Greyson - Part 2: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack) (7 page)

BOOK: Greyson - Part 2: An Alpha Billionaire Shifter Romance (The Silver Moon Pack)
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Chapter Thirteen


Even Ryder knew enough to clear out of there. Juno was trying to stay calm, but she couldn’t believe that things had somehow gone from bad to horrible. “Promise me you won’t fight Thayer. No matter what.”

“Juno…” He let out a ragged breath, and stepped to her side to keep her from pacing, cupping her face in his hands. His touch was hot against her skin, and though she was upset, she couldn’t help but lean into his touch. “I can’t do that. Not because I’m going to fight him, but because I can’t predict what’ll happen, and I won’t make promises I can’t keep. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you—and that includes laying down my life if it comes to that. You’re mine—
my wife
—and that means you’re under my protection.”

“Why can’t things be simple? I thought that once we got married, things would…get better. Less complicated. That we might have the chance to get to know each other…start a life together.” She’d been hoping that getting married wouldn’t just keep the bears away, but that they’d have the chance to strengthen what was between them.

“We can still do all of that. And there’s nothing to say that things will escalate with Thayer, especially when he wants to stay on your good side.” He brushed his thumb across her lips and then bent his head to hers, catching her mouth in a kiss that would have had her forgetting all her problems—had it not been for the fact that it reminded her of what was at stake. “We’ll be okay, June bug. I’ll make sure of it.”

“What if we go away? Leave Wild Creek, so it’s just the two of us. So we can live our lives without all these distractions and complications. So we can be happy.” She knotted her hands in the fabric of his t-shirt, holding onto him. “Would the bears still come after me now that we’re married—if they know you’re with me?”

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple. I’ve been away from the pack for a long time. Too long.” Not that Greyson elaborated on the details, even though she was sure there was a whole lot he wasn’t telling her. “And as angry as Atticus’s family is, I think it’d be dangerous not to have the protection of our pack.”

“And being away from the pack… Is that not really done?” She knew Greyson had been gone for a while, seeing other parts of the world, but maybe that was different? Was it like the Amish tradition where the youth got to leave their community and go out to experience the rest of the world for a short period of time before coming back home?

“Most members of the pack stay put, though there are plenty who leave, though most eventually head back. But…things are a bit complicated in my situation, given that my father will be stepping down soon as alpha.” With her still in his arms, Greyson leaned against the arm of the sofa, so she could almost look him eye-to-eye, which was a rare thing, given his height. “With Kiernan ready to step up as alpha, I need to be around to show that I support him, especially when there’s been so much speculation.”

“So you think he’s the right choice for alpha?” It’s not that she wanted Greyson to be alpha of his pack, but it seemed to be what most of the pack wanted, Ryder included.

“It’s complicated, Juno. But Kiernan has what it takes to be a good alpha—and he’s my brother. If you’re thinking I should be alpha, then let me stop you right there. We already have enough problems to deal with, without adding pack politics into the mix.” Greyson let his hands slip down the small of her back to cup her ass cheeks and pull her to him, his hard cock pressing against her. “Besides, I want to spend my time with you, and as alpha, I’d have little free time, and far too many people messing around in my business.”

“Is it because of my curse? Is that the reason you’ve decided not to pursue it?” She didn’t know if that was actually the case, but it’d make sense that he’d turn away from something that might have people looking at her with far more scrutiny. He’d trusted Ryder with the truth, but it was unlikely he’d tell anyone else about her secret, and if he fought Kiernan for alpha of the pack, there was a damn good chance people would figure things out.

She saw the truth in his eyes before he even gave her an answer—which she now knew was nothing more than a bald-faced lie. “No, love. I have no interest in leading the pack.”

She stepped out of his embrace, though he caught her quick enough, even if she did her best to get free again, struggling against his iron grip. “I don’t appreciate you lying to me. I’m your wife now—so if you can’t be honest with me, then that’s a problem.”

“What’s a problem is that we both have on far too many clothes, and I have every intention of remedying that, especially since we’re still on our honeymoon.” With a strong arm around her waist, Greyson pulled her close, ignoring the fact that she was glaring at him and pushing him away with a hand on his chest. “Juno…I love you. Isn’t that enough?”

