Gossip (32 page)

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Authors: Joseph Epstein

BOOK: Gossip
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Hooksett, New Hampshire,

Hoover, J. Edgar,

Hopper, Hedda,

Horowitz, Vladimir,

House Un-American Activities Committee,

Howe, Irving,

Hucksters, The

Hudson, Rock,

human-interest stories,

human typologies,

humorous gossip,

Hutchins, Robert,

Hutton, Len,

"Hypochondriack, The" (Boswell),

hypocrisy, revealing,

Hypocrite Virtucrat type,

idealism, and leaks,

"Idea of Liberal Education, The" (Klein),

idle talk,

births, out of wedlock

I Married a Communist

impartiality, gossip vs.,

Importance of Being Earnest, The

incest, gossip about,

In Cold Blood

indiscretion, and good gossip,

informational gossip

about celebrities,

ethics of,


and role of journalists,


value of/uses for,

"Inner Ring, The" (Lewis),

insider knowledge

gossip as form of,

and social status,

insults, gossip vs.,

interest in gossip, enduring,


correcting errors on,

etiquette for,

and freedom vs. privacy,

impact on nature of gossip,

insults on,

and public embarrassment,

public vs. private on,

specialized gossip on,

and speed of spread of gossip,

and spread of malicious gossip,

taste for gossip on,

unedited information on,


interpreting gossip,

in the know, being.
insider knowledge

Intimate Strangers: The Culture of Celebrity in America

Isherwood, Christopher,

Jack Paar Show,

Jackson, Andrew,

Jackson, Jesse,

James, Henry

disapproval of gossip,

gossip about,

gossip in novels of,

The Reverberator,

Jefferson, Thomas,

Jessel, George,

"jet set,"

Johnson, Lyndon,

Johnson, Samuel,

joke telling,

Jon and Kate Plus
(TV show),

Joubert, Joseph,

See also
gossip columnists

and creating buzz,

exposés and scoops,

gossip component,

on the Internet,


Judaism, gossip as sin in,

Kagan, Elena,

Kagan, Yisrael Meir,

Katz, Bob,

Kaye, Danny,

Kazin, Alfred,

Keillor, Garrison,

Kelly, Gene,

Kelly, Grace,

Kennedy, Bobby,

Kennedy, Jacqueline (Jackie Onassis),

Kennedy, John F.

and Dickinson,

and Dietrich,

endurance of gossip about,

love of gossip,

respect for privacy of,

Kennedy, Robert,

Kilgallen, Dorothy,

King, Martin Luther, Jr.,

kissing and telling,

Kissinger, Henry,


Klein, Jacob,

Knickerbocker, Cholly (Maury Paul),

Korda, Alexander,

Kramer, Hilton,

Kristol, Bea (Gertrude Himmelfarb),

Kristol, Irving,

Kundera, Milan,

La Bruyère,

La Chétardie,

Ladurie, Emannuel,

La Fontaine, Jean de,

La Guardia, Fiorello,

Lamb, Caroline,

Lamb, Charles,

Lantos, Tom,

lashon hara

Last Days of Hitler, The

Last Puritan, The

See also
libel laws


Lee, Ivy,

Lehman, Ernest,

Leibovitz, Annie,

Leigh, Vivien,

Lerman, Leo,

Lerner, Max,

Lessing, Doris,

Le Tellier, Père,

letters, indiscretions in,

Letters from Oxford

Lewinsky, Monica,

Lewis, C. S.,

Lewis, Sinclair,

libel laws

and blog postings,

and Internet gossip,

slander vs. libel,

truth justification,

U.S. vs. England,

Licensing Act, revocation of,

Life of Johnson

Lincoln, Abraham,

literacy, and interest in gossip,

literature, gossip-based,

Lives of the Poets

Locke, Richard,

London Magazine

Louis XIV,

Louis XV,

Lowell, Robert,

Loy, Myrna,

Luce, Henry,

Lunt, Alfred,

Lyndon, Andrew,

Lyons, Leonard,

MacArthur, Charles,

MacArthur, Douglas,

Macfadden, Bernarr,

Macmillan, Harold,

Madoff, Bernard,


Maine, Duc de,

Main Street
(S. Lewis),

Maintenon, Mme. de,

Malamud, Bernard,

malicious gossip.
See also

in academic settings,

creation and dispersing of,

effects of,

ethics of,

and interest in human character,

on the Internet,

purveyors of,

truth factor and,

Mandarins, The

Mann, Thomas,

Mann, William d'Alton,

marital infidelity, gossip about,

Martin, Peter,

Marx, Groucho,

Master, The

Maugham, W. Somerset,

Maupassant, Guy de,

Maxwell, Elsa,

McCain, John,

McCarthy, Joseph,

McCarthy, Mary,

McCullers, Carson,

McEwan, Ian,

McGee, Frank,

McKelway, St. Clair,

McNamara, Robert,

McPhee, John,

McQueen, Steve,


See also

men, gossip among,

Mencken, H. L.,

Merkin, Daphne,


Meyers, Jeffrey,

Middle of the Journey, The
(L. Trilling),

Miller, Arthur,

Miramax, and

Mitchell, Joseph,

Mitchum, Robert,

Mitford, Nancy,



Monroe, Marilyn,

Montesquiou, Robert de,

moral instruction through gossip,

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