Gray Panthers: Earths Revenge (2 page)

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Gray Panther Industries, Arizona

14 July 2128

Dan Daniels looked older than his seventy years as he sat at his desk. The realization that he had a year and a half left before Earths invasion was not comforting. Most people on earth were in denial to some degree. He had already started a massive building program of carving out caverns to be used as bomb shelters near every major city. Power plants powered by Helium 3 mined from the moon provided extraordinary amounts of power for both the cities and the Beamer Defense Batteries for those cities. Shuttles were being pumped out at a pace that would make Henry Ford proud. Dan was now in negotiations with the government to coordinate future military operations with his Gray Panthers. He knew it was only a matter of time before he would need the manpower from the military and was debating how to sell the equipment and space ships fairly. The Queen Mary 6 was just completing its transition from cruise ship to space ship. Five cargo ships were midway through the transition from ship to space ship. The two alien space ships, captured when they were part of the failed invasion of earth, were slowly being repaired and modified for human use. Teaching the world how to use the new technology had made Dan a marked man when he setup colleges in the US and its major trading partners who could assimilate the training and technologies. Countries run by dictators and those that were not allowed basic freedoms were left out, there were real threats on Dans life and he was a prisoner inside of his own corporation. Conspiracy theorists blamed Dan for all the problems of the world as well as the upcoming invasion. Members of the old regime had put a bounty on his head as well for ruining their workers utopia and once again having the United States a republic instead of a socialist democracy.

Dan found his worst enemy was the armies of attorneys that saw him as the best target to get rich from. Numerous law firms were trying to sue him for unlawful use of their clients' shuttles from when he used them to save earth from the alien invasion. Civil rights lawyers were trying to sue him for inhumane treatment of the alien POWs being housed on the moon. His own Army of attorneys rarely rested.

Dan looked at the clock realizing he had a meeting with Admiral Butch Bad and Commander Caleb “Red” Erickson. Entering the conference room both men started to rise as Dan waved them back to their seats. "Mornin’ Butch, Red, how are you doing this morning?" Dan asked cheerfully.

"Good morning, Dan, we’re fine but seem to be having some troubles with the fleet," Butch replied getting down to business. "The Queen Mary can start trials any time, but the US Navy seems to think it's their ship and have said they will put a crew onboard when the last of the builders are finishing up. The companies rebuilding the ships in Korea and Japan are trying to screw us over on labor costs and doing a slow down until we pay. Grub has made it possible for us to make great strides on the enemy ships, but there's a limit to what we can get done. I'd like to hire the mercenaries to train us on the ships, and space warfare."

"Is that all Butch? Red get your crew together and board the Queen Mary the day after tomorrow. Butch get with Wolfgang about the companies trying to squeeze us, that's his battlefield. There's a Major on the moon that has been babysitting the aliens since the battle, I can't remember her name, get her opinion about the mercenaries. Red, good luck with your new command." Dan reached out to shake each of the men’s hands as he rose to leave.

Red and Butch sat back down and looked at their watches; they had completed a productive staff meeting in less than twenty minutes, and without any drama or bruised egos. "Wow, wish the meeting were like that when I was in the service," Red said smiling.

"I just feel sorry for the poor son of a bitch, cursed with power and wealth. He has the whole damn world on his shoulders, and he can't even go out and get a beer. He'd rather be prospecting and living the life of a nomad with his buddy, Abdul."

Gray Panther Space Academy, Arizona

5 August 2128

Matt and Thomas led the rest of their group from the shuttle to the area marked "Cadet Reception." Matt still could not believe that they were all willing to follow him and enlist in the Gray Panthers.

Suzy Hagen, twenty-eight, in particular he knew was a self-proclaimed pacifist and an admitted adrenaline junky. Her justification to accept the offer was she could not be a pacifist if the entire world was destroyed. Suzy scratched out a living managing a camping ground for those who liked to rough it.

The Engel twins, Mary and Matilda, age twenty-five, did not need any prompting to leave their jobs in downtown La Crosse working as bartenders on Third Street. The pair shared a studio apartment and never seemed to make ends meet.