“No, it’s not. Not when I’ve had to tell you everything about me, and you’re refusing to elaborate on something that affects us both.” From the start, she’d felt like he’d been holding back when it came to speaking to her about pack politics, and she didn’t have a clue why.

“I’m not elaborating on it, because you’re what I want to focus on. I want to start my life with you—maybe start a family…” He brushed his thumb over her cheek and then leaned in to kiss her. “You’re all that matters, Juno. So if you think I’ll put you at risk to be alpha, guess again.”

“That’s not the point. The point is that you would have pursued it if I hadn’t stumbled into your life and messed everything up. And don’t think that I didn’t hear the part about starting a family.” It’s not that she didn’t want to have kids. She did. Just not when her life was such a mess. How could she bring a child into the world when there were bears still hunting her and she could barely manage to keep herself safe? “There’s no way now would be a good time to have a kid.”

“I know things are complicated, but maybe it’s exactly what we need.” His voice sounded like velvet, and the way he looked at her had her body immediately reacting to him—which was exactly what she did
need when he was talking about babies.

“It’s not happening, Greyson. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I’m married. Not to mention I still don’t believe that you won’t get into some asinine fight with Thayer, and the bears still want my head.” She needed to go on the Pill. There was no way she could take any chances, especially when they’d been going at it like rabbits hopped up on Viagra. “How could we consciously choose to bring a baby into such a dangerous situation?”

His jaw tightened, and his eyes hardened with a look she didn’t quite understand. “Are you trying to say that I can’t keep you—and our children—safe?”

…that’s what it was.

“I’m saying nothing of the sort—so don’t go twisting my words around. I didn’t say that—nor was I implying it. But so much of what’s happening is out of our control, and
why things are dangerous. Not because you’re not capable of protecting me—or any children that we may
have.” She cupped his face, his stubble rough against the palm of her hand, and leaned in to kiss him, letting her lips linger on his, as her heart ached with the feelings she had for him. “I know you’d put your life on the line for me, and do all you could to keep me safe. You already have. But things are still so new between us.”

“And yet it feels like I’ve known you for a million lifetimes.”

His words had her heart melting, and falling even more in love with him. He nuzzled her and then caught her mouth in a kiss that could easily have her agreeing to whatever he wanted.

She knew it was insane to develop feelings for someone so quickly, but maybe there was something to the whole fated mates thing. It’s not that she was already head over heels in love with him, given that they’d been together all of a week. But her feelings for him were real, and growing stronger with each moment spent in his company. “I love you, Greyson. Just…try to be patient with me.”

Tangling his fingers in her hair, his eyes locked on hers, his gaze so incredibly intense, it made her heart skitter and race out of control. “I don’t know that I can, love. I can’t do anything in half measures—not when it comes to you. You make it so I can’t think straight, and I just keep wanting more. It’d be different if it was anyone else—because they wouldn’t matter. But when it’s you…I can’t pull myself away. I want all there is to be had—you in my bed…a family…a life together…and a million lifetimes after that.”

“I want those things too—just at a slower pace. I didn’t even know you a week ago—and I think I’ve come a long way in a pretty short period of time.”

“You have.” He scooped her up into his arms and started carrying her toward the bedroom, a sexy grin on his face. “And now I’m going to show you just how appreciative I am of all your efforts.”

She couldn’t help but laugh, all the day’s problems drifting away as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “You have a one-track mind, Greyson.”

“Damn straight, I do.”

Chapter Fourteen


Greyson lowered Juno to their bed, his cock already hard and ready, her scent driving him crazy. He made quick work of getting himself naked, and then yanked off her jeans, taking her panties with them, before pulling her top up over her head as she reached around her back and unclasped her bra, freeing her gorgeous breasts.

Reaching down between them, she stroked his cock, wrapping her fingers around his hard length, making it so he could think of nothing but taking her. But that wasn’t what he wanted. Not yet anyway. Grabbing her wrist, he pulled her hand away, and then lifted her farther back on the bed. “Stay right there, sweetness.”

Slipping his hands up her shins to her knees, he pressed them toward her, so that her sweet cunt tilted up toward him, leaving her wide and open so he could see just how wet she was. Nestling himself between her legs, he hooked his arms around her legs and held her in a firm grip so she wouldn’t be able to get away when he ran his tongue along her slit and sucked on her clit, loving how she buried her fingers in his hair with a needy cry.

