Gravel (MC Biker Romance) (13 page)

BOOK: Gravel (MC Biker Romance)
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“I can’t imagine not seeing you
again,” he whispered. “You really must like me to go through what you did.”


I nodded and bit my lip. I liked
him. I liked him a lot. There was some inexplicable, magnetic attraction
between us that I couldn’t even begin to describe. It was just there.


“This life, this biker gang life,
it’s fucking bullshit,” Raze said. “I hate it.”


“Can’t you leave?”


“I wish it were that simple,” he
said as he looked down at his boots. “I wish I could take you out of here. You
and I could just ride away together and start a life somewhere new.”


“Why can’t we?”


Raze looked back into my eyes. “I
guess we could. It’s just complicated. There are certain repercussions for
abandoning your gang.”


“But your dad is the president.
He’d understand, right? He’d never do anything to hurt you, right?”


Raze shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve
seen him do some pretty horrible things. I guess I’ve never disobeyed him


“You’re a grown man, Raze,” I said.
“You can’t live the life he wants you to live. You have to live a life for


“We could have a pretty amazing
life together, couldn’t we?” Raze said as a sweet smile spread on his face. “A
normal life.”


“Yes,” I smiled back. “This is far
from normal.”


“It’s all I’ve ever known,” he said
as kicked the gravel around the bike.


“I just want to be with you. I’ll
do whatever you want,” I insisted.


Raze sighed. He was deep in
thought. I could tell he was trying to decide what to do from here.


“Let’s go back to my room, relax,
get some sleep, and we’ll get up early tomorrow morning and leave before the
sun rises. No one will know we’ve left until we’re long gone,” Raze proposed.
It seemed so romantic, yet so risky.


“Okay,” I agreed as I stared deep
into his eyes.


As I followed him back to his motel
room, no one was outside so no one saw us together, which was good. We entered
his room, and he flipped on the lights. I sat down on the bed and relaxed. I
knew I was safe and in good hands. Raze was the only man I trusted.


Raze breathed deep as I collapsed
onto the bed next to him. He made himself cozy under the covers, and flipped
the TV on to fill in the silent background that surrounded us. He stretched his
arm out around me and pulled me close.


“This feels good,” he said as he
nuzzled my arm.


I twisted my body on my side and
threw my arm around his chest. I didn’t realize he was already shirtless until
then. I could feel his warm breath on the top of my head, and I wanted more
than anything just to kiss him.
To be as close as possible to
He felt like home; something I hadn’t felt with anyone else before.
A warm, loving feeling rushed over my body, and I knew he was going to be all I
needed from there on out.


I felt
hand trace up and down my arm until suddenly his other hand reached over and
cupped the side of my face. He turned it upwards, towards his face, and leaned
down to plant a single kiss on my waiting, wanting mouth.


I could faintly taste whiskey on
his breath, but it was covered up by the taste of mouthwash, which implied to
me that he wanted to get close tonight. I was up for whatever he wanted. I just
wanted to be his girl.


I opened my lips a little more and
his tongue entered my mouth. It was soft, tender, and delicate as it stroked
around my tongue. I hadn’t been kissed this way in forever.


His hand slipped down my side and
nestled comfortably on my hip, under my shirt. As we kissed more, he worked his
hand up underneath my shirt and rested it gently on top of my left breast. I
sighed gently, hinting to him that I wanted him to keep going. His hand slipped
under my bra cup and he massaged my breast and nipple. His hands were soft and
amazing as he felt me up. He didn’t touch me the way the other guys touched me.


I sat up as he pulled my top up and
off and then unhooked my bra. I unzipped my pants and slid them down. As got
under the covers, I saw he was in nothing but his underwear. I hadn’t even
noticed that he’d undressed. My mind was still in a fog. My heart raced a
little in anticipation of what was about to happen. I’d been waiting a long,
long time to have Raze, and now it was finally about to happen.


I reached my hand down under the
elastic waist of his underwear and grabbed his fully engorged cock. I rubbed
and stroked his member as he nuzzled up to my face and playfully bit my ear.
After a while, he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me up on top of him. I
straddled him as his hard cock pressed against my pussy, and he cupped my


“I’ve been waiting so long for
this,” he heaved. “You have no idea. Since the first time I saw you, I wanted


I smiled and playfully moved my
hips in a circular motion. He moaned in response.


“I want you inside me,” I purred.
My long, blonde hair spilled down my back and over my shoulders as I leaned
forward and kissed him.


He reached his hand down and pulled
his cock out of his underwear and positioned it at my pussy. I leaned back and
slid right over it. I was already so wet and turned on, that he glided right
in. We both sighed collectively. It felt like sheer heaven.
belonged together
I could feel it
. And I
wanted to fuck Raze to make the night right. I didn’t want to go to sleep with
my last memories involving being naked in Red’s bed.


I slowly slid myself down onto his
hot and pulsing cock, grabbing his hands for leverage. I moved up and down,
taking my time and enjoying every second.


I picked up the pace a little and
bounced, my breasts bouncing along with my every move. Raze and I locked eyes
as I rode him. We both knew we were meant to be together, and we knew what we
were doing was right.


