Grand Pleasure Station: Exposed!

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Authors: Kendall Swan

Tags: #erotic, #erotica, #short story, #sex, #lesbian, #sexy, #business, #hot, #prostitute, #erotic fiction, #nevada, #fuck, #news, #dick, #pussy, #article, #dildo, #vibrator, #reporter, #cock, #clit, #wet, #fingering, #whore, #lick, #pay for sex, #undercover, #brothel

BOOK: Grand Pleasure Station: Exposed!
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Grand Pleasure Station:
Feature Article Series
(New Erotic Fiction)

By Kendall Swan


Published by Romantic Words
Publishing, LLC

[email protected]

Copyright © 2009 by Kendall


Also by Kendall

NAKED Neighbor

NAKED Restaurant


NAKED Parent Teacher

NAKED Cheerleader and other

The Sexual Memoir of Emma: A
Whole New World


This book is a work of
fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are
products of the author’s imagination, or have been used
fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead,
locales, or events is entirely coincidental.


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No portion of this book may
be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without
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brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.


Copyright © 2009 by Kendall

Cover Art © 2009 Romantic
Words Publishing, LLC





Grand Pleasure Station:
Feature Article Series
by Sierra LaSalle


Prostitute, whore, ho, sex
worker, women of the night—these are all names for the oldest
profession in the world. And there is only one state in union that
allows it legally. Nevada attracts all kinds of people to its
booming entertainment Mecca that is Las Vegas. Almost anything goes
in Vegas—except, that is, legal prostitution. For that you need to
drive miles outside of the adult entertainment institution. The
distance and drive are the only impediments to an otherwise
skyrocketing and recession-proof business, a business where you can
get your pick of different prostitutes and activities all under one
roof. That business is called a brothel.


I’m here at Grand Pleasure
Station to interview many of its “staff” as well as its founders.
This is an unprecedented opportunity to get inside a successful
brothel. It is located 48 miles outside of Las Vegas in Nevada.
Because of this, there aren’t many “drop in” customers. This is a
planned destination for almost all of the customers. However,
because it has been in business for years now, there are a few
complimentary businesses popping up including bars, motels,
restaurants, and banks. There is even some competition in the form
of a massage parlor across the street.


I will not have the chance
to speak to all of the sex workers, only 2/3 of them. Of those that
consented, all gave me permission to “sit in” while they work in
addition to interview time (with the “John’s” permission as


You will get an inside view
into the life of a prostitute. You will know what the girls (and a
guy) like and what they don’t, why they chose this profession, what
they think of their boss, what they think of their clients, and
what kind of money they really get paid. This article is very
explicit. If you are uncomfortable with very frank discussions
about sex and/or sexual positions, you should stop reading now.
Also, for the sake of truth, I have edited very little. You will
get to experience Grand Pleasure Station through me.





I am in Annabelle’s “room.”
It is like a cross between one bedroom suite at a hotel and a dorm
room. It has a bedroom, bathroom, and small kitchenette. It has
been decorated to her taste with maroon walls and a dark mahogany
bed frame and dresser. Generic paintings adorn the largest wall
giving it the slightly impersonal, though pleasant feel of a hotel


Annabelle is 20 years old
with long, smooth brown hair and tan skin. She has dark eyes that
seem mature for her years, high cheekbones, and pouty lips. Her
beauty is obvious and I’m not surprised she has chosen a profession
that depends on it. She is wearing a short, satin nightie and high
heels. We sit on the bed and I see she is not wearing underwear
when she crosses her legs Indian-style. I dive right in.


“Let’s start from the
beginning. What was your childhood like?” I ask.


“Pretty normal. My parents
are still together. I have a couple of siblings. They think I am an
exotic dancer. That has caused enough scandal so I don’t think I’ll
ever tell them the truth.”


“Where are you


“Sarasota, Florida. It’s
pretty nice. I didn’t like the humidity so it was a welcome change
to come here where it’s so dry.”


Well—getting right to the
point. How did you get to be a prostitute?”


“I dropped out of college.
The financial aid ran out with the economy. I was going to get a
degree in psychology. I’m not sure what I would do with it. I have
always been fascinated by different kinds of people. And this job
definitely lets me meet a lot of different kinds of people, that’s
for sure.”


“But selling your body for
sex—how did you get to that from dropping out of college? That
seems like quite a leap,” I ask.


“I guess so. It doesn’t seem
so weird to me. I just really enjoy sex. And I always had my share
of guys to give it to me. Of course, they loved that—a girl who
loves sex. And some of them would give me gifts or promise me
things, especially older men.”