He pulled away, just enough to look up at her. “Hands on the headboard—and they’re to stay there, or I’ll tie you to the bed and spank your ass red for disobeying me.”

“But your hair’s so thick and soft…” Her lips quirked into a smile as she slipped her fingers into his hair again, clearly misbehaving so they could play.

“I hope you remember your safe word, June bug.” Kneeling in front of her, he leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed some silk cording from the drawer, the feel of it soft yet sturdy and strong. Grabbing her wrists in his firm grip, he quickly bound her, loving that she still struggled to get away, even though he knew it was just a game. “It’s Vespa, in case you forgot and want to use it.”

“I won’t.” It was as if she was issuing him a challenge—not that he’d ever push her so far that she’d need her safe word. He felt like he had a pretty good feel for her limits, and though he might push her right to them, knowing she’d enjoy it and it’d bring them closer, he would never betray her trust and give her more than she could handle.

With her wrists bound together, he raised her arms up over her head and tied them to the bed, ignoring how she struggled to get free of him. Flipping her over onto her stomach, he pulled her hips up so her plump ass was up in the air, unable to hold back the smile that tugged at his lips as he took her in, her pearly skin just begging to bear his mark.

He slapped her ass hard, loving how her body jumped forward and she cried out. “Is this what you wanted? Is this why you misbehaved?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She looked over her shoulder at him with a sultry smile, her lilac hair spilling over her shoulders.

“You’re such a troublemaker.” Unable to resist, he wrapped her long locks around his fist and pulled her head back so he could kiss her as his hand fell against her ass cheek once more, swallowing her needy moans.

He let her hair slip free of his hand and trailed his fingers down her spine, kneeling behind her, his hand connecting with the smooth skin of her ass again and again, as her needy cries filled the room, each slap falling harder than the one before. And then, with a gentle touch, he soothed her hot skin, red and mottled against skin of ivory, marking her as his.

His head filled with her scent, and he could tell just how aroused she was…could hear the rapid pounding of her heart. And he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted her before, especially after the day they’d had.

He ran his hand along her slit, slick with her juices, letting his fingers slip deep inside her, loving how she pushed back against his hand to take him deeper. “Tell me you’re mine, June bug. Mine and no other’s.”

“I’m yours, Greyson.” She looked over her shoulder at him and bit her bottom lip as he pulled his fingers away, running the head of his cock against her sweet cunt, teasing her swollen clit. “That said, I need you to stop right there and use a condom.”

He wanted to groan—and more than anything, he wanted to just sink into her bare, wanted to fuck her until they were both coming, and he was filling her with his cum. And yet, he knew he was taking a risk, and she might hate him if she got pregnant when she’d made it clear she wanted to wait. “Juno…we’re married—and being mated…it’s only natural to have a family, to pass on the bloodline. I know you’re not quite ready, but…it might be a good thing.”

She glared at him as he slid just the tip of his cock into her pussy and then pulled it out. “You’re right—I’m not ready. Nowhere near it. And that doesn’t mean that I care for you any less, or that I won’t eventually want a family. Just not now. Not when I’ve been dealing with so many other changes in my life.”

“Sweetness…” He ran his hand over her cunt, and slipped in two fingers, slowly finger fucking her as he pressed his thumb against the bud of her ass, so she was once more pressing back against him. Needy gasps and whimpers escaped her lips as she tried to stifle them against the crook of her elbow, though positioned as she was, he had easy access to all he needed, and had every intention of teasing her until she was begging him to fuck her. “Are you sure you don’t want me to fuck you?”

She shot another glare in his direction, her words spoken through her tiny moans. “I never said that and you damn well know it.”

“Say yes, Juno. Tell me that you want me to fuck you…that you want to feel my cum spilling out in you.” He pulled his hand free of her body, so she’d feel his absence—and want him all the more—opting instead to run his slick fingers over her swollen clit in teasing circles, her hands fisting the cording that had her bound to the bed and at his mercy. “Say it, love. ’Cause I’m aching to have you.”

Yet it was so much more than that. His needs were primal and driven by a force he could scarcely control. Humans didn’t feel it with the intensity that shifters did. But the need to fuck, to breed, was as intense as those to eat and drink. And though he’d lived in the human world long enough to dampen his needs, it was hard to deny those things when he was with his mate.