Raze slipped his hands around my
waist and held on as he fucked me back. The pressure of me sliding down his
cock and him pushing upwards into me made him go deep inside me, hitting my
wall. It was intense and insane all at the same time. I wanted him to fuck me
all night long and as hard as he possibly could. I needed this.


He fucked me harder and harder, and
I could tell he was getting close. I let myself go and knew that I was going to
cum soon as well. I took deep breath after deep breath in anticipation of the
wild orgasm I could tell was seconds away.


Raze yelled out. I could feel his cock pulsing inside me like a wild snake as
my pussy began to tighten around it. Ripples of ecstasy ran through my body,
and my pussy was on fire. We came together, and then I collapsed on top of him.


Our bodies were sticky and almost
melted together as he
there heaving, huffing, and


Raze reached up and moved the hair
out of my face as he leaned up and kissed me.


“I really like you, Mia,” he huffed
as he attempted to catch his breath.


“I really like you too, Raze,” I
sighed back.


I climbed off of him and
next to him, in the crook of his arm. I threw my arm
around him again and held on tight. Nothing was going to tear us apart from
here on out. I refused to let that happen. I really liked him, he was mine, and
that was that.


“Let’s get some shut eye,” he said.
“We have a big day tomorrow. We’re getting up at four to get ready and leave.”


Raze was serious about this and
that made me very happy. I knew then that he was serious about being with me
and wanting to build a life together. We were going to be very happy together,
I just knew it. The best was yet to be, and we were just getting started.


I closed my eyes and drifted to
sleep in
arms. The next thing I knew, his
phone alarm was going off at four in the morning. He popped up, reached over,
and turned it off as quickly as possible. The walls in the motel were paper
thin, and he didn’t want anyone to hear us.


As soon as I realized that we were
putting our plan into action, adrenaline and excitement coursed through my


Raze hopped in the shower and I
followed him.


“Why hello there,” he said as I
entered the shower fully nude.


“Thought you could use some help,”
I smiled. I grabbed a bar of soap and began soaping down his hot, hard, tatted
body. I focused on his cock, giving him a slippery, wet, and wild hand job.


Raze moaned, “Mia, we can’t do
this. Not now. Not yet. We have to get out of here.”


I pouted as he pulled my hips
towards him and leaned in for a kiss. The warm water from the shower caressed
our bodies as we were melded together once more. We couldn’t keep our hands off
each other, but we knew we couldn’t waste any more time.


We quickly finished our showers,
got dressed and ready, and tip toed out of the motel. We found his bike in the
lineup of parked bikes outside and walked it down a block to a gas station.
Raze had hoped that the blaring rumble of the motor wouldn’t wake up anyone if
we were down the street.


He handed me a helmet as I hopped
on the bike behind him, wrapping my arms around him tight. He started his bike
and eased on the throttle as he tried to quietly yet quickly exit the city.


About an hour later, we ended up in
the next town. We stopped for gas and decided to get breakfast at a little café
on the corner.


Raze checked his phone. “Well, it’s
a good sign that no one’s tried to call me yet. Means they haven’t noticed I’m


“We’re really doing this, huh?” He
smiled. I could tell he was trying to hide his nervousness. He was a good man
who had never disobeyed his father.


“Everything’s going to be fine,” I
assured him. “I promise.”


“I know,” Raze said as he leaned in
to kiss me. “Whatever happens, just know you were worth it.”


I cocked my head to the side, “What
are you talking about? Don’t talk like that.”


Raze shook his head. “Forget what I


I could tell that there was so much
more about the Black Ice gang that I didn’t know about. Apparently they were
more serious than I’d imagined. They weren’t just a bunch of guys who liked


“I just want to be with you, Raze,”
I said.


He leaned in and kissed me again,
and in that moment nothing else mattered.


We ate our breakfast at the café
then hopped back on his bike, riding off into the sunset towards our new future


Riding on the back of
hog was the most exhilarating feeling I’d ever
experienced. It was freedom like nothing else.


With breakfast settling in our full
bellies and the rattling and roaring of the bike beneath us, the sun was just
starting to come up over the horizon. There were hardly any other vehicles on
the road, so it felt like that stretch of highway was ours and only ours. As I
wrapped my arms around
washboard abs, I knew
he was mine at long last.


In a lot of ways, Raze had saved
me. He saved me from a life of working in that
flea bag
motel. He saved me from a life of never getting out of that God-forsaken small
town; the only town I’d known my entire life. He saved me from a future of
mundane nothingness. But in that moment, however, I wondered if maybe I had
saved him too. He seemed to want out of the MC lifestyle pretty badly. It was
the only lifestyle he’d never known, and although he was the vice president, it
seemed at time he felt powerless against the strict rules of the gang. I’d
gotten the impression that he’d been involved in some pretty shady things, but
I’d never asked any questions. Heck, he wouldn’t even tell my why his road name
was Razor. He was closed book sometimes, but I hoped that someday I could get
him to open up a little.


I knew that anything bad Raze had
ever done was because he didn’t have a choice. And I knew deep down that he was
a good man stuck in in a bad rut. I wanted to save him, and I hoped I could
save him.


We rode for a few hours, wind in
our faces and the roaring of the cycle in our ears, until we came to a small
town just north of the highway. Raze pulled off on the exit and we stopped at a
local Wal-Mart to stretch our legs and get something to drink.

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