Gravel (MC Biker Romance) (16 page)

BOOK: Gravel (MC Biker Romance)
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“Hi, there,” she said with a huge
grin on her face. Her teeth were straight but slightly yellow. She was
definitely a coffee drinker. “Well aren’t you two cute. What can I get you to


“I’ll have a water,” I said. I was


“Coke,” Raze said, barely making
eye contact with her. He was acting a little fidgety, probably reliving the
biker brawl from the night before. His eyes kept glancing outside every time
the roar of a cycle or loud truck would rumble the windows of the diner.


“I’ll be right back with those
drinks,” Margie said with a smile as she waddled off.


“Raze,” I said as I reached over
and tapped his hand. “You alright?”


“Yeah,” he said.


“You’ve not been yourself lately,”
I said. “I wish you’d open up to me. Maybe I can make you feel better?”


I offered a kind smile, but he
didn’t return it.


“I feel better just being with
you,” he insisted, leaving it at that.


“Aw,” I said. “That’s sweet.”


I twirled a lock of my newly
brunette hair around my finger, forgetting for a moment that I was no longer
blonde. It was a stark reminder of how much things had changed for us in the
last 48 hours.


“Everything’s going to work out,” I
said to him. “Raze, look at me.”


His steel blue eyes glanced up and
locked with mine.


“I know,” he said as he ran his
fingers through is buzzed and newly bleached hair. “Just a lot on my mind.”


Margie came back with our drinks
and sat them down, spilling
Coke a little. She
threw down a couple of bendy straws and placed her hands on her hips.


“Do we know what we want?” she
asked with the biggest smile. She seemed to love her job, and considering what
she did, I was warmed over by that.


“I’ll take the burger. Well done.
With American cheese,” he said. “And fries.”


“Same,” I said with a smile as I
handed her our menus.”


“Alright. I’ll go put in the order
right away,” Marie replied as she took the menus and waddled off. She seemed to
have some sort of limp or maybe it was a bad hip. Whatever it was, nothing
could dull her shine. She was the happiest blue-haired waitress I’d ever met.


Our food arrived a short time
later, and the diner seemed to miraculously fill to the brim in an instant.
Every single booth was full by the time we started on our burgers. Either the
place was super good or it was the only diner in a
radius. Maybe it was a little of both?


As the plates were sat down in
front of us, I could see the grease dripping off the burger. The fries were
fresh out of the fryer and the pickle on the side was perfectly green,
beckoning to be placed on top of the gooey, melted cheese.


“Oh, my god,” I moaned as I took my
first bite. “This is the best burger I’ve ever had in my whole entire life!”


Raze nodded in agreement, mouth
full of burger, as he took another bite. He was shoving bite after bite into
his mouth, each piece passing his perfect, full lips. He was so fucking sexy
when he ate. He was sexy when he did just about anything.


I saw his eyes roll into the back
of his head as he shoved a small handful of hot fries drenched in ketchup into
his mouth and washed it all down with a gulp of soda.


My stomach was growing fuller by
the second, but I was determined to finish my dinner. I didn’t know when we’d
be eating again, and I wanted to be as full as possible, even if I had to be
rolled out of there.


Within seconds, our plates were completely
empty. There was not a French fry to spare. Not an extra piece of lettuce or
grease drip to be seen.


“My, my, my,” Margie said. “You two
must have been hungry! Well you came to the right place, didn’t


I rubbed my belly. “Yes, it was


“Would you guys like some pie?” she
asked in her sweet, Grandma voice. She batted her mascara-caked eyelashes, and
it was hard to say no to that smile.


I looked over at Raze who shrugged.


“We’ll share a piece. Sure,” I
conceded. “Apple, please. With ice cream.”


“Perfect!” Margie said with a smile
as she limped off. She returned a short time later with a hot wedge of apple
pie with a large, melting mountain of vanilla ice cream sliding off the side.
She sat it between us, and I wasted no time getting busy with my fork in hand.


“Aren’t you going to have some?” I
asked Raze. I was sure I looked like some crazy, hungry animal.


Raze picked up his fork and slowly
took a bite. For every three bites I took, he probably had one. I didn’t care
though, and soon enough the plate was clean. It took all the strength I had not
to lick the plate clean.


“Oh, my god, I’m so full,” I
moaned. I couldn’t help but smile. It felt good to be that full. And it felt
good to have a relaxing, peaceful dinner amongst a bunch of local families
instead of a bunch of rowdy, ne’er do well bikers.


I glanced over at Raze, who was
squinting his eyes across the room. Something was up. I could feel it.


“What’s wrong?” I asked him.


He said nothing, so I instinctually
flipped my head around to see what he was looking at. I couldn’t see for sure
because it was clear across the diner, but I was pretty sure sitting in a booth
in the corner was the blonde biker from the night before. He was wearing a hat
and a thick, black, leather jacket, but I was pretty sure it was


“Is that…?” I asked as I flipped
back around.


“I think so,” Raze said. “Act


Raze pulled some cash out of his
wallet and slipped it under the empty apple pie plate for Margie. He eyed the
side exit and nodded towards me. I knew what was about to happen. We were going
to make a break for it.


I grabbed my purse and slipped it
over my shoulder as we slowly slid out of our booth. We tried to casually slip
out the side exit, Raze doing eye scans around the room the entire time. The
moment we got outside, we saddled up and hit the road.


