Guardian's Challenge (4 page)

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Authors: Bronwyn Green

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Guardian's Challenge
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As if he knew her thoughts, Asher smiled at her. His warm, sensual smile never failed to set her insides quivering. Maybe spending this time with him would end her cravings for him once and for all. Their liaison would follow the normal course, ending as such things did, and she would no longer lay awake at night, wishing for him to fill her, fucking her until they were too exhausted to move.

His eyes darkened—an emerald sea of desire awash with carnal promises. He stepped closer to her, and she prayed he hadn’t heard her breath quicken. Shielding her emotions, she looked away as Micah sent for food and drink for the exhausted warriors.

Having seen to the needs of his guests, the overlord gently took her arm and led her from the hall, motioning for Asher and Joseph to follow. Once they’d passed through the doors, he met her questioning glance. “Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

“If I don’t go, we risk our alliance with the Pryderi.”

Micah didn’t speak, but approval glimmered in his eyes.

Asher stepped behind her, effectively trapping her between his body and Micah’s.

“Asher will travel with you,” the other man dictated. “It’s best if you allow him to act the role of your mate.” He paused, and she felt the moment his gaze connected with Asher’s. “It will be safest for Neeve if you allow Joseph…or another man to play the part of her other mate.”

Tension shot through Asher’s body, and he practically growled. She didn’t need to turn around to know the foul expression that twisted his features. A perverse thrill skittered along the edges of her awareness, but she crushed it. It didn’t matter that he was jealous. Their relationship was over. Regardless of what had happened earlier, and despite her thoughts of allowing their relationship to take its natural course, she wouldn’t allow him to touch her again. She’d barely survived losing him before. She refused to put herself through that anguish again.

“It will keep the overzealous Pryderi at a distance,” Micah said, dragging her back to the conversation at hand.

Joseph stepped closer and pointedly stared into her eyes. “I am more than willing to accompany Neeve and protect her.”

Asher’s hands dropped heavily on her shoulders. “I don’t like it,” he murmured. “But if it will keep her safe, I agree.”

Neeve crossed her arms over her chest and glanced between Micah and Asher. “Is anyone going to ask how I feel about this deception?”

“No,” Asher and Joseph answered together.

Micah’s lips twitched. “I’d ask, but if you disagree then you won’t be leaving Maelgwn at all.”

Pressing her lips together, she narrowed her eyes at the overlord. She didn’t have any doubt that he’d carry out his threat. “I need to gather provisions.”

“You’ll have whatever you require. After you’ve assembled what you need, I’ll meet you at the docks with our guests.”

She nodded before glancing at Asher and Joseph. “I’m going to collect my belongings and the supplies I need. Do you two plan to follow me like trained guard dogs?”

Asher leaned close, his lips brushing her ear. “I plan to follow you like a man who doesn’t trust you not to run away again.”

Anger narrowed her eyes as she glared at him. “I would not promise my aid then refuse to give it.”

He shrugged. “Your promises have been poorly kept in the past. Should I assume this will be any different?”

Her hand clenched in her skirt. The desire to slap him was overwhelming, but with the Pryderi warriors within hearing distance, she turned away and stalked from the room. Asher followed, easily catching up with her angry strides and keeping pace with her.

Ignoring his presence, she left the great hall and walked to the cellar area behind the kitchens. It had been some time since she’d been in the keep, but she doubted that the herbs had been moved elsewhere. Stopping outside the door, she glanced around the area for torches. Finding none, she closed her eyes and visualized a glowing orb of light above her palm. When she felt it materialize, she opened her eyes and pushed open the door of the storeroom. She didn’t miss the expression of amazement on Asher’s face as he studied the bright ball of blue tinged light that hovered above her hand. For a moment, she allowed herself the luxury of imaging his reaction to seeing her pass through a stone wall. However, she doubted that she’d ever trust him enough to share that particular skill. Besides, she’d promised the people Hafan who’d taken her in that she’d never reveal their secrets.

Without speaking, she entered the room and began searching the contents of the shelves. As she made her selections, she laid them on a high table in the center of the room. Since she didn’t know what exactly ailed the boys, it was difficult to choose. But it was better to take too many components than too few. Most likely, she’d be using magic, but the right combination of herbs might be helpful in staving off future illness. Nervous worry fluttered through her belly. What would happen to them if she couldn’t heal the heirs? Would they be allowed to leave? Resolutely, she pushed the troublesome thoughts aside and focused at her task at hand.

Neeve frowned. Wrapping the individual plants in oilcloth would require the use of both hands, but if she put down the orb, the power would dissipate. She hadn’t mastered the ability to keep the power flowing without bodily contact. A thought occurred to her. She’d never tried to pass the orb to anyone else. Perhaps Asher could hold it while she prepared the supplies. She supposed she could have him pack the herbs and oils, but healing had never been one of his gifts. She needed to make sure they had the most potent plants and that they were packed properly.

She turned to him. “I don’t know if this will work, but will you hold this?”

He met her gaze, surprise still evident in the brilliant green depths of his eyes. “Have you always been able to do that?” he asked, gesturing at the sphere of light.

She nodded. “My mother taught me. It was one of the reasons she didn’t want me to serve in the temple. She was afraid my powers would be discovered and I’d be killed.”


