and my parents got me a car I didn’t deserve. Nothing felt right until-”

“Until what?” Mr. Kline asks me when I stop mid-sentence. I shake
my head no and notice that we’re parked behind
. I have no idea how long we’ve sat here. A strange intimacy descends on us as we silently sit in the shadowy truck cab.

“You’ll tell me even
tually,” Auggie says with confidence. 

“What now?” I gulp out
, because Auggie’s right as usual- I will tell him eventually.

“We get out of the truck and into my warm apartment. We get cleaned up. You get your punishment, followed by your release. We talk some more, maybe grab a bite to eat. Talk more
, and finally sleep. We get up in the morning and go to work, because once a punishment is given and words are spoken, all is forgiven. As long as you don’t repeat stupid shit, all will be forgotten as well. Up we go…” 

Mr. Kline’s apartment is the floor above the store. It’s a loft without any
interior walls except a bit of privacy for the toilet thanks to the shower blocking off its view. I’ve been up here a few times to clean or grab something real quick for my boss. He has some eclectic, antique pieces that people bartered at the store and not much else. The place is great if you’re by yourself, but its total lack of privacy would be uncomfortable if you had a roommate.

“Go wash up and get comfor
table. I’ll give you some space,” Auggie huskily grumbles.

Mr. Kline stays on the farthest side of the loft away from the bathroom area, but on the same side as the bathroom so that he can’t see me. He settles into a
floral-patterned chair that belongs in a grandmother’s house not a loft, and grabs a book. It’s almost comical seeing such a large man with a tiny book in his huge hands as he lounges in a girly chair.

I run the water in the sink so he can’t hear me
pee. I strip down to my boyshorts and my tank. It’s not like Auggie hasn’t already seen me in a bikini, and well… there is nothing to see, anyway. I scrub my face free of makeup. I’m thankful that I’m not a hysterical type of girl or I’d have bawled and had mascara running down my face. Just a smudge of black from where I silently cried is visible. I pull the pigtail buns out and let my hair lay naturally. I have thick, chestnut hair that is perfectly straight. I like my hair but it doesn’t age me at all. Essie’s hair is the same as mine, but she hacked it off at chin-length and she looks older because of it.

“Sit on the bed,” Mr. Kline orders
the second I turn off the tap. I crawl up and onto Auggie’s bed. It’s almost four-feet from the floor and king-sized. I settle in the middle, cross-legged, and wait.

“I’m going to get cleaned up now,
” Auggie quietly murmurs. I watch him unlace his boots and realize that I’m in perfect view of the bathroom. I should move, but he had to have known what I could see from this spot. He sleeps here every night.

It’s weird that Auggie
strips from the bottom up. Most people do it the other way around. When Auggie is down to underwear and his t-shirt, he looks at me over his shoulder and yanks his shirt from his body.

surprised gasp is so loud it echoes throughout the loft. I feel lightheaded from what is revealed. My chest tightens and my thighs clench against the electric buzz that emanates from between my legs and radiates throughout my entire body. I gulp in air, trying to teach my lungs how to breathe again.

“Who’d you think you were watching, Will
ow? No one will ever elicit such a strong visceral reaction from you than me.” Auggie’s voice drops low and trembles as he speaks.

doesn’t take his eyes from mine. I lick my suddenly dry lips and nod my head in agreement. Yeah, I should have known it was him. I know everyone else did. I think Essie was scared to tell me. It’s probably why Robbie punched him.

I close my eyes as my Beast pulls his underwear down and flashes his amazing ass. A deep, husky laugh permeates my being
as he steps into the shower. Auggie put me here because he wanted me to watch, and he didn’t know how to tell me that he was the one I almost dropped to my knees and crawled towards. I don’t know if I should feel shame or elation.

I try not to watch, but my eyes keep radiating back to him. My geeky, artistic boss, the guy who’s known me since I was born, is not the man I
thought he was. I’ve always known Auggie was huge and built. Ya can’t hide that. Auggie’s love of everything in stock at
clouded me to his actual personality- clouded me to the body of a sex god that was hidden beneath his concert tees and threadbare jeans.

Graduation couldn’t do it, my birthday couldn’t do it, dealing with
Kieren couldn’t do it, but knowing that I hadn’t seen Mr. Kline clearly, finally ages me to an adult.

I’ve always seen my siblings as my siblings. My parents were never people in my eyes- they were the people who birthed me and cared for me.
They were my family- neither male nor female, child nor adult- simply people who were placed on this earth from my wellbeing. I realize now that each and every one of them is a person- has a personality beneath the title I’ve afforded them.

I understand Auggie’
s comment of why I was to call him Mr. Kline when he turned eighteen, but today I wasn’t allowed anymore. When I was eight, Auggie was an adult. Today, we are both adults. I’ll never call him Mr. Kline again. I have a feeling
will now become a permanent fixture in my vocabulary, and I understand why he was fighting its pull.