“You dated older


“Yeah, not till a couple of
years ago. I was 18. They were easier to be around in many ways but
then all condescending, too. It got to where I really enjoyed the
sex and the gifts and didn’t want to give that up. But I’m not a
settle down type of girl. I like exploring people. And with the
gifts came expectations of being a guy’s girlfriend or arm candy or
something. That just wasn’t for me. [She looks down, fiddling with
her hands.] I guess it is for me. I just make a lot more money


“That’s how I started, as an
escort. It was a legit escort business in Miami. They warned us
against having sex and said we would be fired if we did. It went
on, of course, but they had to pretend like they didn’t know about
it. I think I would have been happy there but then one of my
regulars fell in love with me. That’s the problem with being an
escort. The money is pretty good but there is a lot of time
together that isn’t spent having sex. You are basically on a


“So he fell in love and I
didn’t. He gave me an ultimatum to quit and be with him where I
would be taken care of or he would get me fired. Can you believe
his nerve? What an asshole! An entitled asshole. I told him off and
then he called my boss and told her we had been sleeping together
for some time and he was paying me for it and that I said the boss
said that was okay. She didn’t want to fire me. I was a good
earner. But she had no choice. It’s not legal there in Florida. But
I learned my lesson and moved here to Nevada,” she said.


“Where you can’t be fired
for having sex for money?”


“Right. Where I could
possibly be fired for not having sex with a client. Probably
wouldn’t happen here, but at other places,” Annabelle


[She licks her finger and
begins gingerly rubbing her clit. Her clit, pussy lips, and finger
are right there for me to see since we are sitting across from each
other and her legs are loosely crossed.]


“Do you mind if I touch
myself a little? I blocked off a couple of hours for this
interview. I would normally be having some kind of sex right now
and my body is used to cumming almost every hour,” she asks


[She scoots a little closer
to me while fingering herself. I can feel her gaze on me. She seems
to want me to get a sense of her skills as a seductress, I assume.
I am still sitting back against the headboard of the bed in shorts,
sandals, and a tank top with my legs stretched out in front of


“Is this how you seduce your
clients? You said your body is used to having many orgasms a day.
Is it like sleeping rhythms or something. You get turned on whether
you want to or not?”


“That’s exactly what it’s
like. I never knew how to explain it before. I like that. Sleep
rhythms. Sex rhythms. That’s what I have. I’m like an athlete. I
use my body to make my living. I have trained and pushed it to
perform at a certain level and that is what it is used to. Hold on.
I need to stop talking.”


[Annabelle shuts her eyes
and rubs her clit more vigorously. She reaches up and grabs one of
her voluptuous breasts with her other hand over her nightie. Her
breathing is growing shorter and faster. She leans back on the bed
and is almost smacking her clit with her fingers. She moans. Her
legs are open and I am able to see the entire show. She pushes
three fingers inside her pussy and they come out wet. She rubs her
clit again and pinches her nipple with the hand on her breast.
Apparently that does it. From my point of view, I can see faint
traces of her inner muscles clenching in orgasm. More clear wetness
oozes out of her. Her body relaxes as the clenching slows down. She
sits back up with a smile and asks for me to hand her the tissue
box on the end table. I do and she wipes her fingers and then her
outer lips. ]


“This bedspread sees enough
paid action. No need to get it all wet from just me,” she says
cheerily and giggles.


“Wow, you came in under five
minutes with just your fingers. Impressive,” I say.


“You know that about me,
silly. Now what else do you want to know?”


“How much money do you
make?” I ask.


“Ahhh, yes. A love of sex
and money, isn’t that why we’re all here? Well, as you know, there
is a huge range. Once, a long time ago I only made $250. That was
when I first started here. I didn’t have a client base built up and
my nervousness came through in the audition. But one day I made
close to $35,000 in 18 hours. I got a couple of rich guys and had a
lot of buys of my masturbation video on the website.”


“Good haul, then. But wait,
you were nervous? Talk about that. And explain what the audition


“The first week or so I was
nervous. Not with the Johns. They were all great. But there is a
pretty tight group here. And before the great firing, those girls
were all a little territorial and suspicious of new hires. They
gave me dirty looks sometimes and didn’t want to party together
before or after the night shift like everyone does now. My only
solace was the sex—and the money. That was nice. But then I got my
regulars and those girls that were left eventually accepted me. And
here we are.


“And the audition? Can you
explain that for our readers?”


“Yeah, that’s one of the
things that happens at a brothel, I guess. It gets annoying
sometimes but it’s money and it’s new business, so you have no
choice but to love it. When a customer comes in and doesn’t have a
specific girl in mind, a bell rings and those of us not in a
session have to come to the front and line up for the John. You can
smile and make eyes but no overt gestures. It’s purely a cattle
call. It’s all about looks. I get a lot of business through the
auditions and some of them have become regulars so I’m thankful.
But that’s the whole point of a brothel, right?”


“Overall, how do you feel
about your choice?” I ask.

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