I was pretty sure the blonde guy
hadn’t seen us. Maybe it wasn’t even him? It would be pretty crazy if he
followed us from Colorado to Nevada and we didn’t notice, but then again, this
was a networked biker gang. He had connections and ample resources, and we were


I tried not to think too much about
as I held on tight to
strong, upper body. I let the wind rustle my hair and focused on the vibrations
beneath me and the passing white and yellow lines on the road
that all seemed to blur together into one.


Hours later, we settled into an
older Holiday Inn on the outskirts of Reno, Nevada. The town was a little more
populated than the other hole in the wall towns we’d cruised through, and I
felt a little relieved to have that cushion of anonymity. I felt like we could
blend in a little more and maybe be a little harder to find in a town with more
than 1,000 people.


The halls of the motel smelled a
bit like chemicals from the indoor pool, but it was comforting in a way. It
reminded me of family vacations we took when I was a kid. We never had enough
money to really go anywhere, so my parents would rent a hotel room for us from
time to time and let us swim in the pool. Those were our family vacations.


“I love the smell of chlorine,” I
said with a childish grin.


Raze laughed and looked at me like
I was crazy.


“Maybe we can take a swim later?” I


“We don’t have suits,” he said.


“If it’s late enough, maybe we’ll
have the pool to ourselves and we won’t need suits?” I proposed, flashing him a
wink and a smile.


“I like the way you think, Mia,” he
winked back. “If it’s all the same to you, I really just want to relax for a


He swiped the card and the light on
the door flashed from red to green before emitting a loud beep. We walked into
the room, which was freezing cold, and flipped on the lights. I flung myself on
the cool, scratchy comforter and kicked my shoes off. It felt good to be on
something stationary for once.


Raze crashed on the second Queen
bed in the room, spreading his arms and legs wide out. I could imagine how sore
he must have been from all the riding we’d been doing. We were about to go on
day three now of being on the run, and it was nothing short of exhausting.


I leaned up with my head resting on
my hand and watched the rise and fall of his chest as he
quietly across the room. We may have been painfully tired, but it still didn’t
stop me from wanting to jump his bones. My eyes traced his square jaw, his
perfect hairline, his buff arms, and his strong hands and landed south on the
bulge of his pants.


I climbed off my bed and walked
over to his, standing before him. It took him a bit but he cocked one eye open
and seemed a bit startled.


“Oh, I think I dozed off,” he said.


“Can I lay with you?” I asked in a
sweet, baby-like coo.


“Of course,” he said as he scooted
over and patted the space next to him.


I crawled on top of the bed and
nuzzled into the crook of his beefy arm. He pulled me in close to him, and I
buried my face in his neck. He smelled like the days’ ride – like sun and
wind and exhaust.


My arm slid over his abs and rested
down along his belt line. I couldn’t help but wonder if he had an ounce of
energy left in him at all. I stuck one finger on the inside of his
waist line
and watched his face to gauge his reaction. I saw
one eyebrow
, which I took as a good sign, so I
proceeded to stick the rest of my hand down his pants. I found the opening in
his boxers and pulled out his cock, which was beginning to harden. I massaged
it gently until it was almost full-throttle and then I sat up to unbuckle his
pants the rest of the way.


Once I had full access to his cock,
I leaned down and placed my wet mouth around it. I loved his cock. It was
perfect – not too thick and not too small. The salty taste of his soft
foreskin filled my mouth as my tongue worked its way around his shaft. I cupped
his balls in one hand while the other hand massaged the base of his dick. I
glanced up to watch him for a split second and his eyes were pinched tight and
then released. He seemed completely relaxed and in the moment and concentrating
on all the work I was doing down below.


He grew bigger and bigger and soon
filled my mouth completely. He reached down with his left hand and grabbed a
handful of my hair, pushing my head down deeper on his cock. He almost gagged
me a few times, but I went with it. He really seemed to be into throat fucking,
and I was fine with that.


He tapped my shoulder after a bit
and motioned for me to get up. He sat up and peeled my tank top off then
unhooked my bra. He leaned down and placed one pert nipple in his mouth as he
massaged the other with his hand. I could smell the heat radiating off the top
of his head, and I braced myself on my hands as I tossed my head back.


His hands began working their way
down my sides, stopping at my shorts to unbutton them. He peeled those off me
as well, followed by my panties, and laid back. I straddled him, his throbbing
cock beneath my swollen pussy, and leaned down to kiss him. I loved
kisses. They were hard and passionate, but yet
tender at the same time. No man had ever kissed me the way Raze did.


His hand gripped fistfuls of my
hair as his mouth pressed hard against mine.


“I want you inside me,” I
whispered, nearly out of breath from our make out session.


He sat up a bit and flipped me over
to my back, his hands spreading my knees as far apart as they would stretch. He
slid his boxers the rest of the way off and positioned himself between my
spread. My delicate hands were a stark contrast against his thick, buff chest.
His skin was smooth and soft and covered in tattoos that made no sense to me,
but I was sure they all had some sort of meaning to him.


He reached down and wrapped his
meaty hand around his cock, positioning the head at my pussy. Without warning,
he shoved it deep inside me with one, giant thrust.


“Ah,” I called out as it slid
inside me, spreading my insides as far as they’d go.


Raze grabbed my hands and raised
them above my hand, clasping my wrists together with one hand as his hips
against mine. My breasts bounced with each thrust,
and his eyes never left mine, not even for a second.

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