The Worchol triplets, age eighteen, two blonde boys Borys and Andrzej and their blonde sister Bronia all over six foot tall needed to be convinced. They had just graduated from West Salem High School and had planned a trip to California, but an adventure in space was eventually considered a suitable substitute.

Scott Scholl a retired factory worker that had never been out of the state in his seventy years was an easy sell when he saw the closest thing he had to a family leaving.

Zach Miller, thirty-six, hired hand for a variety of the local farmers, was an easy sell, except for the fact that the six and a half foot giant had the intellect of a fourteen year old; his father gave his permission when he saw how much it meant to his only son and that Matt had given his word to look after him.

Retired Chief Master Sergeant Ray Bailey, USAF, enjoyed being in the Gray Panthers as it gave him a new lease on life after his wife had passed on. He stood and stared in amazement at the "Special Detail" he was supposed to turn into officers, nine giants following a munchkin. Not for the first time Ray wished he was taller than his 5'2". Looking to his left at his assistant Gunny Carlos Diego, USMC, retired, and his full stature of 5'4" Ray simply said, "OK Dago, you soften them up a little and then I will come introduce myself." Bailey simply smiled back as he adjusted his Smokey the Bear hat and marched over to the new recruits, his shoes tapping as he walked. "Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, I am your Instructor, Carlos Diego, for the next four weeks you will be my responsibility to train into Gray Panther Officers. From the moment you wake up in the morning to the time you go to sleep at night you are mine. Do you all understand this? The correct reply will be yes, Instructor Diego or no, Instructor Diego."

The loud chorused reply of "Yes, Instructor Diego" sounding as one voice from the ten recruits before him, took him off-guard as he was about to correct the reply. "Good, I want you all to form a line in front of me. Now!"

The recruits quickly positioned themselves as ordered; they stood stock still staring straight ahead with their hands partially cupped at their sides in the position of attention.

"I told you morons to form a line not come to attention, if I wanted you at attention I would have given the command to come to attention, formation at ease. In the future you will do as I say when I say, you do not anticipate or try to think, you do as I say, when I say, if I say jump you ask how high, understood?"

The group once again chorused loudly as one, "Yes, Instructor Diego."

"When I address your group it will be as "flight." I have a feeling that since your flight has been together for a while you may have actually learned some things together, not necessarily good; we will fix that as quickly as we can. I will now introduce Senior Instructor Ray Bailey; you will call him Instructor Bailey."

"Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, it will be my pleasure to make each of you who actually graduate into Gray Panther Officers. Unfortunately, I am not impressed by the first appearance where I see you insulting Instructor Diego by that piss poor imitation of coming to attention, especially when you were not ordered to. You do not shit, sleep, eat, or puke without first being ordered to by an Instructor. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Instructor Bailey," echoed from the halls.

"From here we will walk to the infirmary where we will see what color blood you have as the medics play darts. We will then go and get your initial uniforms and personal equipment issued, after that we will have a nice nutritious lunch prepared for you. You will then be allowed to go to your quarters where we will set up house and let you settle in followed by dinner. Tomorrow will start your training. I will now release you back to Instructor Diego, and for God's sake, when he takes you on your way do yourselves a favor and do not try to march. Instructor Diego was a marine in another life and will be very unhappy with you if not out-right insulted if you attempt that. Instructor Diego you have the flight."

The dread of getting shots was apparent on each cadet's face. It was almost comical as each cadet smiled as they realized instead, they only had to drink a shot of clear liquid. The liquid was a mix of nanites that rewired their immunities while also fixing any problems from scars to growing lost teeth. The nanites also built muscle mass while eliminating any imperfections, while reducing body fat significantly, many thought of it as the “rejuvenator”. Those cadets that were much older had large infusions of hormones, created by the nanites. Those cadets practically found themselves going through puberty again as some had trouble controlling their emotions as many had distinct trouble controlling their sex drives, especially those who had gone so long without. Diego remembered back to the corps and being sick for a day and sore for a week after processing through the shot line. "OK ladies and gentlemen, you all seemed to survive that OK, we will now go to supply and get your personal gear. Let's go." Diego noticed Cadet Scholl, the seventy year old cadet, was keeping up, but was always last for everything. He would have to watch the old man until the nanites were able to take effect.

