Gossip (31 page)

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Authors: Joseph Epstein

BOOK: Gossip
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cyber courage,

Daily Beast, The,

Daily Mail

Daily News

See also
malicious gossip

from leaks,

proving, and libel,

and secrets,

and spreading rumors/secrets,

Dancing with the Stars
(TV show),

Daniel Deronda

Darnton, Robert,

Davey, Jocelyn (Chaim Raphael),

David, Prince of Wales,

Davis, Ossie,

Davis, Sammy, Jr.,

decorum, as social norm,

"Deep Throat," leaks by,

definitions, origins of "gossip" as term,

Defoe, Daniel,

Delacroix, Eugène,

d'Elbeuf, Duc,

de Mille, Agnes,

Dempster, Nigel,

Depression, the,

de Rouvroy, Louis.
Saint-Simon, Duc de

d'Estrées, Maréchale,

Devil in the Holy Water, The

Diana, Princess of Wales,

Diana Chronicles, The

diaries, gossip in,

Dickens, Charles,

Dickinson, Angie,

Dietrich, Marlene,

DiFonzo, Nicholas,

Diller, Barry,

DiMaggio, Joe,

Discreet Indiscretions


Divorced in America: Marriage in an Age of Possibility

Doctorow, E. L.,

"dog-poop girl,"

Dolphin, The


Donaldson, William,

Donohoe, Jimmy,

Don't Date Him Girl blog,

Drew, Elizabeth,

Dreyfuss, Richard,

Driberg, Tom,

Drudge, Matt,

Drudge Report, The,

Dubois, Abbé,

Dunne, Dominick,

economic disparities, and interest in gossip,

Edinburgh Review,

Editor and Publisher,

Edwards, John,

Edward VII,


Eisenhower, Dwight David,

Eliot, George (Mary Anne Evans),

Eliot, T. S.,

Elizabeth II,

e-mail, gossip in,

embarrassment, public,

Encyclopaedia Britannica


development of professional gossip in,

gossip about royalty,

interest in prurient gossip,

libel laws,

Mosley vs.
News of the World,

entertainment, gossip as,

Entertainment Tonight
(TV show),

envy, as motive,


Erikson, Erik,

magazine articles,

ethical costs,

"Ethics of Gossiping, The" (Westacott),


Europe, privacy vs. publicity in,

Evans, Harry,

Evans, Lady.
Brown, Tina

Evening Standard,

exclusivity, emphasizing,

exposés, public exposure.
See also
celebrities, celebrity; Internet


as goal,

intimacy vs.,

and journalism,

through literary criticism,


facts, evidence

as basis for gossip,

interpretation of,

speculation vs.,

Fag Rag

false gossip, retelling,

Fame and Fortune

family values adherents, misbehavior among,

Farrow, Mia,

"fascinating speculation,"

Faulkner, William,

Fay, Paul B.,

fellatio, gossip about,

Felt, William Mark, Sr.,

female readers,

Fenelon, archbishop of Cambrai,

fiction, gossip-based,

Fiddler, Jimmy,

Fitzgerald, F. Scott,

Flaubert, Gustave,

Flynn, Errol,

Fontaine, Pat,

Fontanne, Lynn,


Forster, E. M.,

Fortas, Abe,

Foster, Vincent,

France, professional gossips in,
See also
Saint-Simon, Duc de

Frankenthaler, Helen,

Frankfurter, Marion,

Franklin, Benjamin,

"Frank Sinatra Has a Cold" (Talese),

freedom of speech,
See also
right to know

Free Flow of Information Act,

Freud, Sigmund,

Front Page, The
(play, MacArthur),

Fuller, Bonnie,

Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet, The

Gabler, Neal,

Garbo, Greta,

Gardner, Ava,

Gardner, Isabella Stewart,

Gaskell, Elizabeth,

Gates, Bill,


gay gossip.
See also
sexual gossip

humor/playfulness in,

impact of AIDS on,

outing and,

purveyors of,

"General, The" (O'Hara),

Ghost Writer, The

Gibson, Mel,

Gielgud, John,


Goffman, Erving,

Goldberg, Arthur,

Golden Notebook, The

Goldman, Ronald,

good taste.

Gordon, Caroline,


gossip, busybody vs.,

gossip columnists

Addison and Steele,


courting of, by celebrities,



in England, 20th century,


as judges of character,



as professionals,



gossip historian, Saint-Simon as,

Gossip: The Life and Times of Walter Winchell

Gosselin, Jon and Kate,

Gottlieb, Robert,

government organizations, role of gossip,
See also
political gossip

Graham, Sheilah,

Grand Surprise, The: Journals of Leo Lerman

Grant, Cary,

Grant, Christopher,

Great Books of the Western World,

Greenberg, Michael,

Greene, Graham,

Greene, Rita,

Gruber, Lee,

Grub Street,

Harding, Warren,

Hardwick, Elizabeth,

Harman, Sidney,

Harrison, Robert,

Hart, Gary,

Haskell, Mollie,

Hatfield, Hurd,

Hauptmann, Bruno,

Hawthorne, Nathaniel,

Hazlitt, William,

Hearst Corporation,

Hecht, Ben,

Heidegger, Martin,

Heller, Erich,

Hemings, Sally,

Hemingway, Ernest,

Here but Not Here

heroes, public, deflating,

Hersh, Seymour,

Hickey, William (pseudonym),

hidden behavior, revealing.
See also
gay gossip

as basis for gossip,

and Freudian assumptions,

as role of gossip,

high life, focusing on,
See also
celebrities, celebrity

Hilfiger, Tommy,

Hilton, Paris,

historical gossip,

Hohnsbeen, John,

Hollywood stars,
See also
celebrities, celebrity

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.,

gay gossip

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