My ey
es feast on the sight of soapsuds concealing his body. Auggie holds no shame or modesty as he washes in perfect view of me. I feel his eyes on me, even though it doesn’t appear as if he’s watching me. The angle of his face is the same as it was at the club. I can see the curve of his cheek and the slope of one brow, but I know he can see as much of me, as I can see of him.

I bite back a moan as Auggie’
s hands caress his body. He lingers in areas that I want revealed to my eyes, but the suds block my view better than clothing ever could. I sit in awe because Auggie is allowing me to watch him in a personal and intimate moment. I never thought in a million years that Auggie would be comfortable enough to allow me to watch him shower, let alone see him naked. I never thought I’d be comfortable enough to watch him without diverting my eyes or blushing. Well… I am blushing. My entire body is enflamed and my belly aches something fierce.

“I wanted to wait until you were less innocent. I wanted you to date and mess around. I knew this would happen eventually. I didn’t think it wo
uld happen so fast. I won’t lie. I was hoping you’d enter the
because there is no turning back now. It’s too late for that. You saw me, and I saw your reaction to me and the atmosphere. In the truck, you didn’t need to tell me why nothing felt right until you entered the
. You didn’t need to finish that sentence because I already knew it. You still need to say it out loud for yourself, though,” Auggie seriously says as he steps from the shower.

wraps a towel around his wide hips, failing to dry off, and then digs around in the top drawer of his dresser.

“Augustus,” I try the
word out. He smirks at me and runs his fingers through his dripping curls. He playfully shakes his head like a dog, raining water on everything.

“That’s so much better than Mr. Kline. I was b
eginning to feel like a school teacher,” he teases. He faces away from me and drops the towel. My breath hitches in fascination as his ass tightens and relaxes as he pulls on a pair of pajama pants. I try to ignore the fact that I can see
heavily dangling from between his thighs- those parts I threatened to cut off of Kieren. They are so beautiful and ripe that my mouth instantly waters. I decide his tattoo is the safest place to look.

“It’s o
ne of my illustrations,” Auggie huskily says, somehow sensing where I was looking, which means he probably knew where I was looking a second ago. I hide my crimson face behind my sweaty palms.

“It’s magnificent,” I
breathlessly mumble. I’m not sure if I mean Auggie’s ass, back, thighs, or testicles. But the tattoo is incredible, too. Auggie snorts, knowing the direction of my thoughts.

“How do you do that? Know what I’m thinking?”
I ask out of curiosity.

language… and I can feel your eyes on me. Your eyes betrayed you when you responded. They fell south of my back,” he smirks and turns to face me. “Plus, your face is flushed, your eyes dilated, and your nipples are trying to wave hello.” He gives a little wave at my chest and snickers at my mortified reaction.

I gasp and cover my chest in embarrassment. My nipples
never even respond to the cold- nipples that didn’t even bead when Essie was pulling on them earlier. But they could cut glass right now. Hell, it feels like I’ve grown boobs, too. Not big boobs- just ones that have something to squish. It doesn’t feel like skin covering my chest bones with miniature unresponsive nipples sitting on top.

“Put your arms down, Willow. I think it’s only fair since you’ve been ogling me
ever since you watched a woman suck my cock in the
.” Auggie’s voice is deeper and raspier than usual.

I instinctively lick my lips when he says suck
, and I replay the scene in my mind on repeat. The beauty kneels before the gigantic beast with the lifelike tattoo moving with every flex of his hips. I can even hear the sounds Auggie made as he found his pleasure.

suck in a deep breath and drop my arms. I’m afraid to know what my body language is betraying right now. “You seem surprised about how your body is responding to me,” Auggie breathes. “I thought you’d at least have had a kid feel you up properly.”

arches an eyebrow in challenge and stalks over to me. The towel is gripped in his hand and it’s covering between his hips even though he’s wearing pants.

“Yeah, but there was
never anything to feel up,” I say in shame. “I’m not totally innocent. I’ve had guys paw at my chest and ass. Sometimes our drinking games would turn into sexual stuff, and the losers would have to makeout with me because it was like making out with a kid. I had nothing to offer,” I mumble in humiliation.

“Ah- virgin boys and virgin girls are
such a disaster together. It’s the blind leading the blind. My Monster’s not so flat right now, are you?” Auggie points at my swelling buds and smiles. “It’s called being aroused. Kieren didn’t do this for you earlier, did he?” He knowingly asks.

“No, Kieren
didn’t,” I admit.

“Did you like watching me in the
Did it do this to you?” Auggie roughly grabs my breast and kneads. A low moan spills out my parted lips and that ball of ache turns into a storm of need.

“Yesssss,” hisses out when Auggie pulls hard on my nipple
, and I quiver in delight. “I want to watch you again,” I moan.

“Rub t
hem. See how much the mere sight of my body swells them, how much my touch arouses you.” Auggie’s voice is intoxicating and coaxing. I become his puppet. His voice is the string from my hand to his request. My hands eagerly cup my breasts- cup them for the very first time. My birthday wish was granted. Tears start to rapidly fall from my eyes as I rub my breasts in wonder and pleasure.

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