Gray Panthers: Earths Revenge (3 page)

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Gray Panther Space Academy, Arizona

6 August 2128

Diego looked at Bailey, as the clock ticked closer to 0530hrs. Both grinned as they prepared for “Bad Ass” time, when they would wake their new charges and begin motivating them. Bailey took one last look back at Diego and sprang through the door, immediately kicking a trashcan down the row between the bunks. “Get up! Get up! Get up! We’re losing daytime ladies and gentlemen, form up at the front of your bunks now!” Bailey hollered. To the side Diego began hollering as well, “What is this I see? It’s a huge dust bunny on my floor. How can you people be so disgusting and filthy in my home? I want everyone on the floor now on their hands and knees cleaning up these bunnies. Instructor Bailey and I are going to go out and come back in 20 minutes. I will be highly unhappy if I find any more examples of your filth. You will also be ready to go for breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you do not want to miss breakfast. I also hope your individual areas meet with my approval. I will not begin to tell you how unhappy Instructor Bailey will be if the heads area is not up to his standards.”

“Carlos that’s a new script, what’s up?” Ray asked after leaving the trainees bay.

“We got some ringers in this crew. The floor was spotless and the last time it had a GI party was a couple months ago. We are going to have to take the gloves off with this group or they will not learn anything.”

After watching the instructors leave Matt congratulated his flight. “Way to go guys, we did outstanding folks, they did not know what hit them. That’s why I got us all up an hour early. Now let's get these bunks made and straighten the area up before they get back. Everyone check your buddy, we’re not going to give them any legit shots at us.” Matt beamed towards his fellow trainees. He took a quick moment to thank the lord that all three of his big brothers had elected to go into the Marines fresh out of high school. They had been more than willing to share what they had learned and shared it with Matt and his team.

Scotty was amazed he had slept through the night and felt wonderful. No aches and pains and feeling sharper than ever. Earlier while the GI party was in effect, he could not help but be distracted as he felt like he was seeing the women of his team for the first time and had been embarrassed when it was noticed since everyone was in only shorts and T-shirts.

Zach had a new feeling of confidence, everything he did seemed to have purpose, the questions and doubts that always stayed in his head were gone. A new clarity and self-assurance was there in its place. He also appreciated getting so much more sleep than when he worked on the farms.


Gray Panther Head Quarters, Arizona

6 August 2128

“Red just informed me he had to retake the Bia after boarders took it. There was no bloodshed and it was a good test of the Repel Boarders System. Should we thank the Navy for their assistance? There’s a trail that goes to the DOD, but they left a trail so it would appear that it originated at USPACFLT, Vice Admiral Robert Kennedy is the fall guy if it failed. Need anything else from me or Red?” Admiral Bad inquired.

“Thanks Butch I appreciate your professionalism and that of Red. He should have just reported it to me, through you and I could have taken care of it, but since there were no major injuries, except for the sucking chest wound Navy pride will soon  get when I make my complaint known, we’ll let it slide.” Daniels replied tiredly, not looking forward to another battle.

Dan resisted the urge to just call the president and lodge his complaint. Instead he respected his chain of command and called the Governor, since the ship along with the rest of the Gray Panthers were officially the Arizona State Militia, and as such, exempt from federalization unlike the guard or reserve. Governor Goldstein was not happy to hear about the attempted theft of “his” space ship and immediately called the president on his direct line. The conversation was short and to the point, as Governor Goldstein complained to President Goldstein. The conversation ended with the president promising to get to the bottom of it to his son, the governor.

Gray Panther Space Academy, Arizona

6 August 2128

Scotty was looking over at Zach, both were totally soaked as they neared the twelfth mile of their run, Zach just looked back and smiled, both were amazed they were having no troubles and each felt they could keep running forever. After an additional hour of calisthenics Instructor Bailey informed the flight they had twenty minutes to shower and change into their flight clothing and be back outside, and don’t be the last one out that door. Running up the stairs it hit everyone at the same time they were all going to have to shower at the same time, reactions were mixed as they all went into the shower, regardless they all shared one thought, “I got’a get clean and out front fast!” Scotty was willing himself not to look at the gals as he feared getting an erection as those near him hollered when he took his shower ice-cold.

Instructor Bailey watched as the time neared and no one exited the door. He reached for it when it slammed open and all ten members of the training flight came out as one. Bailey could not see who the last person was, but was happy that the flight came together as one instead of as individuals. “OK, ladies and gentlemen we will now head over for academics.”

Diego entered the bay ready to trash it as soon as he found the shower area wet. He was surprised to find it clean without even any soap residue. Going out into the bay he saw a towel hanging off center from how it was supposed to be, as he proceeded to turn over the bunk and those near it he saw it was Cadet Andrews bunk and laughed as he realized it was a setup so he could find something on the flight, smart boy, really had the potential to be a good leader. Continuing on he found tennis shoes under a bunk that were not lined up right. He knocked over the bunk and kicked the low quarters and tennis shoes out into the area between the bunks. One last bunk was not perfectly in alignment with the others as he tipped it over, suspecting he had been played by the flight.