Supply was always fun for instructor Diego, watching the cadets trying to fit all their new gear into a sea bag while being rushed. They somehow managed without messing up to Diegos surprise. The old man was starting to show his troubles, but Cadet Zach Miller had simply grabbed the old man's bag with his own and didn't seem to notice the additional weight. Diego had the cadets drop their bags outside the dining facility and join the lines already forming for lunch, they stood out in their civilian clothes and the other cadets and recruits simply smiled at them in both humor and pity.

The cadets quickly grabbed their food and followed their directions to sit eat and be quiet. They would depart the dining facility in groups of four as soon as everyone at their four person table was done. They all resisted the urge to talk as instructors seemed to gravitate towards their tables circling like sharks. Before they knew it, lunch was over and they found themselves in their new squad bay, the women on one side and the men on the other. Instructor Bailey demonstrated how their uniforms and gear were to be stored and worn, he next demonstrated how to make their beds. Then took them to the dining facility for their evening meal and back to the squad bay. After appointing Cadet Andrews as Cadet leader he left them at 1800 hours with only 3 directives, be sure everyone was squared away, lights out at 2100, and everyone keep to their sides of the bay after lights out!

Scott laid in bed waiting for sleep as he wondered what in the hell he was doing here with all the kids and the knowledge that tomorrow was going to be the start of the real fun. He was already hurting from places he did not know existed before. He whispered quietly to Zach Miller, his bunk mate, “Zach, how you doin’ boy?”

“Ah’m OK, just miss mah Daddy, How you doin’ Mr. Scholl?” Zach asked in a normal voice that brought many shushes from the bunks near them.

“Zach, I just wanted to thank you for helping me today, and let you know I will try to be there for you if you need me, and please call me Scott or Scotty. We’re buddies.”

“OK, Mr. Sch..,I mean Scotty, you think I’ll get through all this? Ah’m not as young or smart as the rest of the team,” Zach added.

“Zach I could be your grandfather, your grandfather would not have lied to you and I won’t either. I think you have what it takes to get through. Now lets just call it a day and see what comes tomorrow. Good night, son.”

“Night Scotty”

As Scotty started to go to sleep he could not help but hear Zach saying his prayers for his father and his team mates.

Over the already loud snoring of Tiny, Matt could not help but over-hear the exchange between the two and felt guilty for what he knew the old man and the old farm hand with his learning disabilities was going to go through when the new day started. He would have to find some way to cover for them and get the rest of the team to also protect the pair.

Gray Panther Shipyard, Hawaii

5 August 2128

Commander “Red” Erickson was quietly taking in the huge sight before him, previously known as the Queen Mary 6. Gray Panther Industries had bought the rusting derelict in anticipation of converting it into a spaceship. Now named for the Greek Goddess Bia, it still had a strong resemblance to its previous life, though now the it bristled with armor and armaments that projected force, which the Goddess Bia was the very personification of being.

Illuminated above the ship was the stars and stripes which sent a shiver down Red's back as it had many times before, except the grand old flag was out of place as this was the Arizona Space Ship Bia, the Arizona flag should have been flying above it. Red combed the ship's AI from his implant, “Bia, this is Commander Erickson, why is the Arizona Flag not posted?”

“Commander, the US Navy brought aboard an inspection crew when the dock crew left upon their completion of putting the ship online. The ship’s crew that were onboard are restricted to the mess, under guard. The Officer of the Deck gave no orders to repel borders, but did give the command to not accept any orders or input from the boarders.”

“Bia, do we know the source of the orders that authorized the boarding of the ship? How large is the boarding party and have they accessed any of the ships systems?”

“Sir, the orders came from USPACFLT, Vice Admiral Robert Kennedy. I took the liberty of checking naval communications and found he received the orders from DOD, but has been ordered to claim responsibility for the orders in case things do not work out as they hope. Justification for the orders is, “Needs of the service in time of war.” I have not allowed them access to any systems yet.”

