Grayslake: More than Mated: Unbearable Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) (10 page)

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“You really are good at that, aren’t you?” She pulled the soap from his hands and lathered him up in return. When she gripped his hard length, he moaned. It pleased her that her touch could cause him pleasure. With more confidence than she felt, she gripped and stroked him until his legs were shaking. Leaning back against the wall, Eli braced himself and closed his eyes.

The tile was hard on her knees but if Eli could do it, so could she. She didn’t want to be a taker. Too many people were happy to take and never give. No, Lily wanted to hear him, taste him, pleasure him. She wanted to make this man hers in all ways. She wanted to give him every piece of her, and she’d start with her mouth.

Chapter Sixteen

his woman was going
to kill him. When she dropped to her knees, Eli’s heart hitched. But when her lips wrapped around his cock, nothing else in the world mattered.

“God, that feels good.”

Lily’s mouth was so full, she could only hum, and that rocked his world. The pull of her lips, the soft velvety heat of her tongue, and the vibration of her hum was more than he could handle.

With gentle hands, he guided her mouth from his throbbing cock. “Slow down, baby.”

“Am I doing it wrong?” A look of worry creased her forehead.

“Oh, honey, you’re doing everything right. Too right.”

Like a kid, she beamed a hundred watt smile, and slid her mouth back over him. This time, he didn’t interfere. He shored up the wall, and let it all happen.

His focus was on everything she did. Her tongue, her hands, her sounds, even her teeth when they grazed across the sensitive head, blended together into a climax like he’d never experienced.

“Lily…I’m going to…”

She looked up at him. Those damn pools of green were his undoing. Lava-like passion coursed through his veins until everything gathered in his cock and erupted. “Ahhh.” Spasm after spasm, his release ratcheted through him until he was empty. And beautiful, lovely, Lily, took everything he had to offer. She savored it like he’d just gifted her with the elixir of life.

If it wasn’t clear before, it was then. Eli Silver was falling in love.

“You’re mine, Lily, and before the end of the night, I’ll make sure the world knows it.”

They rinsed and stepped out of the shower. Eli wrapped her in a towel.

“All that matters is for me to know it.” She leaned against the counter and took him in. Her eyes inventoried him in a way he’d never felt before.

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“You take everything in, in a glance. That first day I saw you at the B&B, you barely looked at me, but I was sure you’d analyzed the situation carefully.”

“Survival mechanism.” She lowered her head.

“Whatever you went through as a child is over. I’m here and I’ll protect you.”

Wrapped like a burrito, she fell into his arms. “I’ve always felt safe with you.”

“You’re not safe with me tonight. I’m going to do some very bad things to your body, but you’ll love it.” Eli wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the door. They reached the bedroom seconds before a loud knock came from the front door.

Eli looked down at his tented towel. “Whoever is at that door has a damn death wish. Climb in bed, baby. I’ll be right back.” Eli gave Lily a quick kiss and rushed to the door. The faster he could get rid of his visitor, the faster he could sink between Lily’s thighs.

She dropped the towel and climbed under the blanket. Eli was tempted to ignore the incessant knocking on his door but he knew it had to be important. His house wasn’t on the way to anything, so if someone was knocking, they were there for a purpose.

He swung the door open and found Van standing on his porch.

“Man, you have about six seconds to explain yourself before I kill you.”

He looked around Eli and shrugged. “Clan business. The Itan wants you at the den, ASAP. Bring your girl.” Van was a man of few words and Eli wasn’t happy with the ten or so he spouted off.

“Now?” He looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It wasn’t even dinnertime, but it seemed much later.

“Don’t kill the messenger.” Van turned on his heel, walked away, and climbed into his squad car.

Eli growled all the way back to the bedroom.

“We’ve got to go, Lily. Ty has called a clan meeting.” Eli dropped his towel and stepped into a clean pair of jeans. He rarely took the time for underwear. What was the point? Underwear was just one more thing to get past when he was aching to get naked or shift.

“I can stay here.” She gripped the sheet to her chest. Lord, all he wanted to do was bury his face between her luscious breasts. He could stay there for a lifetime. It pissed him off he’d have to put off making love to his mate until later. His need to claim her was so powerful, he considered doing it right then, but he knew she needed it to be special. She was a romantic. Nothing in him screamed candies and flowers. He was a manimal. The only thing he heard was his inner bear roaring, “Mine.”

“You’ve been summoned, too.” Her face turned a shade of white only found in hotel sheets and ghosts. “Don’t worry, you have nothing to hide.”


“It’s probably nothing. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Keen has uncovered the open season culprit. It would be like our Itan to discuss the implications with everyone involved. When the meeting is over, we can thank whoever brought us together.”