Instructor Bailey laughed as Instructor Diego, described how the flight had left a few items to be caught during inspection so the inspector would not have to dig deeper to find anything. “Diego we have a good tight team here already, and that’s a major part of the game, we just need to let them understand they are in our house and we still have things to teach them.”

Shuttle basics 101 would ordinarily have been fascinating to all 300 of the cadets in the class, if the classroom was not so warm, each and every cadet was fighting urge to take a nap while trying to pay attention. Maj. Waters looked out over the classroom and saw the nodding heads and began to take pity, then remembered it was part of the process. He saw one hand raised, Cadet Andrews, and nodded to him to go ahead.

“Sir, permission to stand along the back wall, with the room this warm it’s hard to avoid nodding off.”

“Permission granted, anyone else feeling the effects may also stand along the back wall, I would feel very sorry for anyone that napped in my class.” As the Major turned to continue he noticed almost the entire class heading for the wall and stifled a small smile. The unofficial leader of the course was now established.

During the class break, the cadets were comparing notes and were surprised that Matt's team was a flight of only ten cadets as most of the others were 40 cadets, and segregated by gender. Matt was figuring this was a good sign they were going to be kept as a team after graduation.

Zach sat looking at the surprise quiz he had just finished. He had no doubt that he passed it. The shuttle simulators he was used to operating were all automatic with the shuttle accepting his in-put. The quiz was based on full operation of the shuttle with the pilot performing all tasks manually. Every task came automatically as though he had known it forever.

Scotty was pleased with himself, he had not opened a book since high school over fifty years ago, yet the quiz was child's play to him. It was the same for the entire class, not only had the nanites improved their bodies, they also enhanced mental acuity and reasoning. Anyone getting a poor grade had to work at failure.

Maj. Waters, complimented the cadets for there being no scores under eighty-five percent. He further warned all the cadets that they would need to be familiar with all ship specifications that were under construction especially the variety of mother ships. Those ships, configured to support up to a squadron of thirty shuttles as well as the troops they would transport.

Gray Panther Industries, Arizona

6 August 2128

Abdul “Abby” Bahadur, Sixty, was psyching himself up in preparation for the dog and pony show for the Army and Marine representatives, a mix of senior NCOs and senior officers. He had already caught a few looks his way as he figured they had already identified him as Iranian. The Iranian War was concluded with the use of Nukes against Iran after Iran managed to nuke Washington DC in 2095 with a tactical nuke detonated from inside a hijacked airliner. Abdul had spent the war as a translator and field interrogator for the US Army. Abdul was fully accepted by the unit when he single handedly broke an ambush that the unit walked into in a “green zone.” His dispatch of enemy wounded, a single shot in the forehead, was cold and deliberate. His motivation was only learned when an intel officer let slip that Abdul was Christian and had watched as his entire family was raped and murdered in front of him and then left him for dead with a bullet in his head. When peace was declared, he was to be left behind, since amnesty was to be respected for all belligerents who took up arms against the Iranian government. Knowing he was a dead man walking, the unit was able to smuggle him to the states. With a pile of money collected from the unit he disappeared to California so he could start over in a safe city, that would not prosecute any illegal aliens in their midst.

Taking a large swig of water then setting the glass down, Abdul began. “Thank you ladies and gentlemen for showing up for today's demonstration. I am Abdul Bahadur; please feel free to call me “Abby” as did my buddies when I was attached to the US Army. Today I will be showing you what I have named, “The beamer.” It is the main infantry weapon of the Gray Panthers. The beamer weighs fifteen pounds, and is thirty-six inches long. The power supply for the beamer, is a self-charging solar battery that attaches to the beamer like a standard magazine. The battery can recharge itself either when it is in the beamer or when removed. Depending on the amount of light, it takes between three to eight minutes to charge. The beamer, has three function settings; the first, which is a narrow beam had the longest range but the narrowest point of impact, is the size of a silver dollar at its contact point. The second beam setting pulses out a beam encompassing a thirty degree arch, left to right, to a range of three miles on full power. The final setting is the dead man's setting. Once triggered it becomes a grenade that will vaporize everything out in the open inside 100 feet, after thirty seconds, giving the triggerman marginal time to get away. It has a power setting of one to five. In a pinch, the beamer, can be used to drill a small hole or tunnel. On setting one they will go through a foot of hardened steel from three miles like a hot knife through butter. The lower settings use less energy so they can go longer before needing to be charged. At this time when carried in the field an infantryman usually carries three batteries at a pound each. The beamer has no moving parts other than the power selector and the function switch. The beamer requires no field level maintenance. The optional scope has settings for infrared, thermal, and night vision and is digitally enhanced to work up to three miles. Since we have already sent video out to all of you, I have setup a firing range for you to sample the Beamer. Setting three has been disabled for safety concerns. You will notice there is no kick to the weapon and the beam fired from the weapon is set to be visible to the naked eye. Future models will have the ability to mask the beam so only those using the scope or spectrum glasses will see it.”