“Bia, how many of our crew are onboard and how many Navy crew? Has our entire crew been inoculated with nanites?”

“There are 30 members onboard, all are inoculated. The Navy crew has 60 members including a marine detail of 20 providing security,” Bia reported.

Red rubbed his chin, then looked at the string bean looking Master Chief Petty Officer next to him. “COB, I’m going to go have some fun, there may be some danger so you have the option to stand down while I take back the ship.”

“Sir, those assholes took my ship and, knowing my crew, probably dented some skulls, if I know the Marines, I’m with you. What are your orders sir?” Master Chief Greene asked.

“Just follow along and act pissed”

“I don’t need to act sir”

“Bia, please use the ships address system to announce my arrival as loud as possible,” Red ordered as he approached the ship.

At the entry to the ship a Navy Lieutenant JG and pair of Marines stood ready to challenge the commander as a new naval officer wearing the rank of Lieutenant Commander walked briskly to meet Red before boarding. “Commander Erickson, this ship has been confiscated by the Navy; if you try to board you will be held for trespassing on government property.” The Lieutenant Commander warned.

Red looked at the Lieutenant Commander, and saw the name tag Greene, turning his head towards his companion next to him he asked, “COB is he any relation to you?”

“No sir,” Chief Greene replied.

“OK, wanted to make sure I didn’t hurt anyone in your family.” Turning to the Lieutenant Commander, “Commander Greene, are you acting Captain of my ship?” Red asked as his eyes narrowed preparing to get back his ship.

“I am the new lawful Captain of this ship, commander and I..”

“Bia this is the Captain,” Red said loud enough for the entire party to hear. “Monitor the life signs of myself and Chief Greene, if either of us are killed please destroy the ship immediately, confirm my order. Please let me know the anticipated damage outside the ship from your self-destruction.”

“Sir, the life signs of yourself and Chief Greene are to be monitored, if either of you are killed then self destruct of the ship will commence immediately. Estimated collateral damage from the ships epicenter will reach a point ten miles in all direction with additional radiation damage extending further depending on weather conditions.”

Looking at the Navy crew, Red stepped forward turning to salute the flag, then the “acting” ship’s Captain, “Permission to come aboard sir” rendering a salute to Lieutenant Commander Greene.

“Permission granted Commander.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant Commander, now I will do the courtesy of striking the colors and posting the correct colors.” A quick glance showed the flag was now the ensign flag for the Arizona Space Fleet. “Next, I will give you five minutes to get your crew off my ship before any of them are injured. We will be working together some time in the future when we defend the planet again, so I do not want to hurt any of your crew for obeying their orders. Bia, in five minutes initiate “Repel Boarders, level two,” now Lieutenant Commander, I would really have your crew get the fuck off my ship before I get mad.” The ship's AI Bia prepared to engage the ships self-defense system that released millions of small flying drones called, faeries, that were invisible to the naked eye. The drones were used for many purposes; but when initiated for level two repel boarder, they would continuously fly into any life form on the ship that was not identified as a member of the crew incurring injuries until they departed. Level one repel borders would have the drones flying into any boarders at a higher rate of speed that would result in death.

Greene picked up the radio from his hip and ordered all crew to muster on the deck immediately.

Red watched as the boarding party formed up on the deck. Looking at the two Marines he apologized for what was about to happen. The formation on deck appeared to break out in a wild dance as both Marines started to swat wildly at themselves a second before their Lieutenant Commander started to. The commander ordered his men to the dock as he followed.  Red grinned as all failed to salute the ships ensign on their exit.

Red gave the Navy crew and their leader one last look of contempt as he turned to the COB stating loudly, “It’s such a shame to see the lack of professionalism in today's Navy, departing a ship and failing to pay proper respects, never would have happened in my day. Oh well, let's get to the mess and get our men back to work before they become accustomed to lazing the day away in the mess, and maybe get a hot cup’ a java while we’re there.”

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