“You really think that’s it?” Lily pulled a pair of yoga pants and a shirt from her bag and dressed. Eli didn’t miss the fear in the air or the shakiness of her hands.

“I’m sure of it. What’s got you so worked up?”

She looked around the room until she found her shoes. “Nothing, I was looking forward to…” She gave the bed a furtive glance.

“I’d love to stay, too, but you know the pull of an Itan. They call—you come. They demand—you obey.” The light drained from her eyes. “Tonight, Lily Love, you will be mine—forever.”

Silence filled the cab of the truck all the way to the den. The only sound that came from Lily was when the big house came into view.


“Impressive, right?” It was an extraordinary house and if Lily wanted a replica, he’d level his cabin and build it for her. There was nothing he wouldn’t give her.

“If you like big, sprawling estates.” She forced a smile to her lips. “I prefer a cabin in the woods.”

“And I’ll build you a mansion if you want it.”

“I only want you. The rest is fluff.”

Eli pulled up to the big house. The lot was packed full of cars and Lily seemed to be taking inventory of every one.

“Let’s get this over with so we can get back to better stuff.” He tried to make light of the situation with a waggle of his brow but Lily wasn’t buying what he was selling. “Or we can shift and run away,” he teased. “You do shift, right?”

He had assumed she could, but she was only half shifter and often, the offspring of a half couldn’t shift. It all depended on the love bond of the parents.

“I can, but I don’t.”

“Why?” He couldn’t comprehend why she wouldn’t want to. Shifting was part of who they were.

“It’s never safe for anyone around me.” She hung her head. “Mom was human, and dad didn’t give me guidance, so the only time I shift is when I’m angry, and it never goes very well for who pisses me off.”

Eli wanted to get a hold of her father and rip his intestines out. How could a man overlook basic training for his cub? “Remind me not to make you mad.”

At that, a small smile tilted her lips.

“I know you don’t like crowds.” He reached across the console and pulled her hand to his lips. “Hopefully, we can get this over fast.”

Always the gentleman, Eli rushed around the truck to help her out. With his hands threaded between hers, they walked up the stairs to the front door.

The vibe Lily was emitting was like he was walking her to the gallows.

Ty opened the door but instead of a smile, they were greeted with a look of concern.

“Come on in. We’re in the great room.”

Like cows to the slaughter, they followed him to the room where Keen was talking in the corner to Julia. Several members of the clan murmured as they walked in.

Mia walked in from a side hallway. Flanking her were two men Eli didn’t recognize. Danger was in the air and he pulled Lily behind him.

“Lilo.” The older man’s voice echoed off the walls.

Mia held her hand in front of the man so he couldn’t advance, but the old coot made a mistake when he swatted it away.

Ty leapt into action and was partially shifted when he landed in front of the man, teeth exposed, and with a roar that could turn the bravest of men green. Every man, woman, and child flinched when his Itan roared.

One look around and several of the clan members were sprouting hair. Snouts were advancing and teeth were showing. A buzz that resembled angry bees filled the air.

“Stop it.” Lily moved from Eli’s protection into the center of the room. “This is between me and my father.”

Her father?
Eli rushed toward her, but she turned and growled at him.

“Lilo, you’ve damn well done it this time.”

“Language,” Mia shouted. “You’re in my house and you will abide by my rules. No cussing.” The Itana was a force to be reckoned with.

Ty’s bear withdrew after seeing Mia handle this man on her own. His Itana was his life, and he wouldn’t tolerate disrespect. That was how Eli felt about Lily. Any threat to her was a threat to him, and Eli didn’t take threats lightly.

With tenderness, he called her name. “Lily.” She’d already told him she was unpredictable when angry. He didn’t want to start an all out melee by startling her.

“Lilo, get your shit, you’re going home.”

“Language,” Lily screamed at the man.

The obvious dawned on Eli. “You’re Lilo Becket?”

“Damn straight she is, and she’s coming home. She has a wedding to attend. Hers.”

Mia grumbled in frustration and walked to the shelf where a jar half-filled with money sat. She shoved it into Becket’s hand. “That’s three, keep it up and my kids might be Ivy Leaguer’s.”

Eli pinned Lily with a look he hoped would say what he couldn’t. His life was filled with hope because of her and now she’d ripped it all away. “You lied to me.”

Lily whipped herself around to face Eli. “No, I tried to tell you.” Tears streamed down her face.

“Save the tears, sweetheart.”

“Eli, I tried to tell you, but you kept telling me what I was yesterday didn’t matter as long as I belonged to you today.”

Becket roared. “You mated my daughter? She was promised to another. I’ll kill you.”

“No,” Lily screamed. “He didn’t.” She took a step forward. “Let’s go home. I’ll go home with you, just don’t hurt Eli.”

Eli’s heart began to atrophy. “You’re just like Kari.”