The covers over the tables were removed as two dozen Gray Panthers entered from a side room and each took station next to a Beamer. “Ladies and gentlemen the range is open and hot, please do not handle a Beamer without the assistance of a Gray Panther,” Abby requested as his audience made their way to the weapons.

Hours later the back wall of the range was half collapsed from the amount of use it had received. The Gray Panther small arm instructors were the main source of interest as the Army and Marine visitors queried the small arms instructors on everything from the weapons to life in the Gray Panthers. Collecting all the intelligence they could, Abby could not help but laugh out loud with the questions coming from their guests, asking if everyone was from the same mandatory religion? Was there any discrimination? How was rank and position established? Were there any minorities? How did the Gray Panthers feel about the US being a Republic again? Why were so many Gray Panthers so old?

Gray Panther Industries, Arizona

6 August 2128

Wolfgang Bauer listened to Grub, the alien artificial intelligence from the Flem Space Ship Grub. The Flem, perhaps the most technologically advanced race in the galaxy, renowned for their advanced scientific achievements in creating artificial intelligence, space-drives, mining, construction, and energy creation. The race of underground dwellers, previously had subterranean cities spanning thousands of miles. Although appearing very formidable at six foot tall and covered in light tan colored fur, with huge fangs, the race was almost incapable of performing any act of violence, even in self-defense. The Flem race had evacuated their own planet and escaped in a fleet of 500 ships through a wormhole. Their pursuers were destroyed when another Flem ship destroyed itself. The force of the explosion caused the unmanned ship Grub to be knocked outside of the wormhole. The ship rematerialized inside the Vulture Mountains of Arizona.

Wolfgang Bauer, CEO of Gray Panther Industries, was having Grub check on the communications and all the intelligence available in order to negotiate with the Korean and Japanese dry docks that were performing a work slow-down to blackmail the Gray Panthers into paying more for their work.

“Mr. Bauer, it appears the companies we are doing business with in Korea have numerous financial transgressions that their government would be most unhappy with if they found out about. I am unable to find any information we can use for the company in Japan. I have found that various agencies of their government are very anxious to get their hands on our technology. I would suggest a gift to their government and ask for a favor at the same time to have them enforce our original contract with the dry dock.”

“That’s an outstanding idea Grub, please connect me to the company CEO in Korea please.” After connecting to the man Wolfgang asked Grub to project his image into the CEOs office. “Mr. Kim, I apologize for the rude interruption,” Wolfgang said as he appeared in the middle of the CEO’s office. “I felt it important enough to come directly to your office to let you know that I am very unhappy. I will make it very short. I plan to go to the courts and I will let our army of attorneys do what they do best. By the time my lawyers are done I will own your business. Stop your slowdown now and you catch up to where you should be already per our contract. Good God man, remember we are doing this to save the world from invaders.”

“I do not believe in aliens, or Santa, Mr. Bauer, this is an opportunity to make money nothing else. The only proof we have seen of these aliens could easily have been created in a movie studio. Your threats are empty to me. Now you will tell me how you were able to get into my office,” Mr. Kim said taking an aggressive stance.

“Grub please come here for a minute and let Mr. Kim know how wrong he is on so many levels.” Wolfgang appeared to ask into thin air, further annoying Mr. Kim until Grub appeared at his full 6 foot height, Kim was sweating profusely before Grub even spoke.

“Mr. Kim I would not make any mistakes if I were you. I happen to know from first-hand experience there are some very evil aliens. Get your people moving now or you will see just how unpleasant things can get for you. Do you want me to stay here and elaborate or will you comply with our agreement?" Grub growled.

“Neh, I mean yes, just leave please,” Mr. Kim asked formally showing as much respect as possible.

Grub and Wolfgang simply disappeared from the office to Mr. Kims relief.

“Mr. Daniels,” Wolfgang commed.

“Yes Wolfgang, what have you got for me?” Dan asked.

“We have come to an understanding with the Koreans, I would not be surprised if they completed early and under budget. I believe we may need a Beamer in order to get back on track over in Japan. I want to use it as a gift to the Japanese government for them to bust some heads.”

“If you feel it’s needed go ahead, you know how important this is.”

Wolfgangs cell phone rang, the caller the CEO of the Dry Docks in Japan. “Sorry Mr. Daniels, I need to take this call. “Hello, this is….”started to answer to a dead line. There was a new voicemail though. “Mr. Bauer this is Mr. Ota, we seem to have found a problem. I wanted to let you know that construction on the ships will be completed per our agreement.”

“Damn, I wonder what changed Ota’s mind?” Wolfgang asked aloud to himself.

“Damn I wonder what the Gray Panthers, did to Kim? He’s a tough old bastard, and I do not need whatever they used with him on us.” Ota wondered aloud to himself.


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