Asher stared at Neeve, trying to acclimate himself to the shock of seeing her work magic. He couldn’t believe she’d managed to hide it from him while they’d been together. Usually, sensing another’s abilities was one of his skills. Had he been so blinded by his lust for her that he hadn’t seen beyond it?

Slowly, he held out his hands, waiting to receive the glowing ball of light. He glanced from the orb to her face, watching as the unearthly shimmer emphasized her delicate features when she lowered the sphere into his palms. It faded slightly as it made contact with his skin, but she cupped her hands around it and closed her eyes. The light brightened and a heady vibration traveled along his arms.

“Focus on keeping the light bright,” she murmured as she carefully removed her hands.

He visualized the orb’s glow remaining steady as he watched Neeve return to the task of bundling up the supplies. The sphere pulsed almost warmly against his skin, and he was struck by the intimacy of the act of holding something she’d created—a part of her.

Cold fear clawed his scalp. What if her power had been discovered while the former chancellor had been alive? Or discovered by someone who chose to ignore Micah’s edict? The thought of someone harming her turned his blood icy. Now that she’d revealed her power, she was more likely to become a target of those who longed for the old regime. She could even become a target for someone who sought to use her for their own ends.

Isn’t that what you’re attempting to do?
a little voice in his head prodded.

The light in his hands flickered sharply then went out, plunging the room into darkness.


He closed his eyes at the sound of his name on her lips.

“Are you all right?” she asked. Another blue-white orb materialized in her hands as she stepped closer and peered up at him.

“I’m fine.” He motioned for her to give him the second light source.

She passed it to him, unasked questions in her deep brown gaze.

The sensation of power tingled over his skin as he focused on keeping the light bright.

No, he decided. He wasn’t trying to use her. It wasn’t the same thing at all. She was bound to him for a year. He simply wanted her to fulfill her contract with him—nothing more. He didn’t covet her power—just her body.

So why the sudden surge of guilt?

He frowned and pushed the unwelcome feeling away. It wasn’t guilt. It was just the shock of not only finding her in the keep but discovering her secret, as well. Studying her profile in the glowing light, he wondered what else she was hiding.

“What else can you do?” he asked, giving voice to his thoughts.

Her hands stilled at the question, and she shrugged. “Not much. Some healing—nothing like Elizabeth, of course,” she hastened to say.

He noticed she didn’t look at him when she answered. Disappointment tasted bitter. Any trust she’d once had in him was long gone. He watched as she bundled the last of the herbs and oils, placing them in a satchel.

“I need to gather my belongings,” she said as she lifted the bag and pulled open the door.

The ball of light dissipated from his hands in a sizzle of energy over his skin, and again, he wondered how many other things she hid from him. He followed her to a room a few doors down from Micah and Elizabeth’s bedchamber. Standing in the doorway, he watched as she added a few more things to the satchel over her shoulder, before returning to his side.

She looked up at him. “Is there anything you wish to get before we go to the docks?”

He stared at her. She spoke to him as if they were strangers—as if their moment of intimacy in this very hallway hadn’t occurred.

“You’re not going to fool anyone into thinking you’re my mate if you continue to speak to me as though we’ve never met,” he said as he led her toward his bedchamber.

She scowled at him as he buckled on his sword belt and added several daggers to the bag she carried before slinging it over his own shoulder.

Before she could turn away, he slid an arm around her waist and dragged her flush against his body. Pressed against him, her façade of indifference crumbled. Her cheeks flushed, and her breath caught in her throat. Lifting his free hand, he brushed his thumb back and forth across her lower lip.

“Never forget,
for the duration of our time with the Pryderi, you
my mate.”

Her lips pressed together in a pale line, before she snapped, “I suppose I belong to Joseph then, as well. I’ll be sure to let him know when we board the ship.”

Anger shot through him, and he slid his fingers into the cool silk of her hair and tugged her head back. He lowered his head, and his mouth hovered a hair’s breadth above hers. “He may watch me take you, but you will never be his.”

Her gasp stole the breath from his lungs as he crushed her lips with his own, plunging deep into the sweetness of her mouth. Despite the rage that vibrated through her body, she melted against him and gave herself to his kiss, her hands tangling in his hair.

His cock hardened instantly at the press of her body against his. If they weren’t expected at the ship immediately, he’d take her now. But he refused to fuck her quickly— not now that he had her in his arms again. He’d love her slowly—at least, the first time. He slid his hands down her ass, cupping her and pulling her more snugly against his erection.

He caught her whimper in his mouth as he rocked against her, thrusting his granite-hard shaft against her mound. Her shiver worked through his body, and he held her tighter. They couldn’t board that ship quickly enough.

Despite what he’d said to her about not letting Joseph touch her, he couldn’t erase the images parading through his mind. Briefly closing his eyes, he remembered one of their last nights together. He and Neeve had been making love in the temple when Micah and Elizabeth had joined them. When Joseph had entered a short while later, the overlord had encouraged the young guardian to participate. With jealous arousal, he remembered the way Neeve had hungrily sucked Joseph’s cock while Asher had thrust mercilessly into her pussy. She’d come so hard that night—they all had.

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