Her sadness hung in the air like a dust cloud. Eli could feel its weight all around him.

“Yes, I am like her.”

“Lilo, let’s go.” Becket stood tall. He held the air of someone used to getting his way. “You belong to Dane.” Every member of the clan was at the ready. Their eyes shifted from person to person, gauging who was the biggest threat in any given moment.

“I’ll never belonged to Dane,” she spat the words in his direction.

“I’ll tell you who you belong to.” Becket advanced on his daughter and pulled her by the arm. She collapsed to a heap on the floor.

Eli found it difficult to contain his rage, but one look at Ty, and he knew he had to stand down.

“Oh, please.” Julia came out of the corner. “Must we watch this soap opera unfold right here?”

Eli was twisted inside, his bear hanging on to control by a thread. He wanted to rip Becket’s throat out. He craved to knock Julia on her skinny ass. As for Lily, he wanted to hate her and love her all at the same time. His emotions were warring inside him and hate was winning.

“This is your fault.” Lily was on her feet and in Julia’s face in a second. “You called him.”

“I did.” Julia said with haughty confidence.

“You’re such a hateful bitch.” Lily looked at Mia. World War III was ready to erupt and Lily dug through her bag for her wallet. She pulled every last bill free and tossed them into the jar. “I’m paying in advance.” She returned to Julia. “You couldn’t have him, so you made sure I wouldn’t. What kind of person are you?”

“An honest one.”

The rip of Lily’s clothes was unmistakable. Honey-colored fur rippled across her skin. Nails blackened, her snout elongated, and her teeth threatened death. Eli was impressed. She was fierce and beautiful at the same time.

“Lilo,” her father warned.

Glorious in her bear form, Lily stood on hind legs and roared.

For the first time since Eli met Julia, he saw fear in her eyes. She stumbled back and hid behind Becket. Her hands wrapped around his waist for protection.

“Lily,” Eli whispered. It was dangerous for him to approach her, she’d already warned him of her lack of control. “Lily,” he said with more force. “Killing Julia won’t serve any purpose. Your time in Grayslake is done. It’s time for you to go.”

Her eyes were wild. Fear, anger, and sadness converged to turn their color a flawless emerald. But it was the sadness Eli saw that broke him. “You have to go, for both of us.”

Lily let out a plaintive wail and ran from the house.

Eli watched her go and, with each step, his heart shattered. She’d admitted to being just like Kari. It wasn’t until he reached his cabin that he realized what she’d done.

Words she’d spoken in a conversation about Kari came back to haunt him.
Maybe she chose you by not choosing you.

Chapter Seventeen

ired and hungry
, she searched for food. It had been two days since she ran from the den. After being chased by hyenas, cornered by a wolf, and almost drowned fishing, she’d about given up. She was an awful bear. Hell, she was an awful person. She hurt the only man she ever loved. And she did love him. It wasn’t the kind of love that happened over time. It was the kind that ran you over like a runaway train, and Lily knew she’d never recover from the wreckage of her existence.

She lumbered across a field following the scent of something sweet. Her stomach grumbled. She was so hungry, even an anthill looked appetizing at this point. Wandering around aimlessly, she landed in a field of clovers and manmade hives. She’d found her way back to Eli.

What started off as a jog turned into a full-out run toward the hives. She wouldn’t survive much longer without sustenance.

The bees sensed the danger and began to swarm and sting, but Lily could care less. She swatted at them and continued on with her mission—to eat. She knocked a hive over and pulled one of the supers free. The honey dripped from the frame. It was so good. Its sweetness was a balm to her parched throat. Its heaviness satisfied her aching stomach. What it didn’t help was her broken heart or her situation.

The problem was, she had no money, no clothes, and nowhere to go. She couldn’t go back to Eli’s, and she wouldn’t go back home. She’d rather die than submit herself to Dane.

She had a taste of Heaven, and although it was just a taste, she’d savor that moment for the rest of her life. But like the honey she gobbled up, she knew a taste would never be enough.

Her only hope was to continue on her journey and pray a better life would present itself. One thing was for certain—she’d never survive as a bear.

Hoping against hope that Eli wouldn’t be home, she tried to sneak toward his cabin. Thinking a honey-colored bear her size could pass without notice was stupid, but she gave it a try. All she needed was a change of clothes and her keys.

Behind the shed out back, Lily shifted into her human form only to realize that bee stings might not bother a bear, but they were torture to her human body. Covered in nothing but welts, she limped toward the back door.

“It’s locked.”

When she whipped around, Eli was leaning against a tree.

“Um…I just…I—” Lily stammered until she gave up.

“You what?” His expression was unreadable, but his body language was formidable. He stood as tall and big as an oak tree. His jeans hugged his trunk-like legs to perfection. Just looking at him made Lily want to weep for everything she lost.