“I can’t say it, Greyson. Just do what you want…just fuck me.” She sounded desperate—and defeated. And he hated that.

“I’m not going to just take you like that, even if I can barely think of anything else.” Leaning forward over her body, he freed her from her bindings, his heart heavy. He lay back against the pillows, and pulled her to him, so she was straddling his hips, his cock rock hard and aching to have her, especially when it was trapped under her slick cunt. “If you want me, then you’ll have to take me. And in case you’re wondering, no, I don’t have any condoms—at least none I’ll be able to find anytime soon.”

She glared at him, and then reached over to the nightstand, pulling open the drawer and slamming it shut with a string of curses, before moving to the second nightstand on the opposite side of the bed, still coming up empty. “You have rope to tie me to your bed—but no condoms? Are you kidding me?”

“Given how often you’ve tried to pull a runner, and how often I’ve already taken you bare, I think it’s perfectly logical.” He then grabbed her hips and rocked them along his length, knowing it’d make her crazy, and force her to decide what she wanted to do.

“That’s just mean.” Yet, she’d propped her hands on his chest, and was now slipping her slick lips along his length with no help from him.

“There’s no guarantee you’ll get pregnant, love—and if you do, we’re in this together. I’d love to be a father—and you’d be an amazing mother.” He could already picture a little pack of his own running around the place.

“I hate you, Greyson.” But then she slid her hips to the head of his cock, angling it just right so she could take him, lowering her body down onto his length. “Fucking hell…that feels so good.”

“I won’t argue with you there, love.” Greyson sat up enough to suck her nipple into his mouth, catching it between his teeth as he flicked it with his tongue, nipping and teasing it, as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her down to him with each thrust, forcing himself deeper.

And just like that, she was coming in his arms as she cried out, her body trembling with each wave of her orgasm. He held her close, but he was far from done with her, and could scarcely give her but a moment to recover before flipping her onto her back, his cock still buried deep inside her. He nipped his way from her breasts to her neck, loving how she cried out and held onto him, her legs wrapped tightly around his thighs, pulling him closer and urging him on.

“I fucking love you, Juno.” And then he was kissing her, his tongue clashing with hers as his pace quickened, his orgasm barreling toward him. He shot his cum deep inside her, his cock pulsing as he rode each wave of pleasure, until they finally stilled so there was nothing but the pounding of their hearts and their ragged breathing.

And then he caught the scent of shifters…already too close.

The sound of his door getting kicked in shattered the quiet of the night as he leapt off the bed and grabbed his cell, handing it to Juno and shoving her toward the bathroom. “Call Cullen, and lock the door. Now.”

“I can’t leave you.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, but there was no time for it.

“Go, Juno.” He pulled away and shifted, hearing the bathroom door lock behind him.

Greyson leapt at the intruders, teeth gnashing, and tore at one man’s jugular, before turning to the next guy, mauling him, when a shot rang out and a piercing pain exploded inside his chest.

The smell of blood filled the air—his blood—not that he’d stop protecting Juno when there was still life in him.

He leapt once more as he heard the door open behind him, Juno calling out his name, when a second shot rang out, piercing his side and dropping him to the floor.

Her hands ran through his fur as she held onto him, her tears falling onto his face as he looked into her eyes and the darkness took him.


End of Part Two
. To find out what happens next, continue with
Part Three
, which is now available for pre-order.
For updates on new releases, please
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.  Wishing you all the best. — Cali MacKay ***


Have you read them all?


Book Series by Cali MacKay


The Billionaire’s Temptation Series

Seduction and Surrender

Submission and Surrender

Love and Surrender

Deception and Surrender

Ravage and Surrender



The Billionaire’s Seduction Series

Passion and Surrender

Obsession and Surrender

Scandal and Surrender

Temptation and Surrender  (available as a preorder)


Forbidden – The Townsend Twins Series

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
(more parts soon to be added)



The Silver Moon Pack Series


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
(more parts soon to be added)


A Maine Island Romance Series

One Sweet Summer

For Love or Treasure

Sweet Danger



The Highland Heart Series

The Highlander’s Hope

A Highland Home

A Highland Heist

Also available as a boxset (The Highland Heart Collection)


The Pirate and the Feisty Maid Series

Part One, Two and Three only available as a boxset


Jack—A Grim Reaper Romance
(prequel- For One Last Kiss


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