“I need—”

Eli sniffed the air. “A bath?”

Lily’s ire was pricked by his inconsiderate comment. “I’ll tell you, mister. I’ve been wandering the woods for days without food, clean water, or…or…proper facilities.” She didn’t want to tell him that she had to shit in the woods because all bears did that, but Lily wasn’t a bear. Not really, she wasn’t anything as cool as that. She was just Lily Love-Becket, a girl with nothing. She sank to the ground. She was exhausted. The stingers still lodged in her skin were painful, and she had plain given up.

“I see you’ve gotten into my honey.” Eli bent down and lifted her into his arms. “You’ll have to pay for that.”

Lily looked at the hives covering her body. “I’m already paying for it. Those little bastards are aggressive when threatened.” She picked at the stinger on her finger.

“Stop picking.” Eli unlocked the door, kicked it open, and carried her inside.

She didn’t understand why he was being so kind to her, but she wouldn’t turn down the first nice thing that had come her way in days. “They hurt. It’s like they keep stinging me over and over again.”

He set her on her feet. He pulled her hand to his mouth and traced over the stinger with his tongue.
Holy hotness.
She’d be happy to get stung over and over again if he’d keep doing that.

“Where else?” Eli searched her body for the stingers that remained. And when he was finished, she’d faked a few others to keep him there.

“Eli, I—”

“Shhh.” His lips grazed hers and her heart toppled over and over until she was sure it had splatted on the floor. “I don’t care.”

Against her better judgment, and to the dismay of the inner beast she’d come to know over the last few days, she pulled away from him. The distance was a paralyzing reminder of what her life was without him. It was cold, and empty, and without joy.

“No, you have to hear me out. I’m Lily Love-Becket. My father is an Itan and calls me Lilo, and I hate it. I’m an awful bear, an awful daughter, and I’m not making any brilliant marks as a human.” She swiped at the tears running down her face. She had to tell him the truth now, because when she walked out that door, she’d never get another chance. “I’m a romantic. I believe in fated love. I believe you were my one. I blew it. I understand, but before I leave, I wanted to say this at least one time in my life and mean it.” Lily inhaled deeply. “Eli Silver, I love you. I’ve loved you since that first day when you drove up to the B&B with that skinny bitch.”

“Is that all?” His eyes were dark and intimidating.

Lily deflated like a punctured tire. She scrubbed her hands over her face. “Yes, Eli. That’s all.” Defeated, she turned toward the bedroom to get her things. She had to leave before she did something crazy like beg him to let her stay.

Lily made it a few steps and then Eli was on her like honey on a comb. “Lily, if you ever disappear for two days again, I’ll bend you over my knee. If you think bees sting, wait ‘til you feel the slap of my palm on your ass. Do you have any idea how worried we were? After tracking you for miles, we lost your scent at the lake.”

What was happening here?
“What do you mean?”

Eli didn’t answer her, but he continued to chastise her behavior. “Don’t you ever choose me again by not choosing me.” His lips came down on her mouth. His tongue pressed until she granted him access. He acted like a starving man. “We’re going to have to work on your shifting. Also, it’s best to leave a change of clothes outside.” He looked down at her naked body. “No one sees what belongs to me.”

His roar should have frightened her, but when it came to Lily, Eli seemed to be more growl than grip. “And?” Her voice filled with hope.

“You’re too damn skinny. Haven’t you eaten?” He walked her backwards into his room. When her knees hit the bed, she collapsed against it.

“Only the honey I stole.”

“That’s another thing. You can’t steal what belongs to you. Are you understanding my meaning?”

Lily nodded. He was claiming her, right there, right then. “Eli…I’m—”

“You’re mine,” he growled. “And in a few seconds, there won’t be any question.” Eli didn’t step out of his clothes. He ripped them from his body. “Lily Love, do you give yourself to me without hesitation or reservation?”

He pulled her up the bed and climbed between her thighs. “Say it and mean it, love.”

“I give myself to you, Eli. My heart, soul, and body belong to you.”

He didn’t waste another second. He pressed himself into her, inch by wonderful inch, and Lily knew that she’d never felt whole in her life until that moment. He was the missing piece to her puzzle.

“I love you, Lily. Don’t ever leave me again. You’re mine.”

“I’m yours.”

His pace took her to heights of passion she’d never imagined. Stroke after stroke, his body worshipped hers while his words set her heart free.

“Eli, I’m so close. Don’t stop.”

“Look at me,” he demanded.

She did, and the love she saw in his onyx eyes sent her over the top. “Eli.” Her hips flew off the bed, meeting him. Her body shuddered beneath him, but the most beautiful moment was when his teeth sunk into the space between her shoulder and neck and she knew she’d be his forever.

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